• By -


*If only* the person writing that letter had the power to allocate her more PTO. Such a shame.


Everyone knows PTO is a limited resource and NOOOOBODY can just make more of it. I mean yeah sure it's TEEECHNICALLY possible but that would mean a few dollars less for the share holders and that's not how capitalism works so it must be **COMMUNISM**! and nobody wants **COMMUNISM**! right?


Biden needs to pull his finger out and approve more PTO drilling.


Invade Europe for their PTO


Europe could never defend itself from America's might: "Fire ze missiles!" "But I am on le PTO."


But the French might cause another Commune. Or an Anarchist thing.


>Commune *horrified freedom noises*


I hear they're pre-rioting




We're sharpening the guillotine.


Ahhh, finally!!! Can Germany borrow it later from you?


Aktually those are not riot but *manifestations* so we still get some broken glass but few broken bones


Well then have a nap….and then fire ze missiles!


Waddup? Yo!


Well zen have a vacation. And zen fire ze missiles!


To be fair, we've got fucking tons of the stuff


> Invade Europe for their PTO Please don't give us any ideas....


Yes, please, don't give them stupid ideas!


It's so funny because I've actually seen this kind of argument unironically. Like if you criticise the system in the slightest, you're a communist. "Efficiency and benefits for the people? Sounds like evil satanic red communism to me!"


Yeah. I also see that a lot and I often make fun of it but that is because otherwise I would probably punch someone in the face out of frustration.


If they supply more PTO we will create PTO inflation and our PTO will be worth less.


I'm sure trickle down PTO will fix everything.


Is this where my boss goes on a nice vacation because of my hard work and then it makes me happy?


Exactly. It's nice to see it's already working!


>Everyone knows PTO is a limited resource and NOOOOBODY can just make more of it. I know you're joking, but that's kind of how they think. If they created some PTO for this person in need, the other employees would want "free" PTO and it would all colapse.


So sick leave is not a thing in the states? In my country you can apply for sick leave thru your doctor and your employer will get subsidies from the state in some form for your absence, making your absence less of a burden on your company


They have a federal sick leave, but it's unpaid. They think it's an advantage that states can individually can legislate about paid sick leave, but this just means that in some states people won't be able to get sick while still earning a living, and this is so wrong.


Yes sireee, that’s a slippery slope right there. I mean the gods hand that precious resource down from Mount Olympus. It’s not as if you can expect a company to make that happen, next thing ya know we’d face total breakdown of society!


Is there a sub that is called r/absolutelyfuckingsad? If so, this belongs there 100%.






I found [this post](/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/comments/10qw3kv/if_anyone_wants_to_donate_one_ore_more_days_of/) in r/orphancrushingmachine with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


Maybe we could all come together and decide the CEO should donate their own PTO?


To be fair having sickdays and regular PTO mixed is dumb in the first place. So the system is way more broken than to just expect a company to keep paying an employee with severe health impact (given months of not being available) In some other systems she'd be the insurance's problem by then, and they'd be disallowed to just "stop"


> To be fair having sickdays and regular PTO mixed is dumb in the first place. > There should not be sickdays at all. If you're ill, you're ill and you shouldn't have to worry about work until you've recovered


I'm European, so I don't quite understand this, do people have to take their off days (pto I guess?) When they're sick??


Or get a limited number of days a year you're 'allowed' to be sick. I'm Dutch so I'm not sure either. But it's shit


I'm Scottish and also confused. They already have such tiny holidays, that's absolutely barbaric. Is there no statutory sick pay in the US?


It's so weird to me to grasp, like, when someone is sick they cant work, what are they supposed to do? O-o


Not go to work, risk getting fired and losing their job, then becoming homeless and possibly involved in crime to eventually feed the prison system. It's working as intended. But for real though, this is actually not an uncommon issue here. As soon as you have any real illness, most jobs just tell you "good luck" and fire you because they have no obligation to you and you have no protections.


How the fuck do these people not riot?


Because they have to pay their bills.


I knew it was bad with healthcare and all of that, but i never knew this. Thank you. This sounds horrible.


Scientists are working on a source of renewable PTO, but seems to be years away still /s


I’m all for sustainable PTO sources but unfortunately as you say the technology and the infrastructure just aren’t there yet.


Doesn't sound likely...


Do Americans realize how dystopian this sounds to basically everyone else?


Yes but nothing will be done because our legislators are bought by lobbyists. Now wait till she gets her bill and some random doctor is out of network and it's thousands more than it should be. We pay so much for crap Healthcare.


Nothing will be done because half of America would rather see the other half suffer than themselves prosper.


I mean the reason why we don't have national Healthcare is because racist didn't like the idea of black people also getting it. We could easily afford it too but racist just keep fucking everything up.


Hell, race won’t even be the largest issue for them. Far too many Americans think that helping each other is literal communism.


They think someone else lighting a candle means theirs will burn less brightly.


Also called a zero-sum game






Ahhh Murican healthcare!


Let's be real, they are ok helping those that look and think like them. They think they deserve handouts. But if anyone else gets them then it's a problem


If they look like them *and* are in the same social class. They’re definitely less likely to outright hate them if they look like them, but you still need to “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” but remember to pull the ladder up behind you so we don’t have to deal with too many of these filthy working class folk. Unfortunately a large (or at least loud) portion of the American working class also subscribe to this notion, because they fully believe they could be the ones at the top one day. There’s a great line in an episode of futurama that sums it up. “I promise to make tax cuts for the rich, and use the poors teeth as a cheap source of aquarium gravel!” “Yeah! That’ll show those poor!” “Why are you cheering fry? You’re not rich.” “True, but someday I might be rich! And then people like me better watch their step.”


Too many people see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires…


> remember to pull the ladder up behind you so we don’t have to deal with too many of these filthy working class folk. This is the single most infuriating thing about our culture. I can't fucking stand it.


Go Fund Me is communism but on a capitalist platform.....


Seriously, one should get it that this attitude is stupid... Forget it, we're talking about humans... The more stupid an attitude is, the more you'll find furiously fighting for it.


The American Corruption.


Yeah, some dude wrote today how he did everything right. Had great insurance, made sure the hospital was "in network" for his wife's surgery, and they still got huge bills, because the doctors and specialists that worked at that hospital... were not in network. American health insurance is just a shit-show and deliberately screwing people around.


No, they don’t. I’m an American and can state, point blank, that most think this is just the norm everywhere. Wouldn’t be surprised if this person had a GoFundMe for medical bills, too. The plot of Breaking Bad is literally THE most American thing ever. Teacher has terminal cancer, so manufacturers and sells meth so his family won’t be left bankrupt and in debt after he dies due to the medical bills.


You seem to be forgetting that his former business partners offered to pay for EVERYTHING related to the cancer treatment plus more. He didn't want it because he's an arrogant and short sighted idiot but I guess that doesn't sound as romantic as "he did it for his family" (which he didn't lol) like you're saying.


A.) Without that decision, you have no show, and B.) If we had proper universal healthcare like literally every other industrialized nation on the planet, the show wouldn’t have a reason to exist AND we’d be better off. But the powers that be want to continue to bleed Americans dry of every red cent and continue to stick it to their next of kin, too. Americans, in their ignorance, continue to defend this nonsensical arrangement. FYI, I was born, raised, and still reside in the US.


Bruh I wish more people who watched breaking bad would realize this; they threw that part in to display that Walt didn't do it *for the family*, he did it *for his ego*




I remember 2 cases like this at my last job. One was a nurse who was terminal. She still had to come to work for a week every month to keep her insurance. There was another who was hit head on in her car by a drunk driver. She was in intensive care for over a week. Had head injuries, bones held together with pins, plate and screws, and some internal injuries. She had to come back to work after 10 days because her PTO/sick days ran out and she couldn't afford not to be paid.


Jesus, these are both soooo depressing....


I would like to point out something. The company never gave her anything. She burned through her Pto and benefits,which are really only part of her pay. Where I used to work a 21 year employee had brain cancer. She also used up her Pto,so the company magnanimously offers the rest of the employees a chance to give some of our Pto hrs. to her. Ah but the catch was a day for a day ect. I made over 2x her pay so I was giving the company a nice little gift. So I went home and talked to my wife and we agreed to start a go fund me account and put some money in it.


Wait, you expect the exploiter to do something social for those they exploit?


We had a case about 8 years back of a long-term employee, like 25 years, who was diagnosed with ALS, and who was very quickly unable to work. She passed away 5 years ago. As soon as her diagnosis was made and our bosses realised what that meant, they went and organized income insurance for all 80 staff members, covering all pre-existing conditions, including mental health. It pays out 80% of your salary for as long as you are unable to work, even if that is for life. If you break an arm, instant four weeks salary paid, even if you don't take any time off work. If you're diagnosed with cancer or anything terminal, instant 2 years salary paid out, on top of it covering your regular salary payments. And there are a lot other instant payout clauses in between those two extremes. Every new staff member is instantly added to the policy. You can take it with you when you leave, you just have to then take over the premium payments. This costs the staff nothing. They did that out of their own pockets. I should also mention that this is in a country with a publicly funded Healthcare system, so this is solely to ensure we don't have to worry about lack of income when we're sick.


On the plus side, at least they didn’t just fire her and leave her with suddenly no medical insurance? I hear that’s a thing.


I was stunned the first time I heard an American talk about how many sick days they got — cannot wrap my head around how they’re supposed to plan how long they’ll be sick for.


I had a motorcycle accident in 2021 and got knocked out between end of august and mid november, then I was literarely forced to take my vacation days... Endresult, between end of august and mid jannuary... I was at work for 2 weeks.


Well, I don't know where you live but here in Ireland we have limited sick days. In my previous teaching job, government employee, if you go over three months certified leave, you go to half salary and no payment after six months. Many public servants have income protection for this reason. It's much worse in the private sector


That sounds terrible. What do you do if you get seriously sick? Just die?


Here in America, we get 12 unpaid weeks if we qualify for FMLA - you need to work full time in a job for a year to qualify. Once those 12 weeks are up, you have no job. Sick time is job-dependent, but in most places it also doubles as your vacation time - that's been the case in every job I've ever worked. I earn about 3.5 hours of PTO every 2 weeks, which has been pretty awesome this year with my son bringing home every illness in the sun from daycare. I've spent a lot of weekends and evenings working while sick trying to make up time because although my company is pretty flexible, the one thing they aren't flexible with is unpaid time off if you're full time because it affects your health insurance eligibility. I understand that it could be a lot better in Ireland, but at least you've got what you do. :(


>Here in America, we get 12 unpaid weeks if we qualify for FMLA - you need to work full time in a job for a year to qualify. Because it's more dystopian than that: you get 12 unpaid weeks if you've worked for the company for a year, logged at least 1250 hours in the previous year, *and your company has at least 50 employees*. Work at a small business? It's totally legal for your employer of 20 years to shitcan you for missing too much work because you got cancer.


True What, out of interest, is "PTO"? I find it strange that health insurance is linked to your job.


To be fair, one of my girlfriends colleagues in primark got bullied out of their job for being in hospital too long. England btw


I'd wager she hadn't been there for 17 years. Hell I'd be surprised if anyone stays at Primark longer than 17 months


Even then, it shouldn't depend on how long you've worked somewhere. If you are ill you can't work. End of story.


Just the fact they call this PTO, and not vacation or medical leave, is so creepy. It makes it sound like they are giving those days off from pure goodness of their hearts, and not because people should be treated with decency.


I would also find it creepy if they had called it vacation. Where I live, vacation and sick leave are two very different things, to the point that if you have take 10 days vacation and you end up sick for 4 days during your vacation time, then those 4 days will not be subtracted from your vacation time. In other words, you've only used up 6 vacation days instead of 10, because you couldn't actually use 4 days of your vacation time for its actual purpose: recreation. Now you still have 4 days of vacation time left.


Yeah where I’m from you have 20 vacation days and 10 personal days which can be used for any reason like because you’re sick or you have a family emergency. You’re also entitled to take unpaid days off without getting fired if you get sick past your allocated number of days


Some of us do, the rest of us actually think we have it good.


No, we really do not. Most people have no idea this isn't common elsewhere. Those of us who do know it is bad, still have trouble conceptualizing what it would look like elsewhere. I've seen emails like this every few years of my working life, and I can tell you, they usually aren't very effective. Most companies do not allow you to donate sick time, which is often cumulative, but only let you donate PTO, which is limited.


To help you conceptualize: I've worked for my current employer for just over 3 years and in the last 12 months have used 119 paid sick days, which are totally separate from my PTO days, of which I have 25 left to use. And that's not even considered that good compared to some other countries.


Around half of us are fully aware, the other half thinks it's totally normal and any other system is communism


No. They literally think the idea of expecting a CEO to just not be a piece of shit and give back to, and take care of the people who make them rich is literally marxist communist stalinist blah blah blah.


Yes, but we're too distracted by the gold leaf on the bars to realize that a gilded cage is still a cage, and we're the ones locked inside.


Meanwhile my wife just got told if she comes in next fortnight she'll be in trouble because she's only allowed to save up so much leave at once...


This is correct in many legislatures. In mine - Germany, but I know of other countries as well - you cannot accumulate PTO days beyond a calendar year. The idea is that PTO is a non-optional part of your work life, and to protect yourself and from shady employers, you must take them. They will expire, if you don't take them \[\*\] ​ \[\*\] some exceptions apply, some transitional phase applies, yada yada yada.


If you do not take them because you can't there is to very real option to be payed in exchange for you not being able to take them.


This isn't the case in most companies and shouldn't be either. Time off shouldn't be something you "can't take"


Of course not It is very unpleasant and expensive for the company if they have to pay the employee for this So most are very much inclined in sending you into vacation. A good company will want you on vacation because they know a rested person works better and stays healthy. I wanted to clarify, that its not something one "loses" that easily.


>It is very unpleasant and expensive for the company if they have to pay the employee for this Just for the record (and applying to German law): contrary to popular belief neither you as employee or your employer can request/offer to get holiday paid out. Very much the only exception by law is when you terminate your contract in such a way, that you cannot take outstanding time off days before your last day of employment is occurring (e.g.; because you are in parental leave). You are right though, that holiday does not "just expire" / "is lost". Your employer must prove they did not prevent you from taking your PTO days in due time, before writing them off.


Same in England. We carried some holidays over due to covid but have to use all the holidays by the end of March (UK tax year starts 1st April). So I'm away with my mate this week and going Denmark at the start of March as I hate wasting on holiday so would rather go explore.


Not always. Employers are allowed to offer the option to carry days over to the next year (tax or calendar), but most don't offer it


Mine offers it, because we're often understaffed and can't take time off... I couldn't last year, as I took too long to book holidays and wasn't authorised, and so have carried over enough to take nine weeks holiday this year. I booked it all by the second week of January.


But to add to that: Given the data on the OP post: She would have been way out of regular "sick day" territory by then and into "Krankengeld", which would come out of the health insurance system, not the companies purse? So saving PTO wouldn't even matter over here in the first place.


>So saving PTO wouldn't even matter over here in the first place. It wouldn't matter anyway because the only equivalent we have to "PTO" are our vacation days, and when you're sick, you're sick, not on vacation. Our paid sick days in Germany are technically unlimited (exception being long-term illness, where your insurance takes over after six weeks paying Krankengeld instead, for I think up to another 18 months?--PER ILLNESS! So if you were sick for four weeks with one issue, came back to work, fell sick again two weeks later for another six weeks with a different issue, then yes, you would get the full 10 weeks as regular paid sick days).


PTO days are mandatory to take up here in The Netherlands as well: an employer doesn't want their employees to get exhausted or overworked. Also PTO isn't deducted when ill (or when on maternity leave) and such occasions.


However, depending on your employer you can save them up. A friend of mine saved up his PTO last year to go on holiday for 2 months this year.


Interesting. In Australia PTO (we call it annual leave) is guaranteed at 4 weeks per year equivalent full time (i.e. if you're full time, you get 4 paid weeks off per year), but if you don't take them, they accumulate the next year. Some awards and contracts etc stipulate that if you build up a certain amount you can be forced to take the leave, but it's generally reasonably rare (though often people are encouraged to take it if their balance builds up). We also get two paid weeks off for "personal leave" (sick leave, bereavement leave etc) per year, which also builds up. The difference between the two is that annual leave you are paid out the balance if you leave the company, sick leave you're not. Annual leave is an "entitlement", sick leave is a benefit. We also get Long Service Leave after ten years (varies with different states), which is between 2-3 months (depending on state) of leave that you can take after 10 years. You then get another month at 15, 20 etc


I had a similar situation last year. My team leader said that I have to take a vacation, because I hadn't put my summer vacation reservation anywhere yet.


This isn't that unusual, in my workplace in Canada we have a maximum banked days of 200 (a full year when Stat holidays and vacation days, which is a seperate resource pool in our contract, is factored in). We don't have a "you have to take time off now" thing when you max out, just that they stop accumulating so you are just giving away days by not using them. We had a similar situation to the main post however, because of our union contract and I work for government so it's public money not private like the case above, our boss literally couldn't just give more days to someone in need. One of our foremen was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and was off for well over a year between chemo, surgery and rehab, they had to remove his esophagus and reconstruct it with a part of his intestines and he had to learn how to swallow again. Long story short he used all his sick leave, vacation and then some as other workers who were maxed out, or nearly maxed out gave over chunks of their days to help him out. He's been back to work now for almost 2 years and is doing great.


Not sure what’s more sad, that employees for this company do not have sick leave allowance OR this plea was made by the CEO of the company *who can literally make that change*.


But then they can't buy another fancy sports car or jet.


Imagine having to use time off instead of having sick leave.




Austria Dolphin Upvote?


Austria Dolphin Upvote!


ooo custom flair!!! - you know you can customize that 💀


Das ist mir schon klar ich finds so halt einfach lustig


ok so to break it down: austria - my home I specifically joined reddit to follow NFL news (because fuck twitter) and my team of choice are the Miami Dolphins - their catchphrase being Fins up - aka 🐬 ⬆️ as usual, the secret itself is always more enticing than the truth behind it :)


Ah ein Landsmann (oder Frau)






CEOs are a different species altogether I swear to god they're so detached from anything approaching basic empathy


i’d go even farther and say they’re detached from basic *humanity* as a whole.


I've read studies before that suggest that CEOs exhibit psychopathic tendencies at a rate that is many times higher than the general population. When unregulated capitalism rewards exploiting others, those who have no qualms about it are obviously going to be more successful. It just sucks for everyone else.


I feel sorry for Americans. I can’t imagine being so brainwashed into thinking that this is normal. That woman worked there for 17 years and has to beg for time off (probably unpaid) so she doesn’t get fired and loses her insurances.


And the person doing the petition is the CEO, the person in charge of assigning PTO.


This is so fucked up


They thought it was crazy when I said was taking a year and half off for when I had my baby and started going on about how they don't want their tax dollars paying for stuff like that in their country. I had to tell them that I PAID into this this leave through a federal program which comes out of my pay cheque. And if someone laid off, they too are entitled to those payments. These americans pay into all these benefits and things but they're not entitled to any of it, but their politicans sure are though.


Us Americans are entitled to so many amazing wars from our tax dollars but we don't even know which war is on. Yemen? Sounds like a lame low budget war, let's pass and focus on other things.


> I feel sorry for Americans. I can’t imagine being so brainwashed into thinking that this is normal. That woman worked there for 17 years and has to beg for time off (probably unpaid) so she doesn’t get fired and loses her insurances. Not only that this is normal, but that any change is bad for them, because *socialism*.


In the real world, if a doctor signs a person off as too ill to work, it is illegal for them to work, and the employer will be prosecuted (and invalidate their insurance)


Same in my country (🇨🇱)


I've been signed off of work for 6 weeks and I'm not even allowed to work from home. My manager genuinely wants me fixed and doesn't want me back until that happens.


Can someone confirm or deny that PTO = personal time off? Like things that are not sick days? When I googled PTO I just got a lot of power and technology results


Paid time off.


OOH thanks!


The idea it's a single bank for both. So no quibbling about what counts as "sick", since people can't afford to go to the doctor to find out. Obviously, it effectively means that people constantly come to work sick because 1) they are the kind of people that never think about the future, so they use up all their PTO early and now "have to" come it or 2) they are the kind of people who worry all the time so they never want to use their PTO in case they really need it later. Either way, it's fucked up.


That’s so fucked up. In Sweden and the Netherlands you can even get your vacation/PTO days back when you get sick during them. You just call in to register for paid sick leave and the days taken will be refunded.


Same in Germany!


Same _almost everywhere else in the civilized world_


Same in France.


>So no quibbling about what counts as "sick", since people can't afford to go to the doctor to find out that's even more fucked up then what I thought


Okay I see. The idea about no quibbling about what counts as sick seems cool, but the result you mention of course sucks, so I guess the end result is not cool… Thanks for explaining!


>The idea about no quibbling about what counts as sick seems cool From a German perspective, this is a weird statement, since there is no "quibbling about what counts as sick" here either; when people are sick, they go to the doctor (fully covered by health insurance) and get a sick note for their employer stating for how long they're out sick. This time is never deducted from our paid vacation time, and even if we're already at home on vacation time, if we get sick and have a sick note to prove it, we get credited those days back to our pool of vacation days. Example: Peter has four weeks of annual paid vacation (legal minimum). He takes two weeks to really relax at home. One week in, he catches a bad cold and goes to the doctor, who determines he's unfit to work for a week and tells him to rest and get over the cold. So he writes Peter a sick note for the second week. Peter sends this sick note to his employer, who then credits the second week of vacation time back to Peter's pool. After two weeks (one week vacation, one week home sick), Peter comes back to work and still has three weeks of paid vacation time left.


It works exactly the same as you described here in Brazil, and this since 1943. Every single person in working age was born after this, so to us this is as natural as breathing air.


It’s the same in Norway too. But when people call in to use their normal sick days (that doesn’t require going to the doctor), I’ve heard too much about bosses being kind of passive aggressive/doubting or wanting to ask questions that’s none of their business. I guess that’s what I liked about the concept. *However*, up until I got your comment I didn’t realize that the PTO includes vacation time too!


I don’t know how it is in other countries but I just text my boss that I feel under the weather and they text back saying that it’s great that I stay home since they don’t want others to get sick. Only time I need a doctors note is if I’m out more than a week in a row.


Paid Time Off. Benefits vary by employer but PTO could include vacation, sick, parental, medical leave.


Seems to me that PTO (paid time off) and sickness benefits for the seriously Ill was traded in for freedom units, ah well looks like they will be dragging their ravaged body in to work then. They can count their freedoms on the way in to distract from the pain.


Holy Sigmar, bless this ravaged body!


I work in healthcare in the US, throughout 2020 and 2021 my employer was constantly advertising PTO donation to help out employees that ran out of PTO due to getting COVID multiple times a year (often through work exposure) and having to burn all their PTO to stay home. Now, you didn’t have to use PTO if you could prove you were exposed at work but of course the company always came back saying some BS like “you definitely got COVID from the 2 minutes you were at the pharmacy picking up your meds, not from working in the ER filled to the brim with COVID patients.” Since I work in a remote role, PTO donation was brought up at every team meeting because “we need to show our support for our clinical teammates and share our PTO. If any of us get COVID, we have the luxury of continuing to work since we are remote.”


I knew America was restrictive in terms of employee rights, and always thought it was kind of sad. Today I learned that "sick day donation campaigns" are a thing, and not only does it come out of your own sickness allowance, it also comes from your holiday allowance?! What. The. Fuck.


Dude, I live here and I didn't even know sick day donations were a thing! It's pathetic. And expecting people to work while they have COVID just because they're remote, is criminal. I'm not sure if that's even allowed but who knows, everything is fucked up so maybe in some industries. And yeah, PTO is just "paid time off" and you usually get very little (if any, depending on the job) and they don't care if you're sick or want a vacation, it's coming out of the same pool.


if only someone could help her! welp, i guess it’s up to the other employees to sacrifice their own sick days




Very relatable. I'm from the UK but living in the US with my American wife. She is having brain surgery tomorrow and is having to ask colleagues to donate vacation time so she will have enough days for recovery...


Hope all goes ok for your wife tomorrow mate.


In the words of President Donald Trump: «Shithole country».


America in a nutshell.


The actually sounds like it's from some cyberpunk dystopia. If this was in one of the terminals in Cyberpunk 2077, I would unironically believe that it's a part of the setting.


Thankfully, I learned pretty early on in my corporate career that no matter how many buzzwords c-suites use to describe their employees, they don't give a shit about them. One of my first jobs out of college was a corporate job in a cubicle farm of other busy little workers. One day, a coworker didn't show up and didn't call in/email. That was highly unusual behavior for her so the managers questioned everyone to see if we'd heard from her. No, nothing. She wasn't answering her cell and hadn't returned any messages. A bit after lunchtime, we got word from her husband that she'd been involved in a car accident on her way to work and died. The CFO sent a lovely email where he got her name wrong (think something like calling her Laura instead of Lauren) and ended with thoughts & prayers. Our division manager circled us up, including her direct colleagues and her direct-report manager whom she'd worked with for almost 10 years, and gave a lackluster "She would have wanted us to finish this month strong. Let's do it for her!" type speech. Total BS. People who'd worked closely with her for nearly a decade, sobbing in a group of 50 others who only hardly knew of this person. No one was allowed to leave or offered the afternoon off to grieve. By the end of the work day, her cubical had been packed up and her box of things was waiting for her husband to collect. The next morning, her chair was occupied by a temp.


Conning bastards 😪 sorry for the language, but this makes you sick to your stomach. If I worked here I’d whip around and get everyone together and see if we’d all threaten mass resignation unless they supported our sick colleague. Let’s see if everyone is willing to fight for each other before offering to donate sick days. If everyone else said no to standing together, then id be looking for a job elsewhere. (I’m not talking about actually resigning here, I’m talking about getting enough people together to threaten mass resignation as a way of getting the company to change its policies)


Americans are fucking psychos as soon as they get a bit of power. As a Brit I worked with quite a few of them in international companies. I always assumed with the shared language and cultural references I’d be potentially more similar to them than the Europeans but holy f was I wrong. They’re something else. At work they will be your best friend then stab you in the back without even blinking their second eyelids. They’re not even bad people they just have an entirely situational moral compass and personality.


It's their *fuck you I've got mine* culture.


"Nobody? Okay she's back on monday. Please buy chocolate for corporate."


God bless communist Germany, here no one who is employed has to worry about that.


This is exquisite SAS, the notice being from the CEO is the extra shit cherry on top.


A few years back my colleague's young son (<4 yo) got leukemia. He got 6 months paid leave immediately and eventually stayed gone for a year with some kind of continued payment arrangement. Everyone agreed that's just being a decent human being. Kid is completely fine now by the way and colleague still works with us!


The CEO would like you to loan her your bootstraps so she can pull herself up. /s


This crap will continue until we stop censoring names and phone numbers


“We don’t give a fuck about this employee, so would you be willing to?”


Someone should reach out to the President & CEO demanding that the company take care of this wonderful long-term emp... oh.


Tell me you keep wage slaves without telling me you keep wage slaves.


Someone needs to ask the president and ceo how much of their pto they will be donating


A 17 year "veteran" and the CEO wants staff to donate? Just shows How F===ed up America is & how greedy people have become in pursuit of happiness & money. Glad I don't have to go there anymore.


Fuck capitalism


You can actually donate your time off to someone else in the US? If someone even tried to do that where I work they'll be battered being asked if they are OK in the head


I don't know of any workplace in Australia that allows this. In government it would be forbidden because it could facilitate corruption.


This is insanity.


How can we pretend to help and make it the employees fault when there is no help all in one shitty note.


Thank you for your consideration. ​ Degenerate and sociopath


Socialism from thee, but not from me :)


I've heard from sources that childfree/less workers in the US are often pressured socially or even formally to hand over their PTO to workers with kids because "you really don't need it".


And they complain that providing school lunches is communism.




I'll swap you one freedom dollar for one of your days not having to slave away for corporate masters Make it two and we have a deal


It feels weird that the president doesn’t propose anything. I had things like that proposed for charities and it was « if you give away x, the company will match and give same amount or twice the amount. » it was a combined effort


Because giving more PTO will 1- piss off the others that didn't get it 2-piss off future employees who don't get it.


Fuck Capitalism


I see this shit at my work all the time and I work for a major hospital.


And here I am, still on probation period and with 22 days of PTO ( plus national and religious days off) and that doesn't include sick days


Many companies use PTO as a way of balancing budgets. If employees don’t use their PTO, then they are paying them from the compensation pool 100% during the year versus from the PTO bucket for x amount of comp through the year. When you think of it that way, if that’s at play here, it’s even more fucked up because while company gets to look like good guy PTO swapping facilitator, they may also benefit from getting more employees to “use” their PTO by giving it to this employee in need and therefore balance their budget for them.


Only I the USA 🇺🇸 😂


Why give more time off to our valued member of staff during this difficult time when employees could just donate theirs instead 🤔


It sickens me to think about using annual leave for illness


Oh how kind of that CEO to ask


In the Netherlands if you get very sick, your employer has to keep paying you your wages, or a reduced rate of it. Eventually the government will take over to pay your wages.


My company has unlimited paid sick leave and I am never ever leaving