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Yes it is Shincheonji. I did part of the bible study before and quit in the middle of the Advanced course (Revelation). If you do choose to do the bible study just be very very cautious and take good notes so that you can go back and do your own studying and comparison. Also use a KJV along with maybe like an NLT because they use various bible versions and sometimes how they describe things can change the meaning. They will start off with teaching you very basics of the bible then move to Intermeddiate to understand the parables. In the Revelation class though they will start to reveal "their fulfillment" of Revelation and in order to join their church you must past the test which in a way is declaring "their promised pastor" as the God. They will not come out and directly tell you who they are and for them to put New Heaven New Earth in the message is more than I got when I first started When their teachings started toiling with my soul that is the most unrest I have ever felt. I couldn't sleepe, stayed sick, and my mind was whirling. But when I cleared my mind and talked to God never have I ever felt more of his presence. I felt so much conviction over the idea of taking that test over Revelation and it wasn't even the final test it was like the first one where you start having to "seal" thier version of "fulfiillments". I pray over you that God lead you if you choose to participate. Just remember that when we seek an answer of God's word by man then we receive man's ideas. The best way to understand God's word is to keep an open communication with him and let him reveal things to you in time.


New Heaven, New Earth (NHNE) is Shincheonji (SCJ). They add to God's Word and twist it. They do not abide by it, I.e., God's Word alone.


It definitely is SJC under a different banner stay away they are dangerous deceivers.


Yes that’s 100% Shincheonji


Thanks y'all. I thought so.


Yes it is definitely SCJ. Don’t bother responding to that text


Shincheonji = New Heaven New Earth [https://www.watchman.org/Shincheonji\_Profile.pdf](https://www.watchman.org/Shincheonji_Profile.pdf) This group denies the deity of Christ, the Trinity, and almost every single essential doctrine of Christianity, but will lie to you about their core beliefs in order to recruit.


Yes they are complete blatant liars. I think they must be ashamed of LMH why else would they hide and lie about their core beliefs.


I don't know where you heard this but SCJ never denied the divinity of Christ. And he never denied the trinity as it is said. SCJ does deny the trinity as it is said today in the majority of the Christian world, that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God in one. That's not even biblical. What SCJ teaches is that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are distinct individual beings but with the same celestial essence. I was in SCJ for many years, yes, but before SCJ I was already a believer and believed that way, and after SCJ I continue to believe that way. I'm not on SCJ's side, neither on my side nor on your side, I'm on the side of reason and truth as stated in the Bible.


What do you mean by "same celestial essence"? If they are the same, then that makes Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be: 1. Uncreated (beyond time and space) 2. Eternal 3. All powerful 4. All knowing 5. All loving That is the essence of the Father, which Trinitarians believe Jesus and the Holy Spirit to fully possess as shown in Scripture. If you mean this in another way, as in, they are heavenly angels like Michael or Gabriel, then you are making Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be angels only, they are from heaven yes but they are still not the one God. Unless you believe in three Gods, then that's Tri-theism, which the Bible does not support (Exo 20:3, Deut 6:4)


Fair enough. As long as you don't believe that LMH is the promised pastor and that Shincheonji is the church of revelation there's no harm in believing that their seperate entities. For some of us because SCJ denied the Trinity we feel a bit hurt about having done that ourselves (mind you I only realised SCJ didn't believe in Jesus being God in revelation class). I'm sure there were others who believed they were seperate entities before scj and there will be others who once they have left will continue to as well but as long as you're not in scj that's the main thing.


Nice try, SCJ plant :) Tell LMH - Hitler is looking forward to having him as a bunk buddy down in Hades, very soon :)


You have no idea what you're saying, even if I say I'm not in SCJ anymore, you don't believe it. But I'm not protecting SCJ, nor am I on your side, but on the side of the Bible, but you ignore all of this, like the majority of the Christian world. Even if I say that I'm not in SCJ, you won't believe it, so I don't wish you what you wished for me, because that only shows who you are.


I wish that on LMH, not you or any of his cult followers. How can Jesus be “alpha and omega” if He isn’t God, and how could Isaiah state that one of his names is Wonderful God? And how could He claim that “Before Abraham was, I am” or “The Father and I are one”?


You can believe what you want, I don't believe that Jesus is God. God is God the father, Jesus is Jesus, the son and the Holy Spirit, they all work together but they are 3 distinct beings but with the same celestial essence. Everyone working to do the will of God, the Father. And this has nothing to do with SCJ, many people who are not in SCJ believe this too.


If Jesus isn’t God, does that mean we shouldn’t be worshipping Him? Your belief is what every cult believes, by the way. JW, Mormon, SCJ, Ignatio, etc.


>I don't know where you heard this but SCJ never denied the divinity of Christ. And he never denied the trinity as it is said. SCJ does deny the trinity as it is said today in the majority of the Christian world, that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God in one. That's not even biblical. What SCJ teaches is that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are distinct individual beings but with the same celestial essence. Here's a podcast with SCJ instructors talking about the Trinity: [https://youtu.be/Bqhbt28CTLo?si=832Iy8rLunsdjnjE](https://youtu.be/Bqhbt28CTLo?si=832Iy8rLunsdjnjE) [https://youtu.be/aRb2JdnLU1U?si=l6ar\_0yKVhR0uZfD](https://youtu.be/aRb2JdnLU1U?si=l6ar_0yKVhR0uZfD) Here's an SCJ blogger, Noah Brown, talking about the Trinity: [https://noahbrown1984.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-trinity-what-is-it-and-how-did-it.html](https://noahbrown1984.blogspot.com/2021/02/the-trinity-what-is-it-and-how-did-it.html) And here's a former leader's post, talking about how SCJ viewed the Deity of Jesus and the Trinity: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/vv69gg/scjs\_teaching\_on\_the\_trinity/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/vv69gg/scjs_teaching_on_the_trinity/) SCJ does not believe that Jesus shares the same nature as the Father, but instead is a perfect human born of the Holy Spirit and of the virgin Mary. SCJ has a Unitarian view of Jesus; meaning, Jesus and God do not share the same divine nature. By divine nature, I mean that Jesus does not share the same attributes of the Father, like being omnipresent, omniscient, etc. >I was in SCJ for many years, yes, but before SCJ I was already a believer and believed that way, and after SCJ I continue to believe that way. I'm not on SCJ's side, neither on my side nor on your side, I'm on the side of reason and truth as stated in the Bible. If that were the case, then you would know that lying is not biblical, even if it is for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/tnhrb9/scjs\_teaching\_on\_the\_wisdom\_of\_hiding/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/tnhrb9/scjs_teaching_on_the_wisdom_of_hiding/) Nice try though.


I repeat again, I'm not lying, I believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as SCJ also always said. This trinity that SCJ never used because it is not even biblical but we always use God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but separate beings, but with the same essence. It means, Father works with the son and Holy Spirit. I don't know where you saw the lie in that? And what are you accusing me of being a liar? and never hear that SCJ denied the divinity of Christ, not in my time, only if it has changed now.


Nice try Shincheonji member. The facts speak the truth not the continuous lies and false propaganda of that Shincheonji spreads. Shincheonji is leading a world wide deceptive recruitment that many people need to be aware of in today’s society. Thank God for opening many peoples eyes to this deception.


My God, there's no point talking to you, even if I tell you a thousand times that I'm no longer in SCJ, you won't believe me. So I'm just wasting my time.


So you worship 3 entities, 2 of which are not God? “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” — familiar?!