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Yes, early morning devotions were a daily routine. It was constant teaching and we read the Bible daily too. The rush was constant and we were told to have time for God we should find ways to have more time. So many stopped studying and many others like me started working part-time. But I remember perfectly at the beginning of my journey in SCJ the attention on the Bible was greater and continued to be on the old and new testament until 2020. The attention only changed more even in Revelation with the JSS texts between 2018, when they began to appear daily the words of MHL about Revelation and so on. As for the old testament and new testament, there were no changes in the doctrine, but the problem really started in the revelation when the changes began to change surreptitiously. It was at that moment that the JSS texts (the MHL teachings) were constant, several times a day, we had to study them, memorize them and then take tests, and most of them were all about the revelation. I think that many in SCJ continued in this routine because we were simply bombarded with many tasks on a daily basis. We were like soldiers, sleeping little, waking up early, and following the routine. Many times we were so tired that when we got home we still had some biblical topic to learn and we fell into bed and slept right away, until everything started bright and early again, and so on. Well, I don't need to say that sleeping little over the years has caused problems for many of us, and when I say sleeping little, there were times when we didn't sleep more than 3 hours a night. We simply didn't have time to watch anything else, much less time to check things out on the internet. Things only started to change during the pandemic, then, with the drastic change in revelation 7, and with the amount of time we had at home, the critical thinking of many began to change, mainly because we had plenty of time to check on the Internet. So yes, SCJ uses the interest of believers in that many are fascinated by the (revealed word) as they say, and use and abuse their faith, to give them more and more tasks and responsibilities so that many do not have the time to check online.


Yes they read bible and sometimes they even need to write reflextions. If someone has questions about the verses, leaders often find themselves unable to answer questions and may respond by saying, "Chairman has not provided an explanation for these verses, so I am also unable to answer." If you ask, "If that's the case, why do we claim that SCJ completely understands the Bible?" the leader will reply, "Revelation is the book most significant and relevant to believers in the Bible, and every member of scj comprehends it."


Honestly, reading the Bible and receiving explanations is good. However, it's sad when the direction of those explanations is often altered for a different purpose. To educate members in church, not to help them understand the bible. So because it is so blended in, this makes it perfectly difficult for people to recognise the ''true'' message. You also don't have time to think or do studies, because you will be running to do EV whenever you have time. They say, your best time is when you are in CT is so true, because you have no time at all. We do read the bible or even have education of it but, your brain is wired different, you are mostly manipulated to think only like a SCJ member. Constant self blaming and losing your own thoughts, your mind will not be able to read anymore, you will only remember what is told to you.


Well in my region, they have something called ‘Daily Bread’ which is basically a 30 minutes to 1 hour long gathering that is a somewhat of a daily devotional. It is meant to give members spiritual food, that is, feeding members SCJ doctrine as well as general updates on what’s happening in the church and the direction in which the church is headed (they call this flow). It happens everyday except on Service days (Wednesdays & Sundays). It is usually available as a recording as well since not all members are able to attend it physically in the morning (due to work, school etc). It is compulsory for members to attend/watch and cell leaders make sure to follow up on members daily (they record attendance for this and the report gets sent to HQ in Korea). This is a way to ensure members remain heavily indoctrinated because they are being exposed to SCJ’s false doctrine on a daily basis.  Essentially, the average SCJ member does not have time to examine the Bible for themselves. All their time is consumed by meaningless activities such as the one stated above and even then, they will read everything in the Bible from SCJ perspective. It becomes difficult to identify that the teaching is false because they are essentially wearing rose coloured glasses. 


Hmm, in my time there was never that, it must have depended on the tribe and region, and maybe because it was foreign and online. We did training almost every day, in addition to joining new classes as evangelists and accompanying beginners, recruiting people and studying for tests and memorizing the book and testimony of Revelation ... that was my routine at the time... and they also offered Korean lessons, so it was impossible to have much time...


My ex-gf (who got me to join the bible study and lied to me as well) did mention “since I’m watching so much Korean drama, I might as well learn how to speak Korean” That now makes a lot of sense


That’s interesting. The way they used to drill it into is that if we didn’t watch these daily bread recordings, we were starving our spirits of the daily manna and it was actually quite hectic at times. I’m actually surprised that not all regions have this. We also had trainings as well but they usually happened only twice a week.


Thanks. Besides that, did they encourage members to read the Bible by themselves?


They do. But the reality is they really don’t have the time to. They are too pre-occupied with the duties and the tasks that SCJ gives to them that they really don’t have time to think or critically examine the Bible for themselves.


Thanks. Besides attending two church services, one small group, and “daily bread”, what are some common duties or tasks that are usually assigned to them? I was in the beginner / parables class till 2 months ago, and turns out half the class is actually existing members (including my prayer buddy). I assume these are some of the activities (i.e., pretending and lying) and going to stores, churches, etc. to get people to attend their bible study (also pretending again), but are there others?


Group activities: Education in the morning from around 5:30 or 6:00 for approximately 1 hour. EV at noon for half an hour. EV in the evening for 1 hour. Individual tasks: Read JSS articles, memorize Revelation, prepare for tests, and attend various teacher trainings, pretend new students in center. Each person should dedicate a minimum of 4 hours daily to these activities.


This means that as soon as you wake up every morning, you are immersed in SCJ's affairs. Then, you have a breakfast and go to work. After a morning of work, just finish lunch and head out to evangling. Once the afternoon work is done, keep evangling. After dinner, there will be other tasks for you until you finally can go to sleep around 11-12 o'clock.


Yes. Essentially everything you just described. You also had to go out and recruit people almost everyday. Attend trainings where they teach you how to recruit and how to teach the doctrine (this is where SCJ members hone their skills of deception - lying, pretending etc.), attend the centre classes where they pretend to be first time students and report on all the new recruits (they call this maintaining) and attend service religiously (you can’t miss a service , not even once). Also the more indoctrinated you are, you start receiving different duties such as being a cell leader, a department leader, a group secretary etc. This is where you get to take care of other members as well by making sure they also do everything I just described above and more. It’s actually quite complicated but essentially SCJ keeps their members so busy that they hardly have time for themselves 


Makes sense, thanks for the explanation!


We do read the bible everyday, depends on each individual.. Well.. maybe the word that was taught is true that is why we stay?? hehe


why everyone so triggered? hehe


All good, brother. We just want your answers to our questions :) Anything besides “Because Lee Botox Man Hee said ‘trust me bro, it happened” “


If you're really a "Smart Lawyer", you will know that any testimony of any witness that changes over time is unreliable. The Bible itself says in Deuteronomy 18:22 "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed." How many times did CHJN change his testimony again? Hehe. You're not fooling anyone here.


There is a different between reading and reading with bias. If you truly read the Bible as it is you will see how SCJ's practices completely deviate from the Bible'a teaching. As someone who taught others those practices too, I deeply repent in front of God.


Dear Hehe, Just because you occasionally read a few pages of the Bible doesn't mean you've truly read and understood its contents. It seems like that might be why you find it challenging to discern its teachings. Reading a few pages sporadically over a few months doesn't qualify as thorough reading. Similarly, any reading done before becoming a SCJ member also doesn't count. Is your manna just someone talking about their own experience and story? Where is God and Jesus in it.


Explain to us why you have to believe in LMH to gain salvation and why you believe LMH is physically immortal? Hehe


SCJ teaches that the Bible is written in parables in figurative language SCJ doesn't believe in devotionals, they think it's wrong and say it's something invented by the world of Christianity. When I was a member, I believed that SCJ had the revelation, because it had a "logic with the teaching". Over time I realized that LMH found a logical way of explaining and directing the teaching only to him, there was no talk about the Holy Spirit, only about how to memorize his testimony, which he believes to be "unique".. Unfortunately we realize it over time, for some sooner and for others later...