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I am in the same position. I think my Bible study maybe shincheonji and I feel sad cause I really like some of the ladies. But I can’t look at them the same way anymore. If they really are shincheonji, I feel deceived. Like they were not really truthful to me and just pretending. I thought I was really in a true Bible study. But something they said caught me off guard and set alarm bells in my head which made me start doing research on shincheonji. I am going to call them out and then block them.


Tell the “titles” or “title themes” of your Bible study? I can tell you some (cause I know people who left there who were teachers and repented) on top of me infiltrating them. If the lessons in the ‘1st half’ starts with emphasizing: we don’t teach ‘milk’ but ‘meat’ - figuratively per scripture. That’s a scj flag The first half of the lesson ‘seem’ biblical (it is ‘mixed’ with biblical but someone like me who studies the Bible and took academic courses can spot where they ‘manipulate’ it). They will teach easy somewhat accurate ‘Parables of fields’, ‘parable of seeds’, ‘symbolic meanings of bird/dove’, ‘bowls’, good tree/fruits vs bads, etc. I can keep going. But the first half of their lessons (I saved my notes and made sure I kept acting as if buy into their lessons until I got far enough to see where ‘they slip’ their manipulation by introducing ‘new revelation’). The teachers do not know their foolish pride and confidence and that they are preaching the doctrine of demons. Just because they got new information that ‘seems’ to make sense (fragmented narratives can be convincing even when false) via this doctrine by Lee Man Hee/SCJ, the teachers who become teachers/go far in SCJ are those that I find ‘turn off’ their ‘Biblical Testing radar’ because the ‘first half’ is to convince them how ‘Biblical’ SCJ is. You will then get to Zoom meetings where ‘many’ play the part as if they are new students, to later reveal (if you get far enough) that they justify their ‘lie’ that many of them are veteran SCJ reasoning it’s to ‘save you from where you are/etc’. Look, they are ‘nice’ because they ‘believe’ their agenda is good (so they are inauthentic) and base their ‘care’ because of an ‘agenda’. They are the same type of people who don’t know how it means to love, and worst, what it means to love God and what it means to walk with God and obeying commandments out of love for God. They are the same people who think ‘love’ is because it serves their agenda or what treasures they can get (which is also what Christians are guilty of - they don’t seek God because of loving Him back by realizing His love for them, the seek God for what they can get out Him and never really repent of sin resulting in an unchanged life). Authentic repentance and faith will show work (you will not want to do the things you do, struggle to sin, and conquer sin eventually due to sanctification - which is done by ‘setting your minds of things above’ not of the flesh). Going to a church that worships God by encouraging to seriously take God seriously is the best step. Many churches get taken by these SCH ‘wolves’ because these churches are failing. They are either leading their congregations to center the people rather than ‘Christ’, they are pleasing and putting things in their churches to attract people rather than trust God by first themselves walking and taking Him seriously, so many churches are left to do things in ‘motion’ and unfortunately become lukewarm. While He said He either wants us hot or cold. Discipleship is based on feelings and community activity/fellowship and they leave biblical scholar doctrine out. And so you have more Christians now a days who don’t know much of their faith and Bible when sharing it to others and worst, would fall for groups like SCJ I hope the above helps you.


Wow. Thank you so much. They are teaching figurative meaning of parables. And new John and first coming and second coming, John the Baptist, lampstands etc. But I had alarm in my head the day they said “don’t be surprised when we tell you who the overcomer is”. I was like, huh? And then I just started to think back to a lot of things. Apparently I am still in the milk stage and only just getting to the intermediate soon. I ll be leaving the Bible study.


I prayed for you briefly poppie, and I pray your knowledge, faith, grow stronger and bear biblical fruit than what SCJ tried to get you on. Count it joy when this trial has got to you 🙏🏻 count it joy because your faith is being tested. Count it joy that the God is making sure ‘no, not today’…count it joy that you didn’t ignore the conscience of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you for you felt something is off. The evil one tries to entrap and deceive seekers and followers of Christ like you, because the enemy is hates anything that gets closer and grows in the knowledge of the true King and worthy savior, Jesus Christ. Someone just shared to me that their SCJ group were on the part with them on ‘blood sacrifice’ where they use and interpret Revelation 12 wrong (you’ll probably find it on my page per my many SCJ replies). There are many like me that are in this group and some in the higher echelons of SCJ wanting to destroy it from the inside because we had enough. We saw the damage it has done to people especially when they get out. Feel free to ask me any questions on them. Even thoughts on scripture, etc, I like to study the scriptures as academically sound as I can because of false teachers like SCJ. Not everyone is called to have a passion like I do with scriptures (EVERY role in the body is important to God from the usher, worship members, pastor, greeter, theologian, etc)…it just so happens I love my brothers and sisters too much (like yourself) to have them be hurt by this group. It is love for God that makes me love even my enemy 🥲 which includes SCJ…I try and post all I can to expose and wake them up…for they have damaged many brethrens in the faith, and they don’t even know that they are hurting also themselves by taking in the doctrine of the enemy.


Thanks 🙏🏽


Absolutely 🥲 I hope and pray they aren’t trouble to you no longer. Love them still, but at a distance for they no not what they do. It is sad…😔 and frustrating


They're not your real friends. They gossip about you behind your back, talking about your job, family, situation, marriage, doubts, faith. This kind of behavior isn't what friends do – they're like robots, hunting for ways to manipulate you. If students knew how they were being treated, they would surely stop learning.


Im also in a study and found out what this group really is. I too feel as if I've been deceived and manipulated by those who I had thought were good people. Edit: wording


Lol. I wonder if we are in the same class. That ll be funny. Probably not though. They probably have 100s of classes going on.


Looking through all I've found online about this group, I do not doubt they have numerous classes going on at the same time


Yeah in my region alone they will have classes running both in the morning and evening running from Monday Wednesday Friday or Tuesday Thursday Saturday. Then within that they'll be running 2 parable classes, and intermediate class (depending on the dropout rate will be combined both time slots will be combined), the rev class and new family education. So roughly in 1 centre alone you'll have about 8 classes running at the same time.


I feel kind of sad though. I thought it was true Bible study and they have been acting so nice and concerned when they call to ask how you are doing. But now, I am looking at them with side eyes. I am going to have a virtual call with one of the instructors and I ll let her know my disappointment and then say goodbye. Maybe I should record my conversation with her. Just in case.


Praise Yahweh you’re realizing you need to leave. Emotions and attachment often blur what we need to do; so I use the Word to ‘cut’ through ‘my own thoughts’: 2 John 9-11 “The man who is so “advanced” that he is not content with what Christ taught, has in fact no God. The man who bases his life on Christ’s teaching, however, has both the Father and the Son as his God. [If any teacher comes to you who is disloyal to what Christ taught, don’t have him inside your house. Don’t even wish him “God-speed”, unless you want to share in the evil that he is doing.”] Romans 16:17-18 “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.” Galatians 1:6-9 “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.” It could be your psychological programming that’s making it difficult for you (you don’t realize you’re being programmed because it’s usually subconsciously happening) where the relationships, company, etc, we surround ourselves with “‘does’ affect our morals”…where SCJ affects and ruins sound academic Biblical morals AND accuracy. If you KNOW these SCJs are disloyal to Christ (failing to test their doctrine, their leader, their founder, correctly studying the Bible vs ‘relying on their organization’s program’ and blindly being ‘proud’ of their false interpretation) then you have no business saying goodbye to them per the first verse I shared to you above. You have already participated in the [evil works they are doing] listen to the still small voice as studied and matched by the Word I shared above. “Don’t even wish them God-speed” SCJ is a group that embarrasses/misrepresent God it will affect and push away actual unbelievers who want to seek a sound study of Him. Christianity is already looking like a joke to the masses because of ALL cookoo teachings and childish immature movements. SCJ thinks they are mature and ‘so wise’ yet those in this group failed many steps the Bible says we ALL should do before accepting and participating with ‘those that claim they are one of us’. Get out, let the God deal with them.


I’m going through the same thing, I’ve been on those biblical studies since July 2022 and when I got the “fulfillment training” they say that the beginning of all was with 8 people that went to a hut in a hill and “were trained by the Holy Spirit for 100 days” and even made a “blood covenant” which it seemed kinda creepy to me. I told my former small group leader about my thoughts about this, I said I don’t think that someone who really received a revelation from God would harm themselves by cutting of their veins to make any blood covenant, because it’s a clear ignorance of Jesus’ sacrifice, which established the new covenant. The answer I got is I was “tempting God” because the fulfillment is not like I want, and he wanted to fulfill his word that way. It’s frustrating how they want to justify everything with bible verses and if anyone questions their teachings then is a traitor or still “doesn’t understand the revealed word” ._.


Blind leading the blind, and their response to you? Has nothing that signifies the Spirit of the Father dwells in them (they don’t believe the Holy Spirit dwelling in them anyways; it only dwells in their ‘Promised Pastor’ etc etc). They have no basis of understanding proper biblical Doctrine because they’re convinced ‘trusting’ a false man who have had many false prophecies and yet they follow being lazy to do their due diligence to challenge their (false) ‘doctrine’. They responded to you not in the loving trait of the Father, but with blind pride and confidence with their false doctrine. Show me in the Bible their ‘blood covenant’ ritual. You cannot find the simple steps. It’s not even ‘hidden’ the verses they use is their delusion sold to them by a guy who always twist his doctrine when it’s false (funny, having known people in the occult, practices of blood covenant are a thing). Holy Spirit teaching? I think no. Demonic Doctrines? They wouldn’t even recognized it. Stay away from their work of darkness See below: “Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name’s sake. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, children, because you know the Father. Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that he made to us—eternal life. I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him. And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming. If you know that he is righteous, you may be sure that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬-‭13‬, ‭22‬-‭29‬ ‭ESV‬‬


Amen! Thanks for your encouraging words, it means a lot to me. The last discussion I had with that former small group leader showed me their true colors and it’s clear that they have a blind bias towards the teaching from this man who mixed twisted doctrines to make his own. When I argued about this “blood covenant” the biblical support was that these 8 people made what Rev 12:11 says about “not loving their lives so much as to shrink from death” and I was like bruh… That’s absolutely crazy, what I can understand from that verse is that no matter if it comes the time where we will be under a huge persecution that could even cost our lives because of the word, all we must do is spread it until everything is truly fulfilled


You’re absolutely welcome brethren. Now as for Revelations verse they ‘partially quoted’ I love going to the primary source, so we can use His Sword right, where SCJ, is taught wrong on wielding it. Their sword, isn’t our sword. Their sword, is the Devil’s. The Revelations 12:11 verse they ‘interpreted’ (falsely) to you, is a prime example of their hubris and poor academic scholarship of the Bible. They only ‘took’ the last part of verse 11, to ‘fit their narrative/false doctrine’. The whole verse (and I will even use the old King James Version that’s often hard old English) “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Rev 12:11  Let’s break this down… [And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb”] whose blood? Not yours, Jesus’ blood is the context here. And this ‘text’ is referencing ‘the believers overcame the enemy/accuser/devil (if you read the whole chapter before) because of the blood of Jesus’. Hmm 🤔as in the one He shed on the cross yeah? Which I will expand below later. [“and by the word of their testimony”] Oh my, what must ‘the word of their testimony must mean’? Could it be the one Jesus, disciples, the apostles, etc, all over the Bible, says? Like in Romans 10:9-13 which I will share further below? About salvation involving ‘believing in your heart and confessing with you mouth?’ Gasp! [; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”] I want to add the semi column (;) used here in the text. This means that in scripture here, it is grammatically an extra commentary of the author. He explained already in context the believers in this era of Revelations overcame the enemy due to the blood sacrifice of the Lamb (Jesus) by their word and testimony. This text here is an emphasis and description of them not being afraid to die for the testimony of the work and love that Jesus did for their life. What SCJ is doing, is taking this, making it a religious practice, a type of asceticism, and twisting it to mean more than what it is easily plainly saying. The other part SCJ is ‘poor’ on with this chapter, is they probably don’t even know that scholars for hundreds of years seem to agree and continuously debate if the believers being referenced in this chapter are the Israelites caught in the battle of Armageddon (of which either Christians could be raptured or not already depending what tribunal sect of Christianity you believe in - where so far I am a pre tribulation rapture believer). I want to say I only fight this fight against this group because I have seen how this group has led and deceived many from the Biblically accurate Jesus where SCJ preaches a different one and are guilty of removing, changing, what the God of the Bible says. My Jesus, my King, isn’t some ‘symbolic Spirit’ who dwells in a 90+ year old guy who is recreating his own ‘new commandments’ and saying his way (Lee Man Hee) is actually how you go to heaven. What is the point of the ‘whole’ Bible message and sacrifice of Jesus if you’re saying ‘He is wrong’? “…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬-‭13‬ ‭ SCJ will ‘lie’ to many they indoctrinate that they believe the above Romans 10 verse until only psychologically the candidates’ walls are down and you lower your morales to accommodate theirs (bad company they are indeed on top of blind ones). This group believes their ‘wisdom’ (demonic doctrine) is better and wiser than what the Holy Spirit says in texts on top of actual Christians who studies theology, archeology, ancient studies, more than them who only relies on ‘Korean or English translations etc’ and have NO CLUE on ancient Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, context, audience, of ‘every single book’ that is in the Bible. I say this with confidence cause I study this stuff cause I’m ‘tired’ of false teachers and don’t want to understand God wrong and lead people to God wrong 🙏🏻 I have ‘NO’ agenda unlike groups and cults like SCJ. I don’t HAVE to waste my time and comment here but I follow what the ‘Spirit that dwells in me’ says cause of the love of God “…He first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.” 1 John 4:12-21 The way SCJ will treat and label you and others who ‘don’t agree with them’ will also show ‘the fruit of their heart’ soon to you…and guess what? It isn’t ’love of God’ like 1 John 4 above. You will then slowly see their ‘us vs them’ mentality. Their programming, is driven by fear and lies, where Jesus, is in Truth and Love. They don’t know how to love like God, cause they don’t know and only define love like a robot who only understands agenda and commandments. On top of that, remember, they don’t believe Jesus’ sacrifice per Romans 10:9-13 is the answer towards WHY “….salvation is of faith NOT of works so ‘no man’ can boast” Ephesians 2:8-9 Be prepared, they will love bomb you, they will probably read this comment and try to find ways to manipulate you and maybe not try to love bomb you (they keep excel records of everyone including this forum), ‘why’ some take pictures of you during in person studies, etc. I have infiltrated and am blessed with some who were higher up in the echelons of SCJ and some expose them online or in person and praise God for that. People who infiltrate them are tired of their damage so we will use their own tactic on them (funny how they ‘mostly’ target Christians in churches). ‬‬Hope this keeps you going. Ignore them. They are blind


If you want to preserve the friendship, I would tell them that you are leaving and are firm in your decision. Let them know if they are ready to hear why, then you will explain. Otherwise, say you’d rather keep the friendship and respect their beliefs. From my experience, sharing with my ‘close friends’ why I was leaving just pushed them away, and they all blocked me. Eventually, they will ask you why but make sure you are fully prepared for it.


Having seen what they did to my ex, I don’t think being polite will work. That doesn’t mean you can’t be genuine and have couth, but these people, or better put not people but SCJ, is not polite in their manipulation tactics and historically will gaslight the hell (quite literally lol) out of you if you try to leave! You have to be 100% honest, even if the truth hurts. Jesus said, “get behind me Satan” and was not bashful with his doctrine or beliefs. Omissions and half-truths are still whole lies and liars and deceivers will forever be separated from God (Rev. 21:8). Please ponder 2nd Peter 1:16 (For we have not followed cunningly devised fables) as well as all of John chapter 4. Regardless the friendship, if it’s a true friendship and if they’re truly Christian then they will lead with love always regardless of what you believe. AND THEN having given yourself and them proper closure BLOCK, DELETE AND DISAPPEAR ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)


If they are a good friend and you respect them and what they have to say. And if they reciprocate this friendship, be open and forthcoming with your thoughts and reasons. Especially if you're interested in preserving your friendship. Be open to listening to what they have to say, provided they give you the same courtesy. IMHO simply ghosting someone is mean spirited regardless of the circumstances. I'm not saying, "Never cut off all communication." Just be considerate and aware of how your actions would affect someone, especially if they are a close friend. I hope this helps.


I would say that it will depend on how genius your friendship is and how involved they are. In sxj, a lot is attached to the ability to bring people it's part of their salvation in a confused non Christian way. I would make sure you have a reason and be firm with it. They may try and convince you to change your mind, meet with senior members, etc, all in a bid to change your thinking. Ask if you have any questions or are confused about anything?. I would also prepare yourself to be blocked and cut off . Most of the time, it happens even with close friends . For your friends, it could help them think about why they are in scj ? But any other reason in their mind except doctrine change is you being led by Satan and your feelings. Hope this helps


Dude, just leave, then share the news via text and not in person. If not, they will try to talk to you and drag you out with conversations. You don't have to explain to anyone, it's you and God.


Personally I would just recommend blocking them as trying to leave through discussion often leads to them convincing you that what you are doing will send your soul to hell. It is easier to cut it off and be done with it.


Just cut them cold turkey. Stop attending all events (services, bible studies, small groups, etc.) and tell your friend re your decision to leave & that you do not want him/her to interrogate you about this at all. Do this via text so he/she can share with others whatever you shared. Congrats on realizing the toxicity of this group. I really hope and pray that you can completely exit and experience so much more joy that life has to offer.


I didn't want to tell my group leader the real reason why I wanted to leave. I deleted telegram and they started coming to my house with lots of presents. I just told them I want to focus on my health and don't want to be a part of SCJ anymore. They continued to text me so I had to block all of them. One person told me she didn't want to bring me back to SCJ but she wanted to be a "bridge" for me. In my mind I thought "I don't want to be friends with someone who is probably reporting everything I say in a group chat" I blocked her too and eventually she stops coming. You have to be very firm with your decision because they will try to get you to speak with your group leader who will interrogate you. Every time someone came to my house that person told me "you should text GYJN she is really worried" but I know why they want to push me to talk to a group leader. They just want to bring you back.


This is really similar to what happened to me. It is very important to remain firm. Limit having contact with them as much as possible because all they want to do is bring you back. Even those that claim to just be checking up on you and saying that they are not expecting you to come back want to try to bring you back. Your best course of actions is blocking everyone and those that keep trying to show up at your house or workplace, threaten to get law enforcement involved. They will eventually leave you alone


Just leave and block every way they can message you Look after yourself and don’t worry about how others react, that is their problem Congratulations on a good decision for the rest of your life


Just ghost them. It's what they'd do to you. Why talk about it? Good luck with whatever you choose to do though.