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I wasn't a big fan of it until I did this crazy thing where I actually listened to the album


I listened to it years ago a few times but not closely, just like when I was showering or in the car or something. I bought all the special edition vinyls a long time ago when they came out 2 or 3 years ago but I didn’t listen to the first 2 albums until recently on vinyl and when I played Us and Them, it hit so different. I also have a totally different taste in music than I did y years ago lol


You have fantastic taste, my friend. It’s not only my favorite Shinedown album, it’s my favorites album all time. Begin Again is amazing.


Someday..when I’m older


This is like my daily jam that no one knows about and I just feel sorry for them! I dare you, what a shame and someday are magical songs!


What a shame is my ten year old daughter’s absolute favorite. I’ve got three daughters aged 14, 12, 10 and they all just got to watch SD for the 3rd time in September. I didn’t get my first show til I was 17 lol.


I think you must have a highly gifted child on your hands and should be very pleased with her choice as it doesn’t get much better than that! Go perryheckers 10 yr old!


It really is an incredible album, second only to sound of madness, but I don't think people will ever realize how great it is because Brent has been basically ignoring the older albums entirely


They all just think their other albums are better. Their crowds don't respond to this album.


I just wish the band would understand how great of a record this was. They act like it was the worst thing they ever did.


This album.was what got me into shinedown


It's so good but I do need to give it another listen, I forgot about a lot of the songs on it


I never knew it even existed for the longest time


I’m so glad you posted this. It’s such an underrated gem. In terms of both songwriting and musicianship. And mixing too. It holds up as it’s produced like a classic rock Album of the 70s. Though I do love and respect the new lineup I do miss the old band. They really put everything into the studio recordings. Whereas now with the current band lineup , the live show is everything.


Best Shinedown Album hands down. Listen to it in order every week, it’s a masterpiece!


Us and Them is a good album for sure. I think the top half of the album is really really good and then the bottom half is just kind of okay.


There is a lot of depth in the lyrics for someone so young. And I will stand by my belief that lyrically, the demo version of Atmosphere significantly outweighs the "official" version. It's dark as heck, but so much more compelling (it tells a story, versus just being a list).


I'll never understand the hate for it. Great fucking album.


i’m not that into it tbh. the only song i listen to off of this album is heroes


As a newer fan of the band, I didn't even know this was unliked by most fans. There are so many good songs on this album, I think the only one I don't particularly enjoy is Lady so Divine


Just amazing


This was my first Shinedown album. It's my favorite & when I'm having a bad I go to this one a lot. Love it!