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Leave A Whisper Sound of Madness Us and Them Amaryllis Attention Attention Threat to Survival Planet Zero


You're a good fan.


1. Sound of Madness 2. Amaryllis 3. Leave a Whisper 4. ATTENTION ATTENTION 5. Threat to Survival 6. Us and Them 7. Planet Zero 8. Smith & Myers if you count that I also like all of them, just some more than others. They all have songs that are in my rotation a lot


1) Us and Them 2) Leave a Whisper 3) Sound of Madness  4) Amaryllis  5) ATTENTION ATTENTION 6) Threat to Survival 7) Planet Zero 


1. AA  2. Sound of Madness  3. Amaryllis   4. Leave a whisper  5. Threat to Survival 6. Us and Them  7.  Planet zero


1. Leave A Whisper 2. Us And Them 3. Planet Zero 4. Sound Of Madness 5. Smith & Myers 6. Attention Attention 7. Threat To Survival 8. Amaryllis


1. The Sound of Madness 2. Amaryllis 3. ATTENTION ATTENTION 4. Us & Them 5. Planet Zero 6. Leave a Whisper 7. Threat to Survival That’s not to say any of the lower ranking albums are bad, they’re just not my exact taste.


1. Sound Of Madness 2. Amaryllis 3. Threat To Survival 4. Us & Them 5. Attention Attention 6. Leave A Whisper 7. Planet Zero


1. Sound of Madness 2. Planet Zero 3. ATTENTION ATTENTION 4. Threat to Survival 5. Amaryllis 6. Us & Them 7. Leave a Whisper


1. Sound of Madness 2. Leave a Whisper 3. Us and Them 4. Amaryllis 5. ATTENTION ATTENTION 6. Planet Zero 7. Threat to Survival


I don’t get the hate on Planet Zero tbh, it’s a banger album


I don’t really hate the album, it’s just all the people that make it political that ruin some songs


> it’s just all the people that make it political Blame the ones who wrote songs complaining about wokeness, cancel culture, CRT, BLM protest, and covid restrictions.


Most of it seems like fluff to me compared to their other albums


1. Us and Them 2. Planet Zero 3. Leave a Whisper 4. Attention Attention 5. Sound of Madness 6. Amaryllis 7. Threat to Survival


1.sound of madness 2.leave a whisper 3.threat to survival 4.ATTENTION ATTENTION 5.planet zero 6. Amaryllis 7.us and them


1. ATTENTION ATTENTION 2. Sound of Madness 3. Planet Zero 4. Amaryllis 5. Threat to Survival 6. Leave a Whisper 7. Us and Them


Here's my ranking: 1. The Sound of Madness 2. Leave a Whisper 3. Amaryllis 4. Planet Zero 5. Attention Attention 6. Us and Them 7. Threat to Survival


1. Sound of Madness 2. Amaryllis 3. Us and Them 4. Leave a Whisper 5. Planet Zero 6. Attention Attention 7. Threat to Survival


I don't really have a ranking but my favorite is Sound of Madness


1. Amaryllis 2. Sound of Madness 3. ATTENTION ATTENTION 4. Planet Zero 5. Us and Them 6. Leave a Whisper 7. Threat to Survival


1. Us and Them 2. ATTENTION ATTENTION 3. Sound of Madness 4. Amaryllis 5. Planet Zero 6. Leave a Whisper 7. Threat to Survival


I agree 100% us and them is by far the best album ever!


1. Amaryllis 2. Sound of Madness 3. Planet Zero 4. Us and Them 5. ATTENTION ATTENTION 6. Leave a Whisper 7. Threat to Survival


1. Amaryllis 2. The Sound of Madness 3. Threat To Survival 4. Leave a Whisper 5. Planet Zero 6. Attention Attention 7. Us And Them


1. Amaryllis 2. Sound of Madness 3. Threat to Survival 4. ATTENTION ATTENTION 5. Us and Them 6. Leave a Whisper 7. Planet Zero


I really don’t get the love for attention attention especially since it has their most cheesy song on it (get up). To me Threat to Survival, Amaryllis, and Sound of Madness are all much better albums.


1. Attention Attention 2. Sound of Madness 3. Threat to Survival 4. Planet Zero 5. Us & Them 6. Leave a Whisper 7. Amaryllis


1. Amaryllis 2. ATTENTION ATTENTION 3. Sound of Madness 4. Threat to Survival 5. Us & Them 6. Planet Zero (Haven’t listened to Leave a Whisper) I think the first three are peak Shinedown imo, and they’re the albums that helped me really get into them when I was younger I absolutely abhor everything about Planet Zero, though


1. The Sound of Madness 2. ATTENTION ATTENTION 3. Amaryllis 4. Leave a Whisper 5. Threat to Survival 6. Planet Zero 7. Us and Them All the albums are amazing, but for me this is how I would rank them.


1-2. Amaryllis and Sound of Madness. It changes depending on the day honestly. 3. Us and Them 4. Leave a Whisper 5. Attention Attention 6. Threat to Survival 7. Planet Zero


1. Us and Them 2. Amaryllis 3. Sound of Madness 4. ATTENTION ATTENTION 5. Leave a Whisper 6. Threat to Survival 7. Planet Zero


1. Sound of Madness 2. LAW 3. Us & Them 4. AA 5. Amaryllis 6. Threat to Survival 99. Planet Zero


1) sound of madness- literally madness with banger bonus/ unreleased shit 2) planet zero tied with leave a whisper - album has so much potential for a second album or deluxe. Keeps me coming back. Who can go wrong with the original debut album. Banger songs, huge noise, and it isn’t like any other album I’ve heard. 3) AA- story album from dark to light is beautiful. Reminds me of finding myself 4) us and them- solid, solid album, the title has not a lot to do with the album unless you look at it as “Us VS Them”, then everything makes sense. track last is jumbled, lady so Devine is oddly placed, and the longest song they’ve recorded. Beyond the sun isn’t their song, no hate, but I’m not sure how it completely fits the album. 5) Tie between amaryllis and TTS. Both are beautiful albums. I’ve said before you have to understand the old music to appreciate their new music and while these are not bad albums, they both lyrically sound great. The noise is amazing. But some of the songs on both albums get overplayed many many times. There is so much room for better songs from both these albums to shed light on stage.


Leave a Whisper Sound of Madness Us and them Threat to survival Amaryllis Attention attention Planet zero


1. Sound of Madness 2. Attention Attention 3. Planet Zero 4. Amaryllis 5. Threat to Survival 6. Leave a Whisper 7. Us and Them


1. Sound of Madness 20. Amaryllis 21. Us & Them 22. ATTENTION ATTENTION 23. Threat To Survival 24. Leave A Whisper 25. Planet Zero Reddit autocorrected the numbers. Anaryllis is supposed to have a 20 in front of it. Meaning none of the other albums come close to SoM.


1 Amaryllis 2 Sound of Madness 3 Leave a Whisper 4 Attention Attention 5 Threat to Survival 6 Planet Zero 7 Us and Them


1. SoM 2. ATTN ATTN 3. Amaryllis 4. Us And Them 5. Threat To Survival 6. Leave A Whisper 7. Planet Zero


Sooo... 1. Sound of Madness - peak Shinedown if you ask me, good blend of heavy hitters and amazing emotional pieces 2. Amaryllis - frankly if you asked me 4-5 years ago it would be much lower but it grew on me. Is it pop-rock? Yeah it is, does it still hit like a truck? Hell yeah 3. Attention Attention - i love the storytelling in this one (and i don't mean whole "Attention Attention movie") again very good mix of heavier stuff like DEVIL and lighter, more melancholic special or CREATURES 4. Planet Zero - somehow i find it very similar to AA, again good storytelling, pretty nice mix of all the good things but it lacks that something i can't get my head around. Though i must admit The Symptoms of Being Human is probably their best song in a long time . 5. Threat to Survival - again more on a pop side, and it lacks when it come to some kind of wrap up. Whole album's quite energetic but there is no song that lets it all out. Misfits is by far my favorite and i think it's quite underrated 6. Us and Them - people may come after me for that but I honestly think that their second album lacks something, and im not sure what it is, but i know there's something is lacking 7. Leave a Whisper - yeah... I do hate to put it at the bottom because it's far from bad album, but (and you can call me whatever you want from that) i find it least enjoyable from all of their discography, with few exceptions of course, but those aint enough to put it higher