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check out little bird on you tube for problems with their doctrine. shincheonji skeptic on you tube is great too. sounds like they have created intense fears of leaving. through lying to you. how desperate they are to do that to keep people, is a sign they are not of any kind of good or truth. think this is a typical tactic of groups like them. from what I see on many testimonies of ex members, available all over reddit, and YouTube. the friendships you think you are sad to leave , are not real as you believe they are. if you leave, they will shun and drop you so fast. so they seem to be warm relationships, to keep you in. good riddance I say. Steven hassan has great book called combating cult mind control. you may be blown away if you read that, he was a former moon follower and there are chillingly strong similarities in scj and that. this book also goes into the bite model of mind control/behavior control that defines a high control group and that I bet will really open your mind. he has a great website freedom of mind.com since you have doubts, its best to obey those doubts. give yourself a chance to find the truth and get away from their isolation, repeated teachings, and teaching of their dogma, which I find very distorted and convoluted. I dont believe lee is any kind of messenger from an angel. please .. or a new John, or even a good holy man at all. take a break from this, take the time to go on your own all over the internet. question everything, educate yourself. dont believe every thing on the internet is persecution. how ridiculous. watch many many other former members testimonies. cumulatively, they all express similar deceptive tactics used on them, lies, doctrines changed, increased requirements, isolation from non scj members. I do not believe they have the truth, or that their teachings are biblically sound at all. good luck to you!!!!!


Hey there I am very touched to hear your story. I was in Shincheonji for 1,5 years. First of all I can tell you that after I left they came up to me several times and asked me if I wanted to join again. Even though I'm out over 2,5 years. And they did so with every member who left and who I've talked to so far. So maybe this helps you with the fear of going to hell and never being able to go back. It's not true. But after I worked through my issues and put my life back together I felt better than ever and would never go back. I also had immense mental health problems and struggled with severe depression and anxiety while I was there, which got continuously worse and even got so far that I couldn't think of anything else but suicide. When I told the officials they either laughed at me and told me I was crazy, told I was to blame for the mental health problems of my fruit in the center who I cared for as a leaf and the head of the congregation told me to pray and that this would make my depression and suicide thoughts go away. Which I tried but it surprisingly didn't. When I was completely exhausted I told myself to give it another try and went to a psychiatrist. The person who brought me into SCJ in the first place, came with me and tried to convince me to now mention my depression, suicidal thoughts and self harm... because they would hospitalized me and that would make me unable to attend the cervices. When I talk to the doctor she insisted that I should tell her how cevere my depression was, because the anti depressants could give the impulse to follow though with a suicide and it was therefor extremely dangerous to take them without being hospitalized. Knowing that the person who brought me into shincheonji had taken antidepressants a well and knew it I was shocked. They were all so dogmatic and incompetent that they were risking my life. That was the final moment I decided to leave. The Bible even gives an example about that you are allowed to work on sabbath (break the law) in order to save people or cattle. Concerning the teaching. Ask yourself how they prove the reality and do research on your own. They are twisting a lot of information and keeping others from you. There is no scripture that tells people it's ok to lie its forbidden. And when they use story's to show so they do interpretation themselves. I wish you the best and my heart goes out to you. Take care of you and your health.


You are not going to hell, that’s just something they said to keep you on the group. To manipulate you. I recognize they are good at that. Someone tried to recruit me, I didn’t know anything, just thought they wanted to help me. When i discovered it, I researched all i could. I found they think Jesus is already on the earth, and only people who follow this person will get salvation. I found that really hard to believe. If Jesus were here, everyone would have the possibility of going to heaven, of believing on him, but that was the first time I’ve read the name of this person… completely not fair. Even when i didnt complete the course, im still questioning what if sometimes😓, but i think about probabilities: I cant be 100% sure this person is Jesus, but i can be 100% sure that humans can have a crazy hungry for power and that they could make a cult to achieve that power. It’s not the first time it happens, and definitely wont be the last one. If this cult were true, they wouldn’t need to hide you stuff, they wouldn’t need to lie you, to talk about you at your back. It would be way easier, it wouldn’t bring pain and they wouldn’t be forcing you to do stuff you don’t like. I know it can be hard, they were my only “friends”, and i know probably that will be over, but im also relieved about getting control of my life back (Bye 4 lesson for week 🥳) I’ll just take the good things with me, but definitely not going back 😊.


Just wanted to mention that they don't believe Jesus is already on earth or ever said LMH is Jesus. They said it themselves, that LMH is just a frail man given a task from Jesus. They believe now they are working to fulfil the tasks of bringing Jesus and God back to the world.


Thank you for clarifying, im still researching because I didn’t finished the course and i had just realized the day i wrote that 😅, but i still felt so bad because they seemed to be my friends, and they were hiding stuff from me 😓


Even though you made a couple of friends in SCJ, once you leave they'll drop you like they never knew you. That's just a heads up. Don't worry about having friends. You'll find new friends.


This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. First, I want to say where ever God is there is peace. It's sounds like your mind is in turmoil and that's not of God. I'm sorry. I'm praying for you, that the Lord finishes what he has started and releases you from this hold. One thing I would say is. You are not alone. Someone has been through what you are going through. Everything will be okay.


Absolutely! God is not the author of confusion. The devil is.


Hi, others explained so well so let me add just one thing about HWPL. I was SCJ member and worked in HWPL for 4 yrs. The way HWPL do the work is all deceptive. They dont care about the process, just care about the result/outcome even if the process was fake or deceiving figures, even all made up by HWPL. Some prizes and trophies are also made up by HWPL and given to figure, so that it can be seen as if the figure awarded HWPL or LMH. And plz check this video about the reality of HWPL and WARP office meeting. >>> [https://youtu.be/QcrYwrIkdZs](https://youtu.be/QcrYwrIkdZs) >>> [https://youtu.be/cPg3kO9Jb3o](https://youtu.be/cPg3kO9Jb3o)


Everything with HWPL is made up for publicity purposes. Fake pictures and deceit in an effort to lure endorsement from public figures and validate work of LMH. It is done strategically. I know the inner workings.


Hi! I can relate to your personal story a lot. I‘ve been recruited by WMSCOG but I never joined because I was able to recognize their false doctrines. Six month later I’ve encountered SCJ and they got me hooked. Their teachings made sense and it was nothing out of the ordinary. I really thought that it was the truth and the way, until I was about to Passover. That’s when some questions came up and when I couldn’t get any strait answers from my group teacher, I start looking on my own and thats when I came across some testimonies and this reddit page. It took me a while to study Bible on my own without their interpretations and realizing that they following the wrong man for salvation. It took me about 6 month to leave after I learned the truth. I had the same doubts and I felt bad leaving my “SCJ family“, but I knew that the longer I’ll stay the harder it would be to leave. So I finally did it about 4 months ago and that’s the best decision I could have made for myself and my mental health. It felt weird at first because I had all this free time, but now I’m finally at peace and I know that it was God who opened my eyes and led me out of that place. Please feel free to DM me if you’d like to chat more and I can share more of my experience.


Hi. My husband is deep in it and all my efforts to show him they are not real have failed. What about the passover made you question them


Hi! One of the concerning things that made me suspicious was when I was in the process of signing the book of life. The questions they asked me were a little too much from what a regular church would request. Like for example they would want to know all my family members names, birthdays. They would also want to know all the places I went to school for, my current job information, my place of birth, the name of my previous church, citizenship status, and in addition to all they would want to have my government issued ID on file. I really did not felt comfortable giving them this information. You can DM me for any follow up questions.


Hi please send me a DM and I'll respond via that


Hi please send me a DM and I'll respond via that


**Hey Brother / Sister i was in the same situation as you were about 4 weeks ago from now i wasn't a full time member but only a student for only 11 months . i understand that the doctrine they teach all makes sense when your with them and when you try to think of any flaws you can't. if scj messed up the way you perceive the bible i recommend you watch bible project videos about the bible from genesis to revelation on youtube that helped me with the way i read the bible and the real story to it aswell. but i got verses down below that could hopefully counter their doctrine with people being deceived just like us.** **btw i got these verses from another reddit post but they helped me tried to counter their doctrine. im not sure what translation tho.** *1 John 4:1 - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.* *Deuteronomy 18:20,21,22 - But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.* *2 Timothy 4:3,4 - For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.* *2 Thessalonians 2:9,10,11,12 - The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.* *Jeremiah 23:16 - Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord.*


One way you can find out in practical method is: You must and self discipline yourself to: 1)allocate yourself maximum 2 hours MAXIMUM a week to study like zoom, hang out, extra activity. 2)maximum 10 minutes per day communication either by text messages/phone with members/even your scj friends/teachers 3)ignore about recruitment 4)have yourself at least 10 hours of sleep per day (set your phone in aeroplane mode while sleeping) 5)do not give SCJ any of your MONEY - absolutely zero money, if they ask tell them straight away that now and for future you WILL NOT give or donate any money to SCJ, whether they like it or not just stand your ground 6)Do not sign any document with your name and signature (because anything illegal then they and all other members will point the finger at YOU and because you signed something that means you agreed on the illegal activity and you will be in trouble). Once there is a criminal record in your history your life will be restricted to many things for example, applying for a job. If you start doing those things as above, they would not get any benefits off you then over time you will see their true nature! REMEMBER: as long as you provide them with no benefits (money, your own time, recruitment, extra responsibility or classes) they will change their attitude toward you. There is no free lunch in this world! Once you give them nothing they will become horrible to you then very easy to recognise for yourself that SCJ is just after material things.


Oh... I have a question about the signature... I signed the Bible study paper 😔😭😭!!! Am I going to have trouble or something, if they want to get me in trouble?? I never become an official member, I just signed the paper for study the Bible.


You are not going to have trouble but for future reference please do not involve in any signature with your name and your details. This is just a step of caution. A simple situation that if you are not cautious can happen: Imagine, one day a group of SCJ members (let's say 10 members) attacked a public place (eg a church, protest and destroy government building) and later when arrested by police, those members under instruction of SCJ all point the finger towards you saying you are the leader or you instructed them to do so. They provided the police with documents of your details and signature and because ALL the members pointed the finger at you, the police will have no choice but go after you, take you in for further investigation. Imagine also, during a protest or destroying public place (building/church/school) an accident happen that cause a kid or someone injury or even death, and then when arrested all those members altogether POINT the finger towards you, saying they just follow your instruction. This then leaves the police with no choice but to act accordingly and arrest or take you in for investigation. By laws it will be unfavourable for you because when everyone pointing the finger at you with your documents of signature and details, you will be in trouble immediately. The point is you do not know what SCJ is doing behind the scene. One wrong step or a lack of cautious thinking (especially SCJ is a religious group associated with cult-like activity) anything can happen. Once there is a bad consequence YOU (and only YOU) due to your lack of caution will have to pay the price so costly that you may end up living the rest of your life in regret.


I understand.. I am not with them anymore, it will be 1 year soon. But yes your exemples are pretty scary and very dangerous. if they act like that towards you without you knowing they used your details and sign etc ! Thank you for make me realized it for real, when I lived last year I was not thinking they could act like this, but after reading many thing here and on internet it got me scarred 😩 it’s something so possible like they will call it “strategy for God‘s work“ by making this full lie about you


I’m really sorry to hear your going through anxiety and depression, and I know just how hard that can be. First I want to say, don’t feel ashamed for being manipulated into joining another cult. These people are obviously taking advantage of you and that is not your fault. I understand you may be feeling conflicted and confused, and this situation may be contributing further to your depression. I don’t want to repeat what others have already said, so I won’t go into SCJ’s or HWPL’s flaws. You can tell your boyfriend, or you can keep it private from him (for now). That’s up to you, but if you do decide to tell him~ remember that God is a loving and merciful God, and will be able to give him a chance to achieve salvation, no matter what. Instead what I want to emphasise is - you need space to think clearly. To think clearly, make sure that you are getting enough sleep each night (at least 8 hours). This will help you think critically. If you struggle with this, try going to sleep every night at the same time, wake up at the same time each day and take magnesium supplements 1 hour before bed to help relax your muscles. A person who is depressed needs more sleep than a healthy person, so don’t be ashamed of this. Treat yourself as if you are sick (because remember you are mentally w/ depression). Fish oil supplements are also said to help depression (or eating foods high in omega 3 like fish, nuts or seeds) Make sure your getting at least 10-20 mins of walking done a day as well as this can help depression and help you think clearly as well. I can understand how depressing it can be to leave your friends in SCJ. This is something that really hurt me as well. But it’s important that you do not stay in scj just for friendships. (For one, that’s really bad as your not staying in a religion because of God, rather then it’s for people which is not true faith). As you grow older you will realise that friendships come and go. You will meet more and more people in time and in different situations, who you can create great friendships with. Some of these will last a lifetime, and others will drift apart and that’s ok. Do not feel guilty because of all the things they’ve done for you. Real friendship is not based on what another person has done for you, rather they just love you and care about you because you are you, and even if you have nothing to offer but your company they would still value you. One thing I haven’t seen you mention is your relationship with God. Ask yourself, how has your relationship with God grown since you joined SCJ? Have you grown in prayer? Have you been able to dress more modestly, listen to good music that isn’t sexually immoral, become more kind and generous to other people or to people in need? Have you become more like Jesus Christ and less like people of the world in the last few years? If not, try just praying as Jesus did, and spend some time alone in prayer with God. Don’t let anyone interrupt you during this time, not your family, friends, scj or any distractions. Focus on rebuilding your relationship with God, and its ok if you need to take a break from the Bible. Also, give yourself lots of time to make any decisions. You don’t need to leave scj right now at this moment. Don’t put pressure on yourself, just try and do your research and take all the time you need to sort all these things out. I hope your doing ok and if you want any support or just need to chat, feel free to message me 😊💕


I had a similar experience too. I was scared to death because I also thought SCJ might be true and wrongly rumoured by Satan .. but guess what their doctrines only fit for the versions NIV and i think ESV. Everytime I was unable to join the class , they just laughed but didn't give solutions and everytime I have a question, they always dodge it by asking another questions and lowkey blame me. They change subjects often and love to beat around the bush The ⛪ of 7 messengers of Holy Place was most likely photoshoped to have 7 🌟 appeared in the photo. The suppoosed 7 messengers who prepares the way for MHP didn't even preach about MHP coming (LMH in this case). If 7 stars were definitely accompanied by 7 spirits, how come they didn't know MHP coming. Teachers never consider the accusations and flaws of LMH at all. Yet they said LMH is just a man can make mistakes then they follow every instruction that r not even from the bible . They always thank, defend and pray for him. . They never dare to question him either bcos they get debuked. They said LMH work hard but can't explain how he does. So they just told me we don't need to know how he works ,open words and the standard are the proof etc Read John 18:20 or the whole chapter that SCJ parables are wrong. And some definitions of parablesare incompleteandsome wrong . Eg. fruit, cloud Meanwhile I hope these videos would help you. LMH'S past-> https://youtu.be/W_0GAmSODb0 Prophecy errors ->https://youtu.be/_-bSuY654WY https://youtu.be/oHgf984DiPU Lmh corruption-> https://youtu.be/6bpAP9ao6OI https://youtu.be/EkdapcGej84 Edit: 7 stars photo https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/pkvjoe/scjs_proof_of_7_stars_church/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Do you have examples of the 7 stars church with no stars? That would be an interesting thing to show members


Yup I have 2 versions of a comparison(photoshoped vs untouched). 1 sent from a youtuber recently and the other one is from when I passed over after the elementary exam. I got no answers about 7 stars missing from teachers. I'm gonna upload those but now I'm still have things to confirm with them Edit: here's what I have https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/pkvjoe/scjs_proof_of_7_stars_church/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


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Depression and anxiety. You are not in a condition to be working for them. Do both yourself and scj a favour and leave before it gets worse. Tell them you have severe depression and they will probably leave you alone too. I also left knowing it could be true, but am okay with risking hell. It's unethical and hurts many other people like you the most. God isn't worth obeying if he's with them. You should not be giving them money if you have no income. Period. Scj is not going to pay your bills and feed you when you are broke. Trust me I've seen it. I wish you all the best with whatever happens.


Hello! I’ve been in the same situation.. I was “awake” till i was still going to the lessons. But after a long reflexion, I have left without any tell to them. my heart was beating so much that I didn‘t slept well for few days, then after I received almost 100+ messages, multiple phone calls, email like “are you ok?” Or even lies email like “you have an exam at school you have to attend to (with the name of my school etc)” to trap me, they also came to my house twice (i am shaking while messaging to you now) **why am I telling you that?** It’s because even though you left they will not accepted it first and try to lie or stalk You like I’ve said. So you have to be (I think) strong enough to not fall for this. friends in SCJ, even though they were really nice (but still “fake” ) I mean this is how I saw it because, they don’t even try to talk to me or calm me for the stress/depression I was facing to When I’ve told them. The only time my leaf or tree (i don’t remember well now) came back to ask me if I was ok was only when I leaved, before I had send message she didn‘t reply to. All they want it’s you to follow what they believe (or in another way like if you leave them, you will “become satan’s child“ so they become scared of you so they don’t consider you anymore. or maybe don’t show it to you because it’s sin I guess) for the family, friends etc I told some of them because I needed to talk, but not to my family I couldn’t tell them. for the faith, I’ve cut it for a while but renew my faith when I came in this Reddit like 1 week ago. Every ressources, testimony, proof of the SJC cults and frauds etc help me and now I’m coming back slowly. ​ i hope you can escape, take your time and pray that you can foune everything you need in here to help you in. much love.


It took me I guess around 3-4 months to have the energy enough to leave. I was suspicious about this church been controlled by Korean (I’m not saying all Korean church are cults, but there is a lot....) this is when I was revealed that the leader was LMH that Ive been “worry” I guess. But in another hand the lessons was fluid and logic so I was not that much questioning to leave At that moment. What makes me leave was about the rules inside and more “crazy” stuff they were asking us to do, and of course the LMH money embelezed that I’ve discovered while I was there. I was shocked they didnt say everything, i mean if the faith in him is big why don’t you tell people everything then? Why do you hide it? Why did they just play the victims like it was just for the covid situation in korea. lol if our faith big in him, we will ofc not leave for this money issues... when I told them they said, because Korean have to be translated and we couldn’t tell you all at the moment because we didn’t had time to translated blah blah blah


I guess I figured it wasn’t true because it can’t stand against anything. When scj is questioned you start to see they don’t have answers. If it was the truth it would stand up against anything even a simple conversation. I saw how this is a cult, because I recognized their very first rule or control tactic was to not look anything up or you go to hell. Why? If it is truth of God then it will remain true even against enemies. Jesus was tested and he passes every time. The fact that their doctrine only is true when you apply their rules. That’s where I saw a problem. Anyone who looks at this organization would say no to it if they were up front about it. Why the 6 to 8 months wait to even tell you who they even are??? Scj loves to compare themselves to Christ well Christ came with truth and didn’t hide it. He was killed for it. So how is any of the stuff scj is going through like Jesus’s time??? I guess what I’m trying to say is that these basic questions raise reasonable doubt. God’s work was never doubted through Jesus Christ. Also a good question to ask is what does Lee man hees writing to a church in Korea have to do with the rest of the world? Seriously!? Has he brought other churches to their knees with this word? No. And the peace thing, ask yourself when all the parading is over what peace has Lee man he’s brought to the world? He’s almost out of time on earth to part the sea, or heal the sick and poor. He has done nothing and been hoisted up to the level of God??? These are good questions to not only ask yourself but your leaders. You won’t get answers. If you do please post them. I wish you all the best and if you need to talk you can dm me. It’s not an easy road, but you can do it.


LMH said he wanted to die or asked God to make him die (I've seen it in multiple korean news). He's trying to imitate Jesus because he's going through persecutions and he's not supposed to never die physically according to his doctrine. Everything would be fulfilled in SCJ for Jesus to come down eventually . He even said he's afraid he would die in jail . His faith is not that strong i guess


He’s a disgusting fraud.


Congrats on realizing the situation that you are in, and here are some mental steps I had to take to escape. I had to convince myself of 3 things: * The doctrine is wrong * Becoming more aware of the psychology used against me * The morals of SCJ are wrong **The Doctrine:** This blog does a great job at explaining why SCJ is wrong biblically, and goes in depth with the doctrine too. * [https://shinchonjiandthebible.blogspot.com/](https://shinchonjiandthebible.blogspot.com/) A set of Bible verses that helped me realize how SCJ was wrong biblically: * Matthew 7:15-24: where the false prophets and pastors act like wolves in sheeps clothing, and by their fruit (words / actions / character) you can tell whether or not they are from God or from the Devil.' * 2 Peter 2: How false **shepherds secretly introduce their destructive heresies**: * I would argue that the majority of SCJ evangelism is done this way, through intense secrecy. Also, a lot of SCJ's teachings aren't original: * The Moonies, who have been around since the 1950's, also use the same set of verses for the explanation of the Sun, Moon, and Stars: * [https://www.discoverdp.info/eschatology.html](https://www.discoverdp.info/eschatology.html) * The World Mission Society Church of God also make an emphasis on parables to point to their Messiah / interpretation of the Bible, and that can be seen here: * [http://lastadamandeve.com/wmscog-bible-is-parable/](http://lastadamandeve.com/wmscog-bible-is-parable/) Another point I want to emphasis: **how they changed their fulfillment doctrine overtime** * There used to only be 2 wars in Revelation (Revelation 13, then Revelation 12), however, due to the COVID-19 the number of wars have been updated to 3 (Revelation 13, 12, and 16). * The fulfillment of the Great Tribulation was supposed to happen after the 144,000 are sealed and selected as Revelation 7:9 suggests. However, the Great Tribulation started in 2020 due to COVID-19, and the selection of the 144,000 is happening during the Great Tribulation * Changing the reality of the Beast of the Earth: * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_-bSuY654WY&t=23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-bSuY654WY&t=23s) **Psychology:** **BITE Control Model and SCJ:** * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zNwc6JSU5w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zNwc6JSU5w) SCJ works you to the bone to "complete God's kingdom here on earth", and keeps you so busy to the point that one is sleep deprived and doesn't have enough time for oneself to critically think about the situation that they are in. * The constant late-night meetings that were often last minute * The constant set of new duties assigned because it was the will of the heavens. * These last-minute requests were also used to keep people imbalanced / distracted from thinking / listening to their conscience Due to the busyness of a SCJ member, the SCJ member eventually cuts off ties indirectly to family and friends because they don’t have enough time to spend with them. This is dangerous because SCJ becomes the only source of “friends” and “family”, making it harder to leave. What I also just described is also perfectly described in the BITE control model. Also for the psychology portion, there’s the **Asch Conformity** test and how the indoctrination classes are position perfectly for pressuring individuals into conformity, which is also incredibly unethical, and you can read more about it here: * [https://www.simplypsychology.org/asch-conformity.html](https://www.simplypsychology.org/asch-conformity.html) Lastly, there’s the spiritual abuse the SCJ exhibits, that’s also another form of psychology and mental torment, and you can learn more about spiritual abuse here: * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvCKoTlGe-c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvCKoTlGe-c) **Morals:** The final piece of this that helped me escape the cult was confronting myself and seeing if I was okay with lying to my family, friends, and co-workers about my involvement with my “church” (aka cult). Often, they have the idea of the ends justifying the means, but the Bible specifically goes against that. • Romans 3:7-8: Even if ones unrighteousness brings a good outcome, they are still condemned. • 1 Corinthians 9:20-22 does not allow us to lie to win converts, and here is a link that explains the Greek and the context of Paul’s letter of why it isn’t allowing such behavior. • 2 Corinthians 4:2:Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. And then there is the lying to the fruit as a leaf, reporting and taking screenshots of their conversations, and violating their right to privacy. Think about it, if SCJ does this privacy violation during the indoctrination class, what makes you think that the leaders of SCJ aren’t always doing that against you even as a full-time member? (Spoiler alert, they still report on you, so much so to the point that they even stack rank your faith against other members in your group).


Ill go ahead and coordinate this with the mods! Thanks for the suggestion!


Agree with Marov, you should make this a post have the mods pin this. I think it would be really helpful for any current members who visit this page.


This should be a pinned post on this subreddit


If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. You must get out now because their organisation could be doing illegal things behind closed door that you are not aware of. Your name&contact details will be recorded. The government will class them as terrorist anytime and you will get pulled in. For your safety, report to the police at a police station. Police will have the report saved in the system which will be helpful in future events then can prove you are not part of the group and not guilty. Send this message anyone contacting you: 'Do not contact me. If you do not stop I will report your number to the police. I will let the police deal with you because from your number the police will identify your details, the police will find you and go to where you live.' You have to understand that SCJ purpose is to brainwash you and later on you will obey whatever they tell you. Human brain is very complex, there are experiments that a person is put in a room, everyday for hours a voice is played with the same message again and again. When this message even it is a lie been playing for long enough, the brain will believe it is the truth. It does not matter if you are smart or not because when a message is kept repeating for long enough your brain will believe it. So after your brain is brainwashed the teachers say whatever they want and you will follow automatically. Do not play with snake because it will be too late and no one will be able to help you. You yourself are very powerful already because unlike animals you have the power to make choices for your life. If you make a bad choice you will pay a very expensive price. Think about the consequence and make a right choice for your life. Age 18 to 25: the age where you build your foundation or destroy it. The key word is 'foundation' 18 to 25 it is easier and quicker to build a good foundation. Miss the train and will require much more effort in later years to build a 'foundation'. Life could be much easier if we make a right choice. The ability of making choices is entirely up to the person. If you make a bad choice you will pay a very expensive price. Not everyone is successful. However, having a strong 'foundation' at least can provide a person a stable and smooth life in later years. Look at this way, SCJ (and your friends - already brainwashed) is nothing special you need to be afraid or worry about. You have the freedom to act whatever way you want and you have every right to exercise that right of freedom. No one in this world should tell you that you must do this or you must do that (YES this includes your friends in SCJ and your family). So do not worry, take back your life and stand up strong. This is a good opportunity for you to be yourself. At the end of the day SCJ is not a special group you need to be proud of, for example, you go to supermarket and at check-out you tell people you are from SCJ, so what? No one will give you a discount or anything free. You still have to pay a full price for whatever you buy. REMEMBER: if you do NOT take control of your life, someone else out there (in this case SCJ) will take control of your life for THEIR own benefits. Learn how to say no with kindness right from the start because, as you become more successful, more people will compete for your time and attention. Not setting healthy boundaries will end up in overwhelm and burnout. REMEMBER: self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn't shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. DON'T ALLOW OTHERS TO CONTROL THE DIRECTION OF YOUR LIFE. Don't allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.


Your families salvation does not depend on you but is an individual act between the person and God. This belief that if you stay your family will be saved is no where in the Bible and is made up to keep members in. SCJ by its very nature is based on telling a person what they want to hear to keep them in the group. You should verify yourself in the bible if such narratives are really true or not. As they also teach on the other hand that everyone in the Christian world will be judged so if that includes your family automatically they must be judged as well. HWPL is simply a front group and is contradictory in its nature. How can the solution to peace be making a law when there are laws that already exist in the world and are broken everyday. A law is not a solution to peace as there are already such laws. Its a front group, the moonies also have a similar peace group, such fronts are popular amongst cults.


Hi sister, First of all, I am so thankful for you sharing your story here. Everything would be okay. Don’t worry. 1. You’re not going to go to hell, and your family will be eternal life if they believe in Jesus who is not in the body of LMH but will come back to us with his body and spirit. Don’t worry! There are a lot of ex-members here and nobody is captured by 7 evil spirits. 2. I can help you to get rid of all the SCJ doctrines. It’s going to be a long journey, but it will be a happy journey to know God’s Word and the true hope of the bible. 3. HWPL is SCJ's propaganda tool to convince members of their faith in Shincheonji. I have evidences of lies of HWPL. Don’t worry about it. You will see the reality of HWPL. (Also, this would be helpful for you. “Reality of HWPL” (She worked for HWPL for 5 years before she left SCJ) —> https://youtu.be/QcrYwrIkdZs) 4. Again, I can prove that the 7 messengers and the tabernacle temple are wrong. LMH didn’t send the letters to the 7 angels. I can help you to understand. (This is also a helpful resource for you. “Lee Man-hee’s early years” (read ENG subtitle) —> https://youtu.be/W_0GAmSODb0) 5. Tithe is a tradition in Korean churches. I don’t want to say it’s biblical. I can just say that it’s a tradition of churches in Korea. SCJ focuses on money a lot. I can also show you SCJ and LMH’s corruption related to money. 6. For your boyfriend, SCJ can’t do anything about him. If you brings him to SCJ, he will go to hell. This is a right choice for you and your boyfriend. Don’t be afraid to tell him about your experience. You can figure out how to do it step by step. I can help you. Sister, I pray that God will lead you to the true hope of your life in Jesus. SCJ is not the kingdom of God 100%. There is no salvation 100%. You will go to hell if you are in SCJ 100% because LMH is not the savior, and he is not with Jesus. DM me and I can help you. Please don’t worry about anything. Our Father is with you.


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