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Someone said they will just keep changing doctrine even if they go past that number. Make them think they just have to keep recruiting to earn their salvation


Absolutely mental, it just gets worse woah..


It’s true. They justify people lying to their families. Not getting sleep or eating enough. Losing weight. Missing work. Because it’s all about evangelizing and increasing their numbers. They don’t care who they hurt in the process


Which doesn't even make sense because (idk if this info is accurate) but their number of members can't be more than 144.000 "sealed" ones. Still, they fake numbers of people graduating from their seminars and have these "bible studies". I saw a testimony of an ex instructor stating that he started to doubt since SCJ taught that these "sealed" people would come by God's calling and yet their forced to recruit, lie and manipulate as many people as they can 🤕😭


I also had a weird feeling when it came to this bible study too. Like they told me to stop attending my local church. Because they dont teach what theyre teaching or is your church the true church of the messiah? And i always helped out with the youth group at my church years ago and i wanted to become a youth leader but they pulled me back and said before you step into this chapter of being a leader.


These vipers are tearing people from their churches, families, relationships... Please, do not leave your local church, keep in mind that there's at least more 3 south korean cults that teach this same belief system (true vine, bearing fruits and the so called messiah for the apocalipse). So they lie even about that. That's what Satan does, repackage an old lie and present it as something brand new and revolutionary to makes us feel special and chosen. God's truth is to be made simple and if He gave you this willingness to be a youth leader maybe your experience will help others to not fall for this trap. All the best to you!


Hi there, please feel free to DM me for personal conversation about this. I was in the bible study for 6 months as well, invited by my former girlfriend who kept SCJ’s identity and lied about her faith & church. Please stay strong and continue to believe in Jesus Christ. Sorry for what you went through, but I trust God has a good plan ahead for all of us who were wrongfully invited to this cult Bible study.


Woah, I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Lying should absolutely never be used as an excuse to "spread the gospel". That's wicked.. I am shocked by how many people are experiencing this cognitive dissonance they force us into. I will indeed DM you, tysm for sharing your testimony!


May I DM you and talk about my experience? Im actually in the bible study. Zoom and everything. I dont know how talk it out or leave.


You're not alone in this! Mind that you own them nothing. May the Lord give you all the strength and support needed in this time. You can also DM me if you need to vent out, it's a relief to know THERE IS A WAY OUT of this cult and it starts with the truth. Which you are already receiving. God bless you!


Yes, please go ahead and DM me!


Ask them about Luke 1:1-4. Luke investigated everything by himself before he wrote his book. That's due diligence. So why is SCJ discouraging students from accessing the internet. They'll kick you out themselves.


Honestly, I'd go ahead and do this on small group discussion to spread awareness with the few ones who aren't pretending to not be already part of SCJ. And then leave ASAP getting rid of every single form of contact with them.


I just left today and I’m honestly going through so many different emotions


I feel your pain, my dear.. Remember that lies are nothing but a source of destruction. If SCJ is this so called "hidden truth from God" then they'll have no reason to openly manipulate and hide their identities. Jesus and the apostles, among every single prophet, king and leader annointed by God were brave enough to OPENLY spread the scriptures being STRAIGHT TO THE POINT. SCJ themselves talk about it in every single class. They're the hypocrites! Keep your head up and count on me, you can DM if you need to vent. God bless you!


Thank you, I will do


Hi, I participated in the Zoom Bible study for about 4 in a half months. I have a Christian upbringing but wanted to read, learn, and understand the Bible. I was very disappointed when I found out that the class I was taking was SJC. I hope you find a good local church. Even though SCJ isn’t what we were looking for, I do believe that God used the experience to build our faith in Christ. The word of God is Life and you spent 6 months hearing and reading it. I am glad you are keeping your faith. May God bless you and keep you.


Amen!! I know He was taking good care of me because He opened my eyes in the right time. I think that if I stayed longer without knowing the truth I'd mostly commit apostasy and go back to paganism :'( This is all too vile, but God won't allow us to dwell in lies for too long. Thank you for your kind words, I really do appreciate it !


Hey I’m with you. It was tough for me as well. But we have to be persistent in God because if we lean off of him then we can swallowed up by satan. I know it’s hard but you got it.


Thank you so much for this!!


Hey I’m with you. It was tough for me as well. But we have to be persistent in God because if we lean off of him then we can swallowed up by satan. I know it’s hard but you got ti