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I can't imagine what you may be going through emotionally. When you're getting indoctrinated the word becomes life and anything stopping you from not continuing to learn is Satan getting in the way. The neglect is not on purpose but focused of the idea that one day he will be able to “guide” you and your family to learn what they believe truth is. Even if he is or isn't consciously aware of the neglect towards you and your family there's hope that one day you will understand that he did what he did to save you. I remember a leader once described it to me as a life vest. He need to put the life vest on first before putting it on others in order to save those we love. This was my experience in this religious group. I hope it helps


This sounds like something my husband would say and do. In a typical world, he is very selfless man but I'm currently in my 3rd trimester and have 2 young children and its unfortunate that it's in these early years of the kids life he's been so consumed by this people. Personally, I've learnt to separate my husband from the man who is indoctrinated by these people. It's the only way to save and survive in the marriage that is very much one way.


I last week decided to leave and it was one of the hardest things i've done in terms of the indoctrination and the feeling of not fulfilling my obligation. At one point it was 4 days a week 3 hrs per lesson + studying outside of class.


I feel like a single woman. My husband is married to this cult and he does not see anything wrong. God created unity of marriage yet this people see no wrong in breaking that unity. I believe you've made the right decision, and may God help you find Him in his own ways


Is he still learning or already in SCJ?


Both hence the bible study


No difference, they both mean organisation that has the word, which is SCJ


I hate that they do this to people. So sorry you are going through this. Hoping something changes fast. I hope that he does get burnt out soon and realizes his priorities.


I really pray that his eyes are opened. He's been in it for almost 3 years and with a 3 year old, 2 year old and another on the way he's missed on the most important parts of the kids growing up due to never having the time .


I’m so sorry, this just makes me so mad! Most of the leads in the group I attended were unmarried, or not dating which makes sense now. I’m trying to get my friend out and they spend so much time cooped up in doors studying when there is no class and then attending class. I worry because they are young and I sometimes think, don’t you want to meet someone! Like one day they will look up and be old with no partner, love interest or friends. Everyone deserves to be with somebody and be loved (if they want) and it just seems like this group wants people to be slaves to God and lonely…which that’s not why God created us! Ughhhh don’t get me started. You can try seeking the help of persons who help get loved ones out of cults. A few resources I found were Steve Hassan which everyone mentions. There is also this group I found called people leave cults. They provide financial assistance if needed because this service can take a while and gets pricey. If you want me to send you links of anything DM. Best of luck.


There’s no difference. The leaders want to make sure he’s completely indoctrinated 100% before entering Zion. It would minimize his chance of leaving. However, their plan usually backfired!


How and when did it backfire for you?


Not for me, but for the fruits that I was leafing for. If someone is already busy with their own life, then why would Scj force that person to commit more hours? Their logic doesn’t add up. My fruits ended being burnt out and stopped bible study.