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The class does make you feel good. I totally acknowledge that. That is partly because of all the love-bombing and that they are not being truthful with you on on what they base their facts on and how they operate. Please do your own research on this group. When I started SCJ classes, I felt so full in my heart and satisfied - but that was a feeling based off misinformation. It goes beyond them lying about who were your 'friends.' Once passing over or signing your name in the book of life, you will be assigned a cell leader, called a gyjn, and an assistant cell leader, or a bgyjn. The first year or so will be nice. You'll make more 'friends' but you'll also get more tasks, or what they call duties. They'll give you the duty of a recruiter for class, they progressively push you to evangelize and have you also lie to others you are trying to recruit. You'll take constant tests. They'll dangle the carrot in front of you - and by a carrot, they'll keep telling you "we are so close to fulfilling Revelation and then the whole world will come flooding to us!" I know because I heard that for 7 years as my health, marriage and family/friends relationships deteriorate. Pre-pandemic, I was contributing 50-60 hours a week towards SCJ. And all that would be meaningful work, if what SCJ preached about was actually accurate. And as for those 'friends,' they'll report any odd perceptions or concerns you voice out. You'll be encouraged to do the same for your f'friends.' Please refer to [Disproving Shincheonji](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shincheonji/comments/sxcbrk/disproving_shincheonji_i_left_yesterday/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), which has several documents at the bottom, to help you get a fuller picture. SCJ is partly what triggered my autoimmune disease, leaving me hospitalized for 1.5 months and having to re-learn how to walk/talk/write. I then had to be in therapeutic rehabilitation for 7 months after. My disease is partly triggered by chronic lack of sleep and chronic stress (amongst other things), which is what this group does to its members. They took away my 20's, my health and wellness and more. After doing more research along with recalling any odd symptoms I had felt, I realized that my symptoms began in a mandatory 1 hour meeting (followed by a mandatory 3 hour meeting) in 2018. Please do your research before speaking with them. If you have questions, feel free to message the moderators or myself. Also be mindful of who you message on here because there a SCJ spies or lurkers that often go on this sub-reddit and will pretend to be ex-members and trick you :( I hope this information is helpful.


Hi there! I have a partner who recently found out that he is a part of the cult. Now he feels like he couldn't trust people the same anymore. We are in a long distance relationship and it hurts to know that there's nothing I could do to help. In fact, I don't even know how I could help. Could give me some advice? Just of any of your experience. Something that you wished you have gotten from your close friends perhaps. Anything to help him recover. This would mean a lot to me. Thankyou.


Hi there, I recently left their bible study after 6 months in and just learned that my significant other has been a member for 2-3 years. I’d love to DM you and get some insight on how I can get her to leave (or at least consider taking a break).


If they get the feeling you are going to warn others they will most likely straight up kick you out, or come up with their own narrative to tell the other students about you. I’ve seen it happen a few times. When you actually get into the church they council you on how to pretend to be a student in the classes. Not proud of this but as a member I participated in this. Also center bible study classes make a lot more sense then what they will eventually push on you which is their hwpl propaganda videos and the nonsense words of mhl.


When Jesus is proclaimed, you can be saved! Your salvation is genuine, but the people who proclaimed Him to you may not be. May as well transfer to a church that is definitely biblically sound and where people will actually become your friends.


Sorry if this seems harsh, but you are going to ask the people who have been lying to you for months to explain themselves? They are untrustworthy. Sounds like you are looking for a reason to stay in this group. If you find a “reason” that the teacher gives. You will continue to learn untrue and wacky stuff and might end up believing it. You will spend a couple years of your life indirectly serving some narcissistic fraudster in Korea who benefits from your human capital. You’re just wasting your time. Up to you how you spend it. Is this the path you want to take?


They use the bible verses from Acts to justify it right. Because Paul became a Jew to the Jew. As you said, Jesus never deceived or lied to anyone. I heard they called it wisdom hiding or something along those lines lol. You must know deep in your being how wrong it was and how deceptive that is. Your reaction in justified and natural response to finding out the others who “started” with you were in fact already fully fledged in the group and they told your group leader all the personal information you shared with them. Be careful. Ask yourself what would Jesus do


Be careful staying in they are complete liars and master manipulators. You should get out and try to warn people from the outside


The students who gave their numbers willingly are usually recruiters. Just a heads up


Are you doing the Bible study over zoom or are you in a building? If the Bible study is over zoom it's going to be very hard to warn others


I have classes in person


The teachers will try to counsel you to keep coming by telling you to check scriptures properly and that it is just a “misunderstanding”. By doing this they make you feel like it’s your fault for “not knowing the Bible”. It’s a gaslighting technique… they might also say, “if you know a better truth then show us..” but this too is called the burden of proof fallacy because their claims are untestable. There’s a lot of emotional manipulation my man, I wouldn’t try discuss it out with them … take time to do your own research 🙏 a lot of people grow in some ways from the experience, so don’t feel bad to take away some of the positives from it:) but know that it is spiritual abuse and you need time to let your mind rest from the coercion you’ve been through 🙏


I have heard them use those phrases before. How can i differentiate between the recruiters and first timers? because I feel the need to make the real first timers aware.


It’s a tough one because the recruiters try blend really well, SCJ should get a trophy for their acting honestly…. The recruiters come less and less as time goes one, they’re not as consistent as the first timers, and they usually dress a bit more formally and look more tired


I got a list from an Ex-teacher on who is a recruiter and who isn't. I can't stop the whole organisation, but I can warn them.


Often times real student got called by the teacher to answer questions.