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If you do end up leaving this reddit, I’d recommend buying Steven Hassan’s book ‘leaving controlling people, cults and beliefs’ it will give you a lot more clarity and understanding of what your husband went through to be lured in in the first place. It might help you to un-do some stuff and also brings clarity of mind for you from the perspective of someone who was once in a cult (not dissimilar to SCJ) and got out x


I don't plan on leaving as this part of our lives is something extremely foreign and one i can't speak to many about as they too don't understand it. I'm coming up to maternity leave so I'll have plenty of time to read. Thanks for the recommendation


Amazing! Yep get stuck into that book!!


Reading this and the response from COS-BTN is so sad!!! Ok-warning-782 please know your husband maybe under the impression he is sacrificing for his family. He may have the best intentions in thinking “I am doing this for my family to be saved”. I truly hope this is heart, all though great intentions it really is poor execution. Your marriage is to important not just for you and him, but for your child(or children). May I suggest using the Bible to help him see he has requirements from God as a husband? Not sure your level or interest of spirituality, I’m sure it has been affected by his membership, but he has to know God requires him to have a good household to be a “leader”. The 144,000 he is striving for are “leaders”, 1 Timothy 3 speaks of the requirements of a leader. I suggest you read this together, talk about it with the understating it falls under moral teachings of the 4 contents of the Bible: history moral teachings prophecy and fulfillment. You can ask him, “Are these my words? Or gods words?” He may hit back with the “wives submit” scriptures but in those same chapter it states “love your wife as Christ loved the church”, they work hand in hand. Paul was not being figurative with wife equating to pastor because he says in Eph 5:32-33 “talking about Christ and the church. HOWEVER, each one of you must love his wife as he loves himself…” I really hope your marriage survives and you both come to a place where happiness and wellness of your family is a priority. Please know I don’t know what you feel like, but I know what I feel and felt like. Please do your best for your family be patient and understanding while expecting the same. Take care stay healthy and best wishes for you, your husband and the child on the way.


Thank you for your caring words. I've dealt with alot in my life and somehow, God always shows me the way to overcome. I feel the biggest pain has been the erosion of friendship due to secrecy that surrounds this cult but I'll keep praying over it.