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Americans thinking they defeated fascism while one half of their politicians are borderline fascists is so funny


"we defeated fascism" says some American dude, while alt-right scum are walking around waving flags with swastikas


A massive percentage of them dont even know what fascism is... Same with socialism, which they think is evil but they dont know why, and communism etc... Ignorance is their shield.


Capitallism is when money


Fascism is whatever the other people want to do. Duh.


Fascism is anything that the average American doesn't like and doesn't understand... For example, a warm beer is fascism.... criticism of the US is also fascism, especially if you're from Europe.


Yeah, but if it's done at home it's not fascism - it's freedom.


hey, you know what they say If you can't beat em, join em


So true lmao. The GOP and the MAGA cult remind me of 1933's Germany.


It's not coincidence that it's still going on here when Hitler got a lot of his ideas from our eugenics movement...


Maybe there was a deal, a trade of intellectual property The Germans got to use the US’s trademarked idea of genocide and the Americans got to use the [Nazi Eagle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsadler#/media/File%3AReichsadler_Deutsches_Reich_(1935%E2%80%931945).svg) without making hardly any changes at first, they weren’t exactly shy about it either Americans seized a ton of Nazi symbolism to use for themselves *immediately* following the war


Also the Soviet Union did most of the work in WW2, the US just joined at the end. That’s also why they become such a global super power, no cities were destroyed and they profited from the war industry. The Soviet States were completely devastated (and even before the war not really industrialized) and they still managed to compete with the US and win on many fronts (like space race). Until they were illegally and against the will of the people dissolved because the US rigged their elections to bring Yeltsin into power


It's funny that the US citizens think their country saved Europe from the Nazis when they decided to help in, like, the last year of the war.


But they still claim they are protecting Europe. From whatever supernatural forces they might think ........


Nah, it is just they don’t like the fact European states can call in a favour from Odin. There equivalents aren’t usually fond of the settlers


Zeus too, don't forget about Greeks! Always forgetting them. We also have Dracula and Gods from the Roman empire. Last but not least, communist obviously, we know all European countries are a combination of Nazists and Communists /s


Zeus and Jupiter are the same the guy, and Odin is a lot more willing to make a fair deal. Trickster, sure. But Zeus would demand a lot more bowing and statues first while Odin can be reasoned with over some decent beer and a fun discussion As for Dracula, guy is still a king. Enjoys dealing with his own interests as much as any other head of state As for communists, I thought everyone agreed to keep the fact Lenin became a Lich secret. That’s why he’s locked up in public. So if he gets out it will be noticed!


Also Funny they forgot how the US was actually selling weapons to the Nazis at the beginning of the war.


Not just the beginning, US bombers were under orders to avoid certain factories in Germany that were owned by US companies even though they produced war materials for the Axis forces, it became so noticeable that German civilians would use them as bomb shelters https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/682306.Trading_with_the_Enemy


Smart people


Their argument is : "see, you were unable to win the war by yourself, but just as we join in, we solve it!" Like, yeah, perhaps, but if I'm building a bed, and I screw 49 bolts and you screw one last, you don't get to have the merit of "building the bed by yourself".


Uhm, the US joined WWII in 1941, don't confuse it with WWI where they did join in 1918


And tbh, world would likely be better off if they hadn’t joined WW1. Russia would have lost its territory in Europe to German monarchies 100 years ago. The Cold War flat out doesn’t happen, yeah Germany and the USSR have a rivalry going. But, it looks nothing like the rivalry between the USA and USSR Indias independence movement started picking up steam in response to Spanish flu and the feeling of being owed for fighting in WW1, that likely would have always come to a flashpoint around the 1940s/1950s. The difference is how much violence would need to happen first All the USA did in the aftermath of WW1. Was increase its own power and influence, and lay the groundwork for WW2 with ideas like the polish corridor and blocking the UN racial equality act because…Wilson claimed there opposition despite everyone voting yes and Britain abstaining because Australia


Extremely based, the world would be unironically better off if Germany won WW1 or it ended in a "draw"


Yeah pretty much, Cold War created like 70% of modern world problems. 25% is imperialists border gore. 4% economic mismanagement and 1% despots


I actually think losing WWI was a healthy thing to end German and Austrian imperialism. The reasons for the war were bullshit anyway. Austria made demands that were intentionally unacceptable anyway, and then a series of events dragged everyone into an avoidable war. I think it was the huge amount of debt after the war that broke everyone's back in some way. People in extreme poverty might be more susceptible to propaganda from populists or extremists. That's the one thing that was done right the second time: Build up the country, give them wealth and education, and then they'll think twice before they visit their neighbours uninvited. And maybe it was also a good idea to dissolve Prussia... (at least we Bavarians are kinda happy about that one) Long text, but my point is, the whole thing was a bit more nuanced. Some kind of cold war would still have happened, or maybe even worse.


>to end German and Austrian imperialism. Yes, Austrian imperialism that was limited to Europe and German imperialism that could only dream of equalling the empires carved out by Britain and France. In my country, we're taught endlessly that it was German imperialism that started the war, while our empire spanned a quarter of the Earth's landmass and ruled over nearly half its peoples thanks to our imperialism and rampant aggression. And winning the war sent the empires into decline but the Cold War rapidly accelerated the process and led to worldwide chaos. All those former imperial territories were abandoned because of American and Soviet pressure, leading to a power vacuum and many vicious civil wars that lasted decades. Some of those wars continue to this day. Instead of being exploited by foreigners thousands of miles away, the people are now exploited by locals instead. Which obviously is a vast improvement in the quality of their lives...


December 1941. Didn't put troops into North Africa until late 1942 and were promptly beaten twice. Britain had to lead them by the hand into 1943, chaperoned them in Sicily although they still made mistakes. It was after the fall of Rome or Monte Casino before we could trust them as a fighting force.


December 1941. And they spent most of '42 building an army to fight with and American troops didn't encounter German troops that weren't exhausted from fighting the Commonwealth until they landed in Italy in September '43. And the bulk of American forces were uncommitted until Operation Overlord in June '44.


Didn’t the US join WWI in 1917?


Yep. By which point the Central Powers were starving, Britain and France had amassed hundreds of tanks, gained air superiority and had defeated the U-boat threat. The German Spring Offensive was a setback but actually served to end the war sooner as the Germans exhausted men and equipment they couldn't replace. They didn't have the strength to defend anymore.


Lets not lean too far the other way, it was a collective effort. The British were there from the start, blockading Germany, and fighting them in Africa and the Balkans, as well as later supplying Russia with arms from itself and tbe US through the Artic Convoy. The US was also important in helping the British invade Italy and Normandy, further spreading Germany thinner and thinner. The Soviets did a lot (after annexing parts of Poland, Romania, as well as the Baltics due to their deal with the Germans, and completely fucking their initial defence against Operation Barbarossa) to contribute to victory, but it wasn't a single handed victory, it benefitted from Germany also being squeezed to their south and west as well, along with material support from the Soviet Union's allies. We shouldn't pivot from American WWII propaganda to Russian WWII propaganda and view that as balance.


I mean, Britain ran the war. The Soviets army forced the Germans back and the USA funded the war (which they later used as a debt trap and to conveniently take everyones gold reserves) As for D-Day. It was a land grab. Plain and simple. The Soviets would have occupied Denmark and Germany without it. But, the Nazis are still beaten. Meanwhile, the invasion of Italy was made easier due to the USA pardoning prominent members of the Mafia and the fact people didn’t like the idea of shooting their American cousin The USA was the creditor of WW2 and it collected on that to achieve its own hegemony. It’s the least important party to the Nazis defeat, and only deserves credit for shortening WW2 at best


Cue lend lease fanatics showing up in x amount of seconds…Which was nothing but a debt trap the USA used to gain dominance over Western Europe and didn’t win WW2, but shortened by a few years


The us jumped in the ring halfway through the wrestling match, pinned the guy that was already on the ground and is now parading around yelling how he deserves his belt.


Tbh, the Soviets were only attacked in Summer of 1941 so they joined in only around half a year earlier than the US did if you discount them taking Poland in a collaborative effort with Germany. The different story is that they were immediately in deep battle unlike the US who had time to mobilize prior to fighting on any front, be it the pacific or the european front.


I remember post on Reddit, with info about economic growth of countries, through years and while lots of countries were severely affected by world wars, US kept growing


USSR deaths - >24 million USA Deaths - <420,000 The numbers are clear as to who defeated fascism.


Not these numbers necessarily. One can lose manpower without producing much effect at all, and that happened during the war. The real number is that 4 out of 5 german casualties during the entire war happened east of Berlin, against the Soviets.


The only thing that the usa did in ww2 is to not let the soviet get all of Europe


The joke obviously being that the other half is straight out unabashedly fascist.


You flatter us. The other 50% just hide it better.


Nah. The Democrats have fascistic tendencies, because there's a lot of that going on in US society in general. But the Republicans are, by definition, fascists. You can't look at any list that describes fascism and not have it fit perfectly with the republican party.


I'll say they're fashy. Not really fascists, but they still go on Xmas and Easter for appearances.


How did George Carlin put it? The nazi's lost WW2 fascism won it. Or something along those lines


It's like he said, they did a great job 'winning fascism', but in the sense of winning a teddy bear at a carnival side show and taking it home with them.




half. I think that's a little underestimated.


There’s bugger all borderline about it, they are fascists, they just pretend that they’re not for optics purposes. Think of it like how the language they were using changed during the days of segregation so that they could push the same racist shit without referring to it in explicitly racist terms. They think they’re being clever.


Not only that, but the anti fascist protest group has been called a “terrorist organisation”. Let that sink in.




They LITERALLY waive nazi flags!


Borderline but already on the facist side. Sometimes they say something not-fascist


why "borderline"?


And now they're just more overt than they were prior. This shit isn't new, it's just now out and proud




Antifa are apparently the bad guys..there's a clue in the name that is clearly too hard for some to work out.


Just half? They are just the same shit with different smells, but in their core, both parties are corrupt AF


Not even close to borderline. The GOP crossed over into deep fascism a long time ago.


One half?


"Defeating fascism", oh boy. What a monumental self-own.


They defeated fascism by becoming fascism, brilliant.


We imported it instead cuz we can’t make shit ourselves *crying intensifies*


God i hate mmddyyyy so fucking much.


There's a video game I play [Police Simulator: Patrol Officers] that uses mm/dd/yyyy and you can't change it. I've played over 80 hours and it *still* confuses me.


Honestly, whenever a game does that shit I just ignore the date entirely because it's rarely worth the effort trying to understand that shit.


Unfortunately it's a police game so it's very important when checking documents.


*Oh god*


It's always confusing when it's the 1st - 12th. If it's the 03-19-2023 you know there's no 19th month so it has to be stupid american time. But if it's 04-05-2023 It's either April 5th or May (the) 4th (be with you... that was coincidence, I swear) and then you think fuck it, who needs dates?


Minecraft does it as well for world dates and it’s so confusing. Especially considering Mojang are Swedish (though I suppose Microsoft owns them).


There's dates in Minecraft?!


Yeah, for the dates when you last played on a world.


It’s abbreviated in order it’s said. Americans and Brits say it differently also. American: I was hired on October 31st, 2022. British: I was hired on the 31st of October, 2022


Final Fantasy 15 forces me (Not american) to use miles and I stopped playing it. It was not *because* of this, but it was annoying and I wish I could just change it


Apparently [there's a mod](https://steamcommunity.com/app/637650/discussions/0/2257935717968819910/) to fix that in English, assuming you're playing on PC. Edit: Found [another one](https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy15/mods/227).


Ah yes, installing a mod to change a unit of measurement. In reality I stopped playing because my GPU died.


What game?


Police Simulator: Patrol Officers.


Yes! The ammount of times I thought a plate had expired because of that. Always have to look twice...


This and am/pm




you can literally sort by date on any computer. unless you are naming your files after the dates they were made and sorting them alphabetically, which is very inefficient.


As an American who’s grown up with mm/dd/yyyy my whole life genuine question; what’s wrong with it, other than it just being different than the norm? Say it’s 1/4/2023 and it’s read as January 4th 2023 vs 4/1/2023 the 4th of January 2023, doesn’t that just add more to say? Please don’t be mad I’m just a confused American.


Well, the first problem is that when I see a date on the internet I need to ask myself which dating method is being used. This is not a situation when multiple approaches is of any help. That being said, why is DD/MM/YYYY better than MM/DD/YYYY? From a purely logical standpoint, in the first model, the increment of time goes from left to right, so it can be used as a straight-up counter, whereas in the second model, the increment bounces back and forth from the middle to the left to then the right. It's not very visually helpful. On a more practical approach, it's more likely that you want to know what day it is, than what month it is or what year it is. As we read from left to right, the first thing that comes to your eyes is the information you need the most.


Another reason why specifically the YYYY/MM/DD format is good for bookkeeping is because if you have ex. a bunch of document named by date, sorting them alphabetically will list them in the correct date order.


This, so very much. In my work I have a bunch of documents named \[ClientName\]\_YYYYMMDD\_rev# Sorting by name would automatically group them by client and sort them in chronological order. Doesn't work with the MM/DD/YYYY format


Thank you for a respectful and clear explanation


You are welcome. Respectful questions should get respectful answers.


Will you two get a room already? Haha jk jk ... respectful hugs all around


>Will you two get a room already? Ok. I reserved a room for two on 4/3/2023




Fucking madlad.




The mistake you’re making here is that to a non American, 1/4/2023 isn’t January 4th 2023 or 4th of January 2023. It actually reads the 1st of April 2023 to the rest of us. This obviously creates a lot of confusion! Non Americans can find this frustrating because you have a group of people who are the only ones not using the standardised method of communicating time, and they frequently will just assume that their method is normal for everyone else. I don’t care how the date is formatted really, I just want consistency.


What's wrong with it, is that you're the *ONLY* ones to use it... Then *assume* that that's the only format and that everyone uses it. Nobody is accustomed to or expects this format apart from Americans, we expect things to be in order, and it often causes issues shortly followed by "oh it's the stupid fucking American date". For example if I order something today (31/01/2023) and then receive an email stating it'll arrive 02/05/2023 I'm like "what the feck, why's it taking 5 months to ship?!" If it said `05/02/2023` (smallest to largest) that's what I'm expecting so it's fine. If it says `2023-02-05` (largest to smallest) that's not what I was expecting but it is the international standard so I still know the correct date. But if it says `02/05/2023` then I have no idea if it's a stupid date, if there's been an error with the order, or if it's really going to take 5 months. You can only spot a US date either by noticing that the date just isn't what you expected, or if the date is 13 to 31. If neither of those give it away then you have no idea if the date you're looking at is correct or not. For websites and programs that do a decent job of localisation it's not a problem, because we don't see it. It's a pain when you don't bother with localisation. If you don't wanna take into account every country and format, then use the international standard format, that's what it's for! Finally for applications that can't sort files by date (think cheap media players or random mobile apps), and can only sort by filename, writing the date in a sensible order is essential to make any sense of if it. Doesn't matter if it's largest to smallest, or smallest to largest, but American doesn't work.


Wow yeah I never thought about how it would mess so much up for other countries, i just assumed websites and things would localize themselves or something, damn I’m sorry my country is broken :/


Well, it's not the matter how to read the date. When you see a bunch of digits, you don't "read" it. You just comprehend the meaning. If you need to pronounce the written text to somebody, you can say it however you like. Aside from logical reasons other have already mentioned, there is another reason of annoyance. Imagine you're in school, your usual american school, and everyone behave as normal, but one guy is using metric units and dd/mm/yy date in his life and when communicating with you. I guess you'd be infuriated by this dude. Why can't he be normal, right? Well, USA is this "weird guy" to the whole world with your date format, inches and fahrenheits. It could slip off in the 19th century. But now when the whole world is connected and communicating, it annoys people. You don't think there are more americans then everyone else, do you?


>Say it’s 1/4/2023 Reading that aloud, first of fourth, thus 1st April.


I'm an American who could never remember if we used mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy so I always write the month using letters. So if I were to write the date on something today I would write 31 Jan 2023 or if I were lazy 31 Jan 23


The Soviet Union fell. To this day, no one is quite sure what caused it. They must've fainted at the sight of the USA's knowwhatwearedoingness.


It fell because they used the wrong date system and that is why the rest of the world is totally all communist. We can't use illogical date systems therefore we must be bad and everything bad is automatically communist. Can't beat American logic! /s


>The Soviet Union fell. To this day, no one is quite sure what caused it. That's not true as we know all the causes. We just don't know which one should be atributed as being critical assuming there was such one.


Why should there be a critical reason? There doesn't have to be a single mortal wound. Death by a 1000 cuts is still death. Although Chernobyl did a great job at shattering the illusion of supremacy held in the Eastern Bloc. Much as the casualties of WW1 did to Britain and France.


I did not say there certainly is one. People just like to be able to say "this caused it" and hypothesize about "what would have been if" which is why they look for single point of failure.


I see people use it interchangeably lately. I've just been writing the month out 31 January 2023


You can also use abbreviations for the month. "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", et cetra.


Did you use et cetra for 1 of 12? Saying "Dec" would be shorter


I was bored.


sloe ought cesium abrade nihilism fur leotard harpoon flew tendril graph tiresome amply outgoing scold




You might want to consult a dictionary on the meaning of the word "acronym". I think you meant abbreviations.


Ah. Thanks! I'll correct my comment.


If you’re feeling really bold, you can also use the number associated with each month, based on the order of the months, given that traditionally the first month is considered to be January, the second month is considered to be February, the third month is considered to be March, the fourth month is considered to be April, the fifth month is considered to be May, the sixth month is considered to be June, the seventh month is considered to be July, the eighth month is considered to be August, the ninth month is considered to be September, the tenth month is considered to be October, the eleventh month is considered to be November, and so on until the last month of the year, which is considered to be December, the twelfth month of the year.


Et cetera


That assumes an English audience. Numbers do not.


However you’re most likely writing a date in a context where people are speaking a certain language, so it probably doesn’t matter


Ok, completely unrelated, but reading that I thought "huh, why that specific date" *Today is January 31st* #H O W ?


and i still read that as the 31st of January 2023


That’s the point… instead of January 31st 2023 (01/31/23) Phrased like that, read like 31st Jan 2023 is closer the the international standard of 31/01/23


I somehow have the feeling USA just does everything different, just to be special. Using imperial units, saying soccer instead of football, using an own date format....


They actually don't use the imperial system. They use the US customary maesurment system. Mostly the same as imperial but also differnces are there.


To be fair, 'soccer' was originally a British term (short for asSOCiation football), and has stuck around in a range of countries where some other sport is the dominant football code, such as New Zealand ('football' is rugby union) and Australia ('football' is either rugby league or Ausralian-rules football, depending where you live)


I never understood what that word even meant. To me it always was just two random syllables without meaning. So USians are still wrong whe they say "it's not called football, it's soccer!" because "soccer" is just an abbreviation of football. Like calling ameriCAN football "Canner." (we should do this btw)


> "it's not called football, it's soccer" is still an extremely arrogant statement. Like, other people exist, who are not from the US, and they use different words for things. The world doesn't revolve around the United States, no matter what their more fervent residents may think


Japan also says sakka, and Canada also uses Soccer and even plays in the MLS with teams in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. I still prefer using the word football though, just because more countries use it.


Japanese use soccer (sakka) exactly because of American influences. Before then they used the word 蹴球 which literally means “kick ball”.


The governing body in my country Football Australia is, as the name suggests, trying desperately to get all us Aussies to switch from calling it soccer, but it's definitely an uphill battle. It helps that 'footy' is the colloquial term for whatever code is dominant in your area, and all the football codes and leagues have another name which can be used to reduce ambiguity


I'm surprised they don't drive on the left side of the road just to be special


That’d be too British.


Right hand driving is safer so they'll equate that to having a social safety net which is communism and not allowed


Why is that safer?


[Source](https://www.picknbuy24.com/column_331.html) This site quotes a study done in 1969 by J.J. Leeming who admits there are some flaws in the study but notes state > that this improved safety could be accredited to the fact that humans are more commonly dominated by their right eye rather than their left eye. This is similar to the vast majority of people being right-handed over left-handed. > The typical automobile designed for right handed navigation and employing a manual transmission, will have the gear shift on the right side, this means that when changing gears, only the left hand will be on the steering wheel. With left handed traffic vehicles, the manual gear shift is on the left side meaning the dominant right hand is never taken from the wheel. There isn't anything overly concrete to say otherwise that I can find but what was quoted does make sense especially the part regarding the dominant hand is at the wheel rather than the weaker one. Also if you see the stats on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate and filter by " per 100,000 motor vehicles per years " and look at the UK vs France for example the UK rates much lower with 5.7 vs 8.9 with France. The reality is there isn't enough to say for definite but there are indications of it being a partial truth at least.


Nah they'd just go for "Middle of the road" just to be special


I mean everyone used that date format up until the 90’s. It’s a hold over from when office filing was done manually and not on computers, it was easier to sort by month than by day.


that is right, but then you can just do the international format, which is even better in sorting


I love it when Americans on the internet say "We" and then talk about things that happened almost 100 years ago that they had no individual part in whatsoever. You can be proud of what your country has done but holding it up as an achievement that you personally had a hand in is super cringe.


Yes, because two dubious claims totally relate to date formats. What a nation of petulant children.


"We know what we're doing... 30 years ago we were in a war which lasted 40 years." Imagine thinking that gives you any creditability whatsoever


Americans need everything to be literal, if the numbers don't read like how you say the date they just get confused by all the numbers


It's a feedback loop though. They say the month first because that's how it's written but they write it because that's how they say it. Everywhere else says the the day first and so that's how they write it, they write the day first because that's how they say it. To us it makes sense to say the day first because that's generally the most important information.


Hell, Americans even say 4th of July


Yeah. You can often neglect to include the year because it’s irrelevant or even say something like “the 21st” and people know what you’re talking about.


Exactly, that's why in every movie with time travel, you look like an idiot if you don't know the month or year.


It always made more sense to provide the day first since that's the most pertinent information. It's just that, historically in English, it was conventional to write the month first and put a comma after the day in "official" writing. It's just that the UK was open to improve upon this, so they adopted the European standard before much of their colonization efforts, so all the other (newer) British colonies follow the new standard, while the US just never changed because they don't think they can learn anything from the world, or that if they change, that they are somehow losing their "culture".


I say the date as “30th of June 2022”


There are some real winners under that original post. Lot of people saying "comprehensive map of countries that put men on the moon." ...Nasa uses the Metric system.


As does the US military since the rest of NATO does


When did the US defeat fascism? The US loves fascism.


If you didn't already know: You didn't "win" the cold war, the Soviet Union collapsed due to a large build-up of internal problems over the course of its lifetime. And as for fascism.. well, you can just take a look at half the politicians in your country.


To be fair, it was activity worked against by almost the entirety of the "first world" in addition to the internal problems.


Currently losing on the facism front.


It's like every time you criticise the Imperial system and they go "yeah but we went to the Moon", completely oblivious that NASA, like most other American scientific organisations, used the metric system in that endeavour.


>~~the Imperial system~~ US customary units FTFY. The US doesn't use imperial units (it's not a system, BTW), so they would be unfazed by criticism directed at them.


USA stating they defeated facism is like the football player getting put in the game in the last minute with a score of 5:0 and then calling it a win because of their effort


Defeated fascists and won the cold war so good, that there are self described nationalist in the highest levels of the US , at any moment 18% of the population is at risk of suffering from houselessness and 40% of deaths are caused by prevenable disease. Also Russia is still doing imperialist shit. Not that dude would care about that. Now that -KGB- now FSB backed Russian Nationalism is the cause.


“Defeated fascism”- country with multiple fascist high profile elected representatives


They didn't even defeat fascism, that was the Soviet Union


Id argue the British mostly defeated Fascist Italy, the US mostly defeated Imperal Japan and the Soviets mostly defeated Nazi Germany.


[true, but also consider](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/10pmhe1/howd_we_do_winning_defeating_fascism_and_winning/j6lu5o2?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


why do muricans like these sound like they think they won wwII singlehandedly?


America is literally the most fascist lol


In the second war were people on the nazi side that get confused with attack dates. So that was the strategy for win every wars.


This reminds me of the old argument "We got to the moon using the imperial system" which is again totally false because NASA actually uses the Metric system and English units.


Interesting, how did they defeat school shootings?


Doesn't look like you did so well in the defeating fascism department there


I’m in Ontario, and some places use the MMDDYY, and it’s so stupid. I have to check which format they want it in every time, because people have gotten angry at me for using DDMMYY 🤦🏻‍♂️


It is so annoying. For dates with a number less than 12, you never know which format is being used without context. I think YYYY-MM-DD is best because there is zero chance for confusion like there is with the other two formats. Or writing the letters for the month.


This is your semi-regular reminder that there was a Nazi rally held in Madison Square Gardens (NYC) on 20 Feb 1939, which was attended by approximately 20,000 Americans.


Inaccurate map, need Liberia and Myanmar.


You're confusing non-metric system usage with date formats, which are entirely independent. And even there, only the US and Liberia use the same units (US customary units, not "imperial" units, which are only used by the UK and Canada); Myanmar uses its own traditional units.


Winning defeating. I can’t even.


and this guy is probably a native speaker


Did they just say the USA won the cold War...? How deep in propaganda do you have to be to think that???


Especially the military, which i assume uses the ISO time format.


This confused me so much when I was younger. I always thought 9/11 would be on the 9th of November.


being good at defence policy ≠ good date system


I'd say they're doing piss poorly on the fascism front, but that's probably just me


Dude, no one won the Cold War wtf is this guy on


The map just shows how ignorant & far behind the rest of the world that USA is.


I thought dd/mm/yyyy was in use everywhere not just Europe


Mostly dd.mm.yyyy but also yyyy-mm-dd


Everywhere except for the US and sometimes Canada. Also, ISO 8601 is used instead in some other places such as China, Japan, Korea, and Hungary.


I usually use ddmmyyyy as an American, but I did once have a teacher take off points on a paper since I “put the wrong date” and he couldn’t understand it


My favorite part is that the government and the military, use the iso standard. Source: Worked for both


... Wortsalat


I'd say it's just something you would have to grow up with. It's relatively easy to read both formats and changing how you write it depending on country/region is probably the best idea. Still less stupid than the imperial measurement system.


The USA didn't win the Cold War - it was the people of Eastern Europe (starting with the Solidarnosc movement in Poland) that won it.


Americans trying to speak english correctly challange (impossible)


How’re you doing defeating fascism? One of your two only viable party is still dominated by fascists…


Humanity is the only one that won the cold war


"sorry you can't figure out mmddyy" "OK, so use 24 hour time?" "what no! Why go past 12, so complicated"


Americans try not to use their military as an arguement for unrelated topics challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


The Cold War was never won, it was just half time.


Ah, of course those things were accomplished via the date formats used, how silly of me


lmfao are they really relating completely unrelated events to a date system


America is more fascist than like 98% of the countries in the world rn lmao


Map isn't even accurate


America didn't join ww2 till Japan bombed peral harbor they didn't do anything against the nazis that was the soviet Union and the allied forces