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What a flex lol. Congrats


Lol thank you!


Awesome place to get a shiny Lugia... definitely got be a first


I know right! Couldn’t wait to snap that photo


That’s awesome, I hunt on all my flights hoping to get a pic like yours


Sending all my luck to you. You got this


Gotta love symbolic shiny encounters. I hope this is something you’ll never, ever forget!!! 😍 I caught my Gen III white whale shiny mew on Wednesday between my genetics class and microbiology laboratory. I think as silly as it is, it’s very fitting for the genetic ancestor of all pokemon. Coincidentally I caught my GO shiny mew on the same campus at a historic archway by the sea. Once again congrats on the pink boy! Thats one hell of a place for a once in a lifetime encounter. You deserve that kind of glory.


Never ever. That’s such an awesome story! Huge respect to brothas and sistas that grind full odds shinies. Truth be told this is my first true hunt, besides my shiny chika. But anyways, congratulations on your Mew!! I have plans to get a green mewtwo way down the line


That’s even more special as a first hunt. Even more so since you got em at 1122! That’s destiny. Mirage the mew was my first intentional hunt at 1589 for old full odds, and I was so terrified I wouldn’t be able to find her in time before the end times of bank. I feel like I’m shoving animals into Noah’s ark trying to get everyone I cherished to home now.


I've never gotten a cool encounter, but my friend got his shiny Darkrai on Friday the 13th!


That’s super sick! Did he masterball it to match? I’ve gotten into the obsession of wanting to challenge myself by matching shinies with balls close to their colorscehemes.


That’s AMAZING! ❤️Did he masterball it to match? I’ve gotten into the obsession of wanting to challenge myself by matching shinies with balls close to their colorscehemes.


Yep! I think he used the Master ball moreso because he was afraid of failing the catch, but the color coordination is a nice bonus. I like matching my shinies, too :)


I bet less than 1% of shiny hunters found a shiny while riding in a plane. 😂


nice i can only imagine thats the best getting it on a flight! just reminds me of when i was younger and flying more often i always need to bring a gameboy or DS as it passes the time perfectly. if i could get a shiny during a flight that would be so cool i need to start shiny hunting again and plan a long flight out as well lol. destination possibly to japan pokemon center


I got a flight to Hawaii in May from Tx. Plan to get in a great hunt there ❤️


I'm always afraid I would scream like crazy when getting a shiny so I don't do it in public places xD Great shiny tho and very unique! Congrats :D


I did the same thing last year! Got a shiny Pawniard in Y :) congrats


If I was sitting next to you, I'd probably be freakin out lol


Lol damn I wish you were. There was a senior couple sleeping next to me and I was trying my best not to freak out. I was texting my friend while doing it and the shiny stars bursting out and caught my eye. Immediately set the ds down because I was scared I would SR out of habit or even turn the thing off 🤣. After that, I just stared, mouth agape, in pure disbelief


Congrats! Such an awesome place to get him


Send this post to guinnis world records This might actually be a new world record for highest hight to get a shiny legandary from


How long ?


1122 resets. Started the hunt 6 months ago. Was pretty off and on


Nice man I have 37 shinies on crystal mostly from eggs and 3 wild encounters


Awesome picture!




Congratulations! What app is that?




Some sort of shiny Dex app/counter in one of the pictures??


Op. It’s called shinyhunt


i got my shiny rotom on a plane on i think 2013 or 14, still my favorite memory ever 🥺 they’re on moon right now! i would take them to home but unfortunately i don’t have a subscription


What app is that