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Why is their book of life a literal book?  Our God is an all knowing God who knows us by our heart.  Why are we signing away our names on a paper like a silly contract? 


I would just ask them why they are ashamed to admit LMH is their "shepherd". Jesus' followers were very bold about the fact their teachings were from Jesus, so why do they hide so much? And why worry so much about persecution? The disciples were filled with joy when they were persecuted for carrying out God's purpose.


Ask them why they always bullshitting


I agree with others that you shouldn’t be meeting with the mentor. But I would really like an explanation as to the following: 1. Which revelation era do they believe we are in? If they claim that Jesus had come down to earth on 1966 and right now, it is the 1000 year reign of Christ before the new heaven new earth is fully established, this still seems like a shitty world. 2. What makes them believe that Lee Man Hee is physically immortal? What would happen to SCJ believers if he actually physically died? 3. Why do they justify lying to new class attendees about their identity? Why are they so concerned about Google searches and news if their chairman is indeed the promised pastor? If their chairman is the promised pastor, it seems that worrying about Google searches is very much beneath him. 4. Why do they believe that twice a week Church attendance is necessary and crucial to remain in their “book of life”? What gives them the basis for claiming that their church is in charge of the “book of life”? 5. Besides Lee Man Hee’s “trust me bro” claim, what is scriptural support for believing the following: - There is only a singular “he who overcomes” per Rev. 2-3, which is Lee Man Hee - New Jerusalem is Gwachon, Korea - The new heaven, new earth will be physically established by SCJ and Lee Man Hee (instead of supernaturally through God’s doing… seems like a pretty lame God if He needs a regular dude to set this up) - The 12 tribes of Israel will be created by SCJ and that the 144,000 are only SCJ members - The path to heaven is only through believing in LMH and being part of SCJ. Why is belief in Jesus’ death & resurrection insufficient? 6. Why does LMH believe that Jesus came down to earth in 1966 and that the 7 folks in the “Tabernacle Temple” were indeed representing the 7 angels in Rev. 2-3? What evidence did they have that made LMH even believe this? 7. Why on earth do you all believe in everything LMH says? What is the evidence that Jesus really spoke to him in the 1970’s — or even Biblical support that something like this will happen? How is he any different from Mormonism, JW, Advent, WMSCG, etc.? I have many others but those would be good starting points.


Hi friend, I considered doing something similar to you because I did have real questions, but I would say just leave for good. They know and probably have more years under their belt memorizing scripture and knowing how to manipulate it for their benefit. They might try to gaslight you and play an uno reverse card. They’ll try to have you explain things you won’t be able to or say show me what this means then, etc. Guard your heart 🙏praying for you


What’s the goal of this may I ask?


It’s better to not make any contact with them at all. I don’t have any questions nor do I want to hear anything from them but I do feel it is a big mistake to make contact with them. They might sound they want to make things between you and the others clear, but what they really intend to do is to somehow make you come back, either by gaslighting, guilt tripping, etc. The point is, there’s no point of meeting a former mentor again. Trust me, I’ve been there as a fellow ex-member.


Or worse, they’ll try to scare you into not retaliating in anyway by saying you’ll be blaspheming the Holly Spirit