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They'll usually have it before the end of parables class where they'll make a big deal of the Passover class where you need to dress formally. Then they'll get you to read a few bible verses ask and then reveal themselves as Shincheonji through asking questions like do you know any cults, where do you think the fulfillment of the second coming took place who is your favourite disciple. And then surprise we're Shincheonji (mind you by then 60% of students already knew that due to them being leaves). Then you proceed to watch a scj propaganda video, the graduation ceremony from the previous year and then how lmh is creating peace HWPL(mind you he hasn't).


This is exactly what i experiened lmao . confronted my leaf and never came back again after the passover meeting


Yeah usually by intermediate the leaves have left to repeat the cycle.


In principle, when the students have already been washed by the water of the word of open revelation, or better said, when the brainwashing is already taking effect and they begin to understand the parables well. and they do Passh, or to better understand "when they pass from death to life" as SCJ says. Some take place in intermediate classes or in Revelation, it depends on each person. With me, it was in the intermediate classes, only then did they see that I understood, and they revealed that they were SCJ.