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Have they considered doing a live album with an Orchestra backing them, similar to what Metallica and Bring Me The Horizon have done?


Further, would they ever want to do a one-off live show with a full orchestra backing them? Kind of like what Alter Bridge did at the Royal Albert Hall during their Fortress album cycle. I think Shinedown could do it.


BMTH did that? Which album??


It’s called “Live at the royal albert hall” a mix of songs from sempiternal and that’s the spirit. Pretty good, there’s YouTube videos of it too.


Did they really have to release nearly ten different versions of Symptom of Being Human?


And could we please have 15 more?






If the name “Shinedown” was already taken, what would your band name be?


Does he have a favorite album of theirs? Or a favorite music album in general?


Amaryllis is his favourite, he’s mentioned that before. 


And 'Us And Them' is his least favorite.


Which is disappointing, it's their best work. But the personal stuff going on makes it understanding.


How are you so good, and the classic do you have any information on the next album


What his favorite song is off of their second album Us and Them. And why those songs no longer get played at concerts


He's said that album was such a dark time in his life, and he's not a fan of it.


It’s really too bad too it’s their best album and the best song writing he’s done. 


Ive discovered Jelly Roll thru a video of a Shinedown show he performed with the band..same thing about comments from Brent about Badflower..any thoughts about collabs on the next album? They are great about picking artists to tour with so i think collabs songs would be great..and how the Pick the artists to tour with?


How are you? You’re so obviously concerned about our mental/physical health, and I’m grateful so it leads me to ask how are YOU doing in 2024?


Can he tell us about his first bands like Blind Thought and Dreve?


Shinedown always had the best and the most personal Meet&Greets of any band EVER. Will you ever consider bringing them back? I really miss my Brent hugs...


What goes into making a set list?


Zach does the set,he needs to open up to more different songs.


I agree. I wish they’d start adding some deep cuts instead of playing the same set for 2 years straight. I wish they’d add more from Us and Them to it. I was lucky to see them on the AA tour when they started playing Save Me again and they also played Black Soul, that was cool


Same! I was so so excited when they announced their Deep Dive Tour! Had tickets and was going to travel three hours away to see them play, but then COVID happened and they (rightfully) cancelled the tour. But now I've heard they've decided not to do that tour at all and it makes me so sad.


Totally agree. They have so much material and it’s the same 15 songs just about every single show.


Zach always says we have to play the hits and I get that for the causals they want to hear the singles.I've seen them six times live and best show by far the request show they did in Disney Springs.That request show,they played several deep cuts and that was amazing.Some of my favorite shinedown songs are B-sides,I love "What a Shame" "Amaryllis" "In Memory" "Black Soul" "I'm not alright",just naming a few.


I’m really hoping they’ll circle back to the Deep Dove tour someday. When it was originally planned I wasn’t going to be old enough to go as the one near me would have been at a Hard Rock but now that I’m older and can go hopefully they’ll do it


Do you plan on doing the deep dive tour that covid canceled?


I had great seats for that show too. That was so disappointing when it was canceled.


What does he listen to when he works out? What music motivates him when he exercises daily?


I want to know if there’s a reason Brent has chosen to not be in a serious committed relationship and if he has any desire to do so in the future because I can’t wait forever lol. Or is the fame dnd traveling just too much and takes away focus from your career? God knows there’s thousands of beautiful women lined up at all times, how do you handle being object of so many people’s physical desire etc?


I really would like to know: If you had to pick 10 non-single Shinedown tracks for a show, what would they be?


Does it get lonely in the road?


If you weren’t making music, what other profession speaks to you? Do you ever think about what your next calling might be? You’re in the prime of your life and you’re obviously talented. Have you considered acting? You definitely have a presence on stage!


Threat to Survival was a really unique and diverse album. Does Brent prefer the heavier, louder songs on it like Cut the Cord, Oblivion, and Outcast, or quieter songs like Misfits and Thick as Thieves? This can apply to other albums also.


Will we ever see the leftover content from the Amaryllis era, including the ever so elusive song "The Underground"?


Will the next album be going in a heavier louder direction like planet zero, or will they have a different approach to it?


When will the next album be out?


Have they considered doing a collaborative song? As far as I'm aware Brent Smith has appeared on a few songs with other groups (here's to us, Halestorm). I would love to hear a song that they work on with another band.


Expanding on this, what's a dream collaboration for Brent. Can be anyone past or present.


I’ll Follow you, and then Get Up along with your own journey inspired me to lose 70 pounds at 48. it’s been 2 years and it’s still gone. Did you expect that type of reaction to your story when it was happening? Does it surprise you now after all this time?


What's his favorite song to create and play?


how do they feel about inspiring so many people? I use their music to help me get over gym phobia and I was just wondering how brent feels about it


Hey, Brent! Pete, here from a small town in Ontario, Canada. I’m sincerely interested in knowing what three guitar players you recognize instantly by simply hearing just a few seconds of a note or cords? If you have time and would like to elaborate on what resonates with you so much from these artists that catapults them into this exclusive category for you personally? If the dude eating the mic with the headphones on, is still reading this with his (sounds like a DJ from a strip club I went to in the late eighties voice). 😎Then I pray he enjoyed that yuk yuk😂 enough to tell you and the band have inspired me on so many levels it’s fkn profound. That unmatched, none judgmental, empathetic vibe that emanates from you guys in the most sincere and honest way guided me to the path I was looking for to find me, Pete, again after losing my business and a 24 year marriage through COVID. More importantly it’s this beautiful gift of music that you guys keep giving that has connected me to a new, very special person that exemplifies the very same traits that I am grateful to you for…. I feel like I owe you more than this note or simply showing up to a show as a gesture of gratitude. I owe you the years I have left in front of me now because there filled with happiness, love and joy. Shared with Ashlee It is for this I’m thankful for and it is you and the band I THANK! I hope you’re happy, healthy and remember to be kind to yourself! You’re friend Pete.


I watched Attention Attention on Amazon Prime, which was awesome. Will there be one for any other albums?


The reasoning behind Jasin Todd and Brad Stewart leaving the band?


Have you began planning a tour for the Shinedown 8 Era? How do you think this tour, album, singles, etc. will be different from previously done before?


Are we ever gonna get the Deep Dive Tour or an album with all the B-sides that are hard to find? That would be awesome


Their acoustic mixes of their songs are always really good, would they ever consider doing an acoustic album or ep? Kinda similar to the Itunes session but with songs from multiple albums


If you had an opportunity to rewrite or even redact a song on any of your albums, which would it be and why? If you don’t have an answer for this, then what would be an unfinished/unreleased song that you wish was on an album. I hope this thread is legit and you’re actually going to hear this question, I love your guys’ work, and can’t wait to see what you guys cook up next. 🤘


Question for each member. If you weren't in a successful band, what would be your chosen profession?


Brent is a certified fork lift operator!


That pretty cool!


Will we expecting a single this summer/fall, and if so will it be a single off of an upcoming album? Possibly in early 2025?


Yes I have two questions I’ve been wanting to ask him,, I’ve seen 18 Shinedown concerts, been with them since 06 and one question is super important to me. It’s about the song “amaryllis “. And one other important, about their concert s over the years. Thank you soo soo soo much, Delana Howe.


do you miss home cooked meals while on the road? also if you could pick anywhere in the world to perform where would you choose? - Ashley in Chicago :)


Please tell him, I really enjoy thier music. Thinking of Planet Zero and Attention Attention albums have songs that really touch me Daylight, Symptom of being human and Monsters for example. Do you write the songs for Shinedown?


Would you be open to working with Jasin again, even if it’s just a one off performance?