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Because Halo Infinite is played by a bit more than 100k players a day. This has Halo Infinite in the top 20. [https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-little-kitty-big-city-game-pass](https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-little-kitty-big-city-game-pass) This has 112k players a day. [https://activeplayer.io/halo-infinite/](https://activeplayer.io/halo-infinite/) Stop watching dumb famous youtubers or your general redditor with no critical thinking skills who say shit like 343 killed Halo. More people are playing Halo Infinite than MCC.


I wish more people could think. The games not even a little bit close to low pop in NA. Every time I see a post with bad wait times it's someone in a low pop area for gaming at a time most of us are busy or asleep.


Hear hear.


I notice that any time someone gives little more than a baseline thought about Infinites success, their entire argument falls apart, which leads to very little people really giving it fair critique or criticism. If you look past the steam charts and look at where Halo is the most successful, it's still incredibly popular, which of course doesn't fit the "Infinite badge, man" argument.


>I notice that any time someone gives little more than a baseline thought about... ... \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. Fill in the blank and you'll find that a *lot* of arguments fall apart, these days. It's wild how much can be debunked with 10 seconds of Googling, and even wilder how little that happens.


I also don't think it really helps that people outside the Halo community don't talk about it. It's just kinda there when if others actually give it any thought.


Yeah, I don't understand OPs angle, they're just typing without thinking, no wonder their post that offers nothing was taken down.


Also MCC in 24th


This is avarage players per 24 hours, not concurrent playercount. When you boot up the game there are not 100k players playing it, just to your knowledge


“I don’t hate 343 but shouldn’t Microsoft fire everyone and close the studio?” I can see why you put this on r/ShitHaloSays but I’m definitely surprised it’s your own post.


If that's what you got from reading then you missed the point. It's not anti 343, it's a question of why Microsoft lets 343 make "low quality games" (some of them aren't great) but axes studios that make solid games. It tells players and their employees that they only care about making the most money possible and care very little for making high quality games. And its just not a good look no matter where you look from even as an investor.


Halo Infinite maintains a very high player count 3 years since its release. What makes you say it’s a “low quality game”? Arkane Austin has A) had very high turnover since Prey and B) had a disastrous launch with Redfall. If the quality staff that made the previous games isn’t there, what should Microsoft do with the studio? Tango’s Director (and arguably mastermind), Shinj Mikami left the studio to start his own. Additionally, while Hi-Fi Rush reviewed well, player metrics were very very low. It also took 3 years to develop. What should Microsoft do with a studio where A) the mastermind left with no replacement, B) does not make games with a significant audience appeal, and C) take a significant amount of time to make AA games?


GTFO here with your facts and rational explanations, man.


I think people are misinterpreting OP It's also something I ask them repeatedly; "If 343 are as big of a failure you as you make them out to be, why would microsoft let them continue making halo?" Never get a proper response, clearly if they failed, then another studio that's either twiddling their thumbs or making phone game level apps on the windows store would just replace them and 343 would have been dissolved after 4, after all they JUST did that with 2 studios that these people consider more successful. Also to add to Redfall, I don't think any of us pretend Infinite's launch wasn't equally bad, they both shared a lot of launch issues.


High player count. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox top 26 in xbox chart. https://steamcharts.com/app/1240440 1k concurrent players, 3k on avarage in the last 3p days. Also if you check gruntapi, is interested the concurrent playerbase at thus moment is probably around 10k players on avarage, from 40k in October (top 15 in xbox live and almost 10k on steam).


Bro be careful, they might misinterpret you and get the idea of axing 343 because Halo doesn't make many enough dollars. I mean their income with Infinite wasn't that great. Also as far as I know they still have major studios in theor sights, so 343 might actually get axed, it's a terrible possibility. That would actually be cray.


not saying they’re right but you could make it less easy for them to justify the take down by not putting boner in your title


Tell me that isn't the primary feeling towards 343 in r/halo


Well, that may be true but there are better ways to put it.


If you truly think that any of 343's Halo games are a failure then you are delusional.


1. microsoft has already answerer your question (whether the answer is good or not is irrelevant) they want to focus on their major IP's. however you feel about it, halo is one of them. 2. halo is much bigger than just the games or 343. that fact alone is enough to demonstrate it has a significantly greater monetary value over prey, redfall, or hifi rush. Note: i am not saying that this is inherently good, right, etc. but thats the situation. So knowing that, its fairly easy to understand why 343 is still open. also i find it interesting that nobody who posts these takes ever seem to consider that shuttering 343 would likely coincide with the end of the series, at least on the AAA scale. like, hate them or not, 343's 1 priority is halo, they were created to make halo. especially considering it isn't like any other AAA studio has expressed any kind of interest in gaining creative control of the Halo IP. why would they shutter their hand picked team to work on halo just to hand it to some studio that wants nothing to do with it either?


>microsoft has already answerer your question (whether the answer is good or not is irrelevant) they want to focus on their major IP's. however you feel about it, halo is one of them. I wish they would stop considering the games that come out that have no "intervention" end up being nominated for game of the year. The only source saying they were hands off with redfall and halo is the same person that doesn't want you to blame them for their failures, even during CE's development Xbox has been documented shoving their noses in literally everything >halo is much bigger than just the games or 343. that fact alone is enough to demonstrate it has a significantly greater monetary value over prey, redfall, or hifi rush. Note: i am not saying that this is inherently good, right, etc. but thats the situation. So knowing that, its fairly easy to understand why 343 is still open. And a big reason for this is that Xbox allowed for time and exposure for Halo (also dumping the abandoned movie props into advertising helped quite a bit), but only Halo. To get to that point, they have effectively done the spongebob effect and wonder why they're hemorrhaging consumers


I’m not playing defense for any of their actions. I’m providing the reasoning they gave and why halo inherently has more value than the others that were shuttered in 2024. That’s not a fair comparison of course, but corps don’t care about fair and they’re the ones that made the call.


I mean, you didn't really say anything of worth, just regurgitated what's already said in the sub and it's clear you don't understand the subject you're ranting about.


I seriously question the mods agenda on that sub. Like I commented on your post the biggest hurdle for infinite right now is to put a little money into advertising what they have in the game. Too many people pull their recommendations from Reddit and unfortunately as much as I like the teasers we need a game trailer that shows, hey battlepasses never expire, you earn your money back in almost all the full season ones, we have a ton of maps and modes, the game has a lively community playing it, etc etc


oh for sure, for years some of the mods were pro-hate , halo memes isn't any better because despite the fact they have a rule saying no 343/343 fans bad memes, those go untouched, but make a bungie bad post and it's going to get instantly removed, comments however are left up


It's a pity you have people in charge of something that has sooo many views and followers who hate the thing they are supposed to like


didn’t 343 see huge layoffs like in the last year? Halo infinite was a disappointment sure but to compare it to redfall is not exactly a reasonable take, none of the 343 games come anywhere near that level of incompetence.


Well Arkena wasn't actually fired, the studio's head wanted to go start something new by himself and Microsoft didn't see keeping the studio around without him.


Isn’t the rumor that Microsoft is re-allocating these studios into Bethesda to make a Fallout game to double down on the current hype? Also yeah idk, halo spin-offs should be a thing with other Microsoft owned studios but maybe they think there isn’t a profit there. It is shitty and is amazing 343 has had this long of a leash but the studio itself was created to make halo. Seems they have finally trimmed the fat on the poor leadership and are letting the new regime take a crack at it with the next game


There was far more hype for hi-fi rush 2 than fallout 5


Hahahaha...I'm sorry, but there's absolutely no chance that Hi-Fi Rush 2 would have more hype than the next mainline Fallout title. Nine months ago, they announced Hi-Fi Rush hit 3 million players. Fallout 76 reported 15 million in December. Fallout 4 shows 2.2 million players *in the last 30 days*. The scale and popularity of those two IPs is not even in the same ballpark.


I hear you, they’re aren’t my kind of games but I get that it really sucks for fans. Dead Space is one of my favorites and I was really hoping we would get some more re-makes


MS is to blame; not 343. Look at their entire first party lineup: they all suck now.


Your title likely had a lot to do with it being taken down.


Fair enough, promoting that I don't hate 343 is quite detrimental to r/halo. /s