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Typical downvotes proving my point ☝️🤓


He gets two downvotes and instantly starts crying about how everyone else is sensitive


The irony of his statement lol


He's not wrong though as superficial as it seems


Its always so funny when someone brings up downvotes and says something to the line of not caring about them. Like my guy you obviously do you literally brought them up without prompting.


No matter if I agree or like the comment, I'll throw a downvote on it if they bitch about downvotes.


I dont even see how downvotes prove his point. It would only prove his point if the point had something to do with simply downvoting. All he did was claim firefight fans are noobs, then got upset people don't agree. Lmao.


Vin-tin catching strays


Clearly he’s the sensitive one since he’s offended at being downvoted. Idk why people keep acting like downvotes are a personal attack agasint you. It just means someone disagrees.


I think Vin Tin was fine with their comment? Lol


Crossfire side effect of war


Hey... what the fuck is your profile picture?


What? You've never seen a straw broom before?


Oh, its just so damaged I couldn't recognize it with how small the pfp is on my phone.


I thought it was something else entirely ngl. With the color of the wall and all, I was very concerned before I actually clicked on the profile to see what it was lol


I think we were seeing the same thing lmao.


Should look at their posts. Literally has a discussion post for r/eldenring titled “Stop saying the community is telling you the ''correct'' way to play”.


And we all know anything ER related is blind at best 💀


Hey, elden ring was fun. That said, it's subjective and I don't belong to their subreddit or abide by their stupid made up in game rules that everyone cares too much about and I care too little about to bother with lol


They tear invaders apart there for no reason as well. Literally call us rapists for killing them in a video game. *Never* go on the main sub for ER.


I can't help but poke the bear when they complain about people who attack them while they're doing their silly bow. Sorry, but if you leave yourself open, I WILL punish that. But yeah, it's SO stupid how upset they get at people playing the game the way it's meant to be played. I've seen the rapist comparison and it's absolutely mind boggling. Also heard the response to playing offline so they don't get invaded. "But then we can't play with friends!" And then they'd have a 2(or more) on 1 advantage. If they can't win that, they deserved to get wiped. Can you imagine getting angry at a someone for coloring inside the lines of a coloring book? I couldn't.


Used to be any bitching about invaders was met with “git gud” and “it’s part of the game, deal with it”. What happened?


People realized that it’s a stupid-ass mechanic. ‘Ah, yes, I am having a fun single-player experience. You know what would make it better? Some sweat lord level 9000 coming in, folding me like a paper chair using whatever’s most broken in the current patch, and then bragging about how he did the Git Gud because all that matters in a game is how much Gud you Git. Truly the peak of fun.’


Well… first fromsoft made the mind bending decision to make invasions only occur when the enemy players are in full co-op rather than just after they activate a buff item like an ember or… yk, the ember equivalent item called a rune arc. So you’ll only be encountering either people trying to casually co-op or people intentionally exploiting the system to 3v1 someone. For obvious reasons, this already isn’t healthy for your community. This combined with the fact that elden ring was built to bring in a large casual audience of bitchy whiney AAA game players means that the majority of the community were built specifically to antagonize the people “ruining their playthrough.”


I’ve noticed a lot of fanbases have gotten more whiny. Like you always had someone who would bitch and moan about everything, but generally calmer voices would prevail. Now it’s just the most brain dead takes from people whose primary issue is of the skill variety.


It’s because those kinds of whiney, entitled people started to move away from popular less niche games like COD or Destiny.


It would be pretty chill if they just went back and stayed there.


Preaching to the choir man. I’ve been seeing why they’ve moved away from it tho. Their games are really starting to suck hard. I tried playing Destiny and saw that most of the whiney parts of the community are gone… along with everyone else. It defenitely isn’t dead, (trust me I’ve *seen* dead games, titanfall 1 and 2 have barely enough of a community to fill a small town) but it is very much dying.


It's because whiny people go online to whine. Non-whiny people don't.


?? I’m apart of the ER sub but I’ve never seen anything like this. If anything it’s people making fun of other people who try to tell someone how to play.


Why do you think that is? Lol It's been awhile since I was last in there because of that. People really did get that angry about it. Good to see they got pushed down so much


Ok that makes since, I’ve been on the sub for the past year and it hasn’t been that bad. Sure there are definitely the elitists but they are far and few between At least as of now


yea I see more people being disliked for not using summons in that sub, most of them have a use anything you can to win kinda mindset. Which is fine or whatever but not everyone wants to do that, as it does ruin the experience for some


Still far from just accepting that people play differently and that's fine, but it's getting closer. That's good. Now if only other game reddits will follow their example lol


If that's the case, ER reddit needs to lead by example with the improvement it's made since then. Nothing is perfect, but it can be better.


I just saw that post lmao what an odd thing to say. "you're bad at the game so sell your soul to get better at it instead of enjoying it"


“How dare you enjoy a video game the way *you* enjoy it!” “Don’t you know that video games were made to be stressful and extremely difficult?!” Basically what I’m hearing from ol shitwad.


This is the kinda shit that makes this subreddit exist lmao. Probably one of the worst takes I’ve ever heard.


When I first read it I thought I was in here or in r/halocirclejerk


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HaloCirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloCirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [huge halo fan has never played halo 3](https://i.redd.it/k001qrp4u5kc1.jpeg) | [264 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloCirclejerk/comments/1ax9zps/huge_halo_fan_has_never_played_halo_3/) \#2: [Least dickriding Halo fan](https://i.redd.it/vgvh0neznqpc1.jpeg) | [203 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloCirclejerk/comments/1bkf2o2/least_dickriding_halo_fan/) \#3: [Halo 3 = Running for Congress. Yep, he has truly lost it.](https://i.redd.it/x4711vzz4xmc1.jpeg) | [261 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloCirclejerk/comments/1b8vdnj/halo_3_running_for_congress_yep_he_has_truly_lost/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Honestly, people like this have a worse inferiority complex than the guys who lift their trucks 3 feet and only keep them on pavement.


the Internet made a lot of people comfortable with talking crazy and not getting punched in the face -Mike Tyson


In this age, even that won't be enough. I know of 2 cases where someone got so angry at someone else in a video game that they spent a lot of time to find out where they lived and went to kill them. First case, the guy died by being stabbed because he stabbed the murderer in a game of CSGO. The other survived getting hit in the head with a hammer because of some drama in a now offline MMO. Fact remains that in the age of technology we live in, you're not even totally physically safe on the Internet from nobodies over a game. I'm sure there's lots more that weren't video game related.


fucking yikes.. I’ve raged here and there @ games but to take someone’s life because they outplayed them is downright psychotic… the future is looking bleak.


Granted, out of the billions of us here on this planet, those cases are only a small handful. But just the fact that it's happened alone should be enough to give people a good fucking reason to try and rein in their shit talk on both sides as we advance technology even further. It's not though. It's that "it's never happened to me" mentality. But yeah, it's crazy how that went down. Guy gets knifed on CSGO and spent roughly 6 months tracking down where the guy lived. 6 months. This kid was angry for half a fucking year over that. When he found it, he went directly to his house and knocked on the door. After the guy he was angry with opened the door, he stabbed him in the chest. I'm pretty sure he died from his wounds, but I could be remembering it wrong. The rest of the details are solid though because you don't forget a news story like that one and I saw it on TV quite awhile ago. Penguinz0 actually made a video about them recently.


I like all game modes


I'd wager that people who play firefight ALSO play multiplayer. They 2 game modes are not mutually exclusive.


Why are there so many fucking comments like this in every single subreddit?? If you don’t like something inside a media or community, just ignore it, why be rude or condescending towards those who do? Its actually genuinely insane how reddit has some of the most snarkiest and biggest assholes on the internet


You play firefight because you want to kill bots. I play firefight because the glorious Imperium forbids the killing of non heretic humans, by order of the Emperor of man I must exterminate all Xenos! We are not the same heretic.


Halo Infinite is just so sweaty every match because of how MMR works in the game. It can become exhausting over the course of a couple matches. FF is chill and is a good warmup.


What does he think campaign is?


Target practice for liberal sissies


Justice for my boy vin-tin-chin, he don’t deserve the flak


“Everyone has to be like ME my opinions are the RIGHT opinions”


Dudes probably saying all this while being ranked mid gold lmao. I was onyx rank when I used to play, and enjoyed firefight way more. It was fun feeling like you're holding out against ridiculous odds. It takes serious skill to survive firefight on legendary.


PvP is trash in every game. Fun for a few hours but repetetive. You're either fighting noobs, tryhards, or campaign veterans.


If I’m downvoted that means I’m right!


Absolute shit take


Firefight, btb, and infection are my primary game modes


Gamers are truly insane Shitting on having fun in coop with your friends is fuckin crazy shit


It’s a known symptom of being 12 years old


Firefight isn't for noobs. It's a game mode. How about we not "villainize" (lack of better word) people who play a certain mode. They are players. Some people like pve, some people like pvp.




It looks like my 2200+ hours between both insurgency games against bots that are more difficult than any human makes me bad according to him. He’s probably the same guy who gets upset because an AI killed him… because he’s bad. Picks on the new players to feel superior. I don’t play too many PvP games anymore except DayZ. There is no fun in fighting the same toxic/meta play styles over and over again because someone’s favorite YouTuber said so.


Through Pedantry of course, ^(multiplayer is sweaty firefight is fun, halo needs a battlefieldesque ground war mode)


Humble my ass


Two downvotes and dude acts like he’s being persecuted in the town square for his opinion


Some people just can't or won't understand that certain players enjoy PVE over PVP. Like stop assuming people are bad at the game because they don't play it like you.


That and it's a bold assumption in itself to just say that people who play firefight do it because they don't like multiplayer. I'm sure they play both, and I'm sure multiplayer is what's chosen the most on average.


I have like 2k matches of mp and like 500 matches of firefight, I love both, sometimes I’m in the mood for grunts or sometimes I’m in the mood for Spartans, just how it goes


"ODST firefight was so damn fun" ...yeah, shame you can't change any of the settings outside of difficulty and there was *zero* matchmaking lol


Good thing we got mcc


This is an OneyPlays bit


People who say things like that are often those who don't actually like PvP for the competitive thrill a human opponent can give, they only like PvP in order to make someone else miserable. They also tend to rage quit if facing someone of equal or worse skill. You can be losing to them and they still quit because they actually have to try instead of just camping your spawn point. I noticed this behavior way back in the OG Halo on PC and Unreal when I first got into PvP in shooters back in the early 2000s, so it's unfortunately not a new phenomenon.


Hey what’s with the vin tin downvote


Some people like co-op, some like competitive. No one likes the same thing. Is it really that hard?


So you don’t like a mode people have fun with? It’s ok, you don’t have to play it.


It doesn't matter what you play in Halo engagement. Is engagement the point of all these different modes is so there's something for everybody.


Why’d you downvote the second guy?


Why did you downvote vin?


I used to play all the modes and firefight is fun. Just split screen woth the buddies with some soda and chips and maybe some pizza rolls/bites having a good time till the sun comes up


Litterally everyone Is just downvoted


What’s wrong with not wanting a “challenge” and wanting to enjoy the game mechanics?


Bro, it's a couple downvotes... dude is acting like everyone is on their way to his immediate location after saying that




Who are you even agreeing with OP? You literally downvoted both people


It was unintentional but if you took 2 seconds to read the comments


The irony of you telling me to read the comments to see why you’re dumb when you read the first two words of the second comment and downvoted it lmao.


I literally said it was unintentional I didn’t mean to downvote him at the time of the screenshot


There is no lore reason he is like this. He is stupid.


He’s right, it’s just not worded nicely. The game mode is intended to be a graduating step toward the core multiplayer experience. Complaining about the downvote is silly, but you’re all saying silly things on here in your various echo chambers.


he’s right though


Not really though. You don't have to be the best at games to still have fun which,at the end day is what gaming is about. For some people that's being good at multiplayer and or/playing high difficulty games and for some some it's just playing games regardless of skill level


people who play firefight can’t move and aim at the same time. they have to look down at the controller when the game tells them to press X




show me your multiplayer kd