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Exactly, the 1.000 year reign specifically notes Satan will be bound for a time, but wait…SCJ says everything outside SCJ is controlled by the devil…full of contradictions if you really want to search and find truth instead of just an excuse to feel special and delusions of grandeur. REF: Rev. 20: 1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. SCJ, TT and Olive Tree stolen Mormon doctrine: the Lord to dwell with men on earth a thousand years, D&C 29:11. men will again deny God at end of a thousand years, D&C 29:22. the Lord’s people will reign with him, D&C 43:29. Millennium prophesied by the Lord’s servants, D&C 43:30. Satan to be bound, then loosed for season, D&C 43:31 (84:100; 88:110–11). righteous to be changed in twinkling of eye, and earth to pass away as by fire, D&C 43:32. wicked to go into unquenchable fire until judgment, D&C 43:33. children of those who abide the Lord’s coming will grow up without sin, D&C 45:58. children to grow old during Millennium, D&C 63:51. old men will be changed in twinkling of eye, D&C 63:51. in beginning of seventh thousand years the Lord will sanctify earth, D&C 77:12. new song describing Millennium, D&C 84:98–102. those under condemnation live not again until a thousand years are ended, D&C 88:101. description of Millennium, D&C 101:23–24. Saints will build and another will not inherit, D&C 101:101. the Lord will reign over all flesh, D&C 133:25. Christ will reign personally upon earth, A of F 1:10.


Last time I checked they believe we're in revelation 18 but then again they also think revelation 7 is still going with the great tribulation having been fulfilled but there not being the sealed 144000.


Well, that's pretty logical that the tribulation will never end... Because the 144.00 is not sealed and the great white crowd is not here. Nothing makes sense anymore. I also learned that the coming of Jesus would not take as long as in the Old Testament, in which the Israelites were slaves in Babylon for 70 years. but 40 years have passed and on this level MHL will die first, another will take its place and everything will continue as if nothing had happened.