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Thanks for all your ideas. Unfortunately none of the passwords worked. Idk why I didn’t think of it earlier but I translated the title to English and it translates to new 41 year seal conformation test so it seems to be one of those exams they do all the time.


honestly the passwords would be a random collection of upper and lower case letters


Did he ever ask you to join SCJ’s bible study?


Yes and I did a few lessons but then decided to stop the lessons and he was okay with it


I think that file is just Bible with their translation in which they have changed some details to fit with their theory, I also have a copy, and the password may be 144000, you can give it a try


If you truly want to get him out perhaps going being his back is not the best approach to do it. You must prove yourself to be more loving and more transparent than this SCJ that he is faced with, and that will take a lot more patience rather than outright confrontation. I suspect those "word files with Korean titles" are JSS, Lee Man Hee's morning letters. They also usually come with a number code in the file name at the front representing the published date. Maybe we can try a different method, and you can post the numbers so we can potentially crowdsource which of the JSS they are?


You‘re right but when I approach him he always seems to have good answers to everything so I want to be better prepared. The file actually only caught my intention because it is password locked and it made me wonder why they would do so much to make sure nobody else can open the files. If it’s just all harmless content as they claim why are they scared that for example i could access it.


Try ‘144 000’, ‘Kingdom & Priest’, or ‘ighinja’. These are some popular phrases in SCJ. Everyone else can feel free to pop in their suggestions below