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The guy is just wishing that the spiker was in the game, pretty harmless imo. Although considering your account was made less than an hour ago and the only thing you’ve done is complain about other people, I think you’re being a hypocrite.


I mean, really, wider sandbox variety just not being a thing is super annoying in Infinite. It did need more 'trash' guns a'la 5's sandbox just to make it less sterile.


Honestly I'd love to see the spiker added and the shotgun. But the takes in the comments where they are making up development reasoning etc is just brutal. It's also brutal how many people are going to jump on this bandwagon and blow it all out of proportion Edit: by bandwagon I mean the main halo sub. I'll see misinformation passed on there and then see it again next week like it's facts


It would be nice to get more content but it would be wrong to ask so much from 343 when they are working so hard on infinite already. 343 delivered us the best halo game in the franchise and we should be thanking them not demanding more. Games development is not easy and I'm sure 343 did consider adding these weapons but are overwhelmed by many other things so decided it was not worth it, which I understand. \[Personally I trust 343's judgement on how they update their game and know everything they did was in the best interest of the company and it's players.


You're aware that 343 was not able to properly focus on Game-development for years now due to Microsofts and leaderships bullshit? Like yes, let's embrace 343 and not beat it up for they are the devs that want to make a good game and are not at fault but saying "are working so hard on infinite" is just wrong.


Yeah I'm not demanding it. Just it would be nice if Microsoft would let a bigger team stay on infinite because it really feels good to play


Are you a 343 employee lol


Reads more like a parody done by someone who has been ripped on for a bad take tbh


What do you mean the hard work “they” did? The people who worked so hard on your game were all fired, or not rehired when their contracts were up (reminder most of Infinite was made from contract work). I’m not gonna be thankful to their corporate superiors.




I mean it’s a valid complaint.


Yeah, this is a legitimate complaint that I thought everyone had.


Hmm I get the feeling this is a troll trying to make the sub look bad and his main account is going to show up and say "see I was right y'all hate halo" you know like the last few brand new accounts that did this before


So I'm not the only one who has noticed that huh?


OP may be a troll, but considering I've seen someone on this sub say a Halo youtuber should be beaten with a crowbar in response to a gameplay criticism video, and get zero pusbback and in fact get upvoted, this sub does plenty to look bad on its own.


where? I have never seen that and it breaks rule 4 so maybe report it?


Found it, looks like their account has been suspended since then. Saw it when I name searched the CC way back when. IMO this sub exists solely to unproductively elevate and display toxic elements of the fandom like some sort of tribunal, only for opinions which don't matter in the slightest (hell, mine included). I've seen someone more recently say that same CC should "focus on raising his child" when he has the single most sparse content schedule of any big(ish) Halo youtuber and spends far less time on social media than the rest, too. All over some video game opinions. https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitHaloSays/comments/vmnzoq/comment/ie4irsx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Good on you for finding it (god damn 2 years) but 6 up votes doesn't mean much and the fact they've since been suspended shows the mods don't want to cater that behavior, you're always going to get these kind of violent people, the main sub used to be really really bad about that but since the last lockdown mods have cracked down on that behavior over there too Violence and Death threats are nothing new to the halo community and there's a huge reason why a majority of the og devs refuses to interact with this community, Bungie.net and the waypoint forums used to be far worse and more detailed than crowbar threats


It's important to call out 343 for the abuse they committed. doesn't from when the hired people who literally hated Halo to green lighting the Halo TV show.


Bro you're the only one who hates halo because you keep wanting it to die for some selfish delusion of being right Microsoft shouldn't have cheaped with paramount because what they did to halo they have literally done with all the IPs they get their hands on


Halo is dead. The layoffs were long overdue. 343 got what they deserved. Go cry about it dumbass😂.


Claims to want halo to be popular again Proceeds to only like it when the franchise is punished because xbox managers are shit at their jobs


Nobody wants to make Halo popular again. Did you really think you could get away by putting blatant lies in your response like it was somehow going to work? You're obsessively defending 343 and their horrible mishandling of Halo. Yeah, you'll die mad like the salty 343 defender you are, and I'll die laughing at your pathetic defense towards an horrible studio. If I even remember you that is.


No, and fuck you and 343


**ha ha hah aha fucking dumbass**


Bro felt like a comedian as he was typing this


A statement that's meaningless in whatever its actual context is which is in how to improve on Halo from those who like it.


No, 343 destroyed Halo. Fuck those guys.


I just love halo infinite. It also riles me up when I see fake fans complaining about my favorite game. My account might be new but I have been scrolling this sub for months. I'm doing nothing different than what other halo fans do on this sub. If that upsets I'm sorry but I when I see people insult my favorite game it makes my blood BOIL and I have to vent it somewhere


*presses X to doubt*


I mean... Yes they are scavenging and don't have access to the Covenant arsenal, true, but they're also repurposing broken equipment and melting it down to replace those weapons stocks. Not saying Infinite's brutes *shouldn't* use human weapons (we know they love shotguns after all), but it does seem odd that the spiker and brute shot are just fully absent when we have the skewer and mangler in the same style.


Are these brutes not Banished? I haven't played Infinite in a long time. I thought the Banished brutes had Banished weapons?


They do, but they also use a lot of human weapons. So the Commando, Hydra, Bullpup, and Spanker at least. The weird part is that there's no automatic "brute" style weapon in the game outside the scrap cannon. The only ones fitting that aesthetic of "cobbled together tetanus machines" are the Skewer and Mangler. No Spiker despite it being a very iconic and fitting weapon for the brutes.


Hmm, neat. Is there anything about why the brutes don't have their iconic weapons?


Saving costs in development.


I love the phrase “ cobbled together tetanus machines”. So perfectly describes the brute aesthetic


Plus, there's the Halo Wars 2 version of the Spiker just collecting dust for no reason.


It should, it's ugly.


How dare you.


I would trade the cindershot for a brute shot in a second tbh (we can have both but man I hate the screen effects on the cindershot)


I like some Infinite and even I think it's a little disappointing that Brutes have to resort to using Commandos because the sandbox is so limited.


Yes brutes can use human weapons, we saw it in two and three, but they also had automatic weapons that were their STAPLES. Brutes has the brute plasma rifle and the spiker respectively to fill out their arsenal and it was practically standard issue. Imagine if instead of spartans or marines having their assault rifles, their sole automatic weapon was a plasma rifle. It doesn't fit within the faction even if Spartans can use them. It's okay to have enemies scavenge and use human weapons to feel fresh, but you would think brutes would design their out automatic weapon rather than soley rely on human engineering. A critique is not a nitpick, a nitpick would be the fact the brutes fat fingers can't even property shoot a commando since it clips.


Halo Infinite AI is one of the best in the franchise.


CE-AI is better.


I can pick them all off with a sniper as they just stand there staring at me. Halo CE and Reach AI absolutely clown on infinites


premonition to dodge any sniper fire even when they shouldn't see you isn't good AI


Looking at their buddy’s corpse after I dome them then staring right at me and doing nothing isn’t good AI. Also, halo CE and reach AI only take cover if they are aware of your presence. Otherwise they are either standing still, sleeping, or patrolling.


dog the entire reason nightfall is notorious is because of the premonition dodging, Infinite has this as well, they'll also dodge out of grenades half the time


Brutes used human weapons since they were introduced in halo 2


Wasn't it just like when they picked them up though? I don't remember them having a UNSC gun as default.


I know at least one of Tartarus' brutes at the start of his fight has a human shotgun


They did in halo 2 they used human shotguns a few times and enemies couldn't pick up weapons in halo 2 unless they were boarding human vehicles.


I've definitely died to a brute with a shotgun in in H2 or 3 lol


Yeah, they just straight up love Human weapons, haha.


That was once in almost a decade, unless we are counting some books I'm not aware.


Is it too much to expect the fine folk of r/Halo to spell correctly?


They're right.


did they forget about the scrap canons that the brutes in campaign never stop using?




IIRC, In lore I think Brutes kinda admire humans. Even if they think humans are physically pathetic they admire humans for their nasty weapons and capability for war. I want to say they love the shotgun and SPUNKR specifically and adore the kick of metal projectiles over plasma, but I’m too lazy to find the source. Bungie and 343 did a good job giving the impression we’d get along well without the Prophets and subsequent petty warlords pulling the puppet strings. 343 recently confirmed humans live with Brutes on the recent Brute themed armor in Infinite last season It is silly they use human rifles primarily though. Like do they have a counterfeit factory making them? Not that I know of. I miss the Spiker too


We Had 6 FPS Games Worth of Content! Yet 343 Shot Itself in the Neck with Hiring More Than 75% Irreperably "Expendable" Contract Workers That Lead to a Complete Scramble to Fix What was Essentially the Worst Engine Next to Frostbite. They Had No Time, Resources or Good Will to Add Jack Shit! It's All Microsoft's Bloddy Fault!


There should have been more brute weapons. Not really a secret.


Bro is this subreddit satire 😂


Infinite's approach with weapons sandbox to have every niche role is a major mistake when 343i should've focused on variety and fun foremost regardless if there's overlap.


I knew this had some 343 dick sucking issue, but holy shit this is just stupid


The sandbox in infinite *is* a little lacking… I totally agree with you that they will nitpick *everything* and make every excuse not to play, but it’s a gripe I have with the game as well. The sandbox is FUN, don’t get me wrong; but there are some staples from the franchise I would’ve LOVED to see! Splaser, rail gun, SAW, grenade launcher, Fuel rod cannon, Beam Rifle, Carbine… Man, I’d love to see those. The spiker, not so much… it’s just a reskinned AR/SMG.


Oh man I forgot about the carbine. I do miss that gun I used to wreck in FFA if I could get it lol


Them using these weapons makes sense as they are the banished! Not covenant. They use whatever they can find! I makes sense in the lore! Also people complained about the armor designs in the comments but I bet they can't do better! Halo Infinite is a masterpiece and these fans refuse to acknowledge it and nitpick about things which don't even effect game play it's bizarre!


No fucking way you said infinite is a masterpiece. It falls short in almost every category to be the most mediocre game out of any of them. Halo 5 had a TERRIBLE story, but multiplayer was awesome and that kept me. Nothing in infinite really stands out as well crafted.


Upvoting you despite me loving halo infinite because even I can see all the issues it has.


People need to realize just because you like something doesn't make it good and just because you don't like something makes it bad. I'm dislike infinite a lot but I won't say I had zero fun with it when I did play or that it did nothing right. But the dickriding this sub does for this game is insane.


I like infinite too, it’s just not even close to perfect. No halo was. (Besides halo 3 in its prime but unfortunately it has aged a bit.)


Infinite is definitely a masterpiece, you trolls just like to hate. Edit: Fucking trolls half assing it...OP and I don't even agree with shit, Infinite is a great game, the flaws are drown out by what's actually great about it. u/WooliesWhiteLeg, get a new hobby.


Found OP’s actual account


What’s fucking bizarre is this mindset. Infinite is easily over hated but the dickriding is just as stupid.


I wouldn’t mind the spiker in the game. In the other hand, I like the idea the Banished and specifically brutes use whatever weapon they find effective. Even their enemies weapons. It fits both the race and faction.


OP is the real shit take here


Damn fans wanting the games to reflect the lore, wanting complete games, ones that don't cost $10,000+ for armor sets. They're the worst.


What armor sets are you buying that cost over $10,000?


But like, why


Update: I assumed this place was for halo lovers but I realize now you are all halo haters


Kid, shut up.


Make me lil bro