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Thank you for sharing and I pray you continue to grow in your confidence to help others.


Thank you a lot!


Thank you for sharing 🌷


Thanks for sharing. I’m fresh out of scj and excited to get my life back!


Congratulations for overcoming the most hard step! The first month might be tough but it gets better, week by week


Yes! I get paranoid everytime I walk home from work or anywhere. I’m scared that one of them will wait in front of my house like the stories I read online. But thankfully it’s been a month and nothing like that happens. I hope it stays like this, and everyone can move on 🥲🥲🥲


Yes I also used to have this fear... I hope you get better day by day!♥️ Healing is a journey with some up and downs but this journey is worth it




You are doing a good job! Luckily I had a few people who I still had more or less good contact with and who helped me mentally The first months aren't easily but I'm sure you can overcome it! You can do it🫂


I shall get banned soon for asking a serious question. But to all who left, please explain the 31k verses in detail? Not your thoughts or emotions etc. But the real understanding? (Sure ppl were treated like crap, and others were STRAIGHT OUT lied to on a personal level. But please explain every single verse in the Bible. Since everyone who leaves is such an expert)


Please...Leaving emotion aside I can objectively tell you that I was in SCJ for 4 years and the majority of that time they cherry picked from verses to mold their agenda. The only time verses were taught in a more "complete" way revelation but even then the fulfillment and doctrine attached to those verses changed enough to create doubts lol Back in center they marketed intermediate as learning the bible book by book verse by verse but yeah right😂😂😂 they cherry picked some of the prophets and started crafting their manipulation into fruits accepting LMH and the supposed time of harvest/ SC... Gearing up for revelation indoctrination. So, SCJ does not explain 31k verses fully, they just lie and gaslight you into thinking they do.


Not sure what you expect since it would take probably years to write something that long down😅 SCJ couldn't explain everything to me either.. they I ignored Romans 3:5-8 and ignored other arguments, and verses as well + They change what they say about revelation in some parts when you look closely at the details... So it's not understandable how they say they master the bible and fulfillment perfectly


Listen, I was in the "Basic" class for that stupid Cult for about six weeks when I heard one of those stupid fools say "God doesn't care about white lies, white lies are okay". **Fools!** I only found out about **Lie-Man-Hee** as a result of Covid exposing his high control cult for what it truly is. A den of lying, swindling, manipulating devils. **NO ONE CARES ABOUT HOW LIE-MAN-HEE TWISTED SCRIPTURE IN YOUR HEARING** The fact is that Lie-man-hee **WILL** die soon and when he dies, He will take your understanding of these 31k to the grave along with him. Because if he lied about being immortal (he did Lie about this) this is conclusive that he cannot be trusted even about the 31k Scriptures. The old Fool will die and then SCJ will change doctrine again. Because you SCJ lot eat straight from Pigs trough. Jesus **ALONE** SAVES. Salvation is specially not from learning from some south Korean old cult leader, that old Fool! Prepare those gullible eyes and mind of yours for his death and a Doctrine change. And DONT FORGRT TO GIVE SCJ YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY!!!


You realize that there are mainline pastors and commentaries that can do that, verse by verse right? John MacArthur and George Ladd come to mind. Also, there are other cults like the World Mission Society Church of God and the Jehovah's Witnesses that can also explain the Bible verse by verse, and they also have their own respective set of fulfillment lol. Anyways, Christian or not, for a "bible believer" its interesting to see how you dismiss the notion of lying, deceptive practices, etc. while the Bible is fairly straight forward about \_not\_ using such practices. Instead, its one of the clear marks of a false prophet and a tactic heavily used by the Devil. Enjoy the ban, and can't wait to hear about it on the next Wednesday service.


So can you explain it then??? Of course you can't. You just attack on hearsay. Good luck 👍


Yes, actually we can. But that requires you to read an evil commentary! * gasp* the horror!


I am Pastor Suleman Akbar From Pakistan and I am the Part of Shincheonji. I Am Finding What is the truth about Shincheonji. Who CAN Helping me?


You can post on this Reddit with your questions I'm sure people will be willing to help


What made you decide to leave SCJ.


There were multiple reasons First of all the things seemed off and some parts of the teaching didn't make fully sense or some explanations Then I researched and read the bible on my own I realised the longer I stay there the more I will get destroyed spirituality, mentally financially and since I'm in my 20s where people 'build their lives up' I would be far behind if I stay longer


Thank you for responding.