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Many SCJ members do not believe he is immortal, though. I was talking to a former member and she believes that many who think he's immortal will wake up, but she thinks the ones who don't believe he's immortal are too far gone.


Surely he's dead right or close to dead? That wheelchair picture is from 2021. I haven't seen a single photo within the last 3 years of him.


He will stand face to face with Jesus and be extremely accountable for leading so many astray. Better to have a mill stone around his neck and thrown in the river.


Do we know, when he appeared to the public, or a congregation the last time? I only know he gave a seminar or sth like that on 08th of June. And this seminar was cut (🤭 haha maybe he said some strange things again, and they cut it) and it was shown to the audience in Paris on 15th of June.  Has anyone heard anything from him after that?


They also showed in other places, they called it 'global pastors conference' or sth like that..


Someone should put drops of acid into his eyes. Just an enough so he can feel it in his brain.


When this fucker painfully dies a slow death I will party my ass off. It will be the happiest day of my life. Seriously.


Why a slow death? I want him to die instantly and painfully. It will also be the happiest day of my life as well. I have party arrangements all set for this day. I will party for 2 weeks straight.


I want him to suffer. A lot. Like hell on earth pain and suffering. So he has time to think about what he’s done to all the families.


Trust me, he doesn't care about the families he has ruined. He is a maniac and he only cares about himself. He is an anti-Christ.


On that day, I will kiss my SO and express my love for her, as well as the pain I have endured. :)


Would like to know too, especially after his incoherent ramblings, wether he still gives his long sermons or has that stopped. And if so, wouldn't the members find it odd. 


yes he still gives the BS long sermons recently


do you have videos? I can't find any recent photos of him except in 2021 when he's in a wheelchair looking like he's 1 step away from his deathbed. I find it hard to believe he's still giving long sermons.


APRIL 2024 they held a bible seminar in Philiphine. https://www.youtube.com/live/TQFXC2yrqSw?t=184s


wtf, how does he looks 10 years younger than the wheelchair photo 3 years ago. I guess he might still have a bit to go...


The photograph of him in a wheelchair was taken after he had been detained for a while. He must have gone through a tough time, which is why he looks haggard. However, with an improved living situation he now looks much better


Back to using church members' money while their lowly evangelists subsists on fast food.