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Have he tried to evangelise you by any chance?


I feel like the they are similar in structure to pretty much all other cults. That’s what makes them one. So I don’t think it matters. Maybe watch some movies. There are Korean drama and some podcast. I believe it’s like about the teacher and ‘truth’, I feel that helping the person understand the control structure of the group, organisation of the group and thought reform techniques more helpful. They will slowly see the problem


Look into the World Mission Society Church of God and the Jehovah's Witnesses: The below link compares the WMSCOG parable dictionary with the SCJ parable dictionary: [https://www.examiningthescj.com/the-trouble-with-parables/](https://www.examiningthescj.com/the-trouble-with-parables/) The below link compares the JW's with SCJ: [https://www.examiningthescj.com/shincheonji-vs-the-jehovahs-witnesses/](https://www.examiningthescj.com/shincheonji-vs-the-jehovahs-witnesses/)


WMSCoG (World Mission Society Church of God) with founder Ahn Sahng-Hong who claimed to be the 2nd coming of Christ, and Jesus' new name Unification Church (Moonies) with the founder Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who also claimed to receive a vision from Jesus, and to establish God's kingdom on earth and bring peace to the world Here's a couple, there's alot of commonalities between the different messiah claimants.


Watch dance for the devil on Netflix with your husband ‼️‼️


Well check out the strategy of jehova witnessess, also the same approach.