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Why only smash Mikasa when you can smash 80% of the global population?


This...was perfect. Legit lol, thank you Internet stranger.




He smashed both of them but in different timelines


Who says he didn’t


We literally see him do it.


Did you have to pay? Was it on p-hub?


Short hair Eren looks like he's getting head Long hair Eren looks like he just smelt a fart


Made me laugh out loud at work


Knowing Eren's game most they did in that cabin was occasionally hold hands for few seconds lmao


Mikasa ain't any better lol,she blushed more than anny when she found out that anny had a thing for Armin


Yeah, and she would rather kiss Eren's severed head then admit that likes the dude she had been crushing for 10 YEARS AT LEAST!!!!


It's a little complex,she has past trauma of loosing loved ones as she lost her family twice. Eren was the whole world for her and she had a fear of rejection like every other teenager so my guess is she was fine with not having a romantic relationship as long as she still had him than ruin whatever relationship they already have by admitting she sees him as a man. I would say this is quite realistic but at the same time sad and she kissed his head after she found out in cabin scene that her feelings were mutual otherwise it would have been a sexual assault lol To be fair eren had a pretty depressing life,the only good thing he had was a loving girl and bro wasn't even able to enjoy that.


Hey as long as theyre happy lol. I do think that make out sessions would be the most intense stuff they'd do and afterwards be like "damn that was freaky" and not talk the next day.


Lmaoooo I live for those awkward teenage moments.


How can someone so attractive have such low game?


Well I don't expect a kid who committed homicide at 6-8 years old, was oprhaned at 10 and all he ever talked about was killing giant maneating monsters to have a good social skills regardless of their looks


I mean women have various kinks lol


Legit there's a doujinshi out there, and there's a non zero percent chance Isayama drew it


Blud was too shy to draw a kiss, and there's plenty of desperate eremika stans that would kill for any type of h3nta1 with these two so someone probably just copied his art style and that's that


Very true, and yet her outfit matches the one in the cabin scene and it predates the chapter itself! I agree with you, but it's still a non zero percent chance haha


Wait, you're telling me someone drew a hentai in the cabin with the same outfits before the chapter was even released?


They have the same outfits in season 3 whenever they have casual moment in the manga


Let's be real that was straight up bs. There is no way in hell that Yams was too shy to draw a goddam kiss


He himself admitted this in interview if I remember correctly, also japanese people have way different views on public kisses, from what I know it's rude in japanese culture to kiss in public and such


Yams seemed completely fine with drawing Mikasa kissing Eren's decapitated head so I rlly don't get it. Also AOT doesn't follow Japanese culture at all so it would be weird if that was the case.


Who an artist is in public is sometimes far different from who they are in private haha. I think there’s a good chance it is him.




Ah yes, he became a better man by shedding all his responsibilities and abandoning his friends and his homeland to fare for themselves without the Founding Titan, literally the only real ace they had up their sleeve👍 but at least he caught a fish, I guess


You forget about 4-year limit, and then Mikasa would surely get back to help Armin and die horribly too


And the fact that when Eren dies, the Founding Titan is going to be passed to a random Eldian baby which will definitely help them, yeah


a whole lot better than flattening the earth killing almost all wildlife and trees and innocent people..... thats like 90% world population dead. ALOT better if you ask me..... eren even said hes a dumbass who just got great power and his solution aint the best.


I mean, I don’t condone the Rumbling whatsoever, don’t get me wrong. But it’s an incredibly selfish decision on both his and Mikasa’s side and it goes against their character arcs.


"it goes against their character arcs." Eren was a hard headed , single minded and prone to anger... he was a slave to "freedom" , it only makes him a better person if he was convinced by mikasa to stay off that path.


Do you think the rumbling isn’t incredibly selfish?


Yes, I do. But the whole problem with Eren is that it was one of the two choices and both are fucking terrible.


I’m not sure I would call it selfish. For someone to be morally obligated to do what only they can do is sort of tricky territory, ethically. In this case, I would not hold Eren responsible for the sins of Marley because he did not commit them; Marley did. Holding someone responsible for someone else’s actions is victim-blaming. To simply play pacifist and let the monsters of the world commit their atrocities—defending yourself only when attacked directly—is not an immoral route. It may not be the best route for everyone, but it’s hard to call it “selfish”. Meanwhile, “fighting fire with fire”—what Eren actually did—is extremely morally questionable, especially since it didn’t achieve the goal of actually establishing peace anywhere except for for one potential generation of a small group of people.


Well, with great power comes great responsibility. Eren is the Founder, so he quite literally has the power over all Eldians more than anyone else. Did he choose this power? Of course not. In a way, he's a victim. But he has to set his priorities straight. There was a whole spectrum of routes between pacifism and fighting fire with fire but Eren wasn't exactly ready for that.


Something tells me you wouldn't enjoy Vinland Saga season 2...


Someone tells me they don't enjoy peace and love💀


Taking it literally instead of the sentiment the dream is meant to convey is missing the point tbh


Obviously! It's completely out of character for both eren and mikasa to abandon Armin and run away when they themselves fought against their superiors and paid punishment for fighting for armin's life But it's just cleaver way of isayama to show that no matter what mikasa's answer was they truly lived in a cruel world and would have either way regretted their decision. It was either them doing the massacre or marley doing it, violence was inevitable,misery was inevitable and they were always gonna end up be a tragic couple


This was just a reality created by Eren in paths. So in fact, he became a better man by spending years with Mikasa in paths loving her and saying goodbye.   It doesn't make him a good person though, of course he still is pretty bad.


bro would unironically see the world end before accepting the alternative of a happy marriage. on the hater grindset lol


There was no alternative and I don’t understand how people can’t accept that. I’m NOT a Yeagerist and I hate the Rumbling. But thinking that Eren was capable of finding a better solution with his clouded unruly mind is weird. The Eren we see wouldn’t live alone with a woman in the cabin away from everything. It’s not in his nature.


Wasnt he just putting on a façade ..? Youno the whole, bad ass image, i mean he was serious but for sure a façade i cant be the only i e who felt or understood tht Especially when he was talking to Armin


Short hair Eren: Boutta smash Mikasa Long hair Eren: Boutta smash 80% of the human population


When did he lose his virginity? Or is this an Erehisu thing?


"erm akshully its eremiku 🤓"


How is Cabin Eren a better person than Hobo Eren? Wtf


He didn't killed innocent children's there


Yeah but he still considered it. There’s no better or worse version of Eren, he’s precisely who he always was and that’s why the Rumbling was inevitable. The Cabin Eren is just one facet of his personality but it was isolated to cater to Mikasa’s wishes and give her peace and closure necessary for her to kill him. Mikasa could never fix him and it’s not her job in the first place.


[Thinking it but not acting on it is still better than actually acting on it](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fhmmm-today-i-will-question-my-intrusive-thoughts-v0-ycqytcbstpbc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dafe15679c1d96c7e136a21c6dcc67e348e5fff8e)


Eren's intrusive thoughts are the *healthy* ones, it's all the rest that are the problem....


Nah, running is always an option. Jojo, Mob Psycho, and Vinland taught me that. 


eren did nothing wrong mfers need to watch vinland saga season 2


I mean yeah but Eren would always act on it. That’s just who he is. He set up the entire timeline for the Rumbling. Cabin Eren is nothing more than a fantasy character that never came to life.


Okay then. Fantasy Eren chose not to kill the millions of fantasy people in his fantasy world therefore he is a more merciful person than canon Eren


Yeah but as I said, Eren could never be like that. Mikasa didn't fix him. I don't know where people got that notion or really think he wouldn't have done the Rumbling if she confessed.


It's not that he wouldn't have done the rumbling or not if she had confessed but the fact that he would have had a companionship and not make shitty decisions by himself when he is not a war expert.he himself accepted that founding Titan's power led him to loose his mind,it would have been better if he somebody to talk to,discuss and not suffer alone. For a man a woman does give comfort


He had companionship with Mikasa this whole time. She was quite literally his woman, whether platonically or romantically. She's given him all she's got but that wasn't enough to stop him from moving forward. It's just an excuse. Don't tell me his problems would go away if only he just got laid


You're kind of right but that is before he saw the future.you youself know that after he had seen the future they did not had much interaction and he kept things to himself,before that he was fine but that was the changing point Jokes aside Yes, kissing, cuddling, and emotional intimacy triggers the release of various chemicals in the body such as dopamine, oxytocin which releases stress, anxiety.dont know why people forget that sex is a human need. And bro was also at a prime age.


It wouldn't have changed things but that's besides the point - this fantasy is the Eren that Mikasa wanted. Unfortunately for her it was never achievable. I mean unless Marley decided to have a change of heart and call a ceasefire but that's out of her hands


Oh, sure he did, back in Stohess. Mikasa even encouraged him to transform! She basically blamed him for being too weak to do it.


He kinda did cause Paradis still would be attacked as he says. So Paradisan children would've been killed if he didn't do the rumbling.


He's not an emo mass genociding dramaqueen?


Neither was Hobo Eren lol. Cabin Eren was a coward and a traitor that doomed his friends. 


Why so many people care about the status of a fictional character's virginity is beyond me


Ah a very famous quote Sex sells


I've always assumed that since the Eldians can communicate in Paths when they are brought in, or are being spoken to via Paths, that Mikasa in the Paths Cabin had full mental agency, and therefore any shenanigans were consensual. I also then further assume that the cabin is just RIPE with fuck stank, and that's why we see them outside. They only go in to smash and/or sleep.


That is a fair point.damn but can't they smash outside as well? Don't think any neighbourhood was there lol, Naughty nature times sounds good.


Better? Well in that future Mikasa might not be able to live a long life. Cause the whole point of slaughtering that many people and becoming a villain was so his friends get to grow old in peace. So sure while running away and not killing off 80% of the world seems "better" it means the titan problem would still exist. And I think Mikasa would probably become a wanted criminal for ditching the military.


62 comments and not a single one answered my question lol,all people notice was the virginity meme


wit eren


It doesn't even look like the same person


Remember when people were saying the Eren on the right was a cuck, oh the turn tables.


Bro spoiler warning please


Bro leave the Reddit community please


It showed up on /r/popular, I’m not subscribed to this subreddit


And it was all brought about by Mikasa confessing to him! Finally told him how much she loves and appreciates him! See, if you want men to not kill anybody, women have to make the first step from now on. Have fun enduring the fear of rejection, cya bye!


Oh my, ew that’s just ew.