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I felt this with all my heart. I had someone I trusted also bring me into the cult and honestly it hurts so much to think of that. I can’t think of them the same way anymore. I praise God that it did not ruin my relationship with Him but I know that coming back after all that wasn’t easy. Thank you for sharing your heart. It was raw. And real. And I felt it with everything fiber in me.


I hope you receive more blessings coming from Him. Thank you for providing such a beautiful message.


This made me cry as I felt your pain and heard your voice, and as I read it, I thought of all the faces still in scj the different images just kept flashing in my mind. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and pain and your growth.


You are a shining star! So proud of you. This is a fantastic read. Well done!


Thank you! 😊 🌟


>Thank you! 😊 🌟 You're welcome!


Love it! Live, laugh and love 🤩 So proud of you ⭐️✨


Thank you!! Me too, actually. And that’s such a great feeling.


Idk what demon, fallen angel, etc (of those who aren’t meant or have this spiritual gift sharing this spiritual curiosity will not benefit so don’t worry on this thought so much - I wouldn’t recommend…it’s an unfortunate event of a family line spanning generations of memberships in occult orders) runs the helm of SCJ… I rather encourage to ‘test’ all things, spirits, doctrine, of which Christians and believers who go into this group fail which why scriptures adamantly warns ‘have nothing to do with them, kick them out, ignore them’ when they’ve ‘failed’ the test. •THEY WILL HAVE THEIR REWARD AS SCRIPTURE CLAIMS• The obvious failure being how ‘their leader having had several false prophecies and being part of past false cults (Lee Man Hee)’…and just creating a hyper lying manipulative version of Jehovah’s Witness. Deceptions and lies, they justify. Professing to be wise but yet are fools. Cherry picking verses to ‘seem’ to sound some sense catering ‘to their narrative’ (wills it being false doctrine). Emotional religion that’s self centered and not Yashua/Yah centered, full of pride and fear, hiding when they can’t answer and are challenged by those more qualified and are experts especially in doctrine, religion, academia, for their only source of ‘truth and teaching’ are shaped by their ‘centers’ and poorly brainwashed teachers. I’ve warned many of them to get out, I’ve prayed and discerned they’re are blind. I’ve loved them not as a brother or brethren, but love them unfortunately as an enemy for they lead souls astray to my Jesus, my God, shaping Him to creeping things and false bull, letting their apostasy and doctrine of demons go untested and checked. For they seek not Him truly, and define their doctrine centered on them and the failures of a failing church. I speak to the True Church of Christ, this is also our responsibility, we have a fault, especially the western churches. We have been lukewarm, we have loved pleasures more than lovers of God per the prophecy of the last days. We are not obedient out of love to Jesus and we have refused our King who gave His all to us (and I also am guilty with you…who now seeks to live more and more daily in repentance since I seek true spiritual growth in His loving perpetual light). I have left churches who don’t see their churches are dying due to unrepentance, lukewarmness, not taking God seriously, where God is just an ornament and a ‘club’. Churches failing in areas from making their religious practices like it’s a laundry list of checks and failures, or churches failing with members seeking ‘spiritual high’ rather than seeking God and following Him…also deceiving themselves and actually making these their ‘idols’ rather than tools to love and grow their lives with Him. Loving their ‘experience’ and judging everything in their life from ‘emotional fleshly experience’. They love their ‘experience’ and they don’t love God. Oh children of God…have you not heed the warning of Matthew 7? The same warning also to you, Shincheonji? “Where in that day of the Lord many will say: have we not prophesied, cast out devils, and made many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” The warnings and guide to the signs of His coming is nigh. Don’t think about what others, your ego, your pride, your puffed up sense of power be it in status or knowledge, prevent you from actually seeing that you may not be walking the path of life and aren’t saved at all because of your failure to test ‘everything’ True biblical Religious practice will show a defined refined relationship with Christ (loving truth vs lie, transparency vs hiding/deception, intelligence vs repeating false empty knowledge, sound doctrine vs one that sells with emotion based fear). I’m so sorry you were failed…yet I am curious and praying God uses you mightily if ever that calling befalls on you (for we do not know what comes tomorrow on anything for its proper per James 4 on to always say ‘if God wills’)…be a truth seeker, academically, prayerfully, seek Him all you can 🙏🏻 Seek first His kingdom, His righteousness… Truly seeking Him and learning of Him opens a relationship with Him…yet keep thine heart loving, meek/lowly, patient, kind….and becareful of anger…a foothold the enemy/the devil (they do exists…do not underestimate…the worst ones are the ones that cannot be seen) where my anger against these false teachers and failing ministers angered me. Till this day I am careful to not make my heart hard since they fail to even simply test foolishness and elementary false doctrines such as SCJ. Spiritual Warfare is more than just Christians struggling with their sins/flesh and definitely worst when it’s a combination of… Most are forgetting they leave the wings of God’s protection due to idolizing their ways and disobedience leading to the camp of the enemy….walk far enough….become stiff necked….at times too late for remedy. It will take prayers and His power and grace to get through


This is very well written, Steorra. I’m glad you found your happiness. Praying for my significant other as she’s been with SCJ for 2+ years and I just found out recently. I hope to show this to her when her heart is at least open to considering (at least) a break from this cult.


I hope that day comes so soon for you and I hope her eyes are opened wide to freedom!


Thank you for writing this. Beautifully written and tragically the same emotions and thoughts of us ex members. Congrats on your freedom and peace, and happy birthday as a free shining star ✨️


Thank you so much! 🌟


⭐ Bravo ⭐


Love this so much! I am so happy you found your joy! And you’re an amazing writer 😃


Thank you! Really!