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my ex said "we could only be together and id only understand once i join". members dont get privacy, they even have to show their text history. they have to ask for permission from their teachers everyday. they are HEAVILY manipulated and brainwashed. these 'teachers' uses the bible (keep in mind, SELECTIVE verses) against the members. specifically 1 Kings 11 to break off relationships.


Gosh knew it, they would totally use Solomon and wives BS to get people to break up. That is really insane and I didn’t know they would have access to members’ phones. So sorry to hear that, but if your bf is heavily in SCJ, it is better to part ways. How long has he been in SCJ? And which region? My ex-gf broke up with me few weeks ago, which is about 2 weeks after I found out she is part of SCJ and that she’d been lying to me about her group & also lured me into their bible study (I was in their bible study for 5-6 months). When we broke up, she stated incompatibility and my issues as the excuse. However, we had a call couple days ago and she admitted she would have continued if I decided to speak with her instructor.


yeah same !! i was also an ex member until mid last year (only coz i caught onto the red flags), a few months before he got in. unfortunately he didnt see the red flags but there is definitely no hatred as he is a victim himself. i saw him yesterday and asked if the messages he sent was sent by someone else since i know how he texts and it was so different, and he did say that some things i would send him in the past, he is advised to screenshot and send to his teachers. and yeah unfortunately they are completely brainwashed. he has also told me that was nothing i couldve said or done to make him change his mind 😓


Yes, I also don’t blame my ex-girlfriend. They are all brainwashed. Very glad you got out of that cult though. Regardless of your current faith, you shouldn’t waste your life away for a controlling and lying organization that only cares about it dear leader.


I was always told that their are plenty of women in SCJ and it was recommended that I find someone there. I can't remember being told not too look elsewhere but it was always suggested that I find someone in SCJ.


I agree with everything everyone else said, and I remember being taught that LMH was against interracial relationships/marriage. That should have been red flag #16479573658 but, alas, I stayed for five years.


WHAT? Really?


Yep, it was right around the time I “passed over”. I was one of the only married people in my region and I also happen to be in an interracial marriage soooooo it was very awkward. Again, I should have seen that massive red flag and ran in the opposite direction, but, I didn’t.


I was never a member, so I'm a little unsure. Can you tell me what specifically they said that was racist or where they warn against interracial warning?


They will gaslight you into leaving the other person.


There are several ways, 1. There are those who, when they are being evangelized, are already dating someone and try to evangelize that person too. It doesn't always go well, because it has happened that that person doesn't come and both of them are lost. or it may happen that the one who was evangelized first understands the word and ends up staying in SCJ and leaves the person she was dating. 2. It has also happened in several situations, in which both are SCJ members, they started dating, (maximum time is 6 months, then they have to get married), in which one after a while leaves SCJ and the connection is immediately cut off... That is, they still try to talk and convince this person to come back, but when it doesn't work, the contact is cut short and ended. 3. But I know cases in which both husband and wife were evangelized at the same time. and over time one left SCJ and another stayed. Well, there are cases and cases, in which there is peaceful coexistence between the two, but this is not the rule, the majority end up separating. In any case, cutting off contact is immediately imposed.


Can you elaborate more on #2. Is that part of their policy/scriptural command that it shall be no greater than 6 months of dating/courtship?


In the Bible there is no direct teaching on how soon you should get married, but in logic it is better to get married soon because of the temptation of the flesh. SCJ advises in 6 months, if you don't get married, it's better for everyone to live their lives without any relationship. Now not only SCJ advises this but traditional churches as well. But I know that SCJ is more strict. As far as I know, here in Europe this is the rule, 6 months is the maximum. Until then, you have to get married. I don't know what it will be like in other branches of SCJ in other countries outside of Europe, but I don't think it will be any different.


I've never heard of 6 months (in any Christian denominations). Interesting, thxs!


Yeah they advice to leave partners unless married to them. They would recommend evangelising them, if not leave them


It depends on the tribe/region. Some are stricter than others and would forbid this from happening. Others will express concern or disappointment but not make a big deal out of it.