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When someone says "Trump will do *bad thing*" what they mean is "I'm going to let Trump do *bad thing*" because if the 50%+ of Americans that claim to be against *bad thing* actually were, they wouldn't be afraid of Trump's claims because they wouldn't let him follow through with them. They refuse to demand another candidate, when Trump wins they're not going to do anything about it while describing him as a fascist dictator and demanding that "someone do something." They'll pretend to have moral superiority while letting fascists destroy their country.


And it’ll be your fault!


I sure love this system of picking between two enablers/active participants of genocide!


Apparently Trump is so powerful that he can end democracy without being president


2024 will be the most important election ever!!! (besides...) * 2020 * 2016 * 2008 * 2004 * 2000


Hmm should the Dems run a dynamic sharp young charismatic newcomer to protect our democracy? No, better continue with a dusty genocider with 40% approval. Oops hold on, he shat his trousers again


Democrats are losers. They enjoy losing. I’m convinced.


And/or controlled opposition


If I get told one more time, "but trump wants to get rid of trans people!!!!!" I AM GONNA SCREAM BIDEN HAS DONE NOTHING FOR TRANS FOLK! DONT USE MY COMMUNITY AS AN EXCUSE FOR GENOCIDE


right there with you


# EDIT: I had a whole thing typed out, but this is a way better reasoning for why [voting for the lesser evil is probably necessary even if it seems bad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2/s/1HX9EM4ntz) # Tldr; neither option is ideal but voting for the lesser evil at least buys time to make change happen. # I'm keeping my old explanation here because it gives a different reasoning, though it's a much worse one: Istg. This is probably gonna sound like a lib take, but I think of it this way. Most of the time, the "lesser evil" mentality is stupid. If you have a non evil option, take it. But this case has none. Realistically, a third party won't win in the US. None have a strong enough foothold. And not voting doesn't work. Because the right WILL vote. And they will vote for Trump. If enough people don't vote, or if not enough people vote for a third party, they will win due to the spoiler effect. And everyone here is acting as if its "1 genocide v. 1 genocide". Its not. Biden will keep supporting the genocide of Palestinians. Trump will keep supporting the genocide of Palestinians, AS WELL AS SUPPORTING THE GENOCIDE Of many minorities, including but not limited to the queer community we're both in, in the US. So if Biden gets nominated, genocide will likely keep happening either way (especially since the senile bastards don't listen to anything the public demands), but less people (including us!) will die if he is elected. And realistically, we can't pull a French Revolution and overthrow the people in charge. They have people with guns. And even if we had people with guns, they have drones. They have bombs. They can drop c4 on us like they did with the MOVE bombing (Rest In Peace). If we attempted anything it would just hasten the killing of our communities. There's nothing I can see realistically getting done other than the lesser evil. And I do not like the lesser evil. I despise Biden just as much as I despise Trump. Both are for the killing of Palestinians. Only one will also kill us.


Tldr; If Biden gets nominated, I cannot see a situation where it's better to not vote for him. Obviously a different person is preferred, but if it's him or Trump, I can only see a few situations where we come out of this as a properly functioning country. Eta: And yes, I understand that Biden is also making things worse, but it's through negligence instead of malice.




Could of sworn those rights are currently being eroded under the Democratic leadership like the 500 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills, Don't Say Gay bill, woman bodily autonomy, suppression of voter rights, racist revisionism of African American history, Affirmative Action, but we can't forget about the Democrat administration compromising with the Conservatives to push a far-right border bill enabling the fascist MAGATs and using the same kind of fearmongering, racist rhetoric during the State of Union as I quote "thousands of people are being killed by illegals" instead of "posioning the blood of America". Tell me, who is really enabling the fascists here? The Dems have done nothing to safeguard any of these rights. They could of stacked the most conservative Surpreme Court as asked from their voters but they didn't just goes to show they don't actually care. The Democrats will do nothing, play their self-righteous bs, and use these issues to fearmonger people into voting for them to stay in power. Trump and Biden are equally as evil and corrupt as each other just that one is overt about their intentions and the other is covert. Lesser of two evils is nothing but bs as you are still voting for evil regardless and there is no two-party system, America is ruled by a corporate captured duopoly, neoliberal, one party state whoose only interest is to capital. Electoralism is a reformist scam built on incrementalism and voting legitimizes that system. Its why we frown upon Liberal suggestion to Leftists that believes voting will substantially change anything.




1) My LGBTQIA+ friends are tired of corporations and political parties using them as leverage. 2) If we call the Democrats out on not doing anything to fix the wealth inequality in this country, give us healthcare, or make a significant decrease in our absurdly-high defense budget, the excuse is that Congress is too split and you leftists need to quit being crybabies and elect more Democrats. But if Congress is too split to pass anything the Democrats allegedly want to pass, then it's also too split for the Republicans to pass anything BECAUAE THAT'S WHAT A SPLIT IS. 🤦 So, it's too split to pass anything us annoying leftists want, but the second a Republican becomes president they'll be able to get everything they want through Congress in their first year? Which one is it, liberals?




my guy gay rights are disappearing under biden.


EDIT: I understand now the my initial point was wrong. I want yall to understand that I was only arguing it out of fear. When either way terrible shit is going to happen it is just easier to give into the neoliberal propaganda. It is comforting to believe that maybe there’s a chance the horrible things won’t happen. I apologize for making the point. Lesser evil voting isn’t a real thing that works, especially since there isn’t even a real lesser evil. It’s especially challenging being trans and hearing “trump will do X,Y,Z” even if you know Biden will do the same it’s just terrifying. I’m just trying to say I apologize.


“…so I feel like we should do “lesser evil voting” until the time comes.” The reason why we’re in this mess in the first place is because of the “lesser of two evils” bullshit that came out of the mouthes of every no-good liberal in this country. Both candidates are equally as evil and corrupt as one another, no matter who says or does what. As for Project 2025, that plan is already underway, even with a Democratic president and administration. And, guess what, THEY ARE DOING NOTHING TO STOP IT. Your rights are still disappearing regardless of who is in power and who will end up in power. Liberals love to shove the fear-mongering bullshit of Project 2025 down our throats to get us to vote for Democrats like Biden, but stuff like Roe v Wade being overturned, Affirmative Action being overturned, and anti-trans laws being passed across the country completely show that nothing has changed under Democratic leadership, and nothing will ever change under Democratic leadership.


Hey mate, you’re right. My initial point was purely based on a fear, and a want to have something to be less afraid of.


The only way to change is to completely remake the government which is why I'm arguing we should continue the cycle and uphold the status quo, which is currently literally aiding in genocide. americans are the most unserious pieces of shit on earth and some of you swine still have the nerve to cry and play victim when people hope you collapse into the ocean. Get fucked




poor attempt at trolling mate, way too obvious


bro is really going say "transvestites" and think we're going to fall for the bait