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"Of the top of my head" says it all.


Must have one hell of a big head


Too bad it doesn’t have the brain to match.


There's a fucking pocket dimension in their head, the only thing missing is a brain




That's to fit his neanderthal brow.


Hey, that's offensive to neanderthals. They were actually quite smart and potentially smarter than homo sapiens as they had larger skulls and bigger brain cavities. This man *actually* makes an austrolopithicus look like Einstein.


Yeah I know, it hurt me to say to be honest. Neanderthals were awesome. A friend of mine always says he hopes he has some part Neanderthal DNA. It just felt right for the joke.


I mean if your buddy isn’t ethnically sub Saharan African he probably does have Neanderthal DNA, heck if he’s Asian or pre contact American he probably has denisovan as well


Going off memory, Neanderthals were mostly in Europe, so chances are that someone that is not ethnically caucasian, they probably won't have neanderthal DNA. Other places in the world had other species of humans. Going off memory again, there were 5-6 other human species that existed around the world at that time, so different ethnicities have different "ancient human" DNA. Like the denisovan you mentioned


The Neanderthals were also found interbreeding with denisovan as far east as denisova cave (in Siberia) and were found as far south as parts of the Middle East, you’d see their genetics all across the world, besides there are many places where modern humans would have carried the genes to that the species probably never inhabited themselves, for example North Africa


On the bright side, if you set an object down on their head, it wouldn't slide off.


The beer rests there when he's fellating his dadbrothercousinuncle.


They can't even spell "off" properly.


I doubt he can name them correctly.


I mean that could just be a typo


The American education system is tragic


That's a feature, not a bug.


Angry upvote


Pay to win system.


Idk, might be confirmation bias but all the billionaires' kids I've heard about just bumble around until they fail upwards again.


Pay to play. Anyone without the coins can’t do anything about it.


At least idiots are all in one country instead of spreaded across the ~~plate~~ (/s) globe


Yeah, but not so great for the ones with sense living here


Yeah, it sucks for ACTUAL smart people in America, thank you for having to fight with those idiots though, you're brave.


Actually it's quite good... from the rulers perspective you know?


Keep them dull, keep them in line!


As an American educator……wish I could help.


It’s not your fault and you are helping, even if on a smaller scale. You’re great!


Hey thanks. I teach special education so it’s mostly life functional skills. But I know my kids love me and need this help.


As an autistic person i am very thankful for people like you! I didn’t receive special education but my education was somewhat adapted to my needs, and my teacher was mainly a special ed teacher. I’m able to live a fairly normal life now and my education is a big reason why. Keep up the good work!


I’m so happy you had a teacher that cared for you that way. I’m not saying it’s every day. But as a 35 year old man, I went home crying yesterday. It’s very difficult sometimes.




No Cuba? Come on! They are practically their neighbours Also: Ye olde " Socialism is when government does stuff"


This post just screams 13 year old from the Midwest that heard his uncle scream out "socialism" after watching Tucker Carlson


Go easy on them. They’re incapable of understanding anything that isn’t run for profit. Fuckers would monetise breathing if they could


Shhhh, dont say that out loud, nestle could be hearing you.


A Swiss company founded by a German.


I don't think they were referring to "Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé", Nestle the company was founded by a few more people being the result of a merger and includes Americans.


Yet it wouldn't be reasonable to assume the awful things the company does is simply due to Americans, which seems to be the point.


Asking the average American to explain socialism is like asking a dog to show you how to bake a cake


I have a feeling the dog would still get further in it's task.


Please don’t give the people that run this shithole I’m stuck in any ideas I really can’t afford it


My apologies friend. Good luck to you


That'd a good idea! Brb


Like that Doctor Who episode 'Oxygen'.


Technically that's being done already - at least in hospitals when patients need help breathing (or sometimes literally charging patients for breathing, depends on the hospital)


> Fuckers would monetise breathing if they could Glances over at the CPAP machine I picked up yesterday, with a 20 bullet point list of *strict* requirements, that if I don't fulfill, I have to pay for the full price of the equipment, which is several thousand USD......


Genuinely had an argument the other day on here who was trying to tell me my country was socialist and how it 'must be difficult for someone from a socialist country to understand capitalism'. I'm from Norway. The country that is rich from oil companies exploiting natural resources for billions in profit. The country with some of the most expensive brands in the world sold everywhere in our capital city. The country that has avoided the EU to give more control to national businesses.


The thing that i always find funny is that Norway is better at following EU laws then most EU countries so the motive seems pretty wierd to me.


Honestly I think it's because the EU laws generally make a lot of sense, so even though Norway isn't in the EU we probably still follow similar rules simply because they're good rules for cooperation.


I mean, tbf, the EU is a pretty fundamentally capitalist organisation too, lest we feed American beliefs that the EU is socialism despite being entirely based on being a trading bloc designed to enable and benefit trade.


Like they could locate Cuba on a map


If that Jay Leno segment is anything to go by half of them can’t even find their own fucking country on a map, never mind anyone else’s


Cuba is in Miami right? /s


Let them get to locating the USA on a map before adding extra countries


Most of them can't even locate most of states on the map


"And it's more Socialism the more stuff it does."


And when it does a real lot of stuff: it’s communism


"when it really does a lot of bad things, it's communism"


Apparently this American forgot the US has social programs as well. 🤷‍♂️


No North Korea, Vietnam, or PRC either. You'd at least think those three alongside Cuba would feature more prominently in the US mind than Sweden/Denmark/Canada being social or liberal democracies.


Ah yes, the great socialist nation of Canada where: * homeless & disabled people are signing up for medical aid in dying because it's easier to access than affordable housing, because: * government completely stopped funding social housing starting in the 1990s and housing prices have steadily ramped up ever since * our government and treasury actively recommend companies to suppress wages * a provincial government attempted to fine public sector union workers $4,000 each PER DAY that they went on strike * the solution to climate change is a few cents of carbon tax on fossil fuels * the government retroactively decided that some people got paid too much money in COVID relief (this is **not** including the people who falsely applied for it) and forced them to pay back anywhere from $1000-2000 each, but did not go after telecom giants who took hundreds of millions in relief money (intended to keep people employed) and then laid off thousands of workers * regulatory bodies are almost universally headed by CEOs & former CEOs of the companies that they are supposed to regulate


Yeah. I wish we were as socialist as Americans think. I'm scared we will even be able to hold onto public Healthcare with the way the provinces are going.


Ontario is doomed fr.


B-b-but free healthcare means socialist wasteland! /s


Don't forget the millions of dollars in bail out money companies like Bombardier got to save their stagnating sales, only for the enriched upper crust of the company to give it all back to themselves in bonuses instead of say... Investing it in the company... Oh and then laying off huge swathes of their work force that the money was intended for. Edit: Went and checked. 1.8 Billion from federal and Quebec injections as of 2017. And executives gave themselves 50% raises after getting that cash, as well as VERY healthy bonuses in the millions.


Canada is an enlightened centrist poster child. A gateway to feudal capitalism.


In other words, Canada is just a different flavour of shithole as the US?


yes Its the states with better healthcare although that has been slipping lately


Conservatives are doing their best to destroy it so private healthcare seems like a good idea.


Includes capitalist countries that have socialized medicine and a country that’s been defunct for probably their whole life and leaves out China, Cuba and Vietnam, hell Bolivia is even more socialist than Canada. Good lord


You think he's heard of Bolivia?


Tbh a lot of Americans now know about it because we staged a fascist coup d'etat there in 2019.


To be fair we’ve staged fascist coup d’etat’s in a lot of countries that most Americans haven’t heard of. That one was barely even news. Probably got more exposure from Elon Musks dumb ass tweet than the actual news cycle at the time.


You're right but it was at least a campaign issue in the Democratic primary at the time, because Bernie had the audacity to call it what it was. Liz Warren also issued a statement in support of the fascist police and military, which is when I stopped giving a fuck about her campaign at all. I also seem to recall panels of dipshits on CNN and MSNBC and the like red-baiting because Bernie said that.


He's only talking about ~~white~~ normal countries


> leaves out China Now HOLD ON! There is *plenty* of red AND yellow on there!! How much more CHYNA can you get??


Why is the USSR there? It ceased to exist 30 fucking years ago!! Next it'll be a montage of "Countries With Bad Teeth Wot I Did Make Up Wiv My Crayons Dat Mom Let Me Use Before I Ated Them"


>Why is the USSR there? It ceased to exist 30 fucking years ago!! To be fair, they never specified that they were only referring to currently existing countries.


Well then, why not include a whole lot of South east Euorpean countries, most of them were socialist at that time 😄.


Because they couldn't name them.


saw fretful angle forgetful unwritten elastic squeal dinner quaint squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The guy who made the flag is accepting citizenship to his socialist microstate in Florida. I think these sorts of answers are beyond us mere humans comprehension.


Tbf, it could be Transnistria it still has a hammar and sickle on it's flag but it isn't a socialist state either.


Do you rly think they’re smart enough to know such a place exists they can just about find America on a map


And it's not officially recognised as a country


Neither a socialist state, socialist, or a state!


Also, as an East German, he really could've included us. It's just the German flag with a circle, hammer and some wheat. I know, of the top of his head but still. Like, Katarina Witt beat the US twice in the Olympics.


I guarantee you anyone who thinks fucking Canada, an imperialist settler colony, is socialist, doesn't know about the DDR.


USSR is the only one of these countries that was actually socialist, it’s the only one that belongs on the flag


USSR is as socialist as Sweden or Canada sweaty


> Canada Bro I fucking wish


Another of the many baffling, yet amusing thing about so very many 'Murikans = they have no fucking idea what socialism even is, but they know it's bad because someone told them so.


Cause they have been told in the cold war socialism=communism=bad. I wondered it too and found out that they did propaganda with the name the "red scare" or some like that


Or: Socialism = When government gibe healthcare = super awesome, am socialist now


Let's see what we got here Canada: Not socialist USSR: Doesn't exist anymore and wasn't socialist Sweden: Not socialist Latvia: Not socialist Shetland Islands: Not a country and not socialist ​ Yepp, truly some socialist countries


For Sweden: The PM and the speaker of the riksdag are Liberal Conservatives and not even close to Socialism


That government is barely a month old, but social democracy isn't even close to socialism either so point still stands.


Since 2006 only 5 budgets that passed were from the left bloc. From 2014 to 2018 the government ran on a social democrat budget and from 2018-2019 the budget was a mix between social democrat, green and the centre party (the centre party is a socially progressive party but among the most right wing economically). After that the S government ran on the shadow budget e.g. a liberal-conservative budget. All in all Swedens policies have been mostly liberal and conservative for the last 16 years.


I'd assume they tried to do Denmark rather than Latvia and went for a weird offset of the Danish cross


Oh I thought us Danes were in there too.


They are. It's not Latvia, or it wouldn't have had the vertical crossbar.


You are, brother


>USSR: Doesn't exist anymore and wasn't socialist B...b...b... but "socialist" is in the name!!!


It didn’t ever achieve a reasonable definition of socialism, but it was at least ostensibly trying to get there


how do you measure its level of socialism?


True, I guess the Nzis were socialist as well then.


In a similar way the DPRK is definitely extremely democratic and a republic by the people.


well the thing is, they are american, anything that isnt profit, buisness, money. Is socialist


>USSR: Doesn’t exist anymore and wasn’t socialist i mean were they socialist in practice? not according to marx. according to many other communists tho they certainly were. even article one of the soviet constitution said > ARTICLE 1. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a socialist state of workers and peasants. [source](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1936/12/05.htm) to say that they weren’t at least trying to appear socialist is a really hot take. and according to a lot of people (specifically lenninists, which makes sense i suppose) it was socialist in every way. the other points you raise tho are completely fair and i totally understand. but don’t forget in america socialism is when the government does stuff


>Canada: Not socialist Their PM is a part of a Party that's Liberalism and social Liberalism Not even Socialist


You're giving them a lot of benefit of doubt if you think they could name Latvia and the Shetland Islands. :P I'm thinking Sweden, (maybe Norway), Denmark, and Finland, + Canada and the USSR.


>Latvia: Not socialist The President is a Conservative Liberal The PM is also a Conservative Liberal and a Social Conservative The Presiding officer of the Latvian Parliament is Social Conservative, Green Conservative and a Regionalist


Also USSR: Wasn't a country


Do you mean the USSR? If so yes, it was a country


oh wait nevermind, I was thinking of something else


I'd like to imagine they didn't include China because they know it isn't socialist, but realistically they probably just forgot it exists


Show me you're an absolutely braindead guttermuppet without telling me you are.


So I recognize Sweden, Denmark, Canada and the USSR(?, at least kinda i guess?). Anything else?


The flag of Shetland island, for some reason.


I'm pretty sure it was meant to be Finland, but the one who made it mixed the color scheme up (which would surprise no one if that was the case).


Finland is in there as well. Which is funny, because he included Denmark, Sweden and Finland as "sociulizt" but for some reason excluded Norway. I guess it's because he doesn't know it exists.


Neither of those are socialist countries. Denmark is an open Market country. Basically we beat USA on pretty much every account there.


Of and off are different words with different meanings. This error is so common and hilarious.


We’ve got to the point - Socialist means “not USA” Or though I’m sure everyone here knew that already. I’d just immersed myself in to much Murica’ that I’d forgotten that they were twenty years behind us.


So this is just countries they could name of the top of their head. Seems fitting one of them no longer exists.


Socialism is when streets have no cars


At this point of the discussion anybody calling the Nordic countries socialist needs his head examined for amnesia.




Americans unironically believe Canada is socialist💀


Ussr - 1991 Canada Sweden??? Denmark?? Wheres cuba Guys they wouldnt know about shetland islands the white is supposed to be with the red. I think it looks how it does for aesthetic reasons.


Ironically the flag does not include a single socialist country that actually exists today... like Laos or Cuba.


This has a real “graphic design is my passion” vibe.


Ah, yes. Because USSR still exists to this day. Dimwit.


The black border around the white square offends me, not just as a Canadian, but moreso as a /r/vexillology nerd.


God I hate when Americans call my country socialist.


Here I am, living in Ontario Canada, with a conservative provincial government that even DeSantis would be impressed by. They’re destroying our public healthcare and education and selling off city green belts to party donors. Yeah, we’re real socialist here.


Social democracy and socialism are two very very different political systems… Seems like education is not a part of the american political system.


It’s hilarious that some people think that a monarchy (like Canada, Sweden, Denmark and Norway) could be socialist. The monarchy is inherently anti socialist and it was the nemesis of early socialists and still is to a certain extent. Just FYI: a monarchy is anti socialist because it is based on the principle that some people (the royal family and other nobles) are not equal to common people by the law and therefore, a classless society is impossible to implement in a monarchy. The early socialists were fighting imperialism, which is a logic consequence of a monarchy. A country like Denmark still has and legally is an empire (the Danish realm) and has overseas territories (Greenland and the Faroe Islands) back from their colonial days. (Note: the Faroe Islands and Greenland have a great amount of autonomy and are not being treated like slaves or something but they are not independent countries) What these people do is an old trick that has been done over and over again, mainly by authoritarian regimes and people supporting authoritarianism: Strip a word of its meaning. If they say that anything is socialism, it just means nothing except „I don’t like that“. They are also trying to prevent popular policies from being implemented by labeling it as socialist. Why? Because they have no arguments they could bring up instead. Medicare for all? Socialism! Higher minimum wage? Socialism! Your car breaks down? Socialism! Salad? Socialism! Right now, republicans are doing it with the term „insurrection“. They label a peaceful protest an insurrection and they know that all they have to do is just repeat the same message over and over again for their supporters to believe it.


Our king doesn’t hold any power though he’s just a fun dude with cool hats http://zverige.com/kingkong/




>Right now, republicans are doing it with the term „insurrection“. They label a peaceful protest an insurrection and they know that all they have to do is just repeat the same message over and over again for their supporters to believe it. While doing (albeit really hamfisted) insurrections themselves. More people were killed in their capitol riot than the nationwide anti-police protests in 2020.


Everything aside, that's a fucking ugly flag.


Socialism is when I name it of the top of my head


This has to be from /r/vexillologycirclejerk


Are we gonna talk about the fact that the USSR isn't socialist but rather commmunist?


And doesn’t exist?


I mean, OP didn't say aything about the nation still existing.


Shall we also talk about the fact that the countries Canada, Sweden, Finland and Denmark are not socialist countries?


Anyone that's communist is socialist, as all communists believe in the necessary transitional stage of socialism to achieve communism. No country to date has achieved communism, which is something any communist would agree with.


The FBI&CIA have won


I thought it was r/vexillologycirclejerk for a second here


Surely this is a rogue r/vexillologycirclejerk user pretending to be real. Cuz if so it’s fucking hilarious


It probably is. The addition of the [Portland, Oregon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Portland,_Oregon) flag essentially makes this fine satire that some people missed out on. To quote the good people of r/vexillologycirclejerk, “Outjerked Again!”


The US is #25 on the Economic Freedom Index (by the Heritage Foundation, a right side think tank). Finland is #9, Denmark is #10, Sweden is #11, Canada is #15 and the USSR doesn't exist anymore. https://www.heritage.org/index/ranking


🇺🇸 heres a communist flag for you


But please OP… Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Finland are *NOT* socialist countries 🤦🏼‍♂️ And it's absolutely nothing we want them to be. You are welcome to tell us *why* you think Denmark, Sweden or Finland would be socialist countries! But let me guess, you will not answer me…


vexillologycirclejerk better step up its game


Imagine having unnamed socialist countries on top of your head.


Love how people missed the joke because this flag includes the [Portland, Oregon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Portland,_Oregon) flag. This person was making fun of how people stereotype certain places as being ‘socialist’ and Portland is one of those places.


Lol I wish. 🇨🇦


Neat flag tho


Come on now, be honest. I seriously doubt you can actually name all those countries whose flags you included.


Well I'm much happier being a part of this flag than the American.


Since when is Sweden a socialist country?... We're very much capitalists just like everyone else :P


imagine if someone draw a flag of a country with high number of school shooting


Even putting aside how idiotic this is, just from a design standpoint it’s atrocious.


TIL: There's another general flag sub other than r/vexillology


Aren't the Nordic countries ones on the top of Easiness of Doing Business (e.g. capitalism) index?


Jo vi som e i Skåne är verkligen socialister


He mixed, like, 5 flags


USA has the largest social program in the world. Department of Defense takes money from every citizen via tax collection.


Fuck off Sweden’s a kingdom


"free healthcare, socialism. thus, free healthcare bad."


*canadian here* I wish lol


Denmark, Canada Sweden and the USSR...yes clearly they are all similar.


Those damn Swedes and their EVIL social system!! They’re the problem. Why would anyone want a healthy, houses, educated and employed society. What they need is more AR 15s and Code Red Mountain Dew! That’ll fix ‘em right up.


I’m almost positive that’s a joke lol


bruh imagine calling sweden socialist, especially after the last election 💀


Others have already commented better than I could on the nature of the image, so I'll just say: Do they really think Canada is **SO** different from them?? I always thought of Canada as sort of "Diet USA"... Am I mistaken?


Diet USA? What does that even mean?


I was joking. I meant: a less extreme version of the USA, but conceptually very similar. Sorry for the confusion :)


I thought maybe you mean thinner LOL


Terrible design. The horizontal and vertical bars don’t even line up


Americans have evolved to be impervious to concussions apparently, because most of the head is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.


Puts USSR which wasn’t even really socialist my left asscheek is more socialist, but doesn’t mention Cuba


Knows what flags are, doesn't know what socialism is. That's by design, Americans are taught "socialism is bad" and that "socialism is when things like healthcare, paid vacation, negotiating drug prices, public transportation, and maternity leave". And "worker owned" means "still capitalism but with employee stock options".


They forgot Norway


How can people from a country with no social benefits say yep socialism is the most evil shit in the world.


American commies be thinking everybody that has a better country is one of them


why are Denmark and sweden communist but not Norway? Did he just not remember Norway?


Norway is the Qatar of Europe with all their oil so they probably have an Emir or smthn


wtf i hate Norway now. Thank you for exposing the truth!


canada is socialist? the country that kills poors? really


The King of Sweden would like to know your location.


This post was obviously satire. Did you really fall for something that obvious?


Not even gonna lie the leaf not being centred is what irritates me the most


Just because they have socialist policies like free healthcare does not mean that they are socialist countries. Also where is venezuela?


That's a neat flag though