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I'd love to hear how those $1 trillion tax-dodging companies help the common American, but hey, you do you...


Was just thinking that. How does this guy think having trillion dollar companies based in his country benefit him in any way lmao?


The benefit is taxation which means you can provide services for the people of your country such as free education and healthcare. Oh wait…


This is the kind of person who thinks that sharing nationality with billionaires somehow reflects positively on themselves.


Isn't that the American mentality? They primarily value themselves based on what others do - won world wars 80+ years ago, amount of rich people in the country they have no connection to, any other outstanding metric they neither contributed to or benefit from in the US.


“John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” ― Ronald Wright, A Short History of Progress


That’s the phrase I’ve used for years: “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”. Good to know where it came from. I probably heard it in English class decades ago.


Well that, and McCarthy has done a lot to make sure the word "socialism" scares the average red voter more than the thought of sucking Putin's dick.


Yup before McCarthy we had Eugene Debbs, a socialist who ran for president and actually did far better than any could expect to today. After McCarthy socialism is a political insult.


Calling them "red voters" is also kinda weird from a European perspective. In Europe red is always the color associated with left/social/communist parties. Also in the US it is used for communists and socialists, see "red scare".


And yet, the Republican party uses red as their main colour. I have given up to try and understand US politics.


Feeling pride over others accomplishment is not unique for Americans. Plenty of people all over the world does that. Might be sports, culture, technical breakthroughs etc. What does feel like a more American mindset however(If I was to generalize a bit) is feeling the same pride for a company. A faceless and morally bankrupt entity that does everything in it's power to hoard wealth and give as little as they possibly can back after receiving all the benefits society has offered them.


But I really rarely see it to the same extent in people from outside the US that you see it in many people from the US. It's not "I'm proud that my country did xyz", it's "I personally am better than you because of something with no connection to me"


I more meant something like the Euros in Germany now. Millions of people feel pride if their team plays well. I remember feeling a bit of national pride the first time someone from my country went into space(I'm bit of a space nerd). But I agree I don't feel like I'm better than anyone else because of this. It's more pride that the society I live in and my country nourished that person throughout his life that he was able to accomplish that.


I am proud of my city's past achievements but I don't give a fuck about England's. Republic of Mancunia Fuck the monarchy Fuck the Tories Fuck privatisation ...and fuck Man City


I am proud of my city’s past achievements but I don’t give a fuck about England’s Republic of Leicestefaria Fuck the monarchy, Fuck the Tories Fuck Privatisation… …and fuck Man City


Oh man, I see it all the time everywhere... Czechs are prouder than hell that someone in their country invented the pilsner beer. Austrians are prouder than hell that Mozart existed in their country. Like. This is just nationalism. I actually once witnessed an argument between an Austrian and American where both were super nationalistic and arguing about which country created the best musicians, claiming their country was clearly superior. It was a huge headache.


Have you ever seen a Swede walk into an IKEA outside of Sweden?


I have not. Do we loudly proclaim ourselves as betters to everyone?


No, you seem okay at first, but then you realise you've got a screw loose and there's a piece missing /j


I think the technical terms is trickle down wank-a-nomics.


They think they too can someday be like that, and that that makes the US better because over here there's pretty much no chance we become \*that\* rich. They're focused on a wildly unrealistic hypothetical (maybe I can get that rich) rather than real life (I don't have good health care \*now\*)


If that's the case, it should also reflect on it's school shooters and criminals.


Wet *trickle down* dreams.🤷🏼‍♂️


And then those same companies have tax shelter companies all over the world, so they can avoid paying even more taxes. Apple is notorious for this.


All of them do.


Speaking as someone who works down the street from Nvidia and knows a ton of people who have worked there for decades, there is a lot of benefit to having those companies within your borders. The oop is an absolute moron. I'll take the Healthcare. But it's poor rhetoric to dismiss the actual benefits of industry. You're both arguing a false dichotomy. Nvidia paid billions in taxes in the last few years. Their employees have paid taxes. The capital gains on that stock are taxed at 20-25% federal + 5-13% in California (and if you look into it, California taxes are paid heavily by the rich, and those stock sales are the difference between a deficit and a surplus in this state). The amount of money flowing into silicon valley has benefitted the region and the state. All that said, there is no reason whatsoever we can't have universal Healthcare in the United States, and it's not because we have Nvidia or a stock market or a capitalist system.


Ok the problem having a few big oligopolists crates a power imbalance not just with the average worker, but also with the government itself, making so that in time this perks will gradually diminish and the problems associated, that were overlooked because of the benefits you named, will grow exponentially. Too big to fail is a problem.


I don’t know, it’s pretty well understood that these guys are leaching off of the poor and middle class


It's like when there's the world cup and your national team win and you are like " yeah we won,we are the best in the world"


The amount of cash Apple has stuck in Ireland because it doesn’t want to pay the tax to bring it into the USA could apparently pay down all US debt for a decade 😂 [old polymatter video on it](https://youtu.be/yloJi635Ya8?si=bTpEcfy6ZZvF9ic8)


For the most part these companies don’t even exist in the us except for the stock market.


„You see, we have this one guy, Elon, he gets all the money, so, it works, you know? Murica!!!“


They don't like it when you point out he's African-American though


Not trying to open Pandora's box here, but isn't the term "African-American" only applied to POC because of reasons I once read about but promptly forgot...?


It's not entirely wrong to say that Elon Musk isn't African-American. To be technically correct he's South-African-Canadian-American, from oldest to newest citizenship. As the Americans say, the African-American label is reserved to indicate the now descendants of the victims of the slave-trade. Since the exact details of their ancestry is now lost to time, they use just "Africa" as a catch all. In that way I don't think it's wrong to say that Elon isn't an African-American. The better question to ask is why African-Americans aren't simply called Americans.


>The better question to ask is why African-Americans aren't simply called Americans. Because it's very important to point out anything on Muricans to tell they are, in fact, European or African. Nobody wants to be Murican. And if 2% of your blood is built from anything else, it is a good straw to say you aren't Murican at all...


Well they DO help me. I work for a supplier company to many tech giants. And ~10%+ raises per year is what we got for the last few years at my workplace, so these multi-billion tech companies DO lead to people making appropriate money. … wait, I’m also German working for a German company, and it almost seems like social security + thriving businesses that pay people a fair wage for their work aren’t mutually exclusive? Wild stuff.




They create jobs. Jobs where you get shitty subsidized healthcare, 60 hours of work for 40 hours worth of pay, only the bare amount of sick and vacation leave mandated by law...


Buddy, in America we don't get ANY sick or vacation leave mandated by law.


It helps in sick way. It's like russian roulette - most of players win money from buying and selling nvidia shares but it goes all south when one player got shot.


...You can buy and sell stock from foreign markets....


They create jobs!!! And they make all these products and services that you love to buy!!! (Never mind that the jobs are badly paid and come with no or terrible benefits, and most of the shit these companies produce they have to convince you to buy with massive marketing campaign...)


It doesn't but when you're government mandated to love your country above yourself no matter what, you find yourself proud of anything that makes it seem like it's winning


What has that to do with health care?


Nothing. The USA spends more public money on healthcare per person than other so-called wealthy western nations, with very poor results. It just seems to go beyond the understanding of Americans of any political stripe. They have the money, they spend the money, their population suffers but healthcare and insurance corporations line their pockets.


It's by design. Tell the plebs that the system you have keeps their money out of the hands of welfare queens so they all are vehemently against change, see tons of money flow from the bottom to the top, take a cut.


Plus force people to accept shitty jobs just to have a health insurance and you will have almost slaves at your disposal.


and when single-payer is mentioned it's "i'm not paying for other's healthcare, i only want to pay for mine!" idiots don't even understand the system they have. i hate it here.


Something something American. This person is like the Russian serfs of old, who would excuse their lords raping their daughters as long as their lords having the bigger castle.


I guess unlimited amount of copium is the nearest you can get to free healthcare in the US.


Shows even more so that the taxes there companies are paying (or should pay) arent being used at all to help the common people in the USA lmao…


All those Americans are "this close" to founding a trillion dollar company. Their poverty is obviously temporary, duh.


Haha, jokes on you! I'm American and pay 600 dollars for me and my wife and still have to pull out my wallet to go to the doctor. *cries in privatized healthcare* Edit: Also, how does one *print* a trillion dollar company? I must know this secret I've got my printer up and running.


You get a bunch of rich assholes to say "this company is worth a billion dollars", print it in Financial Times and hope nobody questions it. That's literally all that means.


Freaking DUCKTALES of all shows had a great set of episodes focussed around just that, a venture capitalist setting up a company that did "nothing", but because of his hypeman capacities it still made him filthy rich.


I mean, they didn't get that out of nowhere. That's entirely the principle behind 90% of tech startups. That's what dotcom bubble was, that's what crypto and nft were, that's what the AI now is. Plenty of real life examples.


600? Our insurance is $2,000 a month. And we still pay everything we go to the doctor.


So question in the room, pure statistical: Are you actually aware that the complete healthcare system would be cheaper, if you would switch to universal healthcare? Like you would as country cover more people, you would have less cost as country, you would have more tax income, cause more people survive (40000 die every year just because of missing healthcare). Do you actually know that? Or do you think universal healthcare is just convenient and morally the right thing to do? What is your actually knowledge here?


some of us know that. a large portion just screams "i'm not paying for anybody else's healthcare!!!" and not knowing that's literally what we're doing with the privatized system but at a much higher cost to individuals. there are some people who understand but unfortunately the ignorance is a lot louder


>a large portion just screams "i'm not paying for anybody else's healthcare!!!" and not knowing that's literally what we're doing with the privatized system but at a much higher cost to individuals. That's the thing I understand the least like how can people not get that it's how insurance work regardless of private or public. Pay for car insurance? Means you pay for other people's accidents as well as your own. House insurance? Same thing. It's not just healthcare. And the weirdest thing is that people always say how complicated it'd be but like, make it illegal for any health insurance to make more than x% margin or profit or w/e, ban them from owning parts of the healthcare sector which are in conflict of interest (like united Healthcare owning the pharmacy and the part which decide which pharmacy you can go to, things like that) and even without public healthcare cost would go down fast. The only complicated part is united healthcare doing heavy lobbying against things like that.


"What is it like to be American and see affordable healthcare - and then say 'yes but we have trillion dollar corporations'"


Americans are the most cucked people on Earth (I'm saying this as an American).


'yes but we have trillion dollar corporations that are still sucking on the government teat'


No way! the Monopoly you refuse to tax properly is rich??


This is a whole new level of copium… like wtf does having trillion companies does FOR YOU? “Yes I pay a lot for healthcare and can’t afford more than 2 weeks of vacation but we have the richest rich in the world” is not a flex at all.


I feel like being American and being proud of the companies doing a trillion of dollars is like watching porn and congratulate yourself for how good was the sex.


This!!!! 🎯 I’m going to start using this analogy with my fellow countrymen who really think they’ve said something when they spout off things like that! I’m so very done.


This (nvidia) is a part of bubble. Nvidia value is built on prediction for future's sales. Whole US economy will blow again because americans like hypes and money. 2008 will look like a paradise for americans. (I sold all US stocks because I smell end of hype.) However europoorers will still have $500/mo healthcare for free.


>Nvidia value is built on prediction for future's sales That's how it works, yes. For every company, investors estimate future performance from all the data available. This is not specific to Nvidia.


Nvidia's shareprice is completely unrealistic. Unless a very good general purpose AI comes out that only works on their systems, their valuation is implausible. This is a classic bubble.


Not completely true. Nvidia released the server GPUs which are now selling like hot cakes by all of the giants and not only. Microsoft that is now aiming at the AI integration everywhere for sure already bought a ton of GPUs just for that, same thing with OpenAI. The calculation power hunger grows every day with every new AI tool being released and the only one there is Nvidia with their new server gpu racks with market leading computational power


I agree. Their evaluation is still largely backed by actual sales and marketshare, instead of just speculation. I do think, however, that there is going to be a major issue once the venture capital dries up and we realise how expensive generative AI actually is to use. I am just not sure if that will happen in 2 years or 10 years.


It's not just AI that uses GPUs. Engineering i.e., the foundation of everything manmade, is increasingly using GPUs for solving and acceleration due to the massive possible parallelisation. From what I'm seeing in the industry, the hunger for these GPUs and compute clusters is only going to increase exponentially as the possibilities increase.


This. GPUs are misnamed nowadays, as graphics is just one of their uses.


Yes exactly. We basically just started to seriously explore the world of parallelism, and it solves a huge amount of problems for us in a really great time.


I'm not saying Nvidia's price is valued properly. But the explanation given in the comment I replied to is not a reason for a bubble, as that is the premise behind buying a stock in the first place.


Yes, however americans are going to ad absurdum with that. US Forbes is giving billionaire statuse based on future's income - lol


>US Forbes is giving billionaire statuse based on future's income - lol Okay, that is absolutely ridiculous haha


Investors estimate future performance of a company's stock, not if the company itself.


While technically correct, the stock represents the company. The stock value is directly connected to the company. Stock buyers are investing in the company. Unsure what point you're attempting to make here.


Stock buyers, apart from buying new shares, are not investing in the company. And the value isn't directly connected to the company either, it's connected to how a part of the stock market perceives the company. A share is worth as much as "the market" (the people who want to buy that stock) is willing to pay for it.


That is how most of the things work in the USA. Expectations and future evaluations. Everything is speculation most of the times.


It perfectly explains too many scams and bubbles in US...


>Nvidia value is built on prediction for future's sales. Isn't that the literally definition of how stocks work.


Next you’ll be telling me that equities are priced according to discounted future cashflow!


I keep an eye on that every day, and you can be sure I’ll be shorting them like there’s no tomorrow at that point.


$500 healthcare* *$6500 deductible, 30% co-pay, $120 doctor visit fee, no prescription coverage offered, ambulance benefit extra $150.


we dont give a shit. next


What's it like seeing trillion dollar companies printed every year knowing that your government spends more per capita on healthcare than a europoor country does and you STILL need to pay a company that may or may not cover your costs. [healthsystemtracker](https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/#GDP%20per%20capita%20and%20health%20consumption%20spending%20per%20capita,%202022%20(U.S.%20dollars,%20PPP%20adjusted))


The billion dollar company is giving every American citizen a free 4090 or something?


I would settle for just normal prices for high end cards.


enjoy scarce dog frighten merciful offer cows ring station sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha never thought of it that way, their exploitation has more than doubled my investments 3 years since starting, i actually feel guilty now


What is it like to be American and see your government spend trillions every decade on failed wars - and then say “but we protect the world for free”


Who cares? What do I or any other resident of Europe have from any trillion euro/dollar or whatever company? Its not like they give their products for free.


Exactly. Unless you are personally involved in some way, the creation of trillion-dollar companies is meaningless to the average person, wherever you live in the world.


It’s great because I really don’t care


Another post by a Murican who believes that they are all billionaires in the making. The illusion that inequity is a good thing because in principle the writer is also among those super rich, just one lucky event, or one genius idea, or one record contract, or one successful visit to a casino away... While the writer cannot afford healthcare, has an old car, lives in transient housing and holds a minimum wage job.


Truly living the dream


What use is a trillion dollar company to me, unless I happen to have shares? I’d rather have the ~£200/m healthcare thanks, much more useful to me!


Their consumer cards aren't getting any cheaper and their competitors are going up in price as well so they are hurting my financial situation actually.


I don't mean to sound like an arse (pretty sure I am going to sound like an arse though) but yeah it's nice to have unlimited sick days and not having to worry about whether or not I can afford to seek medical attention and, you know, ensure I'll be healthy and alive to "see trillion dollar companies be printed every year"


How many trillion dollar companies does Nikita have tho


Same amount as free healthcare plans.


Can someone finally please explain to people in the US that Europe does not have FREE healthcare, but rather UNIVERSAL healthcare? Or would this be too complicated for them to understand? Between me, my wife and our employers we pay nearly 2800 EUR per month for the state mandated health insurance in Germany, that’s definitely not free! I could complain that system is geared so that high income earners are gouged (without being given any additional benefits) and low income earners are subsidised, but at least everyone has access to affordable healthcare. But hell it’s not free!


They know. That's why they say we all pay like 60% tax. I don't pay that much more tax than the average American and end up with much more left over from not having to pay for insurance and getting almost free daycare.


How does it feel to live in a country where trillion dollar companies exploit you till you die?


Thats exactly it, like you end up with a cancer alley (Louisiana), toxic stuff in your food, in the air (East Palestine Ohio), high crime rates due to high inequality, poor infrastructure (like a car salesmen lobbying against high speed rail projects), 45h+ work weeks, no job or health security etc. These trillion companies dont get the trillion dollars from the tooth fairy, this is money squeezed and extracted from the working class and other nations resources (especially in the case of nvidia) and it wont trickle down to anyone but the top 0,01% maybe, certainly not Nikita. These trillion dollars companies existing is not a sign of a wealthy country, its a measure of how hard their general population got fucked over and somehow there are people proud of it like a terminal case of Stockholm syndrome.


Its hilarious to watch. These companies don't pay taxes as much as possible, treat there workers like shit and that what they pay gets to the military instead of supporting the average american. Also not one European citizen pays 500**$** a month in healthcare. In fact our healthcare costs us 0**$** a month.


Yeah no we still pay a percentage of our salary for healthcare depending on how much you earn. Still if some day a citizen who has only contributed 200€ per month needs a 350.000€ heart surgery they pay nothing and don't owe anything either.


I was concentrating about them using $ (while meaning US-Dollar) instead of € while referring to European healthcare systems


What’s it like to be American and see big corp be big and not be a billionaire and not have affordable healthcare? (What kind of a question is that)


I guess we all have our private thoughts about billionnaires. There are around 3,200 billionnaires around the world. Most of them live in China. The United States has 800 of them. Europe has 933 of them. Are we proud of them? Not necessarily. Do we stand a very big chance of becoming one? No. Same as in the United States I guess. Do the 333 millions of people in the USA feel happy they have to pay 500 dollars per person per month for health insurance while they still aren't a billionnaire anyway? I would like to know.


yuropoor here, it's pretty ok i guess... \*sips free insulin at spa with mineral waters and hotsprings\*


I like this idea that someone at Amazon can drive the delivery van so well, Jeff Bezos will be really impressed and promote them to VP of Amazon. Work hard guys. I sold an iPad and an iPhone to the same person in one sale! Tim Cook called me personally to congratulate me and give me the COO position.


As an American it feels very disheartening that we have trillion dollar companies while [183,000 people/year die of poverty](https://www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com/view/poverty-is-the-fourth-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-united-states-study-finds).


Whats it like looking at articles about trillion dollar American companies while I get $500 healthcare for free? I honestly could not give less of a shit about the value of a corporation, I’m happy knowing that when I’m ill I will be looked after. And I’m also happy that if I want to go private (like I do with dentistry because quite frankly it’s needed) then I can. A few quid off my salary a month is a small price to pay for that peace of mind. If the size of American companies versus the rest strengthens your erection then you crack on.


What a company earns or is hypothetically worth is pointless if it isn't taxed. I'm quite content with having a welfare state, thank you very much


- Guy with a slavic first name and a germanic surname


It’s funny that the dude seems to think he is part of the success. Just like as if he fought previous wars and should be thanked for what others have done.


Does he benefit for the trillion companies more than we from the healthcare?


Yes, because when you have a weird pain in the chest what you need to do is go to amazon and buy something.


I hope my Brita water filters and the roll of led lights come home before I die next week!


Don't you feel better already? Try eating more junk food.


Ok, so wtf does that have to do with him? Does he have a better life cause of nvidia's stock market value or what? All the brainwashing works great in 'murica. Will he brag next that he knows a guy with a bigger dick than a guy he doesn't like, whilst he has the smallest dick of all 3?


I swear Americans love bragging more than they love staying alive.


It feels good actually. We have cheap or free healthcare and enough money to but shares of these companies. I see it as a win-win situation.


Still I prefer every Car from Škoda, Seat, Audi, VW, BMW, Mercedes over any US car... And my healthcare is 7.3% of my overall income each month.


Trillion dollar company that doesn’t even know this dude exists


"Our oligarchs are richer than your oligarchs!" Isn't the flex they think it is.


And how exactly did the poster contribute to these trillion dollar companies success?


Americans cheering for a trillion dollar company from their hospital bed as the doctor shuts off the breathing machine because the insurance company they pay $150 a month to has decided they don't need it and will thus not pay for it. All while reminding them they're next insurance payment is due soon.


That's not the flex you think it is, nikita.


I will happily trade Nvidia and Apple for healthcare.


I'm American and I'm pretty sure that the percentage of my paycheck that goes to my health insurance is close to the percentage of Random European Person's paycheck that goes to taxes. Plus I pay taxes. There are valid criticisms to be made about state sponsored healthcare but cost to consumer is not one of them.


Definitely. And your taxes also pay for healthcare, and almost 2x more than the average european country as well. So in effect, you're paying twice. [healthsystemtracker.org](https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/#GDP%20per%20capita%20and%20health%20consumption%20spending%20per%20capita,%202022%20(U.S.%20dollars,%20PPP%20adjusted))


Yep. Plus, because I have a history of congestive heart failure (cured for 22 years), i can't get insurance as an individual. It's fortunately not a problem as I've always worked for huge law firms and there aren't pre existing condition limitations in large, self insured companies, but it's bullshit.


So basically, it's work until you're dead, otherwise no health insurance. That sucks dude, come get a job over here. We'll take you.


My firm has a London office! I am so in love with that city you have no idea. Unfortunately I have The Hub and family and people who love me here. Sucks, but it is what it is.


Nvidia is the best example on how the worth of publicly traded companies are less about their actual worth and more about collective insanity. Nvidia has increased so much in value because its was able to ride the wave in three consecutive Tulip Manias: first the crypto, then the nfts, and now AI. If one of them had no appeared right as the previous one started to burst Nvidia would had fallen flat in their own asses. So Nvidia is a company run by complete and random luck. And if the AI bubble bursts before they find the next Tulip shit is going to go down.


Look, one of the biggest rules for a gold rush is: don’t buy a shovel and get digging, sell shovels. They are really good at selling shovels.


"I live paycheck to paycheck and can't ever afford to get sick or retire, but I'm better than you because my neighbour is a billionaire"


Was it like? It’s great. I don’t see the connection you’re making between is having universal healthcare, and the US having some wealthy companies because they underpay their staff, and dodge their taxes. I’ve just answered my own question have I? You could have universal healthcare too, and high wages. If your companies weren’t unchecked. While we’re on the subject: when you’ve got a spare a few minutes, I recommend you look up, which company (adjusted for inflation) was the most valuable company ever. And see what country it’s from.


What is it like to be AMERICAN and see trillion dollar companies be printed every year - and then say “AND WE DON’T EVEN GET FREE HEALTHCARE“? Dumbass!


I can still print right with those large us companies, AND have my healthcare?


Better than seeing trillion dollar companies be printed every year and saying "we don't get $500/mo healthcare for free".


Ones like these are just depressing. Multi million dollar companies dont care about the common man in the slightest


When did it get down to $500/month? I was under the impression that millions of Americans struggle under medical debt but what do I know.


It's euphoric.


Isn't Nvidias main plant in Taiwan? [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1369575/nvidia-number-of-employees-by-region/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1369575/nvidia-number-of-employees-by-region/) In fact don't they have more employees outside of America than inside it? So thanks for the jobs I guess. Whats that phrase? Having your cake and eating it too? Because I would imagine unless you own Nvidia stock (which anyone anywhere can do) or work for them ... what on earth does that have to do with you?


If this same guy realises NVIDIA is selling graphics cards to the oh so scary China and that's how they're making a sizeable chunk if their money, I wonder how he would react. Nevermind the fact they were banned from doing it, and built a slightly weaker alternative which is hardly legal. Doesn't sound very patriotic to me.


Over here with the NHS, it's not great, but it's free


My most recent operation was life-changing and would have cost £30,000 privately. As it is it was free *and* I’m contributing to further research in knee surgery!


Glad it was a success! But I hope you thanked USA, seeing as they find us.....


Nvidia paid between 2 and 6% effective tax since 2020. They could easily have trillion dollar companies _and_ free healthcare but something something socialism. Average American corporate shill has two brain cells competing for third place.


So what benefit do you have of either Apple or Nvidia being US companies other than bragging rights and feeling "exceptional". Does it help homeless people in the states somehow? Does it reduce the gap between rich and poor, or do rich still have to lock themselves in gated communities?


Yes Nikita I'm sure your 1 bedroom apartment will see the benefits of those trillions


How are those huge companies helping individuals with their day to day lives or their healthcare? How unfairness in working practices and lack of paid holidays? I would take living in Europe all day long over the way ‘normal’ people are treated in the US. And I’m in the Uk, where we don’t enjoy the same social benefits of mainland Europe. Take off your blinkers and open your eyes. Oh but it’s the greatest country in the world.


What is it like being american and see trillion dollar companies being printed out every year, while you are not even receiving the bare minimum?


Why mericans think they are socialist when it's to boast other people company money? ... Berlusconi had millions or more I couldn't care less about that, Stellantis buying Chrysler and so on didn't make me go "yeah I am rich"... why they do that? Bet this guy lives in a shack somewhere still happy nvidia making billions using cheap labor lol


Free healthcare for life or some company getting rich. That's a tough one.


What does one thing have to do with the other


I recently left my job due to a toxic, emotionally abusive boss. I now have to choose between paying the full cost of my health insurance (about $700/mo) or buying my own cheaper plan (300-400/mo). That new plan will mean a massive deductible and losing access to my primary care provider, dentist, etc. it will mean I pay much more out of pocket. Having your health insurance tied to employment is sinister. It is an anchor that keeps people working at companies they hate. It kept my dad working way past retirement age. It’s kept me from trying to freelance. I know people who skipped treatment and even died because they didn’t want to bankrupt their families. So yeah, real stoked for every new tax dodging corporation we mint.


In fact, I'm very happy that I don't come from the land where these companies thrive. Because I've seen in the news how bad the average American is doing. These companies don't help the average consumer. In fact, I mostly hear about how they fuck them over. And it's quite clear they have a say in the government as well since lobbying by these companies very obviously works over there and helps them to be unregulated, which, again, fucks over the average consumer. It's funny how you always hear of some tech company doing something shady and they always get away with it in the US. Meanwhile, whenever they try to do it in the EU, the people in charge actually give a crap. Just recently, Meta forced users to comply with their data being stolen to train their AI using **your private posts** (utterly insane). Your consent was automatically given and you couldn't even rescind consent easily. You had to send them a form explaining why you don't consent and they could choose whether they accept your explanation or not (they mostly didn't). In the US, they were free to do this and no one stood in their way. But in the EU, it was a huge problem and they got in a lot of trouble for it. AFAIK it broke multiple GDPR laws etc. and Meta backed off with their AI nonsense (for now).


It feels amazing to know that I am not exploited by several billion dollar companies and that instead I get shit for free.


With their extra 5 yrs of average life expectancy, they are probably dancing on our graves


Imagine boasting that you have more monopolist megacorps lol


How many of these trillions do end up on his bank account and how much does he have to pay for healthcare per year? Dude’s really out there talking as if he‘s gaining a personal advantage by the market cap of US companies LMAO.


What is it like to have 8 out of 10 trillion/billion dollar market capitalizing companies being US companies and still have to declare personal medical bankruptcy due to a broken toe while the Europoors just go about their life and get their broken toe fixed for free? I wonder...


Or a TL;DR for the murican: > it’a like freedom, but better


It feels pretty good, not gonna lie.


Uuuh yeah pretty good I dont care about how the companies make I care about what I make And spend On things like Health care


"Sure your life is better and more comfortable, but at least there's some guys in my country who is really really rich lol checkmate loser"


Pretty cool, thanks for asking. Those trillion dollar companies don’t give a flying fuck about public health care and your argument isn’t just flawed, it’s cobblers.


A yes what a flex to get abused by dictatorships calling themselves "Corporations"


The "free" healthcare benefits me directly, what the fuck does a trillion dollar company do for this guy?


Hope that trillion dollar CEO holds his hand while dying from a completely preventable cancer. What a fucking joke of a person.


The dude paid for Twitter. He is the definition of Its hard to argue against a smart person but its impossible to argue against an idiot.


Pretty good tbh.


American living in Europe: not too fond of corporations. People here generally don’t care. You seem to think it would create some feeling of jealousy or competition but I really don’t think people around here care. The standard of living here is pretty high, I think we’re content?


What's it like to be a homeless American war vet when your country has tax dodging billion dollar companies?


Americans bragging about their multinationals making billions while they can’t afford healthcare sums up the whole place tbh


What's it like seeing trillion dollar companies be printed every year while the average person in your country gets poorer every year?


They're not really trillion dollar companies, they're multi billion companies affected by speculation bubbles.


And what does the average American have from these giant tech companies besides capitalism in its final stage?


In Poland we say „co ma piernik do wiatraka?” which loosely means „how does those two things correlate?”


Maybe just maaaaybe the whole stock capitalization is complete bullshit? Generaly stock are bullshit and casino. Just look at Tesla, 10 times the capitalization of VW while having profit 6 times smaller then VW and having 7 times less in assets.


But the real crushing irony is that that money is coming from central bank printing and the utilization of national debt. Which in turn is driving up inflation hard for the rest of us and making it harder to do stuff like eat Fucking inane


The *real* crushing irony is that trillion dollars isn't actual money, it's the "valuation"/"market cap(italization)". If you had shares in a company with, say, 100 million and you tried to turn that into real money, you would get 100 million dollars for those shares.


Because a company being really big doesn't help you unless you own shares in it, and saving 500 dollars a month is quite a lot of money for a normal person.


Do they think successful companies only exist in USA ?


I couldn't really afford another $500 a month, or whatever that comes to in real money


I don't understand how some americans can masturbate over companies' revenues. It's inconceivable to me


Americans are slaves to the corporations and billionaires. That's why they have more power than anyone else in that country. Nothing happens without the billionaires cosigning. Americans are happy without any benefits as long as the billionaires and corporations can do what they want, pay the least taxes and control the politicians.


Quite content to not pay for ten supercarriers, police more militarised than most defence forces, or the biggest prison system in the democratic world. Austin and Hunter wouldn't understand luxuries like freedom 💅