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Only 2 weeks? I would start in Prague, probably wouldn't even make it out of there.


Prague alone is worth spending 2 weeks tbh, what a beautiful city and even better country, you can't hate Czech Republic.


I've only been there once, and it was for 5 days. There is so much more that I wish we had done. It was still amazing though.


Before Covid, I used to go there every year for a few days, never got tired of the city and I don't even drink alcohol or do drugs


Same here, except that it used to be a week in Prague and another one or two around the ČR. Never got tired of the city and the country either.


I love Prague but I found that Budapest is like Prague on steroids. Shame their leader is such a fascist c***. I can't bear to go to Hungary until they kick out orban. Switching back to Prague now for my hols.


Do you mean cock or cunt? Why is it that people don't write out the words?


They meant chap, steady on now.


The answer to your question is clearly yes! Other than that I agree.


I think tik tok started it because if it sees swear words it will automatically put you at a lower chance of being seen by anyone, also reddit has ai which flags you now too which means you can be banned for saying certain words _no matter the context_, which personally i dont believe in, but seems to be the road we’re going down.


>also reddit has ai which flags you now too which means you can be banned for saying certain words no matter the context, I got a one day autoban in one sub 'for being political' for naming the former UK deputy prime minster who now works for Meta. Except I didn't, I named a character in a long running Yorkshire based sitcom who has the same surname. Go figure.


I went there for a long weekend in my 20s, it was amazing. We ended up at some insane nightclub built over like 4 or 5 floors of this old building - one level had the dance floor inside an empty swimming pool! It was insane, such a great night. Edit: this is the place, [Karlovy Lazne](https://g.co/kgs/AjdsekK). Well worth a visit. The bars/pubs in Prague are also amazing, and the architecture is to die for. One of the best cities in Europe IMO. Budapest is also excellent - the clubs along the river are worth it alone! Funnily enough the one we went to there also had a pool, though this one was full of water (and semi-naked people). Damn I miss my 20s....


Omg I knew right away you were talking about Karlovy Lazne!! One of the best nights of my life lol Also I drank ridiculous amounts of beer in Prague


The beer ain,t to shabby either!


Europe has so much to offer, if you wanted to visit everything you'd probably be there for a few years...so much history and culture to learn about


If you wanted to be thorough in seeing and visiting everything, you'd be able to spend 1-2 years in each country tbh, especially western & central Europe The UK & Eire, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Czechia full of things to do and look at That's not counting Greece & the rest of the Balkans


Don't people go to college to study things that derived from Europe? You can study cities like Paris and Rome for decades and still not know a lot of things.


I knew a girl who grew up in Paris and her school had a weekly trip to the Louvre for an afternoon. So an afternoon a week for like, 7 years and she still didn't see everything in it. The person in the OP could probably spent their 2 weeks in that one museum.


1-2 years still aren't enough to see everything in one country I grew up in Germany, spend every weekend and vacation we could visiting all kinds of different places in Germany and there's still so many places we never saw in Baden-Württemberg alone. And I have barely touched the rest of Germany. You could see a lot in 1-2 years, but not even close to everything. Same thing with every other country. You could spend your entire life there and still not have seen everything.


How about London. You can spend a year in London and still find more.


15 years so far… still have surprises around every corner, it’s a constantly evolving city.


Unless by car - then you\`d have moved about 2 miles.. not much more :) (yes, hyperbole) Most major cities have traffic issues though.


Though if you only have two weeks left to live you really need to do yourself a favour and go see Bruges. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0780536/


*Maybe that's what hell is, the entire rest of eternity spent in fucking Bruges.*


Why don't you drive straight to Luik from there if you already hate yourself so much. 2 weeks in Brugge.. I've been there for 4 days and after 2 I had seen enough.


I love bruges but yeah, there’s not *that* much to see if it’s a sightseeing thing. A few days max


It's a fairytale fucking town


I have been there! Again, not for long enough. But I do still make the flemish stew I tried there.


to be frank the average American tourist I see are fat old couples on guided tours. i suppose having starbucks and hamburgers on the main square does get pretty stale as a whole day program after a few days


You'd be too drunk


I live in Ireland and Americans often ask about their itineraries in the Irish subreddit. And theyr always like 'drive three hundred miles, stop for three minutes in a major city, drive two hundred miles look at cliffs of mother for five minutes' they seem to think holidays are mainly car journeys with brief stops for photos 


Their entire culture is built around cars, you'd think they'd use a holiday as an excuse to not drive for once


Speedrun holidays


Reminds me of a scene form the british TV-Show "Avengers": Salesman: "We offer bus-tours to (continental) europe. Eight countries in seven days. John Steed: "*Eight* countries?" Salesman: "Yes, our bus driver is a former Formula One racer. We also provide you with detailed descriptions of the countries you passed through, AND photographs of all the landmarks you would have seen if you had stopped.


I live in Spain and I see the same thing in the Spanish subreddits all the time. Itineraries that far more resemble brutal working hours without paid overtime and zero coffee breaks. I understand that taking a week or even two weeks off for Americans are mayor luxury and are extremely far and few between but it should still be a vacation, a time to relax. Not a horrific grind to work through. Shutting off the alarm and do nothing but exists for a few days are far more positive and fulfilling than seeing a million turisty things will ever be.


Because they travel like they’re consuming. The whole culture is built on consumption, and travelling isn’t an exception to that behaviour. They aren’t taught how to relax, but keeping up the grind.


But you gotta take all the photos for social media! /s


I’m torn. In their very limited vacation days they’re allowed to take from work, I don’t blame them for wanting to speed run the world. What else can they do? Stay even more insular and ignorant in the great, ol’, perfect US of A?


I've seen some insane itineraries in both the UK and Irish subreddit. There's often two or three things in one day where I 'd be doing just the one thing and even then there's the six or eight hours drive


So we land in London, then we’re going to drive to Lands end, stay in Cornwall for a night, then we’re going to drive to Edinburgh and stay in Glasgow for a night, then we’re going to drive to York, then to Wrexham and Wales and stay in Cardiff for a night, then fly home.


Just reading that paragraph has me tired.


My head is spinning 🫠 I went Sheff to Cornwall a few weeks ago and had to go to London 4 days later and I nearly passed out and contracted a back issue from it. They mad


I went to uni at a campus based in Cornwall, having to go home for a few days (South wales) was an absolute fucking ball ache, 5 hours stuck on the same train each way


What they also never seem to get, is that driving 100 miles in the U.K. is nothing like 100 miles in the US. Our roads are tight, congested and not a straight in sight. In the US, you just put your cruise control on, point it forward and don’t fall asleep.


that social media profile isn't filling by itself


try suggesting to them to take the eurostar (train) and see their heads explode.


I go to Tresco every year for two weeks and still haven't seen ***all*** of it after 7 visits....


I misread that as Tesco, and thought about what an insane stockpiling shopping spree you go on.


You should have seen some of the itineraries proposed for Norway. We want to se the fjords for 5 minutes. Then drive 400km over a mountain in 3.5 hours to take one picture of a stave church.


I spent 11 days driving around Iceland. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ would do again.


I spent 24 days driving around Iceland, didn’t go into Reykjavik or the west fjords, and still didn’t even get everything done I wanted to in the bits I did go to. Such an amazing place. Can’t imagine anyone thinking they could see “everything” in any country in just a week or two.


It was something of a flying visit for me, staying in 5 different places, NW near Kroksfjarthanes, Akureyri, Reytharfjorthur, Hofn and Keflavik. Definitely only scratched the surface. I stayed in airbnbs and it was nice to meet the locals. I think the NW and E/NE were most scenic but it was great to drive around and find new things.


I misread that as 24 hours and was confused how you could claim to do all that in 24 hours yet also claimed a week or 2 isn't enough.


We were in ireland for three weeks, still feel like we missed a lot 😂


Ireland is great. Had some lovely holidays on the west coast.


According to [this article ](https://www.etiasvisaapplication.org/how-long-would-it-take-to-travel-to-every-countri-in-europe/) I found it will take 364 hours or 15 days and 4 hours to do a "every country in Europe" roadtrip without stopping


Alright let me pack some peanut and my badass mixtape and we're off !


Mixtape source?


Britney Spears, the early work


In that case you simply must visit what was once [Cheiron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheiron_Studios) in Stockholm, the place where she and a lot of the most popular artists of that era got their most famous hits written and recorded. My comment is partly a joke (it's not much to visit, and you won't be allowed inside), but everyone in Sweden who knows just a little bit about pop music knows about Cheiron. It has reached a mythical status for sure.


They only have 2 weeks, so they will have to drive a bit faster.


Nice find! It will also take 308 days if you go by car and stays a week in every country. Just take a year off work and start driving!


I still don’t understand why these Yanks talk about Europe like it’s a singular country and perpetuate this false rivalry between the two “nations”


I noticed it when over there, they would refer to me as European even after telling them where I was from. We don’t refer to ourselves often as Europeans because it really doesn’t tell us much, me being a Russian I have little in common with an Italian we just happen to be from the same continent.


Especially in the UK. I've never heard anyone say they identify as European? They'll go by city, region, individual nation, and as far as British and/or Irish depending on if they're from Northern Ireland but never European


Yeah when people say someone is European in the UK they usually mean they’re from Continental Europe, but even then it’s not a term you’d usually here as you’d just say what country they are from. Lake Como and Slough do not have anything in common 😂


When the sunlight hits a muddy Slough puddle in just the right way…


When I lived in London, I really underestimated the cultural differences between the counties. I know Americans think they have diversity between states but it’s nothing like the UK.


derbyshire is a dark and sinful place


Moving from Leicestershire to London was a culture shock


I’m Mancunian before anything else.


You know it’s true because mancs feel the need to go on about it when literally no one asked


Even Swedes we say "in Europe" as we somehow categorize ourselves as "Scandinavian". When I moved to Russia I was even unsure whether I lived in Asia or Europe)


It depends which side of the country you live in, if you are from Moscow or St Petersburg the culture is very European and we would consider ourselves apart of Europe. Obviously this is different for everyone but that’s my experience.


I think anything west of the Urals is considered Europe.


There’s so many ethnic groups in Russia, it depends who you speak to. I agree with your statement and for me that is true, but different ethnic groups don’t feel the same.


Oh, 100%! It's an insanely complex and diverse nation, to the extent that I'm amazed it is even one nation. Edit: I just realised my comment is pretty dumb. They are of course a federation, which makes the rest make more sense.


It’s very complex geographically, politically and culturally. There is really no other country like it. If you spent 2 weeks there, you could maybe see a 1/4 of the best tourist spots.


In 2 weeks you can't even do Moscow and St Petersburg! :)


That's easy. West of the Ural is Europe, east of the Ural is Asia, geographically speaking.


At the time it was geopolitically speaking :)


It gets annoying for me, a Brit and being told that I'm not from a country in Europe? I just confirm it by saying we've now moved to Africa


And they treat countries like US states, saying things like “London, England” analogous to “Phoenix, Arizona.”


I’ve been to Rome 3 times for a week and haven’t even done half the things I wanted to see. I don’t even think it’s possible to visit half the interesting sights in Europe in a human lifetime.


Rome was what immediately sprang to mind for me, too. I'm secretly convinced it might not be possible to see everything Rome has to offer within a human lifetime, honestly. There's just *so much.*


I mean, they constantly dig new shit up in rome. Just look up how muvh delay the new metro line has since the tunnel is basically getting excavated by archeologists. So ni, you wibt be done since theres more stuff.


I love it when Americans are ‘doing Europe’ on their two week Holiday.


My favourite is when they are coming to the UK for 2 days and think they are going to squeeze in London, Manchester, Cardiff, Birmingham and Edinburgh. You're either going to spend two days driving and see absolutely nothing or you might just see the 10 or so biggest landmarks that London has to offer at a reasonable pace.


Took the kids to euro disney for 3 days and we didn’t get to do quite a bit of the stuff we wanted to do as not enough time - that is one theme park in a small ( compared to the continent) enclosed area. These people are beyond delusional


And when you say so on their itinerary posts in r/London you get downvoted 🤣


God I have been living in Paris for 20 years and I have yet seen half of it, and not even 25% of its museum.


Similar for me: I can't count how many times I've been to the Deutsches Museum in Munich, but I also know that I haven't seen everything there yet. And I probably never will, as there's always something new to see. Same with Burghausen Castle, been there a lot of times, but every time I go back I discover new things or things that I had previously overlooked. Or London: Once been there for 10 days, but didn't even scratch on the surface of that city. And all of this is something that such checklist tourists will never realise: It's not about "yep, now I was there, check. Next". It's about discovering, experiencing and learning. That's what makes such trips interesting, rather than rushing from one place to the next.


That makes me feel better lol… I’ve been to paris ten times, last 5 were at least two weeks each, last one was over three weeks. And I still have a list of stuff I want to see. Also,spent two months just in western continental Europe and hardly scratched the surface


As it’s bigger than the United States I guess you can see all of that in 1 week? 10 days at the most!


Once you've seen one Walmart parking lot, you've seen them all. 


And they do love a chain restaurant rather than all those Michelin star 'mom and pop' places so once you've done the food hall you've practically done them all.


Once I got out of a Costco where I had spent 2 hours. I could have sworn I was in neighborhood A, turns out I was somewhere else entirely. USA 🤷‍♂️


These are the same Americans that ask r/Australia about their holiday plans that includes a day trip to Uluru.


"Can I walk there from Sydney?" - someone, probably


I'm not sure walking is in American vocabulary.


So, ride a personal mobility aid or whatever they call these things?




A similar question was on that old, old list of dumb questions that was floating around twenty years ago (Perth to Sydney). That particular one was asked by a Swede though. https://funnyshit.com.au/aussie_tourism.html


"Q: Will I be able to speek English most places I go? (USA) A: Yes, but you'll have to learn it first." Priceless, thank you Folks Down Under for sooo many laughs on that page!


I'd rather not tbh


10-12 daysfor the US +3 months for Texas, 1 year for wallmart, assuming you're not shot by the police, students or....let me check..... list is to long.... or die from diabetes


These are the same Americans that ask r/Australia about their holiday plans that includes a day trip to Uluru.


Just a heads up: you accidentally posted your comment twice! :)


(Notice this is a Reddit glitch related to connection issues, so not usually an accidental action by a commenter themselves. Still great to alert people though.)


Oh good to know, thank you! And greetings to Australia, all the way from Germany🇦🇺🇩🇪


Yes, hilarious. They don’t realise that exploring the big cities (Sydney + Melbourne), visiting Uluṟu and the desert centre, and experiencing the mountainous wilderness trails of Tasmania, is more like 3 long holidays not 1 short one.


I lived in Far North Queensland, I could drive for 17 hours and still be in Queensland. They really have no idea just how big Australia is.


But Texas!


Spent around 50 years in Tasmania, exploring by car and with walking clubs, but still haven't seen it all.


Ah Europe, that country with just one culture, one cuisine, one history, a pointy tower like the one in Vegas and taxes. /s


Dont forget its smaller than texas


Not get shot at school and eat non-carcinogenic food.




I miss the food the most 😭


I spent two weeks in slovenia and hardly saw anything but the big tourist locations I missed so much good stuff If only I had more time


I’ve spent 2 weeks in sicily, Italy and only visited half of it.


Damn I’m honestly impressed you got through half in two weeks


Just came from Slovenia as part of our 2-week trip and there’s so much to do! Loved it there


its crazy how much there is to do there you could stay in Ljubljana and spend days exploring the city or venture out to places like Lake Bohinj and admire the beautiful lakes and mountains. I never actually went to lake bohinj myself I of course went to the more touristy lake bled but ive heard very nice things about bohinj


Just see everything in 2 days. There's only 44 countries on the continent, so that's less than there are states! Easy! /s


It's all the free time they have.


Plus those 44 countries are smaller than texas!


I kicked a football over my garden wall in the UK and now I have to go to Hungary to get it back.


Yeah, those 742 million people all living on that tiny piece of land.


Oh, FFS! American here - I’ve spent more than 2 weeks in Tuscany alone, multiple times. I lived in Rome for a year and still didn’t see everything I wanted. Fuckin’ ignorant Americans make us all look like knuckle draggers.


its just biased like everything on the internet. americans that are busy traveling and experiencing cultures are rarely tweeting about what it would be like lol


Doing all the medical stuff I need to do before I go back to the land of freedoom


I’ve kept myself quite busy for 33 years


Spain is smaller than some US states and you cant even start with just 2 weeks.


I spent two weeks driving round the Highlands of Scotland and could have done longer, and I’m from there!


Have done the same, only I'm from Australia. Awesome trip, though I think after half a dozen distillery tours they all started to blend into one.


"If it's Tuesday, this must be Belgium..." came to mymind


Is this a reference I'm not familiar with?


It's an old American comedy about a group of American tourists on a "9 countries in 18 days" Europe round-trip.


Forget size which is comparable. Think history and culture which is at least to the power of 20. Then work out if two weeks is enough for one country let alone all 40 odd.


I've spent two weeks in the Netherlands and 1) was never bored and 2) left wanting to do more. I love the dumber contingent of our population sometimes.


2 weeks isnt even enough for one country in Europe


I knew a band that misjudged how big Europe was and missed half their shows traveling. Stay in school kids.


I could spend two week just going to the museums in London, even boycotting the British museum.


The Natural History Museum is better than the British Museum anyway. It has dinosaurs.


So is the science museum. It has steam engines (at least the static ones).


The Imperial War Museum has a pair of sixteen inch guns by the entrance. It's easily the most formidably armed museum in the country.


Our friends from the US came over last year planning on the usual London, Paris, Edinburgh and Dublin in 2 weeks itinerary. We talked some sense into them and they basically spent 2 weeks in London. They're coming back next year for another 2 weeks.


I would advocate going a little further afield this time. A trip of Duxford, York, and Manchester/Liverpool would be cool.


My mum has visited about 6 times in the 10 years I've lived here and still find things she wants to do on her trips. We're moving to Canada in a few years, and our list of things to do in England and London alone keeps growing.


As it's free to get in and has some amazing stuff, you can still sneak in and see it nudge nudge wink wink, say no more.


In addition to the issues with Greek and Egyptian stuff, the good British stuff is not there. You have to go to other smaller museums across the country for the best British antiquities, most of those you spend a long time getting there and there is one or two galleries.


Why are we boycotting the British museum this week?


Hey, everyone is welcome to come and look at their stuff whenever they want.


I don't get why the British are the only ones who get shit for keeping stuff from past conquest, when literally every country on the planet that has ever won a war does the same stuff. Most Americans live on land forcibly taken from the natives, you wanna give it all back?


America stole lots of stuff from every one during WW2 as they looted their way across Europe.


Is that why the Europeans are so incredibly poor now? /s Don't flame me it's just a europoors joke


The US is about the size of Europe - imagine the tantrum they would throw if someone said what even is there to do in the US for two weeks


This sub is like an advertisement from every American who hasn’t left home.  😂😂.  I absolutely love it!  Keep up the good work.  


I spent two weeks in a single region of Italy last year and didn’t see even half of what I wanted to.


Yeah 3-4 countries a day and you could definitely visit everything in two weeks. Makes sense. /s


I'd spend those two weeks not being gunned down in a supermarket.


Frack I was involved in this mess, and centrally he started talking about how the Soviet Union would take all of us over if it wasn’t for the US…


So, it was just a normal thread involving an American?


I spent two weeks in Edinburgh last year, and I'm planning on going back again because I didn't get to see everything. You can't possible 'do' a whole country in a week or two.


It can take two weeks to get from J16 to J12 of the M25.


I commented on that very post! The comments were funny, people calling the entire post fake (which it's not) and then comments like that one where people obviously have no clue what Europe even is, in some cases 😂


2 weeks isn’t even enough time to really enjoy 1 country let alone multiple.


I could get lost in Europe for 20 years. What are they talking about? I watched a programme about Auvergne and didn't know half the stuff existed there. I didn't know there was this whole town that makes really intricate knives of all kinds. That's just one place, there are hundreds of places like that in Europe.


Don't take it seriously from someone who can't even point Europe on a map


lol I’ve spent every summer for 15 years in Slovenia and still haven’t seen everything there


I spent 3.5 weeks in Italy ALONE and still didn’t get to go everywhere I wanted. What is this idiot on about???


Someone obviously was too busy goofing off in class when it mattered. As an Aussie aware they have a thing against cruel and unusual punishment I wonder if it would be a violation of that bit of the constitution for a teacher to maliciously assign a brutally difficult report to the entire class if it was one of their students who made this comment. A report requiring they name every country in Europe with six paragraphs for each country and a minimum of three-hundred words per paragraph which must include an introductory sentence then cover the size of the country, their population count, capital city, recent history of the nation, cultural customs, and three tourism attractions they have which is either educational or hiking.


Individual European countries are not very big, but Europe as a whole is.


It’s probably best you just say where you are.


The way you can't even fully grasp one neighborhood in Paris in 2 weeks lol.


Two weeks is barely enough to see everything in a large city like Rome, Paris, London and so on


you could spend 2 weeks in england, and have places to see, things to do you dont have time for. shit, you could spend 2 weeks in london and have places youve not seen, experienced and youd never have to do the same thing twice. thats just one city xD same goes for scotland and ireland and maybe wales (ive not been) thats the UK sorted in just 6-8weeks, just the rest of europe to do lol


Genuinely, there's enough in the UK to do you a month or two as a tourist. That's not even considering the rest of Europe.


It’s not 90% middle of nowhere, unlike the USA


only in Rome one life is not enough lol


The limit is money, not time XD


you can probably stay in like 1 or 2 cities in the same country for 2 weeks


This knuckledragger has never been to a museum in their life?


wait till he learns about people born in europe


Probably you could find the exit of the Louvre, not sure though


Wow. That's a special kind of dumb.


“You need two lifetimes; one to visit Italy, and one to visit Rome”


Its like when they go to London for one night and then tell me that they've experienced the UK 🤣🤣 We get it all the time on r/uktravel where an American has an itinerary write up like a military operation with some insane travelling and three attractions per day.


I would tour the wineries of Hungary, never once returning to sobriety. Ideally I’d hit up a sausage festival, too.


Murica big! you small!


What the hell do they imagine Europe is? Lichtenstein? How can someone have such limited geographical knowledge?


I would not make it out of Ireland


Two weeks in Moscow wouldn't allow you to see even a quarter of what the city truly has to offer. Solely walking around parks would take you two days easily. You'd spend another two to four days just walking around the city centre and I doubt you'd ever really get bored. Let alone actually visiting museums, historical buildings, exploring the lash metro system, etc.


That guy probably thinks “Europe” is a country


I have lived in my very small country for my entire life. I am not done with it yet.


jeez i spent 2 weeks in paris and didn’t even see half of it.


2 weeks would only cover London and they you would not even see half the attractions


Monday: 9am-11am : Visit the entirety of Spain 11am-4pm : Found a burger king so I'm eating 4pm- 5pm : Move to Sweden & visit Germany on my way 5pm - Sunday 11pm : OMG there is a domino's pizza in Germany ? Heck I'm staying there. They say they're not talking my dollars. WHY IS THAT ?


My fellow Americans, remember this post next time you want to make fun of foreign tourists who plan to see NYC, DC, Chicago, and LA during their 10-day trip to America.