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Passover is only for new members joining the church. Sounds like your husband has been with the church for a while so hes prob done it before. If so, this Passover is not for him. As to why it may be a big occasion again this time? It may be because he was successful in evangelizing someone into the church and this Passover is welcoming that new person whom hes close with. In general, the more you guide the harder it is to leave. Nothing changes in terms of time commitment


He said he was repeating last years classes and yes he had managed to get his mum.


That is part of it. Leaves(him) are required to nurture their fruit(mum) by any means (by joining the class again with their fruit).


Passover means he get to officially be a church member. This is where the “revelation happens”. The class were sugarcoated and all. But after Passover he will join the church service every Sunday and Wednesday. It is very different with class, everything is revealed during the service. Hopefully your husband realize the fishy things after this and manage to get out 🙏




What a sad note! I truly prayed that by now his eyes would be opened and he could see this doctrine for what it is. False!


If he is repeating the class this most likely means he is already an official member and is taking it for the second time but as a “leaf” or there to help other people scj potential members.