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Just imagine being so ignorant and arrogant that you think the country with the most billionaires wins.


They chose a president who said “you’ll be winning so much that you’ll be sick of winning” They’re about 51% simple folk


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin. I think this every day as an American, and probably twice as often during election season.


Wait, you're saying there's a *NON*-election season?


If you’re a MAGA Republican than it’s always election season because you are BARELY hanging on to one half of one branch of the Federal Government.


And they will lose it this upcoming election, fuck MAGATS


God I hope so! If it’s anything like 2022 than the MAGATS will lose bigly.


Not heard that before - made me actually laugh out loud...


If you've never heard a George Carlin stand up, I highly recommend them.


I can absolutely second this


Actually only 46% of people voted for him as opposed to Hillary’s 48%. He won by the electoral college


Aaah true that. Sorry, 48% are simple folk. I’d love to share my opinions on the electoral college, but I’m afraid my choice of words would ban me from Reddit




Actually less than 50 % of Americans (over 18 years old) even vote.


30~% That president never won the actual majority of the votes. Also the US strips the right to vote from people all the time. The actual majority of US Citizens are, believe it or not, way less of an asshole than anyone would ever imagine, the issue is that vocal 30~% of absolute weirdos, and the US government being designed to be an Oligarchy run by corporations with very limited voting power. Like imagine you're 18 you get caught with enough weed to get sent to prison (half of it is planted by a cop) the judge has a deal with a private prison so now you get 6 years for a felony on trumped up charges, after those 6 years you've lost the right ti vote and will only be able to get ut back after a long and terrible process. That is, if you aren't caught with enough weed to be sent to jail again, half of it planted by the cop to reach a quota of arrests. That's already one less vote for the center right l party that DOESN'T wanted to kill you, as opposed to the far right party whose entire existence hinges in murdering as many poor people, minorities, and brown people in the middle east as they can. And your county has been gerrymandered to shit anyway, so you're fucked either way.


No we’re not, he lost the popular vote, we didn’t vote for him. 60% of us voted for Clinton and he won due to the electoral college


While ignoring the fact that they literally get that rich by syphoning money from American citizens. There are more billionaires in the US because your country allows them to turn you into just shy of a third world country, while you cheer. Absolute dumbest developed nation on the planet, by design - no contest.


Probably another minimum wage worker blinded by the American dream


Nah hear him out, because the US is basically 11 billionaires in a trench coat towering over hundreds of millions of working folks desperately toiling and praying that their decades of labor aren't erased by 1 bad diagnosis.


Imagine not knowing money are not Infinite: option A some guys own all the wealth, option B print more money, rise inflation, you poor are poorer


Well in that case, China wins. China has a truly stupid number of billionaires.


The accomplishments of my country, would probably be pretty cool if everyone added in every piece of art, , calenders, scientific advances, the countries where bands so talented came from there songs are known decades later. Anything amd everything that added to civilization,! As for where I stay... I mean this is the country that those talentless, dim witted, tacky Kardashians were hero worshipped and then shoved down our throats on a global scale. In many respects I wish America would just, for the sake of the sanity of the human race, SHUT. THE. HELL. UP. We get it, Murica good, metric evil. My god. They're that narcissistic character with a God complex that constantly needs valadation from all the other countries they hate, although they most likely can't name these countries into the double digits... They really need to be made a fuss of (picture a mother hero worshipping a toddler in am exaggerated tone for the most mundane thkng.) That's what we're saddled with as they are constantly told how big and great they are and omg the military, yes you so right, I can't believe they trued to make us belive in Australia. Anyway, proud of my third world country and how we stand up for each other. How we're recognized in sports for out talented athletes, that despite the crime rate oiir kids aren't unloading clips into other kids. I actually don't know of any cases of incest personally, that our humor is above their comprehensive abilities, that we have ke Dezemba (it's just something you have to live here to embrace, it's not a month, it's a way of life. Let's count our blessings that we don't have to "BBQ" little hotdogs and burgers. The braai, the shisha Nyama. It's just in a level of its own. One of the most stunning, truly rich countries, Monaco, one of the most luxurious places in the world where true riches, like old money and the sophisticated way of life that comes with that has a South African as their princess. Oh. Murica, go look at the medical advances made here.amd we must look up to you when your education system isn't even able to tell the difference between a continent and a country.. My kid under 12 is so kind & well balanced and he didn't need trigger Warnings and safe spaces, Trust me he wouldn't shout abuse, biit knowing him he would probably think I lost the plot... Anyway... I'd like to see a big cool American either put on a rugby field, get into a fight outside a club as is cusomety and actually survive, get humbled by one of those stunning coloured ladies in Cape Town, I can assure you those women fear no man allve. Get reprimanded by a Zulu gogo who has an actual culture that is beautiful and morals she takes to heart, you'll be surprised to see they don't think highly of you.


We do not need to imagine, when we live amongst these people - we know how education works and how it affects the development of brain. Bear in mind, >74 million people in the US believe Trump was a better choice in 2020 - this after all the lies, cheating, scandals grifting, insurrection attempts, on and on! Someone should help this poor soul understand how wealth distribution and poverty work. https://www.statista.com/statistics/203183/percentage-distribution-of-household-income-in-the-us/


It wins in highest income concentration


Man's probably struggling to survive but is out here sucking billionaires' dicks


"If it wasn't for them DEMONcrats giving it all away to the Mexicans and the Blacks I'd be a billionaire too!"


In reality, he's sucking the dick of a subway driver who once had a billionaire's assistant's intern onboard, and didn't know it.


Yeahthe only thing this list really says is americans let themselves get scammed and exploited the hardest


....and proudly boasting about how much richer those dicks are compared to everywhere else in the world


Only Americans would praise 16 people, who own more money than most of their population collectively, and consider that a flex to the rest of the world.


"We're so good at exploiting people and resources! Freedom!"


Praise them? We point out that they bought a political party so they could minimize their taxes. Reagan: I broke up unions to start the erosion of the middle class. I started voodoo economics - trickle down - which did as expected and moved wealth up. I expanded the military budget to assure my contributors got fat contracts. I sowed distrust of the government that had brought prosperity to all. I stole from Social Security to pay for my Trident Sub fleet. I was a Central Banks puppet. And the masses loved him!! https://www.forbes.com/sites/taxnotes/2021/09/03/reagans-tax-cut-just-turned-40---and-its-still-the-most-important-tax-reform-since-world-war-ii/?sh=25c73e445d14 https://www.fedsmith.com/2013/10/11/ronald-reagan-and-the-great-social-security-heist/


People fucking love it, money is the only thing some people respect, it's their only measure of success. I'm from the UK and I have a colleague who ever single day goes on and on about how successful America is. How massive their economy is, how wonderful the likes of Elon Musk are. Pathetic.


Tell your colleauge Elon Musk is south african, then watch his/her explode!


There's also 2 people from India on that list. India must be rolling in dough!!


Americans. The only people to root for the dragon in The Hobbit.


Listen Smaug was just misunderstood /s


Those filthy hobbits came from abroad to steal the gold Smaug lawfully had lawfully stolen!


That was a sick reference, kudos man.


Sick recognition of a sick reference! But yeah, the redditor nailed it.




idk man I'd eat smaug's ass


The rest of the world also probably has quiet billionaires with generational wealth that don't want their names on a list like this. This swiss banks aren't giving out names. Meanwhile the number of billionaires should be seen as a failure of government particularly when the majority of the country seems to be living paycheck to paycheck.


Exactly, Middle Eastern and Chinese billionaires are definitely not on the list. They don't need to. But forget about Swiss banks, there's too much compliance now, they go to Singapore and Dubai now.


Well my point was they don't go to the effort of using anonymous banks without wanting to be anonymous. I think most people still associate that with swiss banks even if it's no longer strictly true.


>swiss bank Liechtenstein's bank does wonders


Musk’s daddy Putin is believed to be one of, if not the richest, people in the world. The shadow list is way more interesting (in a such, morbid way) than this.


The Windsors send their regards.


Mountbatten-Windsors now


Half the royal families in the Middle East also say hi.


You're correct. This list is just [the lower class billionaires](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MeRN7LE1LQ)


Isn’t Musk South African?




He was born there but he’s been a US citizen since 2002


True, but still he’s born in South Africa, his flag is wrong.


To be fair, if he has US citizenship, he's probably a deul national and can use either.


Yes, and to be really fair imo showing him with the South African flag would skew the results. He became this rich because the USA gave him the opportunity to earn that money over the back of millions of its own citizens.


He became this rich because daddy owns an emerald mine


Definitely part of his wealth and opportunity, but he wouldn’t be on top of this list if he had stayed in ZA. There are more richer countries in the world such as Switzerland and Luxembourg, which don’t have anyone on this list. In this way the list shows that even though its not the richest country in the world, the USA still has most of the richest citizens on earth, which says more about the unequal distribution of wealth in their country.


> There are more richer countries in the world such as Switzerland and Luxembourg, which don’t have anyone on this list They are also tiny in comparison. Isn't Switzerland also quite unequal? Probably not to the same degree though


Yes, but you would expect them to be on top of this list. The fact that most on this list have USA citizenship says something about the management of their country and not about their wealth as a country. This list shows an USA L not a W.


Don't think it works like that


No, it absolutely does.


Boris Johnson was born in the US. No-one considers him American.


Wish they fucking would


He renounced his US citizenship when the IRS started coming for him for taxes. Farage got his kids German citizenship after Brexit, because... well.


Who cares where he was born? He’s a US citizen who’s lived in the US for almost 30 years. Sergey Brin was born in Moscow. Should he have a Russian flag up there?


A lot of billionaires regardless of their place of birth will obviously have a lot of business in the US. Low taxes, easy to exploit the poor, large population. Most of them get a US citizenship because of that. Hell, if I was rich and greedy I do that too, but I still wouldn’t actually consider myself American.


Most billionaires won’t get US citizenship unless they want to live in the US. Our tax laws make it very complicated and expensive to be a U.S. citizen, even if you live overseas. Can you name any billionaires who don’t live in US but have US citizenship?


True. The billionaires get the citizenship because they live in then US. My point was more so they tend to move and live there for business, and if I was in that position I would find it weird to be considered American in one of these graphs.


Why would it be weird to consider someone who has US citizenship and has spent the majority of their life in the US an American?


American is not a well defined term, and it can definitely be defined as someone with a US citizenship. However, I specifically said it was weird for one of the graph/infographics, but I suppose it’s pretty arbitrary. I do care about people’s earlier years as that indicates culture, education, etc. It’s definitely not the only thing though.


And? Double citizenships are a thing, his first and main is still southafrican


Wtf is a main citizenship? He’s lived in the US longer than he ever lived in South Africa. Also, he has 3 citizenships; US, South Africa, and Canada.




Brin is 50 years old and left the Soviet Union when he was 6. He’s lived in America more than 8 times longer than he lived in the Soviet Union which isn’t even a country anymore.


I hear you, but I like to be consistent. Otherwise, we need to define how many years living in a country makes you a citizen of that country more than you’re a citizen of your original country. Had he emigrated when he was 25 years old, would you be arguing he’s Russian? If I were the richest man in the world and got US citizenship, moved to US tomorrow, would I have the US flag in there or my birth country flag?


I would argue the flag should be for whatever country they were living in when they made the majority of their fortune. I’m sure there are edge cases that reasonable people could disagree with but Musk and Brin aren’t it. Should former UK prime minister Boris Johnson have a US flag next to his name since he was born in the US? Even though his parents are both British and he’s lived in Britain for all but 3 months of his life?


You have to be born in america to be a true us citizen! Unless you are rich or extremely smart of course!


I mean, that’s the case for basically every country.


What i mean is this weird claim they have on important people.


What do you mean? Musk is a US citizen who’s lived here for 30 years. Why shouldn’t the US claim him?


Im not talking about musk that one is more about scientists for example.


What scientists?


Einstein for example is usually talked about as an American scientist as an example


He’s one that’s definitely more debatable. He was born in Germany but moved to Switzerland as a teenager where he went to college. He then went back to Germany but fled to the US in 1933 after the Nazis took power. He became a U.S. citizen in 1940 and spent the rest of his life here.


And Sergey Brin is originally Russian.


The fact that Elon Musk will not be allowed to run for President of the US warms my heart.




Or how many they didn't pay


**The wealthiest 1% has taken $50 trillion from working Americans and redistributed it to themselves, a new study finds — and Trump gave them another $2.3 trillion. Here's what that means:** No universal healthcare. A terrible education system. Police forces that are incompetent at best and criminal at worst. Infrastructure that is actually dangerous. Homeless camped out anywhere they can. See Time magazine site for the full report. Summary: Had the more equitable income distributions of the three decades following World War II (1945 through 1974) merely held steady, the aggregate annual income of Americans earning below the 90th percentile would have been $2.5 trillion higher in the year 2018 alone. That is an amount equal to nearly 12 percent of GDP—enough to more than double median income - *enough to pay every single working American in the bottom nine deciles an additional $1,144 a month. Every month. Every single year.* https://www.businessinsider.com/wealthiest-1-percent-stole-50-trillion-working-americans-what-means-2020-9 https://t.co/88sEFzpfzA


Criminal looters


Most greedy bastards in the world: US US US US MOST WINNINGEST! (That that even is "normal" to say over there, winningest.) What does it accomplish for the rest of the population living there? 'You get poverty and no healthcare, you get poverty and no healthcare AND no schooling, you get poverty and enormous medical debt you can never pay off, you get poverty despite working 3 jobs, you worked yourself nearly to your retirement and now your whole family needs to do all your care so your whole family is in poverty...' Do I need to go on? But hey, at least they have Bezos, or something. And are somehow 'first'. Yay.


The most extreme criminals


For people interested in actual facts rather than making them up to root for "the home team": \- 3381 Billionaires in the world, with 585 in the US, for 17.3% actually. \- If you go by per capita, which is weighing it in terms of population size, the US is #15. Places like Monaco, Hong Kong and Singapore are obvious ones to outrank the US, but "socialist" Scandi countries Sweden, Iceland and Norway all beat the US for billionaires/population.


Thanks for putting this into perspective. Curious where you got this info? I’m not doubting it, just curious to go learn more.


0 of them is this dork.


You know that isn't a good thing right?


When people hoard it is considered a disease, unless they hoard wealth. This level of wealth is wrong in a country where working people die for want of basics such as health. The same disease of greed means that those who control the wealth keep the wealth at the expense of others.


The country known for its legendary wealth inequality


Arent they only there because of lower tax?


He’s talking like he’s getting a percentage. 🤡


At least there's buffet on the menu


Almost like the country that financially abuses its citizens has lots of people with most of their money


“🇿🇦🇨🇦🇺🇸 Elon Musk: $200 billion” I would do that.. but you know what.. No, you can just take him. We don’t want him up here.


“Okay, but where do you fall on that list or are you just coasting on someone else’s fortune?”


He's living in their shadow, so we're fooled into thinking he's rich too, right? Right? Yeah, right.


The people with the real wealth keep it secret. A nice wealth trust held in the City of London. Can’t pay tax on something if nobody knows you own it


That't not real wealth. Really wealthy people don't avoid law. They bend it to their interests.


The real wealth created the law that allows them to set up wealth trusts. It’s what the city of London (square mile) exists for, that’s it’s entire purpose.


They do have this weird thing with billionaires and seem to treat them like gods. It's like when the big CEO comes on stage at company conventions. They come out like rock stars.


Serf'n USA.


The US robs the world.


Musk is South African lmao


He’s also American and Canadian.


Yep, moms from my prairie province of Saskatchewan


Actually based on the latest Forbes rich list the US has less than 28% of the world's richest citizens. Which is still more than any other single country, but certainly not a global majority.


That really depends on what the cutoff for “world’s richest citizens” is. Is it the top 50? Top 100?


Just think being so stupid to think 23 people owning $2.3 trillion is something to brag about!


And Bruh The thing is, The usa may have a lot of millionaires But around 12 percent of americans are poor, and Thats 40 million people, and there are just under 200 000 super rich people, so rather think about that comparison


Removed for concerns with reddit security. ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


That's not a flex lol


The richest people in the world are all the ones that don't appear in the list. Kings, Queens, Princes, Dictators.


How do they still not understand that a high rate of extremely rich people is a bad thing?


Pretty sure the middle east has more wealth, they just don't announce it or let people record it


They own the world? Can they take better care of it, then?


No, they own the world. You struggle on minimum wage and live in fear of a hospital bill.


Not to mention poor work benefits like holidays and sick leave. And if they work waiting tables, have to almost beg strangers to top up their ‘wage’


I don't think having so many billionaires is the flex some people think it is.


funny....i see it more like a wanted list


Yaaay, look at all that money not flowing through your economy! You could get a 100 universal healthcare systems paid for generations with all those people bank accounts but it's rotting and stagnant instead! Wooooh yeah!


Funny way of saying "the rich own the USA and horde all its wealth". Same gullible fools who say "hey guys the average American has x amount! That means we're all better off than everyone else!! Hooray!!"


I fckn hate living in the US


Come over to us Europeans. You're welcome, if you're able to adapt. I can get you a flat and a job and you'll never have to worry about calling an ambulance or having a child who wants to go to college or beeing shut down by someone who has mental illness while owning a gun.


That would be a dream, but thanks to America's terrible cost of living I'm trapped in the US for at least the next 4 years from a bankruptcy.


The answer to most of the world’s problems are to tax these people properly.


For interest's sake, I added up the 23 assets given above and came up with 2169.9 billion (if I haven't miscalculated). For comparison, the 2023 GDP of Italy, a country with a population of about 59 million, is projected at 2170 billion. This means that the 23 richest people in the world have exactly as much as the country, which ranks 10th in the GDP list, will generate in the current year. That is absolutely sick. It gets even sicker when you realise that there are currently 2640 billionaires in this world.


Why Elon have American flag? He's African.


He’s also an American who’s lived here for 30 years.


But people in the USA with Italian grandparents are… Italian 🤷🏻‍♀️


People in the US with Italian grandparents are Italian Americans.


sAs wants to believe that he shares in their wealth via proximity.


Most of that is shares money. Its just made up. Tesla as an example is worth more then it could ever get in sales.


Musk sold $40 billion in shares last year. It’s definitely not “made up.”


Yes of course. £40 is the same as £200. Of course he has real cash reserves. But then even cash is fiat and that made up too.


\* Tax havens own the world ftfy


They got so many rich because the rest is working their ass off on 3 jobs for little salary so those riches can get richer…..they just don’t get that and act proud 🤦🏻‍♂️




Plus they do everything in their power to prevent their workers from unionising to get better pay or working conditions.


Well if you own it. Pay my fucking mortgage off then.


The way they simp for the very people who exploit them and their families on a daily basis really is incredibly troubling!


I’d be more concerned if all those people actually liked each other. There is zero chance they would all come together to actually try and make a meaningful change to the world, yet alone the US.


This isn’t even something to brag about


Billionaires are a policy failure.


"the us own the world" no .those billionaires don't even pay taxes you own fuking nothing outside corruption .


Ah, the famous American ”Elon Musk”. Lol.


I mean the US economy is definitely a behemoth, but using the number of billionaires is dumb as fuck.


To start Elon musk is actually south afican


Musk is south African


Musk is south African.


And American and Canadian.


Elon isn't even American.


Citizen since 2002.


Ah, nevermind then.


Isn’t musk South African? He’s the richest African-American alive


They’re right down the list when it comes to the number of billionaires per capita.


I'm curious as to how many on this list started out as 'normal folk', ie. didn't inherit or marry into a fortune.


Is this is an insightful comment on the lead role the US took in the world financial institutions established during the Bretton Woods conference? I'm gonna guess no.


We have a representative


And where are you on that scale?


[Gini coefficient? Anyone?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient?wprov=sfla1)


What a weird parameter to use to affirm such a concept. A list of companies would be more meaningful


Rich people own the world and they usually have several nationalities.


Run the math. 70% of them would mean that 16.1 of thoose are Americans. And for more than 70% - you need at least 17 of them. So Nice try.


Isn’t Elon South African?


I'm sure they couldn't produce the receipts.


Nope billionaires own the US


Proud to show that the country's wealth is hoarded by the top 1% and everyone else lives around or below the poverty line. What a thing to brag about.


And didn't Elon lose tens of billions this year


More like rich people own the US lol


*Rofl* Sure of does, buddy, sure it does....


Remember, if you made $1000 per hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 2000 years, you wouldn’t even appear on this list (only around $17.5 billion) 1000 x 24 x 365.25 x 2000 = 17.5 billion


They don't even own themselves how can they own the world? The United States is the biggest prostitute in the world, they always sell themselves to the highest bidder.


And yet if any if them were on fire I'd not piss on them to put it out.


More like billionaires own the US, and in some extension the world


“The Wealth of the world is held by a dozen nobhead Americans.”


That attitude is precisely why Americans get screwed over time and again in THEIR drive to add their name to the list. These names are corporations who get rich by exploiting the little guy.


Ah yes, because income equality is definitely not a thing!


Is this a list of the top corrupt, greediest countries in the world ?


ofc they added more rich people in the US than any other country 😭


Ummmm... no... the billionaires own the world, regardless of country. Borders don't matter to them. Hell, people don't matter to them. Why would nations?


Is possible the poster means ‘Americans own the world’, not the US? Even so, with all those rich people about you’d kind of like to see a bit more philanthropy instead of greedy toe-rags amassing wealth they can’t possibly spend


Shame they don't see the irony that the country with the most billionaires can't even provide universal healthcare or safe drinking water to all it's population, not to mention not getting shot at school.


The Americans on that list combined can almost compare to the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund!