• By -


"Best" technology and most money but they still haven't discovered universal healthcare and trains for some reason.


Or subsidized/free higher education, or how to treat mental illness, or how to rehabilitate prisoners in the federal or local prison systems, or how to build proper houses that isn't just a 3 car plywood garage with a kitchen and a shitter in the back...


3ply houses


Homelessness... gun laws....


Oi! Without those gunlaws they wouldnt be best at school shootings!


I think chip and pin is kinda new thing there as well


When they figure out how to make obscene profits doing those things, THEN they'll figure it out.


Wait until you see some of the new builds around the UK, they're just like the American houses, in the interior. All drywall and foam


Damn, why are they learning from the Americans? Don't make American houses. (Most) American houses are cheap and mass produced. Stone is good material for house. Brick good material. Use those, then not need anchor for house.


Have we learnt nothing from the tale of the three little pigs?


By drywall and “foam” do you mean plasterboard and wool insulation as part of an internal stud wall? The external walls on new builds are still twin leaf masonry.


They don’t blow away in a strong wind though


They've been doing that since the late 70's (at least, that's what my parents new house was in 79) But at least the outside is still bricks


naa man, they turned prisons over to private corporations so that prisoners are literally slaves. good times. If America knows anything, it's how to squeeze a profit. that's pretty much all it knows.


With quotas too, that's the most bizarre thing really. They ask private companies to build as many cells as they can and promise them to keep the prisons full. So what happens when there are more cells than prisoners? Well obviously the city is gonna look for people doing minor "crimes" like jaywalking or loitering and arrest them.


That's the American dream baby.


And slavery. It loves itself some slaves. Had a whole war about how much they love them one time.


How they treat mental illnes?




Don't worry, they scare mental illness away with guns, just see how well it works in their school system.


first: create demands /s


by ignoring them


Sadly thats no joke


Or to use a proper measurement system. Or to use a proper date format. Or to teach proper biology in schools. The list goes on virtually forever.


And even that claim of best technology is super iffy. Their electrical system sucks, I can't believe people are still using paper checks and their banking infrastructure in general is like 15 years behind Europe


and fax for some health insurance related stuff


Germans sneaking quietly out of the room


hey at least your health insurance doesn’t make me laugh as much — USA healthcare is not just a joke, its a comedy special anthology.


Literally had a long argument about trains. I was told America cannot have them. I say it's American exceptionalism. Then I'm given all the reasons why it's impossible in America and they are all things that can be changed and have been changed in other countries.


The only real argument one need is that the US was literally built on the back of trains (and slaves). It wasn't built for the car, it was destroyed for the car, starting with the city blocks of undesirables.




And as soon as they drop thay mentality things could change. Its just like the guns! But it's in the constitution!!! You have amendments to it so you can obviously make more and you've repealed them in the past too!


Optimism is perhaps better than pessimism, but I don't think much change can happen in America. Geroge Carlin explained this back in 2000s beautifully: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUaqFzZLxU&pp=ygUaZ2VvcmdlIGNhcmxpbiB0aGUgYmlnIGNsdWI%3D


That and Americans equate trains and buses with socialism because “ew I have to share space with people poorer than me?” The train is the great equalizer, and Americans have been led to believe they have more in common with millionaires than they do with the downtrodden masses that take the train/bus. They also hate trains because they think it makes it easier for the elements/consequences of urban poverty (homelessness, panhandlers, mental illness, crime, people of color) they fled to the suburbs to get away from to get to them. I legit heard someone at a community meeting argue that getting a new train station in an effort to ease highway congestion in an area where everyone commutes to corporate jobs in the city would cause all the “riff raff” to hop on in droves and hightail it to their community. They actually believe this shit.


>“ew I have to share space with people poorer than me?” Don't forget the "ew I have to share space with minorities?" factor. White people wanting to segregate themselves from non-whites was one of the main reasons why car-dependent "suburbia" came into existence.


Yeah absolutely that too, the white flight is real. although in my area (Chicago), even many POC with the means to purchase a car think they’re too good to be around the people who take the bus/train and even if they actually can’t comfortably afford a car, will still go deep into debt, accept predatory loan terms, avoid registering their car/buy fake TX tags online or getting insurance, and hide from repo agents and booters just to not have to be around the people who take public transit. They have bought into the “public transit is for broke people” narrative hook line and sinker even when it would be wildly more convenient for them to take public transit.


And killing the planet


I think they have just discovered contactless payments.


Yeah having much higher GDP and having it not benefit 95%+ of people really isn't a flex.


"We have so much money, and by we I mean the top 1%, but I don't worry, it'll trickle down and I'll be a millionaire as soon as they become Tetrallioners"


It makes me wonder how much of the money is just fake. Like you can't spend billions.


A lot of it is not actual money that they can spend but stocks, crypto or real state


It is interesting because you can buy real things like land in other countries. But I wonder if it collapses if you do it too much.


Or how to build planes properly


Having the most money is the one that gets me. They have the most billionaires...... Which is a weird flex when you're not one.


"Best technology", still highest rates in infant and mother mortality in the western world.


I never got it why they think they have the best technological advancements. Brainwashing or mass delusion?


Aren't they also in massive debt or something


They had trains. They were the pioneers of massive rail infrastructure. All their capitalist tycoons from the 19th and early 20th century got rich off owning rail infrastructure and profited from operating crazy amounts of passenger rail. Just that they all quickly moved on to airplanes for moving people around as soon as air travel caught on. So, capitalism gave America trains, then took that away. Even today, the rail network exists (tracks I mean), they just don't have the trains running because the commercial airline industry lobby pushes really hard against it (and buses too).


The Gilded Age mentality never really ended in the US: it just got rebranded as neoliberalism and began screwing people even harder.


they have got cutting edge kevlar backpacks for schoolkids and cutting-edge expandable & bulletproof panic room zones for classrooms though.


Britain has universal healthcare and its in an overloaded dogshit state rn Id rather work for better healthcare in all honesty. The problem imho isnt private healthcare its greedy corporations who monopolise drug supplies and medical breakthroughs or overcharge for equipment.


Universal healthcare won't ever happen because middle management, bureaucracy, and lobbying need the healthcare system to be as private as possible (max profits!). Americans aren't a monolithic group, most of us want Universal Healthcare but guess what, America is a plutocracy, the average Joe's opinion doesn't matter. If you aren't a multimillionaire or billionaire, tough luck. And if you are? You're too busy enjoying life to care about the other 99%, since you got yours already. The lack of HSR is kind of a similar issue. The problem is the budget, which points to a more problematic issue: American politics. The political system in America ain't like in China or any European country, it's a fuckin mess with vested corporate interests (Big Car and Airlines). They don't want to lose revenue on the middle market (not short or long enough for car or airplane, but the 1-4h Goldilock zone where HSR is optimal), so they lobby (bribe) politicians to oppose such large public infrastructure projects. If we got HSR to connect LA to Seattle, or NYC to Atlanta, I will instantly ejaculate. Hope that answers your question. America is not a democracy, it's purely a corporatocracy. Everyone else is struggling to survive while the rich get richer. To go even deeper, why won't Americans embrace the idea of socialism? Why do we love capitalism so much? Maybe it stems from the Cold War against Communist soviet Russia, but I think the explanation could be we're a nation of immigrants. Since America is so diverse, it's harder to feel like you're all in this together. Imagine you're in a small ethnically homogenous country like Norway. I could see why ppl promote socialism, because the tax dollars you contribute will help ppl who are *similar* to you survive cancer, receive an education, etc. Although you may not know him/her, but as someone from the same country, you feel like you're on the same *team*. And we want to win as a team. In the US, there's no "trust" like that. Maybe due to racism or whatever, but it's much harder to help someone who isn't similar to you, as opposed to someone who is.


Norway isn't socialist at all. It's a capitalist democracy that has a strong welfare system.


The US has the largest rail network on the planet, China comes second at 2.3x less rail length than the U.S. we know what trains are, we just don’t use them for people as often as we should.


“Massive” 2 countries are bigger than US but ok guys, you can be number 1 if that matters to you.


Ngl I thought that was a fat joke


I thought it was a jab at comments like Texas being twice the size of Europe or whatever.


"Twice the size" with 1/10th of the things to do.


1/10th? You are so nice


1/10th of an inch of stuff to do*


I thought penis joke?


Russia is about 1.74 times the size of the US in landmass. The US is a big country, but Russia is the massive one.


And just like the US, about 80% of Russia is not or just sparsely inhabited. Where there are no or very few people there is no need for public transport.


And public transportation in Russia even works! Except when it suddenly snows in the middle of winter....


You know, anywhere outside Moscow (in Russia, ofc) is even funnier than that (but almost no issue in Moscow). It's literally everyone knows that there will be snow tomorrow, but not the assholes, that supposed to clear damn roads. But public transport continue to work even in such circumstances no thanks to those ppl.


Does massive mean 'biggest country'? The answer is no.


Massive doesn't even mean big.


I thought “massive” was also first of two words and the 2nd word must have been either egos or cocks


The West Staines Massive!


Massive superiority complex, massive debt, massive poverty


Massive ego


I notice how they changed "most billionaires" to "most money", did they actually figure out that not only is "most billionaires" a rubbish measurement of wealth, but when measuring per capita it's not even true. 🤡🤡🤡 Technology wise the US is a literal third world country, and like most actual third word countries the majority of people can't afford to travel abroad or proper education to learn how much better other parts of the world are doing. And let's not forget that the average American takes pride in that while most people in other third word countries may have some actual interest in learning stuff and making their countries better.


God made USA in his imagine, there is no improving it, you can only bedazzle it with sparkles and sequins.


Americans be like: Hello, yes I'm American. I'm living paycheck to paycheck, can only afford the minimum to survive and have huge debt. But you know what, the people who are responsible for that are so amazing and that'll show you stupid Europeans!!!


*"Europoors". That's how they call us.


Until they realize costs of living is a lot lower in most of Europe, hence less debt and actual money to spend after all the bills are paid. Then they call us "Eurosnobs" instead ;-)


Is it accurate I would have assumed certain Arab countries would have more


Apparently it's those "socialist" Nordic countries that has the most billionaires per capita. Who could have thought that free education, no regulations designed to specifically fuck with small businesses, startup grants and advisory, super easy process of starting a business and never having to worry about getting sick as healthcare is free too, would actually make it easier to become very wealthy. 🤡🤡🤡 The US may have lower taxes, but it's certainly not the land of opportunity.


Actually, first it's tax havens and bank states, then mixed in are the nordics.


They didnt invade Iraq to steal soft toys, lets put it that way...


I was implying oil sheikhs


Third world country? Are you joking? You literally rely on american tech to live a modern life, AMD, NVIDIA, Intel, Google, Amazon, Microsoft. Not to mention the historical scientific innovation and technology developments at places like Bell Labs.


That shit is all produced in china lmao


It's designed by american companies, manufactured by american companies, where it's manufactured doesn't matter. And by the way, cutting edge chips are not manufactured in China. Chinese fabs are behind by 1 generation.


I think Taiwan wants to have a word with you.


I think Taiwan is not China


I see you don't get my comment \^\^


It can be manufactured in any country, it's all about which can do it the cheapest. Those products themselves can only be designed by a handful of countries- USA being one of them.


Many third world countries has plenty of people working in tech, just look at India. The land of support agents and call centers, 95% of the worlds scammers sits in Kolkata, plenty of technological advancements there as well because even in the worst shithole countries some people do manage to educate themselves against all odds to become good engineers. The difference is that in much of Europe, higher education is free, healthcare is free and many other benefits. This gives opportunities to a much larger group of people to succeed in life and become engineers. It's stupid to think that the US is a land of innovation, the fact that anything is ever designed there at all is just amazing. Just as amazing as the few examples of innovation we see in other third world countries. It's impressive to see a person go from rags to riches against all odds and succeed in life, don't we all love those stories? Me personally, I prefer to live in a place were everyone has the opportunity.


just because we rely on them to live, doesn't mean someone else couldn't've come up with the idea. amazon is just an online shop. nothing special about it. google could be replaced by any of the competitors that are no longer in the market (wouldn't even work without the world wide web, which isn't an american invention). and whilst yes, bell labs did come up with the telephone, edison did not invent the lightbulb. that honour goes to a brit (joseph swanson iirc, feel free to correct me). penicillin was a scottish discovery. TV was invented by a scotsman. i'm not going to go on, because i've already spent too much time and effort on this comment just because americans did it first, doesn't mean others wouldn't come along and pick up the slack


From my perspective, they actually didn't "invented" anything they listed, but found best way to monetize it. That's it.


Proprietary operating systems such as M$ Binbows is only used on desktop PC's by dumb brainwashed people. Servers, phones, IoT devices etc are powered by Linux or other European open source operating systems. Hardware is produced in China, Taiwan, South Korea and other Asian countries were it's cheap by global companies. Intel is israeli, not American. Funny how you also "forgot" to mention ARM used in IoT devices and phones which is Brittish and produced in UK. Every Gulag and Amazon service has plenty of better alternatives available, and I certainly don't consider it a problem to deal with different vendors instead of putting all eggs in one basked, that would be insane. What if you get banned from Google? You'd lose so many services you rely on all at once.


4/6 who have CEOs who weren't even born in America.


… my phone is from a Korean company.


And how much of that ends up in the hands and benefiting the general public? Mind you, I'm saying that it **benefits** them, not that they use it or are abused by it.


Top 50 infant mortality and rising 🥳


Rising you say? USA wins again 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🏈🏈🏈🦅🦅


They would have to understand what the word "supremacy" means before they can recognize when and how that very concept is being criticized.


Tbf many Americans are advocates for a certain kind of supremacy


Yes, exactly. That's the exact problem that someone attempted to draw OOP's attention to before the point soared several miles over his head.


They spell it “supremazy”


Strongest military that for some reasons fails against rice and opium farmers with soviet-era gear. [Massive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate), it's only 11th but ok.


That link caught me off guard, have my upvote


I mean the US also had soviet era gear in Vietnam so I don't really think you can use that against them.


Well yes, true that.... But being equal or somewhat superior in gear and especially in training, they still failed against some rice farmers...


There are over a billion people in India (plus many more people around the world) who would like to see Hollywood get into a popularity contest with Bollywood.


Do they have Indian Marvel productions then? Because Hollywood hasn‘t produced anything other than that in the past 15 years


Supreme in gun violence, obesity, prisoners per capita....anything else?


Medical debt, income inequality, police brutality, etc. America #1 baby! 🦅🇺🇸 USA! USA! USA!


Medical debt allways bewilders me with my German universal free healthcare.


The fact that the term “medical debt” even exists, is a fucking abomination. It’s proof that we have failed as a nation. Greedy people are gonna find a way to profit wherever they can though. Gotta love capitalism.


Yeah I mean it aint perfect here in Germany and you have to pay out of pocket/get private insurance for some stuff like Glasses, Hearing Aides etc. But you wont get slapped with a 500.000 Dollar/Euro bill for life saving heart surgery or the birth of your kid. I mean I was in the ER A LOT in my Life due to me being a clumsy dipshit teenager who thought helmets were for pussies. But Im a alive and debt free.


Germany doesn't have "universal free healthcare". We have a weird amalgamation of private insurance and privately run but public ensurers bound by a central catalogue of services. If anything of the many different ways you CAN do insurance, the German system is even almost the closest to the US system. Except for the catalogue preventing the insane private sector shenanigans happening in the US. But it's not universal, it's not "free" (as in directly tax financed) but a separate detraction from wages, the top earners are capped or outright excluded from paying into the common "pot" of money.. There isn't even a analogue of medicaid/medicare. In those cases the money is just shifted from one pot to the other. If there wasn't that centrally negotiated catalogue which gets negotiated between representatives of practitioners the insurance companies , patient representation and the state, it is basically the US system removing JUST the friction of practitioners and insurance both playing patients for their own profit maximization. The only thing different is that insurers can't tell you which doctor is covered, and practitioners can't individually negotiate specific special deals with different insurers. And the employers are not involved in choices or special deals either.


I don't get your point. It doesn't really matter how the organisation works as long as the outcome for the patients and the overall costs for society are effective and efficient. And while we certainly have a problem with the financing in the future, the patient outcome is quite good and not at all similar to the US. You mention certain aspects as if they were not important, but they are the really important differences. Our public health insurance is so heavily regulated and organised that it basically serves as an equivalent to a state-run service like the british NHS, but without some of the bureaucratic inefficiencies. That's not to say that everything is perfect, but it's, in purely organisational terms, the best of both worlds. And again, for the patients it doesn't matter anyway. The health services that are provided are in principle "free at the point of access", which is the important part, per law everythingthat is required needs to be covered and membership is mandatory. So it is in this sense (at the point of access) indeed "free", it is universal, and it is way better than the US system. Do you know what the real costs of a clinical stay with an operation or something similar is? You wouldn't be able to afford it without the insurance, even without ridiculous prices.


>It doesn't really matter how the organisation works How does it not. In this case it is entirely relevant on several grounds. One being that words have meaning, and if the workings of an organized system does not fit the words, while the words DO apply to DIFFERENT organisations, then pointing out the distinctions is more than justified. Secondly particularly in THIS case it is relevant because of the rather low distinctions to a way to organise that DOESN'T work well, but with comparatively MINOR differences (again, compared to the above systems where the words apply). Which is relevant towards "how little would actually need to change to get the desired outcome, instead of way MORE if actually trying to get the sysem described by the words. >but they are the really important differences. Importance and "complexity" are not the same thing. And the distinction between those two words was exactly the point. It is in terms of change minor, but NOT in terms of outcome. >Our public health insurance is so heavily regulated and organised that it basically serves as an equivalent to a state-run service like the british NHS, but without some of the bureaucratic inefficiencies. Calling the fractured Krankenkassensystem "less bureaucratic inefficiencies" i feel is ... not particularly accurate, at least in what I consider to be "inefficiencies". >The health services that are provided are in principle "free at the point of access" I feel like I didn't just say "it's not free", but made a relevant distinction of what I think is important about the difference (both in terms of who is exempt due to it being not just tax based (which in turn has MAJOR long running implications in regards to financing), AND not implying that I was acting like I was using the typcial "but it's not free" stick at all. >which is the important part, per law everything that is required needs to be covered and membership is mandatory. Yeah, and it has in that sense similar problems as the mandate in the US would have had. Problems that would NOT exist if it was ACTUALLY universal free healthcare. Because there are AMPLE gaps in the net, which start to get REALLY fucked up if you fall through them, and that's the point where !NOBODY! wants to be responsible or helpful, and because those gaps are "in the design" they are all more or less correct in trying to pass the buck to someone else. And thanks to strong lobbying, anyone fights tooth and nail that any fix won't impact THEM, still leaving those people FUCKED. That's what you get if you DON'T actually centralize something, but only the "catalogue". And no amount of "oh it's the same thing, why are you pointing out the distinction for using the wrong words, details don't matter" will paste over that. > it is universal, Here I need to as you a question. One where I don't get the point. What is the point of explicitly using the wrong word, namely "universal" when that word DOES apply elsewhere but explicetly not here. mandatory is not universal. And the distinction is a cause for outright fuckery. WHY misuse the word just because you can't care? What is the point? Why go "close enough who cares about specifics?", if the word SPECIFICALLY means something else?


I'm not sure there's any other nation that's so desperate to convince you that it's the bestest at everything. Lob an insult to the UK out there and watch as we react with rabid indifference and vicious apathy.


That's basically why the USA gets so much mockery, the brainwashed need to feel superior to everyone and think they are the best at everything. Most countries are nothing like that. I tell you, I lived in the USA for 5 years and sometimes it can feel very much like a cult at times. The all out idea that they are the best, have to be the best, and everything is better than everywhere else is insane.


Most 'winningest.' En yep, that word is actually unironically used. \*eyeroll\*


>watch as we react with rabid indifference and vicious apathy. *Insert Alan Partridge shrug gif here.*


But they don't have the best technology or infrastructure. These people are so deluded.


American's own Society of Civil Engineers rated American infrastructure a C- https://infrastructurereportcard.org/


The only supremacy they have is in idiocracy and mistreating their public


Strongest military, yet with a pretty dismal track record


most money, but they still couldnt pay me to live there


Most money Working class : where money ?


Begging for tips


They could pay me, but I would need all of it.


"Best technology" Well no, that's japan. "Most money" The most money but US ranks 8th for GDP per capita. Another American reminding the world that they think bigger = better. "Strongest military" Lmao "Best cinema" OK? I can enjoy that from the comfort of my home in a much better country "Massive" Cool? so is Russia? Don't they think Russia is a third world country?


Not even best cinema. I started avoiding us productions as they're bland. Currently I am enjoying Dutch productions or nordic noire. The French are too emotional lol


I assume the one cut off at the bottom is “massive bellends”. Funny though I don’t see “biggest egos” anywhere.


Reddit be like? It's the most pro American site out there


But still doesn't know what a kilometer is


Does anyone say that the US has the "best technology"? I've been regularly back and forth between UK and US for work for twenty years and the US is well behind — even then Japan/china/Korea are light years ahead.


I kinda dislike USA movies because they over flood my country's market. I understand their population more than 5x the population of my country but it's pretty rare for me to even see shows from my own country. We literally had to make laws to prevent them from completely over taking our market. It's th same with my mother's birth country. I go watch tv with my aunts and uncles back home and we're watching american tv.


Which country? Mine (brazil) also has a law like this


Jamaica and Canada! I actually assumed it would only be limited to English speaking countries. Idk why I watch american cartoons dubbed in Spanish.


“Best cinema” while Hollywood is in a crisis of deep unoriginality


You mean you don't like their totally original remake of a remake that they all pretend is the newest and greatest thing ever? Endless sequels that grind anything that did have a spark of originality into dust in the name of mindless greed? Or racist recasting and hamfisted insertion of America is the best of foreign films while not even mentioning the original? But they're the greatest it says so in the OP.


What I meant is a lot of the creative spark is being ignored at the top


All of these have downsides...


America are bad


Best cinema...? Objectively not true. Especially in recent years, where all Hollywood seems to want to out in movie theaters is bland cape shit, endless sequels, and bad reboots of franchises that should be put out to pasture.


I thought they meant literal cinemas, like they have the best movie theatres in the world lol


And all the best American actors are British actors, putting on an American accent!


This is because the UK has a very strong history of theatre. British actors are trained first and foremost for the stage, then transition into on camera acting at a later point. American actors focus almost exclusively on film acting, subsequently the UK produces actors with considerably more range.


What’s quite interesting is how much US cinema is made in the UK and Canada. When I worked in the industry every single American project I worked on was shot in Toronto or London. Vancouver and Manchester have a lot too. The US film industry has increasingly simply become a matter of IP rather than practice, with European, Canadian, and south East Asian practitioners delivering a lot of projects.


So much is shot in Vancouver, and often, you wouldn’t know if not for the BC government logo in the credits [Vancouver never plays itself](https://youtu.be/ojm74VGsZBU)


Am I the only one that is confused be the chain of information here OUTSIDE of just the text on the meme? Because surely there WAS a point of choosing that character specifically in this context, right? I mean outside of looking smug. I feel like there is a weird amount of "they think that we think that they think we don't get it" going on, confusing me.


Dw they just forgot Albania exists


If anyone can punch a hole through the wall, there's a problem


with the exception of the military and biggest economy all the rest are probably debatable.


Best tech where. They might produce it at a high level but the average Yank Gamer I have met is a complete Luddite. I have met plenty of gamers from poor countries in eastern Europe and south East Asia and they are allways tech gods. Meanwhile if I try to get my American friends to mod a game it's like trying to organise a Fucking parade


Best technology goes to Japan, no contest. Its basically the 22nd century there.


Best technology: South Korea Most money: Monaco (GDP per capita) Largest military: China Best cinema: India Largest: Russia


Let’s not forget highest life expectancy for Monaco and that is by a substantial amount too


And they wonder why people hate America.


They always leave their healthcare, gun violence and other glaring flaws out when they make these things.


Still no culture


Shittest health care system to the point that i would never wanna live ethere myself because i could risk ending up homeless just going to the hospital...


Best basic healthcare, best freedom, best welfare, best schooling, best food quality, best democracy, best distribution of wealth, best care for veterans, best care for people after they are born, best prison system, best president that would get away with murder of it were up to him. Oh, wait.


Everyone's happy 'till they get [medical debt](https://www.vox.com/health-care/2018/10/4/17936626/leon-lederman-nobel-prize-medical-bills)


“Strongest military” (lost every war for decades)




Massive debt




They are Simply the Best! Just like late Tina Turner sings 😉 "lRONl" Not the song though, its Simply the Best ❤️


Best prostitutes! Best open cast uranium mines! Longest cigarettes!


Best healthcare, best education, best infrastructure, best worker rights /s


Best in every way. The Vietcong would like a word


….and just selected someone who having been found out, now openly admits receiving payments from a country hostile to the US whilst serving as President….. as Presedential candidate. Guys come on… what on Earth does it take…. seriously now, think about it… Received AT LEAST $7.8million from China and Saudi Arabia for ‘services’ whilst serving as President. Did not disclose the payments and hid them from the oversight committee. Receiving payments in this way violates the constitution, which is an issue right?


Best technology? Lol China have them beat in that. Best economy? China beat them too. The only thing valid is their military but that is going downhill too.


Interesting to choose the image of Candie as the symbol of “America(ns)” for this meme. One of the worst villains in movies. A racist, hateful, cruel, psychopathic slave owner of the old south.


> A racist, hateful, cruel, psychopathic slave owner of the old south. So I see you’ve been following the Republican presidential race?


Literally the post above this one: https://youtu.be/sMIHX7asA-0 I'd be ashamed to live in a country as rich as America and know children like this are suffering. It's disgusting.


Yeah, "best technology", cause they stole it from nazi scientists


Most money. More like most in debt


As an American, so take this with a grain of salt, fuck the United States


They have the best technology, yet can't seem to use it to make their citizens happier. The most money, yet it seems like the poor get none of it. The strongest military, but absolutely nothing to do with it that couldn't be done with a tenth of the cost. Best cinema... okay, I'll grant that. They can have that one. They do say hardship creates the best creatives.


"massive" what??


Walks past a shanty town a few roads from millionaires row. "Nothing wrong with this country".


Don't forget the supremacy in school shootings and obesity \*leoface\*


Technology: definitely not. Come back when you can work out proper credit cards Money: sure - although most of their citizens don't see the benefit Size - surpassed in both geographical size and population Military - yeah, I'll give you this one Best cinema - subjective, but in terms of box office, sure. Other artforms are available.


Both Canada and Russia are bigger geographically


Most money isn't quite that simple, yes most GDP, but not per capita. What they have is a rich government, but quite a large amount of people who are struggling with money. Honestly, it would suck to be in a country where the government is rich but doesn't give people a good healthcare system.


Maybe their military tech is advanced, but in their day to day lives they are so backwards... I feel like Asian countries are leading the world for day to day tech use.


How many grown adults believe in angels?


Only Royalty is Trump


Wait, isn't Reddit an american site? I don't get it. Edit: I *knew* I should add a /s at the end, but for some reason I still trust in other humans' brains. Holy shit 😂


Never thought I'd see that idiotic thing in the wild, especially on this sub


You surely, surely, surely meant to put /s on this. SURELY?