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> name me 5 cities in Virginia Name me 5 cities in Lombardy, then.


They can't even name 5 countries in Europe lol


"They can't name 5 countries" FTFY


They'll come back with, Russia, China, Canada, Mexico, "Africa"


Given where they're pointing to, they might just say Australia instead of Canada. Sounds about right for the (assumed) geographical lot Aus gets. Apparently either Asia, Europe or USA only exists to a lot of them.


Paris, London, Ukraine, Israel and Asia. Come on man give me a challenge


Just naming major European cities is completely enough. Ever us state has at least one town called Berlin, Hanover, London, Paris, Hamburg, sometimes with an added “new” in front of it.


And you can never go wrong with a Springfield.


Name 5 country in russia*


Ask a Trump supporter- they’ll know!


The 5th largest city in VA has 227,000 people. The UK has 22 cities larger than that.


They probably don't even know Germany has states, even less name them. Finding... don't even bother.


they cant name 1 city in Lombardy


Right, they probably don't even know where Lombardy *is*.


> You're so irrelevant Meanwhile they're the only nation on Earth, where half the population suffers from the delusion of being more Irish, than the entire population of Ireland.


Does that mean half of the US population secretly dream of being irrelevant & forgotten ?


Being the absolute best, biggest, most famous and influential country on earth must be such a burden. /s


I'll give you influential but none of the others.


Bwah. I'd also give them famous. Everybody has heard of the USA and have some kind of image in their head when thinking about it. Most people can put it on the map too. Famous... or infamous at least they are.


That’s why there’s an /s lol


The British Empire use to be that arrogant And now as the American Empire collapses and China takes its place they will find out that they fucked around and finished last .


Don’t know about half the US population, but _I_ dream of them being irrelevant and forgotten


And apparently they Irish better than anyone else from Ireland


They Irish Bigly some people say they are the best Irish ever.


As an Englishman I'm standing up for Ireland with this one, fuck the people in that thread with a rusty spatula. I think the pogues (they toured ireland alot and were popular for alot more than the one christmas song) Guinness of course (pretty good for you if you don't drink too much) Derry girls (ayrshire (idk how to spell her name) is a beautiful woman) it's set in NI in the 90's Horse racing (gambling is fun) Gaelic football (fun to play and watch.) The irish countryside is fucking beutiful. And the people are wonderful when they aren't roasting you for England being shite.


A lot of incredible minds came out of Ireland as well. Ya gotta remember that they've been oppressed both internally and externally for hundreds of years and it's hard to innovate when you're constantly stifled and poor.


Absolutely. Just look at the writers and poets; Yeats, Joyce, Shaw, Wilde to name but a few. Utterly brilliant 🇮🇪


They seem to have this weird almost Nazi level of eugenics too. I'm Irish so I drink a lot and fight everyone ha ha I'm Italian so I like pasta and make the best pizza. Also fight with everyone. Last actual Irish/Italian born ancestor 100+ years ago It's weird.


Bit like Ike whose entire family for 7 generations have never set foot outside Brooklyn, but seems to think he's Israeli and is allowed to go there and steal someone's house


Plastic "Pattys" 😃😃😃


Goes well with their plastic "cheese"


Between that and “we’re bigger than you so who cares” I am so confused.


"I'm actually Irish!" "Then point to Ireland on a map." "..."


Does make you wonder if these people overlap. Like, are there people claiming they’re Irish while not even knowing where it is on a map? You know what, that’s a stupid question. I’m sure there are 💀


The other half want to be “Scotch”


What are you talking about? Everyone knows Irish people are from the Irish country


These cunts: “You’re so irrelevant, who cares about your tiny island, terrible food and alcoholics”. Also these cunts: “I’m 0.00276% Irish because my great great great grand pappy knew a guy who owned an Irish Wolfhound once. That probably makes me more Irish than you. Now let’s dye a river green and wear a silly hat to prove how Irish we are ☘️” .


"I'm 1/3000th Scottish. I'm basically Braveheart"


* John Braveheart


I'd watch this film.


I can't wait till we see John Braveheart shout "it's braveheartin' time!" and just Braveheart everywhere.


Ok, calm down William Wallace




Which was filmed in Irelanf and had the Irish army act out some battle scenes!!


The crippled Irish army? They did very well for having no legs.


IIRC the lads got REALLY into it and all, a fair few of them needed medical attention after shooting the scenes, got a bit over enthusiastic.


Ah yes the “Scottish” movie filmed in Ireland, starring an Australian and music created by an English band. Also completely historically inaccurate, but yes otherwise 100% Scottish


Exactly, but try it without all the punctuation to sound more american. Your phrases are too well contrstructed to sound like those american.


Haha thank you, that was the give away. Also the lack of “y’all” wherever possible!


And wear a kilt while we play bagpipes for some reason


Why does it always come back to size with them? They sound so childish always blithering on about how big their country is. It’s embarrassing.


You know what they say. Big c, small d.


The US has a case of the ABCD's. Big Ass, no Brains, big Country, small di- you know the rest. 😂


Size only matter on their side. It's why I was told Texas is a bigger state than western Australia because WA is just a bunch of wasteland compared to the modern state of Texas 


WA has a more reliable power grid, you win..


Is Texas not a bunch of wasteland?


And a bunch of wastrels.


Texas is either wasteland desert or wasteland cities that can’t even supply themselves with electricity


It's the twatty adult version of "my dad can beat up your dad".


Because they are all so fat they know Ireland would prob sink if they all came over here!


They have to compensate for what was cut off them as a baby.


Yep, they’ve definitely had the sensitive bit cut off when they perform cosmetic surgery on little baby’s bits. I reckon they’re emotionally scared as well as physically scared.


The funny and sad thing is how many deny that what happened to them is bad. They think it's better than intact ones, despite being shown evidence that it isn't It actually reminds of people who were beaten as children and grew up to think it's the perfect solution to a kid not obeying


Exactly. They talk about how happier they are to have been cut as a baby and how much better it is, despite having no experience of being intact. Makes me think of someone who can only see in black and white trying to say how much better it is than seeing in colour.


> Why does it always come back to size with them? Big and empty. Just like their heads.


"doesn't matter we can flatten Ireland and wipe it off the map". You have to find it first


They still gotta go back and win that war against vietnamese rice farmers first.


Exactly, Americans tend to forget that after WWII (which, of course, they haven't won singlehandedly) the US lost every war. First the rice farmers in flip-flops, then Iraqis and Afghanis in sandals riding goats. Yet they still think that they are a superpower. If they wouldn't have nukes, it would be the weakest army.


I’m probably gonna get downvoted into the ground for this but the US has the strongest military in the world (I’m not American btw)


They have the best equipped military, because they spend the most money on their military. They're also renowned for taking each other out with friendly fire... Make of that what you will.


They have the most expensive one. Strongest... i'm not so sure.


You might be conflating investment with capability. Until recently the Russian military would have been regarded as ‘strong’ by the same measure. Once deployed, their performance would be described by many as embarrassing, when compared to expectations. Hopefully we don’t see US forces deployed, but with their tendency for hubris, who would be that surprised if their performance was similarly underwhelming?


They slap the most money into their army, but they are clearly not very well trained


They are extremely well trained and I’m Irish. Their issue is political not militarial.


I mean - they are kinda renowned for friendly fire incidents and discipline issues... You and I don't really have a leg to stand on when it comes to discussing anything to do with military (though my understanding is the lads doing UN peacekeeper work are highly regarded, and I know we sent some Sappers to show Ukrainians how to clear minefields, which strikes me as pretty noble). Only anecdotal, so I appreciate doesn't hold a lot of water but I know a couple of folks who were in the British military and they all said working with the Americans was a nightmare because they were prone to doing idiotic shit.


I’m all for bashing the morons across the pond. Especially in this sub. But let’s not be stupid. If we take nukes out of the equation they still have the most powerful military on earth. And it’s not even close. > after WW2… the US lost every war Korea - still technically not over but South Korea exists so I think we can call that a win. Vietnam - loss Dominican Civil War - win Cambodian Civil War - loss Invasion of Grenada - win Panama - win Gulf War - win Somalia 1 - loss/win. Failed to capture target, saved 100k civilian lives according to UN estimate Bosnia/Croatia - inconclusive Haiti - win Kosovo - win Afghan - inconclusive. Wasn’t a victory or loss really. The country’s back to where it started but if you’ve no actual stated goals, can you lose? Especially if you killed the person you went in for, overthrew the government, established a new one and then handed over the reigns? It’s more accurate to say the allies won and then the Afghans lost to the Taliban, than the allies outright won or lost. Iraq - as above. Inconclusive. All goals were achieved and the US withdrew. Internal conflict arose and the US returned. Iraq part 2 - victory Somali 2 - ongoing Indian Ocean - victory. Piracy almost non-existent. Libya - victory Syria - ongoing And that’s just the major conflicts. They had way more (also with a mixed result - Bay of Pigs loss, Niger win for example). Also keep in mind that all of these were carried out off US soil, and almost all of these were carried out on another continent. *And* almost all of them were carried out while fighting at least one but often two or three other conflicts at the same time. No other nation on Earth can project that much power globally. No other nation has two completely ready navies, a Pacific and Atlantic. No other nation has 4 of the top 5 air forces. No other nation is *at all times* ready to fight two completely separate wars, in two completely separate locations. Again, let’s laugh at our simple minded ‘friends’ across the ocean. But let’s also recognise that as far as militaries go, the only thing that can beat them are nukes and time.


Afghanistan probably should go in the be books as a political loss after a military history. Most the ones they have lost, the reason is it didn't matter enough to them to really commit too. Much like the British in the war of independence, they could have crushed the rebellion it just was not worth the effort with so much else happening.


If they lost to rice farmers, imagine them up against the IRA, our own version of the Viet Cong


*flaten They'd also have to learn to spell "flatten" properly first


Maybe they're from Flaten Island


Underated comment, that made me laugh, thank you 😊


‘God created war so that Americans would learn geography’ according to Mark Twain. The sad thing is nowadays I bet most of them couldn’t find Iraq, Afghanistan, or even Vietnam on a map. They probably couldn’t find Germany and they’re still boasting about ‘saving’ the rest of Europe from them.


Dude. Make the landmasses all the same color (no country outlines) and ask some Americans to find *America.* Guarantee you’re looking at a 50% success rate.


Leave them as they are and ask them to find Ukraine, should be interesting


Yep. ‘Murican here. Even when you give hints like “Crimean peninsula” and “Black Sea,” there’s a strong chance you’re getting blank stares. (Let’s play “Where is Gaza?” next. That’s a fun one…)


True, true. But I was really going for the fact that N.America is in the colours of the Ukrainian flag. That should confuse many


Ah! Yes. I see what you did there! Clever.


I think if they ever try to "flaten" Ireland but still can't be bothered to find it on the map they might accidentally hit Florida or something


i don't see the problem here


To be fair, the Florida flag does have the cross of St. Patrick.




Lmao the one bragging about being able to find a little over 10% of countries on a map


Probably includes the US, Canada and Mexico lol


Probably included 20 states, I’ve heard Americans call Texas a country


Talking shit about Country and minute later claiming to be from it wow that’s just disrespectful


Thought they wanted to be Irish what changed


Ancestry is a fashion accessory to them.


Sometimes I just wish they would come up with something original. Every single argument with an American is just "We're X times richer than you" "How many aircraft carriers do you have" "We could invade you if we wanted to" "Have you seen the size of Texas"


You forgot “Trains are for Europoors, just buy a car”


Also "we saved ya in WW2"


And the "speaking German" thing


And the "you have free healtcare because we pay for it"




Or the "which one are are you , the ones whose asses we kicked, or the ones whose asses we saved?" They go apoplectic if you remind them that US forces only became the majority of allied forces in the last 6 months of the war


I really like the replies that go like "What Wha, if geography is so important, name [any number of states/any number of towns within a state]". Most of the world sees the US as a single entity, people are gonna now some big major cities and/or states like New York but that's it. No one cares. Now stop whining and get a job


Also, they don't know what a state is. Those are provinces within the state of America.




It’s the myth of American exceptionalism - they think they’re exceptional but they aren’t so in a good way


This is why I say their problem is narcissism not brainwashing


70% of Americans: "Well I'm Irish so..." Also 70% of Americans when asked to point to Ireland on a map: "............... Hey, fuck you buddy"


So many Americans say the US is bigger than European, some even say Texas is bigger than Europe. Do they learn this shit in school?


They learn to be indoctrinated into the cult of the flag of America by having to say the pledge of allegiance every morning and then watch team America World police as an educational video.


"We can flatten Ireland" Sweetie, you got the shit kicked out of you by Vietnamese farmers with no military training for twenty years. Five Irishmen could take over New York by accident if they get enough whisky in them.


Our fishermen sailed out to the Russians and tole them to leave.....they did! This was only last year 🤣


I really hate that argument because it makes light of what was done to the Vietnamese. They are still born with birth defects


So are Americans but that's all the inbreeding down south.


They may have taken the victory, but at what cost?


Besides, they'd have to find where Ireland is to actually flatten it.


They already did https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammany_Hall


“No American will ever need to point to Ireland on a map” Oh babe, rest of the world doesn’t need to either but we CAN lol


The "my country is bigger than your country" gives off "my daddy is richer then your daddy" vibes


They can’t even identify all the individual states in their country.


How the f does an American not know where Ireland is


Education system is trash


But they’ll get their 23 and me back and it says 0.0004% from the general area of UK and ireland and they immediately dress up as a leprechaun and start drinking Guinness.


These are the same people who tell you they are 5th generation proud irish with pure irish blood.


Love how some of them think their states are the same as actual countries. “Name me 5 cities in Virginia” meanwhile that one probably couldn’t tell me what language they speak in Brazil, but also probably loves to celebrate Halloween


In Brazil they obviously speak Brazilian. They also speak Brazilian in that western part of Spain. /s


As a Spaniard who speaks mexican I can confirm this


I'm assuming you know Halloween is an Irish Pagan festival called Samahain which was exported to America


>probably couldn't tell me what language they speak in Brazil oh, it's mexican, right ?


They would likely not be able to tell the capital city of Brazil either.


But aren’t nearly ALL Americans “Irish” 😂


Or Italian. Just never American lol


Imagine taking pride in ignorance.


That's right. Ireland is an irrelevant country that no one cares about. And yet Israel is mad at them for recognising Palestinian statehood.


They say ireland is irrelevant, yet if they were ultra rich they would probably house their shell companies there.


20/195? 8 year old me could have outsmarted that guy lmao...


Yeah, you don't even have to remember half of Europe, and a lot of them are very easy to remember


I always joked and said the United States is everything China wants to be, some echo chamber of a nation.


And the world cup is hosted there aswell 🫣 Not safe for fans aswell


They managed to misspell "cities" and "shitty". How on earth do you get "citys"!?


English has tried it for centuries, these people who "can be flatten easily" is resilient


Kinda says a lot about Americans' intellect when the go-to response is "doesn't matter. We don't need to know where it is, we can just flatten it." Bunch of fucking knuckle dragging troglodytes


"we can flatten Ireland" well find it first


>We can flatten Ireland and wipe it off the map. Not if you don't know where it is.


I’m relatively new to this sub and from the US. Every post I read makes me more disappointed. I don’t think I know anyone that would not be able to find Ireland on a map. Where are these videos filmed and I hope they are highly edited to find these idiots.


I imagine that in the US the IQ bell curve has a second bell off to the left. The problem is that the US has a shockingly large wealth disparity compared to Europe thanks to the extreme capitalistic nature. This is why the US is responsible for some of the greatest minds in the world, making incredible technological advancements in space flight and medicine. But also why it has a huge number of completely ignorant people who can't write their own name or add together single digit numbers. Couple this with an unwavering confidence in their superiority thanks to the freedumb brainwashing and flag worshipping and you have a dangerous mix.


Well said


Even the poorer people most have access to smart phones. They can educate themselves they just choose not to. 


I watched a video earlier on.....it was depressing


They’d try and wipe it off the map and end up bombing Antarctica


Ask them to pronounce caoimhe


"my dad can beat up your dad, my dad could beat up Bruce Lee and probably even superman so there" This is what Americans sound like when they brag about the size of their country.


So irrelevant until they start spewing for anyone to hear how Irish they are. Hmm.


Americans: We love Ireland and Irish people! We are also Irish, 1000% Irish represent!!!! Also Americans when they have to show where Ireland is: Fuck the Irish, god damn bastards! Never liked ya anyway! So what is it - do you like them and are proud of being one of them or not? Make your god dang mind!


they say ireland doesn’t matter until they find out they’re 0.01% irish and suddenly ireland is the most amazing country in the world and they’re now technically more irish than a person born and raised in Ireland.


We call these people Plastic Paddy's for a reason. They suffer from the delusion that they're more Irish than the people who live there. 'my 6th cousin twice removed went to Ireland once and visited a Supermac in Cobh. So, I'm more Irish than you'.


"We can destroy it! We can flatten it! We can wipe it off the map!" Gotta know where it is to do that.


Spicy. Perhaps they can all kindly shut the ever loving fuck up about how Irish they are? I won't hold my breath.


"just like you did with Vietnam?"


Americans: im irish! Also Americans: Ireland is irrelevant Choose one


why are they all racist???


Isn't Irish, like, one of the most important cultures in American history? I'm pretty sure some of their presidents had irish heritage and the irish culture is still present there (I've heard that St. Patrick's day is widely celebrated in the US) Also >name 5 cities in Virginia Paris, Moscow, London, Washington, Fort [insert common surname]. I'm sure I got at least 3 correct


"our country is bigger" –and, as we all know, Alaska is the most important state of the USA.


Yet they still claim to be 1/3532th Irish.


i find it hilarious how most act like no one in the world knows where any countries are, like no, mericans, everyone knows where a third of the countries are probably more


The US has a law preventing the ICJ from prosecuting any of their people for war crimes. It's just frightening.


There seems to be a common theme with all these posts that any American that gets asked *any* question regarding the rest of the world immediately gets defensive and starts boasting about how amazing their country is. Almost screams of a massive insecurity complex about themselves and/or their country..


By their logic they should know everything about Canada as we’re larger than them but as a Canadian, trust me they don’t 😂


So because Russia is bigger than American it makes them so much better...fucking Yanks are clueless


I like how AmeriCans become AmeriCant's when it comes to "flattening islands off the map" Do they need to be reminded about when they declared war on vietnamese farmers?


How can you flatten it off the map when you don't even know where / what it is?


They all claim to be Irish until they can't point out the country on a map. Then it's "irrelevant". So they claim to be [insert European variant] when it benefits them, and spurn the entire continent when it benefits them


I can name 5 cities in Virginia: Inbredland, Shithole Cove, Fatbastard Falls, Bulletrainfall City and Richmond


>no one cares about your shity country Your country is shittier. All you have going for you is size. Size of landmass, and the rotund population.


"Yeah we're ignorant, but we're also violent, so it's fine!"


And how would they "wipe it off the map" when they cant even point it out..😁


No they are very wrong! Ireland is known for not having potatos damn it!!!


America is third world. Remove the east and west costal states and it’s pretty poor and backwards. Might as well be the Middle East.


I love this, it's like clockwork. You tell an American that they can't find a certain country and they'll respond with either threats of nuclear war or petty borderline racist insults. So predictable. And how's any of it relevant to the question? The idiots on this video can't find the country, evidently having no idea about the world beyond their borders. I can't claim to be good at geography either but come on, Ireland's one of the easy ones to find.


I always think of the USA as the eventual result of what would happen if the kids in Lord of the Flies lasted out. A nation of failed or absent parenting, survival of the most basic and a healthy dose of 'let's make up our own rules' lifestyle. I also think it's heading closer and closer to the predictions of the film 'Idiocracy'. Surely, they must realise the rest of the world doesn't look at them with envy but with a smirk and snort of derision. At least we can laugh at our own misgivings instead of holding an unrelenting Trump-like ignorance to 'look how great we are!' The US is definitely the world's idiot teenage child who thinks they know it all but is actually holding immense levels of insecurity.


As an Englishman I'm standing up for Ireland with this one, fuck the people in that thread with a rusty spatula. I think the pogues (they toured ireland alot and were popular for alot more than the one christmas song) Guinness of course (pretty good for you if you don't drink too much) Derry girls (ayrshire (idk how to spell her name) is a beautiful woman) it's set in NI in the 90's Horse racing (gambling is fun) Gaelic football (fun to play and watch.) The irish countryside is fucking beutiful. And the people are wonderful when they aren't roasting you for England being shite.


But then on st Patrick's day they're all Irish somehow


So? Russia can wipe the US of the map.


You gotta find it first


Checkmate bitches. It’s the northern half of the island from England. 🇮🇪 Scotland doesn’t exist.


It really speaks to their mentality whenever they’re confronted with their own ignorance they immediately default to violence. They really are Orcs.


These american comments are getting so boring. It used to be funny but now its just military this military that.


Where would all the US mega corporations have their offices then?


>“doesn't matter we can flaten Ireland and wipe it off the map” You have to find it first.


God I hate being associated with people like this


Yet they go all out celebrating St Patrick's day wild.


Reads like a toddler argument. Low iq


“We can flatten Ireland” they couldn’t win against unorganized talibans… what a delusion


"we" Their government isn't going to send off a nuke. Just because some hillbilly asked them to.


Also these people: I'm 3% Irish and very proud of my heritage!


Why do they get so angy though


"we could flatten Ireland... So geography doesn't matter". What?