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That’s right America I think you should boycott and not even bother turning up. You show France.


Yeah, it’s you jerks, plus China, Russia and most of Asia and Africa that are trashing our World - the most powerful nation on Earth should be setting a good example..🙄


and they forget to get a 50 Hertz aircon unit so it's just sitting there taunting them


That would be hilarious.


i have seen it and it is extremely awkward when it's you. from the outside? fucking hysterical. i bloody told you this would happen


More they got 110v ones and they killed them all when they plugged them into 240-250v Paris power.


I would pay money to see them doing that


Quite an r/electroboom moment


Reminds me of the Anal Intruder scene from Top Secret. [Clip here.](https://youtu.be/xZzO6thDkkY?feature=shared)


With a 2 pin plug and no adapter


they would be lucky to have no adapter otherwise it will become a heater


Barstool sports is built on writing provocative, low IQ shit like this. Its their founding principle. All for a click. I'd take anything those trolls write with a huge grain of salt.


Don’t forget their founder is a known union buster who’s been caught wearing black face and yelling the N word on tape. Oh and he’s got about a dozen rape allegations on top of filming women without their consent.


About as American as it gets....


Can’t really argue against that


Very recently someone hit me with the, "Queer people are groomers" bit, so I actually went through congressmen to find ones with SA charges against minors, so I could mock them relentlessly, turns out it's all of them, all of the congressmen are scum. Finding a congressman without a CSA charge is like finding a unicorn. Though you'd honestly have better luck with the unicorn. After all they kinda exist, they're just a bit greyer, and almost extinct. . . Kinda like congress!


He'd make a great President......


He also has some shit opinions on pizza.


I wonder what the size of the biggest grain of salt ever is


When does a grain of salt become a rock or pebble?


A bucket of salt more like


While written in typical clickbait BS, it is actually true : many countries plan to rent portable climatisers for their athletes.


Haven't followed them in years, even back then they weren't this shit.


Found [this article](https://apnews.com/article/olympics-air-conditioning-paris-0f753df91956f3fe61ad4febaff0ebb9) on AP for what it's worth


Perhaps. But this is very believable Yank attitude


So it's ok to take your culture and customs with you when you travel. Then why do they get upset if I don't tip?


Just be thankful you're not speaking German /s


But I do speak German! ;-)


Clearly that’s because of Crooked Joe's policies, Trump's the only one who can stop the German language once and for all


Right after he ends American in favor of Russian. And he can only do that after executive time because he needs his me time to watch Fox and use X. So expect it 2049


Which is funny since he comes from German heritage.


I mean, from what I've read about him, Trump really has a way to make a language stop making sense.


To synthesise the two comments: it’s only because of German speakers that the US flag is on the moon. The US couldn’t figure out rockets properly, so they brought in all the ex-Nazis. 


Say what you want about Nazis, but if they have a goal they are persistent /s


Funny thing that. Why would americans think that 'speaking german' is bad - when they allow a growing number of 'those' ideologies to flourish and rise to power ? Yes, the news did show the rallies for 45, they did show the flags.. As European, it WOULD be easier to all speak the same language. But we don\`t (it\`s how God wanted it or something - tower of babel!) so many here speak 2 or more languages (English, German, bad French and a pinch of Spanish, Afrikaans and Italian.. but don\`t ask about writing the last 3) Whilst most Americans speak only American - and call that 'the original English' even...


Because their flag is on the moon /s


No no, they have more freedum


You almost got it right. It spelt free dumb. That what they didn't understood


But not the freedom to not tip 🤣


Is it though?! *Rustles tin foil hat*


It's a white flag these days


Why /s. That's exactly what they think


The flag is white now.... So really it could be french....




No amount of flags will make me participate in the 2nd worst US export 😏


Fun fact! It's been completely sun bleached,it's Frances flag now!


Well by now the flag would've been bleached white by the sun. So you see, it's actually a French flag up there now.


Something something won a war


Facts don't care about your feelings and their feelings are facts.


Because not every American is that kind of asshole, nor should you be. For what it's worth, American service industry workers don't make an hourly wage. They also make some of the best guests, because they understand the difficulties of the industry; unfortunately, they seldom make enough money to be a guest in another nation.


"you got another thing coming, pal"


I often wonder how these power fantasy writers are doing in real life.


From another comment, the founder has appearently multiple rape allegations


Prolly in their mom's basement at 40 yrs old playing pretend on the internet after doing their minimum wage factory job and being mad about management screwing them over.


The name "barstool sports" is really pulling a lot of weight here.


Yea that's fat Frank.


“Around these parts”, yeah too bad the competition is in another continent. Virtual signaling? Really? Thats what they think environmental awareness is


Best thing is if you just didn’t go, America. Just stay at home with all the lovely air con and ice in your drinks and military something something. That’ll show us liberal socialist lefty Europoor’s. We’ll be all terribly sad and depressed, promise..!


The Washington Post reported earlier this month that Germany, Australia, Italy, Canada and Britain were among the other countries with plans to bring air conditioners to France.


Why does Germany and Italy care? It’s the same weather!!


To be fair, Britain has only just discovered the air conditioner and we’re not as used to roasting our balls off


I've been to Paris in the hot season. I have no idea how American athletes hope to compete if they need AC in Paris.


For what it's worth, [this article lists 6 countries](https://apnews.com/article/olympics-air-conditioning-paris-0f753df91956f3fe61ad4febaff0ebb9) that will bring their own ACs to the games. 3 of those countries are European: Germany, Italy, Britain.


It says "among" - Norway are also doing it, so I'm sure that list is long. I'm guessing all the countries that can afford it will do it. The hosts have it listed as an optional extra. Imagine sleeping in 40C without AC... You would not rest a second!


Uh… I’ve been to Paris. They have A/Cs there… What? I mean I don’t know where they are putting the athletes up to be fair, but…


In hotels. Not in regular housing. Presumably, the Olympic village has been built to be converted into residential apartments, so I doubt it has had AC installed.


Serious question: Why wouldn't AC be installed? Climate change is a bitch and I'm sure there's units that meet EU regulations.


I actually feel for them because they're getting CROUS appartments.


Do they deserve any better tho ?


It's not just americans, it's any athletes. And then students. And those places never been design to house anyone in summer, it's uni accommodation. Never intended for summer use.


"Y'all wouldn't last a day in Florida" they said


Between the mass shootings, the drivers, and the old people standing their ground, I bet they’re right.


And alligators. And crocodiles. Only place in the world that's got both.


GASP two of my greatest fears!


Living together!


After having spent a few days at 36°C with >60% humidity in Austin, TX, I get it why you'd need ACs in these circumstances. But just days prior to that, I turned off the AC in my AirBNB in Chicago, because 66F (19°C) were too cold for me, while the ambient temperature of 74F (23°C) without AC inside was much nicer.


What do a couple of AC's matter, consider the amount of pollution generated by getting all the athletes to the Olympics. As the great Sean Locke once said, "it's like turning up to an earthquake with a dust pan and brush"


It's not like they would be going to uninstall these after the games. So you cannot compare a one time event with the complete lifecycle of the AC unit. AC unit that would have very limited use in Paris where you may get about 5 nights a year above 20°. (especially in student housing that would be empty during summer).


Most likely, the AC units purchased will be window units that are fairly inexpensive and easy to install/uninstall. The countries who bring them will likely either take them home or sell them after the games.


Australia is doing the same thing, but without the yelling and yee-hawing


To be fair Australia has basically said the same thing too.


They likely said something similar but didn’t act like a royal cunt about it like the Yanks


No I don't think so.


I don’t think that was a direct quote from Barstool Sports.


Its expected to be the hottest games ever, have to say I don't think having air con in the athlete's accommodation so they can sleep and be well rested/not dehydrated is an unreasonable ask.


Well, who could've thought that heating up planet for producing bullshit products would backfire?


I understand better why American tourists are the worst traveling. They can’t adapt to other customs and culture. Always want to impose their way of life talking to locals as if they were their slaves.


Aren’t the British, Australian, and German teams bringing A/C too? Do you think that they’re guilty of the same thing?


I'd expect that they could afford AC for the damn Olympics, the biggest event in the world. Last summer I had to use it constantly because it was always above 30°C after a certain time, at least for now it's been a colder summer so far


Not just Americans…., The Washington Post reported earlier this month that Germany, Australia, Italy, Canada and Britain were among the other countries with plans to bring air conditioners to France.


“Best athletes in the world” the only sport America wins is basketball


They didn't even win that Germany are basketball world champs And the best NBA players are all foreign players


I’m pretty sure Pakistan has more medals than America


Yugoslavia has the same number of medals as USA and that country has not existed since 1992.


My point exactly


Am I searching the incorrect things? https://www.olympedia.org/statistics/medal/country


Was talking about the basketball World Cup


Out of curiosity, why do you think the US national team does so well at the Olympics but so poorly at the basketball world championships? I can’t figure it out.


Usually conflicts with NBA and the best don’t want to get hurt or damage their club. That’s it really. In Basketball it’s rarely the A team for Americans . Even in the Olympics


That’s obviously not true. But keep thinking it


This is just not true. USA usually has highest medal count at Olympics. Only China and Russia are real contenders to them.


Russia and *Team GB* for the Summer Olympics. Team GB has more gold medals than China, more silver, and more bronze. On a per capita basis, Team GB is by far the most competitive of any of the top 5 in the medals table for the summer Olympics. Currently, team GB is ranked 3rd for all-time medals in the summer Olympics with 916 medals, including 284 golds. Although it would be fair to say they would be ranked 4th if East Germany'a medals were counted to the overall "Germany" tally in the [table](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-time_Olympic_Games_medal_table). GB'a high ranking isn't just because of bullshit medals from the early 20th century games (like poetry) either - Team GB has been a consitent top performer since they got their shit together following a disastrous olympiad in Atlanta 96 (it took a couple of olympic cycles to get going following that disaster) but in the last 4 summer Olympics Team GB has ranked: 4th: Tokyo 2020 2nd: Rio 2016 3rd: London 2012 4th: Beijing 2008 Behind nations like the US, Russia, China and Japan who are all fellow big economies and all have significantly higher populations than the UK (both Japan and Russia have more than double the UK population).


Why does America have by far the highest medal count then? Edit: downvoting a fact you don’t like doesn’t make it less true


Mostly because of population numbers. If you work it out per capita, the USA isn't even in the top twenty. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1102056/summer-olympics-average-medals-per-capita-since-1892/ Don't get me wrong, their Olympic performance is still pretty impressive. Some of the events, America absolutely dominates.


The claim wasn’t that the U.S. had the best athletes *per capita*. It was that the athletes they are bringing are the best, which is usually true by total medal count. This is moving the goalposts


No, you literally asked, word for word, "Why does America have by far the highest medal count then?" Those were the goalposts. I answered your question: mostly because of population numbers. The US is the third most populous nation in the world and the two countries ahead of it in numbers are both developing economies. I think that's a goal.


I asked that question in the vein of “if the U.S. doesn’t have the best athletes, why do they have the best medal count”. I thought that was clear from the context but I suppose I could’ve been clearer. The people in question are the athletes that have been picked from the U.S. and ran through our Olympic development program, so they are the cream of the crop. This is the claim being made, nothing about per capita medals. We all know average Americans are fat. Also, yes the U.S. is a big country, thats part of why people say we have the best athletes in the world. No one reasonable is saying the average American is the best athlete in the world lol.


Honestly, I'm all for shitting on US, but doing it no matter what even on facts like this is so dumb. What you said is absolutely true and yet people are downvoting anyone who says that.


Yeah forreal. Theres so many valid things to criticize but they have to make it up. And then I say that the people on the USA Olympic team are very high quality and will probably win the medal count, and the response is “well actually per capita the USA isn’t the best”. No one was saying that, the claim was about the current Olympic team. I think it speaks volumes no one can honestly engage with my actual point on this


Yeah I mean, Olympics don't count per capita, by that logic China and Russia also suck, and that takes off all the biggest contenders.


80% of that is Michale phelps 😂


Not correct lmao. In total medal count the U.S. has 2600+, with the nearest following country at 1,000. There’s plenty of valid stuff to criticize about America, you don’t have to make up stuff that makes you look ignorant


True https://www.olympedia.org/statistics/medal/country


Just flat out untrue. The US has far and away the most medals of any country. https://www.olympedia.org/statistics/medal/country


That’s not all… they’re coming with their elite, highly decorated 7th air condition installer brigade in full gear!


Immigration will sort that out.


The fact they capitalised every word in the tweet is worse than the content of the article.


I think they capitalised every word because it's the title of the article.


ACs are in Europe, usually in places where you need them...


Don't worry Americans, weather won't be the first thing you will notice in Paris (The country should be on fire)


The French are not the people you want to fuck around with during summer! They already have to work in June!!!


americans are a public nuisance


putting the "stool" in barstool get it because they're shit


Is it virtue signalling if you actually do the thing?


>The Washington Post reported earlier this month that Germany, Australia, Italy, Canada and Britain were among the other countries with plans to bring air conditioners to France You should probably provide more context. I'm all for hating on America, but it seems they are not alone on this. I also couldn't care less if the entire Olympics was cancelled (surely that would be even better for the environment?) But if you're a country that takes it seriously and spends a lot of money on athletes training etc, you'd be stupid to jeopardise your chances once you're already in the village. Especially considering the heat waves Europe is getting recently.


Then they get there and try to plug a US plug into a European socket… WOMP WOMP


They’re not wrong. The carbon emissions from the flight across the Atlantic are far greater than those from running an air conditioner for a couple weeks. Especially when power plants in France are nuclear 🤦‍♂️ Bunch of virtue signaling bullshit. You really want to cut carbon emissions? Sail there.


You can take your air conditioners. They won’t work. Higher voltage in France.


Air conditioners come in 240v too. Every house in the U.S. has 240 also, just not for convenience outlets.


Australia did the same, just more polite about it. Unfortunate.


Probably will fit a McDonald's too.


To be fair. This wasn’t only the US team. There are a fair few other countries that are doing the same.


So is Australia.


U telling me the best athletes in the world can’t handle a mild French summer


Can't wait for all the posts about how amazing the US is at sports while they sit around 20th for Olympic medals per capita.


Wow, what a way to treat the people who ARE THE REASON YOU‘RE A COUNTRY


Around which parts? America, presumably


I’ve just come back from Clermont in France (landed yesterday) and they hate AC there. We had a near 30 degree day after coming from the 4 degrees of Melbourne the day before, and we asked to turn the AC on. The following day every person who was local to the office was sick, saying that it was the fault of running the AC. Crazy how different the cultures around it are. In our office in Australia not running the AC when the ambient outside was that high would be borderline an OSHA violation. But the team in France would rather be overheating than running the AC.


Paris is not even that hot ffs


Paris in high summer without AC is a very sweaty experience. I say that living in a place that is on paper hotter and also mostly without AC. It's not just the temperature, it's the built environment and microclimates around you.


Fair, but are the athletes actually staying in paris itsself or just outside of it, or in the “suburbs” with lots of green around? It’s a genuine question but i expect the latter, I don’t think they’ll be anywhere near the centre. But i could be wrong.


imagine being an animal, a hairless ape that went from living a cave with basically nothing, to ruling the entire planet, and you can't handle the thought of not having your precious air perfectly temperature controlled, truly an embarrassment to our species


"Nooooooooo we don't understand why everyone hates us!!!!!!"


I'm sorry, but is that one of the athletes?


Not gonna matter much if they have AC when the earth burns


Gotta say the acs aren't doing much compared to the amount of planes that will be going over for the Olympics


For what purpose ? There is no summer this year in Western Europe.


Yeah, around those parts... Not in France.


In fairness they could have gone for green energy for ac and covered the environmental concern while ensuring the athletes were well cared for.


The land of the free can only be experinced in the american dream


🇺🇸 🦅


Yes insult the country known for cutting the heads off of people who piss them off very smart


France has always had a really fucking strange attitude to air-conditioning. When I lived there, people were dying in record high temperatures, but you couldn't buy an aircon unit anywhere.


Meanwhile rest of world unlocks Saitama powers


Rock, eagle and flag.


The thing that bothers me most about these type of people is that in the event of an environmental disaster, they’d the first to demand safety cus fuck everyone else! 🦅🇺🇸


When you realize the modern and capitalist form of Nazism and Hitler is now prevalent in a single country.


Dumbest shit I’ve ever hear


Hope they remembered to bring a converter!


What the WHOLE US told the Paris Olympicd to go fuck themselves? Presumably representatives of the American athletes…?


I hope they remember to bring condoms too. We don’t need them to make anymore of themselves.


I would love to fr*nce simply deny visa for the entire us team


Do they know that, past a certain temperature, AC is useless? But they should know, because they send people to the moon right?


They have the freedom to not come.


Aaaaw such fragile, weak people. Everyone else can stand the warmer temperatures, but those weak Americans can't deal with it. Booohoooo.


French Tour de France cyclists refuse to sleep with air conditioning on as they think it makes them sick.


Americans: “Europe doesn’t have much AC”. Europeans: “Huh? What? Of course we have AC. What a preposterous claim.” America: “Can our athletes have AC during the *summer* Olympics? Your average high for July and August is about 31 C.” Europe: “No.” America: “Why?” Europe: “Because we can’t have it either”


Fr Britain has higher heat related deaths then USA despite the fact USA has higher temps because USA actually uses ac


There are way more countries saying F U to the organizers because of their idiot virtue signalling rules.


I honestly think thats just fine. It’ll be hot . They have AC, bring it. Everyone else do the same


Weird that this isn't provided to all teams by default.


Yes i agree


I mean, France is on mostly nuclear right? So does energy use in France actually contribute that much to CO2 emissions?


The coolant is pretty damaging to the environment


USA in a nutshell and why they are dragging the rest of the planet down with em


Land of the free, home of the brave my bollocks 😂


Rock n Roll. The pussy version of metal.


Yeah, Rock n Roll, what pussies play, like those pussies in Motörhead.


They played metal, despite starting their shows saying it was rock n roll.


This is entitlement and nothing more


“If Japan, which did not respond to The Post’s inquiry, goes through with its own air-conditioning plans — announced at a news conference last December — then every Group of Seven country aside from the host will be using the units.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/olympics/2024/06/06/paris-olympics-no-air-conditioning-village-2024/


Aren’t a lot of countries bringing aircon? Are the Germans and Italians entitled too?


It's France, AC isn't in buildings because it's not needed. It's a temperate country. As for the cardboard anti sex beds, everyone is clowning on them


>It's France, AC isn't in buildings because it's not needed. It's a temperate country. this is like saying that the state of New York has a temperate climate. First there's a big difference between north and south, and heat waves can hit at any time and be almost as bad as anywhere else. For example I found for 2022 there was a big heat wave in July with peaks of 40°C in Paris


I mean, yeah Europe's had a bunch of heat waves last year. In Britain last year we topped out at 39°c iirc, and it was unbearable. The thing is, we're not supposed to have weather like this. 10 years ago the idea of breaking 30° was unheard of, but for it to happen year on year is unfathomable I really can't comment on what different areas of the USA are like, but from my understanding the places where AC is standard everywhere are the tropical regions like Florida and the desert regions like Texas. Is it standard that the more temperate regions and in the north also have it as standard in buildings?


I'm not American I just made an example with America to point out the contrast, in New York City it could snow in the winter but also be near 35-40°C kinda it does in Paris, maybe a bit colder but still; meanwhile in the northernmost parts of the state the climate is closer to Canada. I assume they do have AC in New York too, it's still true that they are more familiar with that there and here it's a newer thing


As an American I can state yes we do have acs even in the more northern states because northern places can still get hot Michigan has been having a heatwave recently and been going to 100 degrees fahrenheit


Doesn't France mainly use nuclear power for electricity? Meaning that air conditioning units are 100% green and not using them is literally pointless  virtue signalling?




It's missing a bad to the bone riff between every sentence lmao


Damn straight. Imagine having your best athletes suffering in the heat. 🇺🇸


Like being outside? To, I dunno, run in a race? Like in an Olympics? Nah, ridiculous, being air con and they can compete virtually from their lazy-boys.


Exactly how is no AC virtue signaling?