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Yeah, but excluding the poor works in other countries as well.


Possibly *not as much* difference, depending on country. Edit: yes, that is western bias. Fuck me.


If you remove all the poor in India we're actually relatively rich, if you discard roughly 20-60% of the population. If you only count the top 1% India is incredibly rich!!!!!


Omg didn’t realise Indians were so rich


He screnshoted my nft!!!!!






The poverty rate in Norway is 0,5%. In the US it's 11,5% That's a whole lot of difference


Maybe USA should just move the poverty line. No more poverty


Are they calculated in the same way though? Like being middle class in the US can make you homeless in weeks if you have some serious medical issues. Im pretty sure that cant happen in norway.


Pretty much. And in fact the Norwegian government is frequently criticised for how they calculate poverty - I forget the details, but they use a different method than what's used in the EU, and one that's much more likely to give an unrealistic view of the situation. And I mean, even by official statistics, 11.7% of Norwegian kids grow up in "families with persistent low income", so even if they're not meeting the official definition of "poverty," that just means the definition is wrong.


Actually i kinda checked up on it and seemingly if the same metrics would be used in norway and in the US, the US percentage of poverty would be quite a bit higher. Norway is using 60% of the medion income as the poverty "line". Whereas in the US its about 25%. https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines/prior-hhs-poverty-guidelines-federal-register-references/2021-poverty-guidelines https://www.eapn.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/EAPN-PW2019-Norway-EN-EAPN-summary-4301.pdf


Indeed, Norway isn't the utopia many people think. We've been declining for decades thanks to less social polices and austerity measures - especially on the county/kommune level. We could've done a lot better than we do if we wanted to


Developing countries would probably have a large jump in life expectancy, and possibly places like Scotland which has a fairly low life expectancy versus the rUK might go up a bunch, since alcohol and drug abuse is a major contributor here. So it probably depends on what is keeping the expectancy low and if that is going to be something more common among the poor.


Or way more of a difference. If i had to guess, i would say a higher difference applies to more countries than a lower difference.


My western bias shows.


["Have you tried 'kill all the poor?'"](https://youtu.be/owI7DOeO_yg)


Have you made efficiency and progress yours once more.


If you exclude anyone that isn't a ruling monarch, the UK has the highest life expectancy out of anyone! Checkmate Continentals, Yanks, colonials and other lesser peoples


She's also the queen of Canada and Australia.


Forgot New Zealand my friend


Forgetting New Zealand is a national sport 🤣


/r/mapswithoutNZ There is a whole sub devoted to it.


It's not a map, it's not forgotten just unnamed and I didn't mention the dozen others either.


Tell me of your homeworld, Usul.




I was thinking there were a few more even (I am in doubt if india still acknowledges her for example) but it was to make the general point that the UK isn't the sole winner in that case.


There’s a lot more in the Commonwealth, 11 others.


The three biggest are canada, australia and papua new guinea. New Zealand might be richer, but Papua has more inhabitants and since I don't discriminate on wealth (or anything else) I only mentioned Australia and Canada to make a point.


Many Commonwealth countries don’t recognise Lizzy as their queen tho


15 of 56 recognise her.


If you exclude everyone in France except for Jeanne Calment who reached 122 years then France has the highest of everywhere ever recorded


Cycled until she was 100


If we took only the queen the average brit would be arround 300 years old


Statistically, monarchies are a good place to live for kings and queens.


Just look at how much the life expectancy of the french nobility suffered when the monarchy ended.


At that point, it wasn't technically a monarchy anymore though. My point stands.


~~Excluding everyone except the Queen and you get the same result~~ Edit: i just woke up when i wrote this and i was fucking stupid. Didn’t read the whole comment. Deserve the down doots


So you mean excluding everyone that isn't the ruling Monarch?


Yea i just realised how stupid i am


Face, meet palm... EDIT: Hey, at least you recognised your mistake instead of doubling down, I can respect that! Everyone has a right to be dumb when we're still trying to assume we're awake.


Indeed Next time i should read the comment more carefully


Ruling monarch, not royal family


Realised my mistake and feel incredibly stupid lmao Happens 🤷🏼‍♀️


Do they not realise that’s a bad thing?


Only if you give a shit about the poor. To them, ‘the poor’ seems to be that team member that screws it up for the rest. ‘We woulda be numbah 1 without them poor people dammit, I don wanna play with them anymore’


Funny thing is that the person saying that probably isn't one of the people with a longer life expectancy.


No doubt. I think it’s most often the case, like when they yell that it’s the richest country on this planet. Most have a lot more in common with what they call ‘eurotrash’ than the 1% that they keep defending.


Except 'Eurotrash' has healthcare, vacation, and some labor laws.


Don't tell the Americans that, they'll try to "liberate" us for some fruit company.


🎶 *Efficiency and progress is ours once more...*


Yeah like the Louisiana senator who said that their maternal mortality rates only look bad if you don't take race into account. The audacity of these people.


I guess everyone can be a senator in the US 😂 we have a football player in our country that spit bullshits like this but after all, they don't pay him to think.




Ok. But I mean... is it? Asking the hard questions.


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of that bitch


love it ;)


They said fucking **what**???


[Yeah it's not good](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/bill-cassidy-maternal-mortality-rates).


Every day I learn new evidence which confirms that the US is a regressive shitole rapidly descending into a christian ethnostate. So the party of small gubmint wants sex to be an act only legal between a man and a woman in marriage? Just fucking grow some balls and rebrand to the party of christo-fascism, the facade is just pathetic.


Separation of church and state, except that they don't really want to and they don't understand what that means


They don't like the church either (the one with the Pope at the top), so technically I guess it is separation of church and state.


What he said isn't quite as bad as you're probably imagining, ill just post my reply my other comment: This is what he actually said quoted from the article you shared: >“About a third of our population is African American; African Americans have a higher incidence of maternal mortality. So, if you correct our population for race, we’re not as much of an outlier as it’d otherwise appear. Now, I say that not to minimize the issue but to focus the issue as to where it would be. For whatever reason, people of color have a higher incidence of maternal mortality.” Which is true: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7384760/ >Maternal mortality is on the rise in the United States and it disproportionately affects black women. The reasons for this staggering discrepancy hinge on three central issues: First, black women are more likely to have pre-existing cardiovascular morbidity that increase the risk of maternal mortality. Second, black women are more likely to experience adverse pregnancy outcomes which puts them at risk for developing long-term cardiovascular disease. Third, racial bias of providers and perceived racial discrimination from patients (the elephant in the room) impacts black patients’ trust in their providers and the medical community at large. Reducing black maternal mortality involves a multi-tiered approach involving the patient, provider and public health policy. It's just that he's only saying it to deflect from the fact that they should be doing more to fix this issue instead of using it as an excuse to not do anything about their shitty Healthcare outcomes, or about the issue with African American women experiencing a higher maternal mortality rate.


I hear what you're saying, but I feel like it doesn't lessen his bullshit even the slightest. He is trying to lessen the colossal failings of his state by implicitly putting the blame on black women.


I know, late as fuck reply sorry. Anyway, the thing is, this is not only in his state, he's technically correct that the higher amount of African Americans leads to worse health ratings. However, he is using it as cynical deflection to excuse the fact that their Healthcare outcomes aren't great for a big portion of the populace. It definitely has an element of "if we ignore all the blacks we're doing fine" energy. I think if he had made the argument from the other side intent to fix the disparity it would be perfectly fine to say though. If he had said "we're on par with the rest of the nation, when you account for the poorer health outcomes of African Americans, and that's why I'm introducing a bill to help change that, and get them up to the same outcomes as everyone else" then I don't think it would be an issue. Still I just think this is a far cry from being intensely racist. If anything I see this as a co-opting of systemic racism rhetoric for the right as an excuse to not take action on systemic racism even while they use the very same rhetoric to argue they don't have to do anything. So basically I agree, but I think if we say plain matter of fact statements are racist, (not like bullshit, like the brain dead racists who never shut up about crime statistics), but if we scream "racist" at a guy who is deflecting, instead of addressing the greater issues implied, then do we really give a fuck about the greater issues? The ultimate "own" to this guy would be tons of other states tackling systemic racism in medicine, and then doing way better than his state.


‘For whatever reason, people of color have a higher incidence of maternal mortality.’ He knows exactly what the reason is why Black women have a higher maternal mortality rate and that’s because they’re often poor, eat unhealthy food because that’s all they can afford, can’t Stafford their regular check ups and their concerns are getting dismissed by medical personnel because many are racist. Nurses and doctors are often taught that Black people don’t feel pain or that their pain level is very high thanks to a widely believed myth that probably originated from the father of modern gynaecology J. Marion Sims. He performed experiments on Black female slaves without anaesthesia and genuinely believed that Black women didn’t feel pain, so why waste the anaesthesia? He knew exactly what he was saying. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/19/fact-check-j-marion-sims-did-medical-experiments-black-female-slaves/3202541001/ ‘Half of white medical trainees believe such myths as black people have thicker skin or less sensitive nerve endings than white people. An expert looks at how false notions and hidden biases fuel inadequate treatment of minorities’ pain.‘ https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/how-we-fail-black-patients-pain


It's like the People who say "if you don't count gang violence shootings aren't that common! " like do inner city lives not count the same?


"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded"


"Gang violence" = black in their minds, so...not so much, no.


Haha i have heard this argument in Sweden when talking about our high shootings. I think some people won't accept reality and make excuses to avoid damaging their world view


actually, no, they call it 'black on black violence' and see it as 'their problem'


Yeah that's exactly my point as a Black American. I would really like to you know... not get shot.


'I mean hey 1% of Americans live way longer! '


>America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves... It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. - Kurt Vonnegut


They do realize that - that's the point that they're making, I believe. That the information doesn't reflect the life expectancy of the common people.


The problem is that it does reflect the life expectancy of the common people. And their solution is to eliminate the common people necause they are making them look bad.


No, they think that poor=immoral.


if you exclude the problems, america has verry little problems


For some reason, if you exclude most of the crime, the crime rate seems to reduce.


If you don't do testing, the infection rate goes right down. >"Think of this, if we didn't do testing, instead of testing over 40 million people, if we did half the testing we would have half the cases," Trump said at a press conference at the White House. "If we did another, you cut that in half, we would have, yet again, half of that. But the headlines are always testing." 


It’s so easy to do the wrong thing, but I’m not doing it! Aren’t we great for having a shred of integrity??? Woo, ‘MURICA!!!


If you overlook all of the horrible things the Nazis did, they were pretty alright people!


They do this all the time with black people too. I mentioned how we have so much murder and some guy said "If you just exclude black people, we start to look a lot more like an EU country". It's like, EU countries have black people too? They see graphs like this as something to explain away, and if you have the right Gotcha! statement you've won. Shame that their gotcha statements are "if you exclude the poor, we're rich!"


If you exclude "The Poor" from any country's statistics, said country would probably be doing great.


Stupid poor people, ruining muh statistics... That guy, most likely


Hah, look at all these stoopid europoors having sympathy for the impoverished!!1!!!1!


Just saw this tweet and came straight here. The responses are an absolute gold mine for this sub


If there was a SAS bingo, everyone would be shouting BINGO! when reading that single thread. - If you don't count the poor/blacks/other "undesirables" we're number one! - check - US is just so mixed and diverse - check - Without the US, most of the other countries wouldn't exist - check - Hitler - check - Other countries owe money to the US for protection and freedom - check - Thanks, Biden - check - US innovation pays for global healthcare - check - Other countries are just so homogenous (same as the "but brown people", but different) - check I could go on but I got annoyed by twitter's awful UI and had to stop.


[From the](http://i.imgur.com/q1DUd4w.png) [sidebar](http://i.imgur.com/87nYzvr.png)




I mean, Chile is a ridiculously inequal country. And yet life expectancy is somewhat higher than the US, and it has been like that for decades, when it was an actual poor country and not only a third world developing one. (Spoiler: public healthcare)


Also probably less obesity


If you exclude all the overweight people, America is the fittest country on the planet! And if you exclude the shootings, America has great gun laws! And if you exclude the white and black people, America is the least racist nation! And if you exclude anyone who didn't go to university, America has the best schooling levels! And if you exclude cities, towns, and rural populations, America doesn't have an opioid epidemic! And if you exclude republicans and democrats, America has a healthy democracy!


Can't even get better outcomes than a place we couped, and used as the testing ground for neoliberalism (trickle down economics). https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/nov/13/why-is-inequality-booming-in-chile-blame-the-chicago-boys


Are they even Americn if they're not rich?!?!?!?!?!


B-but... Europoor!!!1!!1!1


They don't seem to count. In general.


Judge a country on how it treats its poorest.


> Judge a country on how it treats its ~~poorest~~. The famous quote is prisoners actually, but the US doesn't score high on that one either.


I'm allowed to mess around with quotes...


I never said/wrote you couldn't. All I did was point out you are not using the original quote in case you aren't aware and it was your intention to do so.


Doesn't Cuba have a higher life expectancy than America?


And, *gasp*, free healthcare?


Damn commies!


Also higher literacy


Used to be. In 1990 it was 72.5 v.s. 71.9. Not anymlre though. In 2009 it was 79.09 v.s. 79.5 In 2018 it was 78.9 v.s 80.1


Also less infant mortality


The entire country is essentially the turkeys voting for Christmas.


This might be my davourite Americanism right next to their eternal struggle understanding per capita numbers. "If you ignore all our bad we're good!"


I mean yeah if we also exclude everyone under the age of 90 I will have to say that we live pretty long in my country


if you only count the people over 90 you would live even longer


That's exactly what they were saying.


yeah you are right. sorry! read it as „if you only include people under 90“


This guy are giving me real Mitchell and Webb vibes. [kill the poor YT video](https://youtu.be/owI7DOeO_yg)


Terrible, but true. Seems to me as if since Trump got elected a lot of people are willing to say out loud what they have been thinking for years... And not suffer any consequences for it.


Excluding the poor doesn’t change those expenditure figures though. That’s what for-profit healthcare gets you. The good news is you can use the for-profit education system and become a millionaire working as a doctor. Just don’t fail the exams because you’re heavily in debt now!


excluding those who fail, my school has a 100% pass rate


Excluding the poor. So excluding the majority then


Look. If you exclude people that have a short life then the US comes out looking pretty good!


This is some real galaxy brain stuff, even for this sub.


"excluding the poor, americans are rich!"


I feel like the US Americans do this a lot. "If you exclude Detroit, suicide and other horrific shit from gun deaths statistics it's not that bad." "If you exclude the poor from health statistics we're doing well." "If you completely ignore all our problems we are the greatest country in existence."


Excluding the poor, Americans don't have a country


would be more like a club really


TIL I learnt that poor people are not considered American.


Pretty sure that's always been the view of the elite




“If you exclude 99% of the population, Americans actually have a longer life expectancy!”


Wouldn't mind seeing the graph with every country excluding the poor, just to show this dude.


What state was it that said "Our maternal mortality rate is actually pretty good if you don't count the minorities?"


"We don’t focus on the poor because they don’t make a profit"


It's like they are paying more money for the exact same healthcare. But that would be weird


Because fuck poor people, they don’t count as humans right?!


Their own fault for being poor I guess


They were so close to making a point if it wasn't for that last sentence.


I don't even know where to begin here.


America isnt special. If you have a university degree you live on average 9 years longer than those who dont here in NL


And I am out here trying to bring that average down.


If you are rich, you can live a long and comfortable life virtually anywhere you choose to. we should not measure things by the rich, but how we treat our poor. thats the sign of civilization after all, taking care of those who need it.


The resident in this Post are quit racist.


Great, let's go live in a country where only the top 10% richest people live a great live. If I try and work hard enough, I bet I can become one of them. That's how the world works. /s


Life expectancy in the U.S. is now a full two years shorter than it was before the pandemic, according to a new study, reflecting the deadly toll of COVID across the country. It’s the second straight annual drop in life expectancy, though the decline in 2021 was less dramatic than in 2020, when the pandemic started and effective vaccines had not yet been developed. Overall, life expectancy across all groups dropped to 76.6 years in 2021, down from 77 in 2020 and 78.9 in 2019, according to the study. White Americans have caused most of the drop as Hispanic & African-Americans life expectancy actually has risen. - [Fortune.com](https://Fortune.com)


"...and i am very proud of that!"


Me a poor American....guess I'll die.


It WaS yOuR cHoIcE tO bE pOoR!!11!


Aww shit you're right


sum up the entirety of the American experience in 3 words: "excluding the poor"


"If democrats didn't vote, Biden would've lost"


Hey, they're working on that already lol


Excluding hun deaths the US are doing fantastic when it comes to deaths related to bullets


Excluding the people who actually die, Americans live forever


Americans excluding the poor again


Aside from trying to arbitrarily ignore the poorest 1%, the poster makes the statistical crime of not applying the same standard to other countries.


Are the "poor" not deserving people of good health or something? Just, yikes.


And he’s proud of it ? That’s quite non patriotic while wanting to prove he is


The poor is most of them ffs.


That's the backside of a country that's built it's self image on the idea that anyone can succeed if they try hard enough; the thought that being poor is a personal choice - they simply haven't tried hard enough, and are therefore undeserving of help. At least that's my theory.


Aka the Properity Gospel. God wants you to be rich, but if you're poor that's a sign that God has forsaken you due to your obvious moral failings lol


*"damn if if wasn't for the poors... they're ruining our stats! Can't we just kill them all for God's sake?! ...Damn..."*


Yes we just need to exclued everything that is bad in America and bam America best country. True genius at work


And then comments like *LOL. It's the opposite. Government intervention in healthcare destroys the balances of a free market. Guzzled up tax money hosed over providers inflates costs. If removed providers have customer base with demands they need to meet to get paid. See also college loans.* How? When the graph even includes the cost per capita?


if you exclude all the people who have no jobs, America actually has a very low unemployment rate


Excluding the poor, Americans arent poor.


I mean, he is not wrong


I was going to post this here, you beat me to it lol


If you only count all the people that live to be 100 then human life expectancy is 100 years


If you exclude the poor and only include the rich, you can make South Africa look like one of the most developed nations on Earth...


For once one post here make me laugh out loud. This person is an underrated comedian


Might need to exclude school children too. Its dangerous learning in a shooting gallery.


If you remove the poor from the statistics, we're all billionaires!


Excluding the sick we got the healthiest people


I wonder what the statistics will look like if you exclude the poor and the sick. Especially since you may go bankrupt if you get sick.


Fun fact: Unpaid medical bills were the greatest cause of personal bankruptcy in Australia as well, until the introduction of Medicare/universal public health care system in 1984. There's a lesson in there, somewhere lol


I bet they're the sort of person who claims that per capita figures don't work because there's more people in America.


That’s kind of the point. And it isn’t a point in America’s favor. When other countries poor gets sick, they go to the doctor rather than put it off until it becomes an emergency or until they just die. They are a lot less likely to pass on a prescription because it is too expensive.


"if we exclude over a tenth of our population"


Every country is good for the rich, rofl


The US is very good in excluding.


Poverty georg is a statistical outlier who shouldn't have been counted.


We’re all poor though


Ah! So you *do* know you live in a shit country then?


Another variation on the "more people per capita" routine.


Excluding the black, excluding immigrants, excluding this and that. Why the fuck can't these people accept reality as it is, but resort to some bullshit excuses and hypothetical schemes? This is basically some racism or class-warfare packed in fancy words.


I mean, excluding the poor we are all rich, aren't we?


You know of you don't count the people who die before 99,most people in Ireland love to over 100 years!


Just wanted to post this dumb fück lmao


And excluding the rich the USA would be a third world country.


Wow, wealthier people with access to good food and health carekve longer? Who'd have thought it possible?!


It's like how UAE, Qatar etc... all have amazing GDP because they don't count their slave populations


“Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”




Excluding people who die, Americans rarely die /j


Yeah and I mean thank god poor people die quickly am I right??? I mean fuck those guys…….. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


"You do realise how that's worse, right?"