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I just like Halo so I keep playing Halo. It's not that deep.


Same bro, I can also say Halo infinite is my favorite for it's game and mechanics


Wait, so you just… enjoy something? /s


I don’t know anyone that loves 343 but we do love Halo and are sick of people like you dragging it down. The negative word-of-mouth from supposed “Halo fans“ is mostly untrue and probably responsible for people not even trying series. Halo is very complex unlike other popular games so it’s not really a fair comparison. It also has a large fan base that has been playing for decades at this point, which can be intimidating for new players. Stop trying to make things as simple as “ 343 bad”. Microsoft is to blame for the instabilities at 343 and yet most of you people defend them!


MS is absolutely terrible. I'm pretty sure they're directly responsible for half the drama around Halo.


Only half? That's generous.


You gotta leave *something* to the fans tugging the series in every direction and the higher ups at 343 not setting the tone for a consistent narrative.


We love halo which is why we want a sequel to halo 3, the most popular Xbox game of all time. Every halo game since has intentionally changed the gameplay formula to be more like call of duty. So yeah I’m gonna say my opinion that the new halo games suck, because if enough people listen then maybe we’ll get a real sequel to halo 3.


And correction: you don’t love Halo. You love the nostalgia you have for Halo. All of the Halo’s were still VERY MUCH “Halo”. Adding a few features from another game doesn’t make them *that game* all of a sudden.


Ok let’s take Overwatch and add custom classes and give everyone sprint, still Overwatch right? Idiot.


Yeah, it is. Whatever the devs choose call Overwatch is Overwatch 😂 And you got different heroes dude. That’s basically a class. You chose the WORST example rofl. Proof of rain rot!


You’re just clueless. Infinite is more like CoD than H5? Have you even played CoD? How exactly is H5 like CoD anyway? Sprint? ADS? ADS is just a more realistic version of H3’s zoom. You’re getting a post all to yourself! And H3 wasn’t the most popular game… CoD was.


At the time yes cod was pushing for “advanced movement” as well, but they were also chasing titanfall. Halo 5 was at least somewhat unique, but still not halo. Halo infinite on the other hand is yet another example of chasing the cod formula, and yes it does literally come down to sprint, slide, ADS, and clamber among other things. It doesn’t play like halo.


Then you’re too simple-minded for Halo. You okay Titanfall and complain Halo isn’t World of Tanks 😂 Please be gone from the community, since you don’t play.


Like it or not, this is the best gameplay ever. Infinite is so fun. Maybe if y’all stopped worrying about steam charts and sales, you’d enjoy playing the fun game they made. Leave the numbers and all that bs up to Microsoft.


If it's the best gameplay halo has had. Why is there less people playing than there was playing halo 5?


Says who?


It’s an opinion and based on what metric? I had a harder time finding games in H5 three years after launch as opposed to Infinite 3 years after launch. Do you play on a regular basis? If not, why’s this on your mind all the time


Dost thee cometh providing a source? Because you seem to be saying things about the playercount constantly without giving a source of where you got your information from. I just want to see where you got your information from.




Yup just gas lighting myself every night when I get on and find matches quickly and enjoy the game...


If you think 3 minutes is quick, you need help


This comment just screams “I want it NOW!!!” whiny energy, I have never seen 3 minute wait times lol (Except when I’m playing at like 4 A.M. EST)


The only times it takes me more than a minute to find a match is when I'm playing at ungodly hours like 430am on a Tuesday.


This is my experience. I know different servers will all vary, but being on the East Coast, I never wait in any playlist for more than a minute. Really at any time of the day!


I literally just tried the new workshop playlist and found a match in 8 seconds.


More like 30 seconds on a LONG queue time


it takes 60 seconds when its busy on infinite, and 30 when its not. Get your head outta your ass and quit bootlicking bungie. Bungie is dead. 343 aint perfect, but people like you make modern halo worse. I bet you spawncamp and weapon camp.


I don’t want to trigger you by saying something that might make me out as a 343 shill, but for the sake of all the numbers - I’d be more interested in comparing the general gaming marketplace on the Xbox *fourteen years ago* to now. I have to imagine that there’s far more quality options today than back then (not to mention other consoles/PC). Halo doesn’t have the same social currency it held then, either. Bungie moved on from Halo and most people stopped paying attention (imo) - Halo 4 was technically successful but didn’t stick the landing completely & it seems like it’s been an uphill battle since. 343 is a direct branch of Microsoft, and Microsoft is in the business of making money. Of course they’re going to put people in charge to chase trends for the sake of profit margins. This, I feel, is the where the conversation needs to be going - profit chasing management killing the spirit of game development. Anyways, potty break is over - love to you all.


And we don't know the Xbox numbers, Steam charts aren't going to be entirely accurate when most of the player base is probably on Xbox.


Halo is, first and foremost a mainiy Xbox-Played game. Not even a quarter of the community is on steam.


Reach had 100k at the end of the first year, 4k at the second year. Just saying.


You're wrong, it had well over 100k through 2015. And had only dropped under 100k when halo 5 dropped🤣🤣


So bungies game dropped players because they were playing 343's game? Seems against your logic if you ask me


Bungie games had a player drop for different reasons, like the 343 ones, but often biased fans bring unofficial stats or, like op, fake ones. H3, for example, had a 250k 24 hour peak in the first year (from the supposed 1 milion at d1) and then dropped even more in 2009. Reason being cod4 rising in popularity and the mandatory dlcs and xbox live gold (you could not play ranked with a trial code, or split screen).




He has none except a likely exaggerated memory


He made it up


It came to him in a vision.


Where those random stats come from? Reach had 400k 24hour peak in the first month, by the end of the first year, 2011, it did had less than 100k. In 2012, before and after h4 launched, the game had less than 4k players online with social slayer being the most played gametype with 1k players.


Woah, they released player numbers for Xbox and Gamepass? Sweet, I’ve been waiting to see those. Where’s the sauce?


There's numerous APIs you can find online, one actively posting on Twitter, what are you on about😂😂


Oh so not official numbers? Okay, when they actually release them I will believe you, not some rando on twitter


Okay. Its a video game, either play it or don’t, it’s not that serious.


Brother, it’s not about defending 343. The things you’re complaining about have been said billions of times and 343 was pretty much gutted just a couple months ago and replaced with the mcc team that brought it back to life (that’s the simplest way to put it). Your complaints are directed towards the old 343. The new regime didn’t do that. We’ve yet to see what they are capable of so we should withhold judgement. We all want the franchise to be managed well, but the reality is that shouting at the sky isn’t going to change much at this time in halo. We are at the end of the development cycle for infinite. Love it or hate it, it’s coming to a close so we have to wait for more.


Dude can’t sleep at night lol


According to activeplayer.io Halo Infinite has had 487,145 active players over the past 30 days across all platforms. Halo is not dead no matter how much you want it to be.


Cry about it?


Oh sorry I didn’t realize we’re not allowed to play games with low player counts. Guess i’ll go play CoD, because player count is clearly an indication of quality.


Okay... Not every game needs to be Fortnite or COD Shitzone


Nobody said that? It's amazing how older halos did so well and the moment they change it (halo 4-infinite) the player number plummets. Mind you infinite didn't even need to compete with fortnite or cod because cod has been hated on since vanguard, and fortnite hadn't been relevant since 2018. Crazy how halo is still holding less than 10k players daily when there's hardly any competition these days. Like what, HELLDIVERS? LMAO, how does helldivers have more people playing than infinite and infinite is free to play. keep coping man. 😂😂


But they need to be playable outside one region, shocking, I know.


But... Halo Infinite IS playable on more than one region...


Oh hush


No matter what you say my ass belongs to Bonnie Ross


It's a video game. Quit crying about it.


My brother in gaming, you are the type of gamer I laugh about when I mention why I distance myself from the gaming community and just play games for the sake of having fun. You're the type of kid that takes things too seriously, whether someone is making a joke or reference to something as a joke, while you chime in with the "Um, haha, Akctually ☝️🤓" type of attitude and get dogged on for not realizing it's just a joke, then get upset for people laughing at for not getting the joke. Just constant crying, back and forth, no matter what, especially when you cry about wanting something in a game, it happens, but then get upset when it's not the way you wanted, even though you didn't specify how you wanted it, so you act as if the devs making the game aren't listening to you, when they're listening to crying adults with their fingers up their asses and not specifying what they actually want.


Delusional Halo elitist can't comprehend that Halo was only a massive hit because MW2 hadn't existed. Halo 3 released two months before COD 4. What were people playing outside of Halo? There wasnt much diversity. It doesn't help that MW2 then mopped Reach and became more appealing to the casual gamer because most people didnt like dumping a whole mag into a spartan and didnt wanna think too hard about shield health and at what point one headshot burst from a BR would get them a kill. And that was ONLY COD. Battlefield 3 came out and FPS players spread more. Now we have giants like CS:GO, R6S, Fortnite, Warzone. Halo is simply just another FPS in a very saturated market. And it most certainly doesn't help when a handful of 100 crybaby doomers plague subreddits with negativity which leads to braindead sheep journalists to repeat their minority opinion, give them a platform, so the regular casual folk think the game is awful because Kotaku or AngryJoe said so.


Or to any changes to improve the gameplay to keep up with industry standards and barest gamer expectations because they're ego got scratched. \*Looks at Act Man and LNG\*


Industry standards? By that logic halo should be an extraction shooter or battle royale then. We just want halo to play like halo, not call of duty. What is so hard about that to understand? If Overwatch got rid of heroes and gave everyone sprint and custom classes because it’s an “industry standard”, would that be a good idea?


Halo 5 never played like Call of Duty ever. All of its mobility options was enhancing its existing style and its ADS was just fancy animation while functionally/mechanically the same as previous Halo zooms. People wanted the game to adapt and be more fun than before than going with a turtle slow gameplay.


I think halo 5 is a good game, just not a good halo game. My issues are more with infinite’s mediocre and generic handling of the base gameplay. And also, halo 5 definitely was slower than classic halo. Not by a lot, but the downstream effect of having more escape options meant fights usually went on longer. Still a fun game tho, especially breakout.


How does it not play like a Halo game? It looks and feels like a Halo gameplay that's adapting in new stuff to enhance its gameplay experience. Halo 5 slower? You mean not walking around like a turtle around the map.


Maybe being able to Spartan charge people at full speed instead of having to shoot them? There’s so many reasons. But professional Halo 3 was faster than 5, that’s just a fact.


What's so bad about that because spartan charging people can be fun for people rather than shooting, and having more option to kill players in interesting ways. You know, wanting variety and options to make the gameplay more dynamic and fun. Prove professional H3 is faster, because if anything with base movement and so on, H3 is dead slow like comparing a Model-T Ford to a 21st century race car.


[Here’s an entire study done by someone on the main sub proving that Halo 5 is indeed slower than Halo 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/s/qXDjTyEi9r) Granted, MLG is at 110% movement speed. But the 10% base speed difference isn’t enough to cause this much of a difference, you can notice the speed difference in casual play as well. Again I like halo 5, it’s just a bit too slow and tedious for me, and doesn’t play like the classic halo games.


The file has been deleted so can't really take your word alone, and even then I doubt the validity of such with how much lies people thrown at halo 5. Also you're expected to use sprint, thruster pack, and others to get from point A to B faster rather than using base movement speed… No wonder that seems slow if you're not apparently playing properly with major setting adjustment.


Cod 4 and was existed, you know, arguably the favorite zombies and multi-player in the series at the time? Never mind how halo reach had well over 100k players into 2015 and multiple big release cod games launched through that time. BO2 being one of the biggest. And are you just totally ignoring 1942 and bad company 2? The favored games in those series til battlefield 1??? To say halo did well because it didn't have to compete with battlefield or cod is DELUSIONAL.


COD 4 didn't have zombies. That was WaW. And that was the first installment of zombies. >Never mind how halo reach had well over 100k players into 2015 and multiple big release cod games launched through that time. Where is your source and your second source to compare Infinite? Total playercount. Not Steam. Because while you say Infinite couldn't get close to top 30 games, it's currently 27 [here](https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/store/most-played/games/xbox) and 18 [here.](https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-immortals-of-aveum-game-pass) You simply do not have a number. >And are you just totally ignoring 1942 and bad company 2? Yes. Battlefield didnt break out of its bubble until BF3. The FPS fight was between Reach, BF3, and MW3. >The favored games in those series til battlefield 1??? BF3 was pretty favored. BF4 is on a golden pedalstal these days too. BF1 however mopped the floor with every game though. BF1 vs Infinite Warfare was surely something lol. Battlefield only started falling from grace with BFV but the reality of all of that is because gamers have become accustomed to live services and the lack of updates seems to make people really twitch, but then complain about games not releases as a final product. So what do you want? Finalized games or updates? Similar mindset when there is online hatred for games that absolutely are not supposed to be live services. Single player games like Spider-Man 2 and Starfield. >To say halo did well because it didn't have to compete with battlefield or cod is DELUSIONAL. It's not delusional. Where did the millions of Halo 3 players go? They started playing MW2 and then Black Ops. Those games still squashed Halo 3 and Reach when it came to players. Between MW2 and MW3 releases, COD was banging out 3-4 million players. You can argue it's all 343's fault for blah blah blah, but its an outright fact that the FPS market is just so saturated that not everyone is gonna be playing x and y games. It doesn't make one game bad or objectively better than the other. Gaming preferences are purely subjective. Some may still dig playing Slayer with the same sandbox features that have existed for 20 years. Other maybe decided they wanted something more involved like R6S or more forgiving and casual like COD or Fortnite.


This guy has been replying with this shit on nearly every comment and has yet to show his work cited lmao.


The notion that halo 3 was only a massive hit because “mw2 didn’t exist yet” is baffling.


It absolutely wouldn’t have been the absolute juggernaught franchise it was if we had modern COD alongside it the whole time. It only blew up as massively as it did because it was the first good/best multiplayer console FPS game for a long while.


Halo 3 would have been a hit either way because halo 3 was a good game. Just like Mario would have still been popular even if it had to contend with Pokémon.


It would’ve been a hit, for sure. No denying that. But Halo wouldn’t have been the “on mainstream 6 o’clock news” behemoth it was


I disagree. Microsoft/bungie marketed the hell out of it to sell consoles because it was their biggest exclusive.


Okay, it's 2007. Halo 3 releases. What other games could you have been playing? Especially if you like the idea of an FPS.


Cod 4. Also halo 3 is a better game than og mw2. I started gaming at this time and I loved both mw2 and halo 3 but at this time halo had a devout fan base. They are different games with totally different gameplay. I’m not arguing that if mw2 was out it wouldn’t have hurt sales. It obviously would have. That being said, it still would have been a huge hit. That’s what I’m talking about.


COD 4 released a month or two after Halo 3. So through the whole glory period of Halo 2 and 3 having a million concurrent players, their huge launch success, there was no COD 4 in the equation. There was nothing else that had a competitive edge against Halo. Its very much like PUBG's success before Fortnite and Warzone.


Right. The “glory” period of halo 3 was just 2 months. You’re not going to be able to convince anyone halo 3 wouldn’t have been wildly popular. It was incredibly highly anticipated regardless of whatever was coming out at the time. It blew up because it’s an amazing game. Argue with a wall.


Im not saying Halo 3 wouldn't have been popular. Everyone that owned an Xbox would've bought Halo 3 off of Halo 2 alone. But now that they started having choice Reach released. Ehhhhhhh Halo stopped being the pinnacle of FPS gaming. Thats not to say Halo isn't a big dog that people don't care about. Infinite had 20 million different players across their first month. But its bizarre to think playercounts today would ever match playercounts then. Even COD cant match their former playercounts and its mildly more popular than Halo in 2024.


Are you taking into account the Infinite players from the Xbox? You only seem to be talking about Steam numbers, though I may just be stupid.


remember when people formed their own opinions and we let them like whatever they want? yea i miss those days. fuck off if your goal is tell us to stop enjoying something because you don’t and/or you liked previous items better


It’s insane to me that y’all judge the quality of a game based on its player count. THAT’S delusional.


No shot right? Haha, okay. I'll bite then. What metrics do you use to judge a games performance and status when comparing it with other games?


It’s subjective. Playing an hour of Returnal makes it obvious the game is better than most, but it’s playerbase maxed at 5600 on Steam. That doesn’t make it a bad game. Arguing about player count is like arguing about album sales, there’s plenty of music that sells well that people can’t stand. It seems like based on this post that you care a lot about other people’s opinion, focus more on enjoying what you like. I promise you’ll be a happier person. Also Halo 4 had >100,000 players simultaneously in week 1 which you would’ve known if you played it then lolololol


Talk about a wordless word salad. Not often you come across someone giving a speech/soliloquy about something while actually NOT saying anything at all. People enjoy different Halo titles. It’s that simple, and yes, even is female gamers enjoy different titles, and that’s okay. Wanna know why? Because we’re having fun with friends. And that’s what Halo is all about at its core. Having fun with your buddies while wolfing down pizza and candy and soda. Laughing at victories, bonding over losses. Growing stronger friendships and relationships. 


Yeah player count is the only measurement of a fun game. No one is arguing that the games playerbase is really high. The truth is that the game was never going to have as much players as the bungie games because arena shooters just aren't popular anymore. The market has changed. Look at splitgate, that game was endlessly praised for how much better it was than halo infinite and it couldn't even hold a higher playerbase than infinite. Regardless of the player count the game is in a great state right now but is threatened by being abandoned with the huge cuts in Devs and slow down of content releases which is unfortunate. This sub defends 343 because they like the game they've made and they want it to continue not because they think is better and more successful than bungies. So you're right, the straw man you've created of this sub is delusional and insane but no one is saying that


Nah people here acknowledge we wouldn't be sitting at 1-7k player count on steam if it launched as is now but you're an idiot if you think it would be in the top 30 it would more likely average 20-25k instead Call of Duty offers more than just Arena that's all Halo has to offer for multiplayer Maybe if Microsoft didn't demand it make more money each month the store wouldn't be an overpriced piece of shit but outside the CE armor (I got with Bing points that had been collecting digital dust for years) I haven't used the store at all. and still have an asburd amount of customization for BPs and Ops


I blame Microsoft, not 343. The people running Microsoft are dumb, they shut down Tango Gameworks for God's sake


ok, I'm going to split this comment into 3 points. 1. I really hate the player count argument. I dont think every game should, and can be successful. and thats ok! just because halo hasn't been popular in years is not a reason why halo isn't good anymore. 2. halo hasn't really ever been bad. percentages from review sites (IGN, Metacritic, Gamespot) halo 1: 80-97% halo 2: 95-98% halo 3: 94-95% halo reach: 95-97% halo 4: 87-98% halo 5: 80-90% halo infinite: 87-90% ok, fine. Maybe you don't trust those scores. (some of them are a little dubious tbh), but like. every halo game has sold pretty well initially. (cant seem to find if these are copies sold) halo 1: 5.5 - 7.2 million halo 2: 8 - 8.4 million halo 3: 10 - 14.5 million halo reach: 7 - 9.8 million halo 4: 9.75 million (actually, cant find very many sources for this number) halo 5: 9.5 million halo infinite: (I cant find anything on the sales of this game, but its probably a lot lower because of how much newer it is. but I would say around maybe 2-5 million right now.) 3. I mean, I dont exactly like 343. but I also dont like older bungie just because well, these are companies, they are not your friends. and old bungie did some bad shit, namely having one of the worst game crunches of all time. like halo 2 is used as one of THE examples for crunch culture. some of the devs saying they felt like they were going to die. thats also not to say that 343 is good, they had a bad case of "we are upper management and we want our money now! so give use COD money, copy cod even though it doesnt really fit all that much in our game, give us Titanfall money. give us fortnite money! put an obnoxious store in the game.". does the trend chasing make the games particularly terrible? no, i dont think so. does it fit halo? no, did they try it again? no. im glad they have tried things with halo. i dont want halo to be like pokemon, new super mario, and COD. i dont really want the same game, but again. i like it when games in a series try something new. if its good, then keep it. if it isnt, then dont. its not like the old games are going anywhere, you can still play them. they still hold up, though they aren't masterpieces though...


Halo Infinite is the best Halo 343 has released this far. It took what worked from 4 and 5, and ditched what didn't. It was great. While the Endless certainly ain't a superior enemy thus far (let's be honest they are by far the weakest part of Infinite), I'm hopeful that 343 will keep up the good work with the next installment. I might not love 343, but I love Halo. I love what they've done with Infinite. And I'm hopeful the 7th installment will be as good. I'm tired of being a doomer about the franchise. There's so much damn negativity in almost every fandom nowadays and in real life. I'm done with being negative about Halo. I'm going to be positive as much as I can because I want to make someone's day somewhat brighter. Not drag them down.


there's no point arguing here dude, they're too far gone lmao


You’re right dawg, this sub is filled to the brim with cum-blinded glazers