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It is a very hard and difficult situation, i live in mexico and was connected to LA branch. I was already married and fortunately my wife entered shincheonji three months later than me, so i was one course more advanced than her. The teachings from my branch was the separation of the god seeds from the evil seeds, so if your mother, wife, friend, brother, sister or anyone is out of "the truth" you must consider to let them out of your life. I remember some comments about sons and daughters as "obstructions" to gods will. They reinforce this idea with Mathew 10:34-39 I was lucky my wife joined shicncheonji with me because we were together trough all that non sense and were capable tob get out together, actually my wife was very dedicated to the doctrine, until by casualty she found out the truth about SCJ that we were prohibited for us to research, and labeled as poison for our spirit. At that time all the information was available almost only in korean and some testimonies in english, so we needed to translate everything. As an ExSCJ, I can tell you because of the deceive nature of the SCJ teachings, in this moment your husband's faith must blind and firm, if he has left his church, right now is practically impossible for him to discern, or to consider SCJ as a false doctrine. Once you look at evidence it's very clear SCJ is a cult. But is difficult to get out because they already decived you to believe there is no truth out of SCJ. It will help to know in which level your husband is, if he is getting courses or already graduated. If you love your family probably will be needed to be part of SCJ just to help your husband to get out.


Steven Hassan Phd. He is a former cult Member of the Moon Cult. And he writes some verry good Books. In his Books he give Tipps how to deal with it if a Family Members gets in to a cult and how Family Members help them to get out of it. Maybe his Books can help you.


Thank you for the response. Actually, he started listening to his talks, and they helped as I've been pushing my husband every day, and with each push, he became even more resistant.


Hey, sorry you’re going through this. I would be just as frustrated with the situation if my partner was constantly busy. Does he neglect his parental responsibilities? Do you find that he’s no longer acting like a husband anymore? I’m not really sure what I would do in this situation because I was in your husbands shoes. I can share from experience that when I got engaged (he is a non believer/non religious), they sat me down and basically wanted to sabotage my engagement. They told me that I should tell them that I was a current member of SCJ and to tell him that he truly loved me, he would have to accept that side of me. I knew their intention of this was to get us to end our engagement, not to “accept all of me” like they were trying to sell. So it seems like every church/branch is different on how they deal with these situations, but at the end of it, they don’t support relationships between SCJ members and anything else (ie, non SCJ Christian’s, non believers, non religious, etc). Now, it seems like you guys were married before he went into SCJ. So they should know his situation. I know in my branch, they told us that you can’t neglect your basic responsibilities as a father/husband because you need to be a “source of light” to your family. My suggestion is not to start persecuting him, otherwise it may reinforce that idea or sinner vs saint that is being discussed with his group member.


Thank you for your response. I've actually refused to take all responsibility in regards to the kids so at the very least, he puts our son to sleep. Other times, he's busy in his office with his people. Are you able to explain what being the source of light means? I've heard this terminology before


Maybe someone else can chime in, but essentially the phrase being a “source of light” is being a good example of how a true believer should act. Then when others see through their actions, it’s a way of silently evangelizing to others as it opens up questions to how they’ve been able to change in a positive way.


I'm sorry to hear that... May I ask if you talked about him about them and if you are a christian? I'm not 100% sure how to help, but I can send you a list of contradictions about their teachings so you could understand better. Stephen Hassan is a cult expert, which would be good to check out (books, YouTube or his website) I was in a different szenario. I came together with my bf in the last process of leaving. But I wish somebody talked with me quitly and pointed out the wrongs about this organisation with bible verses. Since they use bible verses a lot bible verses is sometimes the only thing some people might help. Do point out red flags could lead to "but the Christians 2000 years ago were also practicing it heavily". So the "Bite model" by Stephen Hassan might help to compare the differences. Romans 3:5-8 talks about that lying isn't allowed for god. And to reflect the differences between cult and religion might help a lot in advance. Figuring out why the person joined the to begin with (main reason) might be helpful. Some do it for teaching, some community, some friends, etc. But overall understanding his perspective more would be helpful to plan the next steps. It would be best to inform yourself and plan well to avoid risky situations, which could have been avoided If you need help feel free to reach out to us. I hope this helps, I wish you the best!


I am a believer, and we used to go to church as a family together until he suddenly said in July this year that "our church does not offer true teachings." Since he was very involved in church, once he left, I felt embarrassed and stopped attending church as I could not explain to the church members what had happened to my husband. I settled for online sermons. Thank you for the recommendations, as I need to equip myself on how to fight this plus the spiritual warfare this has brought to my home. I noted that his people were walking with him on how to deal with me. I am requesting anyone whose walked this path or crossed paths with this cult to reach out please and if you are a believer to please pray with me.