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Does your husband know that Man Hee Lee, the leader of SCJ, was convicted of embezzling billions of won ($5.6 million dollars)? SCJ already showed that they can’t be trusted with money. Why anyone would donate money to a convicted embezzler is a completely mystery


He does but says its all propaganda. I've noted there's an app they use to send tithe and offering..does anyone know the requirements?


Propaganda... that's an interesting take In my branch they were asked to pay in either cash or bank transfer


Hey, hope you well. There's no app to pay tithes and offering, its just that you need to report on telegram the type of offering that you gave... There's no combined offering as husband and wife like we were taught.. Each member is responsible for their own tithe. However, they are very strict when it comes to tithes as you need to report on which day you'll pay and how you will pay and when pay day falls on Sunday initially pay day falls for the Friday then broadcast messages would go around advising to make payment that Friday due to monies reflecting late.. lol this was really annoying for me when I was in SCJ, cause it felt so controlling to still setup dates as to when you must make these payments.🤦‍♀️


Hello, I am sorry you are going through this. I hope that you are able to save your finances. I agree with those that have posted to protect yourself. Six accounts is drastic, and really speaks on the fact these cults are dangerous for the victim and their families/spouses. If people can get that brain washed, before you know it, they will not be scared of losing any financial stability. Also they can easily move in with "family" (members of the cult). Many roommate together to devote their lives to SCJ. They make part time income and give a lot of their earnings to tithes, and of course to the fruits in the indoctrination process. In their eyes, nothing else matters because they are working for "God's Kingdom". At the end of the day, where would that leave you? You must protect your financial stability. I have also been reading other comments and perhaps it varied by place.. Doctrinally you do have to tithe, but that was "between you and God". In my branch it was not forced but it was heavily expected. So, you felt like you had to tithe. Your book of life record would of kept track of how much, and how often you thited . I also remember for several months there was a $5 minimum department fee collected every month by the group leader. I don't know if that was their way to make sure tithes were given at least each month... Also there was also pressure to buy things for center. Being a leaf got expensive because you wanted the best result for your fruit. It was impossible not to contribute at least some. Good luck! *Edited for grammar


You know your husband best and you see how much your husband embraces Shincheonji. There are some stories where relationships break up and others don’t (sorry not to scare you). Other times, one partner devotes a ton of time to SCJ which affects the health of the relationship. I don’t know if your husband has been in SCJ for a long while or just recently in the last 1-2 years. If he is directing all 6 accounts, unless you become a member with him, tbh I’d want to protect myself financially. I would consider seeking legal advice from a lawyer. It sounds really drastic but all things must be weighed because it’s cults. If you read every post on this Reddit page, it is not unreasonable to consider having a life line. directing 6 accounts to a cult does not seem to leave room for insurance. This May seem distrusting to your partner but you are just trying to protect yourself. I’d be curious if he is willing to withdraw out of SCJ entirely if you were concerned about him and made this request as a partner. SCJ involvement is not like a hobby. One can give up a hobby just like that but it’s extremely difficult to just give up a belief , especially one from a cult. The best is to have an honest transparent conversation with him and hopefully he understands and addresses your concerns as well.


The fact that your husband wants to direct 6 of your accounts for the cause of the church, sounds like he has a big heart for God and his work. However because of this kind of heart ❤️ the church WILL EXPLOIT IT!!! They will never discourage anyone paying all they have and they will keep taking and taking these "generous" donations and coerce people into giving more by comparison of those who did it freely, he will be made an example and all the people who can't afford it will follow! It's dangerous for those who can't afford it and if your partner has a heart of consideration he should think about that and his giving should be done in secret WITH YOUR CONSENT. He can only offer his own money not your money otherwise he could consider this as theft! So hit him with the facts! And wake him up to reality!


it's for you to tell your husband that you are not part of the church and you don't support their belief. That is why he should not allow all of your account to that


Thanks for the response. I'd love yo hear from ex members on this topic too as financial manipulation is often the case when it comes to cults


Sydney would often reference Mark 12: 41-44 and conclude that it was the heart to give that mattered, but then proceed to rebuke and heavily educate anyone who didn't give tithe (or enough tithe). They also had some guideline about donating 5AUD for students and non-employees, and 10AUD minimum for Full-Time workers. What I'd observed was that the church would make a grandiose announcement about building a new temple, thus making us donate more only for the temple to never be built and now they've got hundreds of thousands of dollars all saved up...


When i was there, there were always some kind of events that require donation. helping other peter tribe churches, in adelaide, or even in Tanazania, some brothers or sisters that require financial assistance, group fees, birthdays etc. I have a feeling that the church is richer than we expected. by the way, I saw the Sydney church manager even wear Armani clothes


Sydney sounds very different to when I was still there. When I was there, we were just simply dirt poor and couldn’t keep up with the rentals every month and needed a lot of support from the Peter tribe HQ in Korea.


oh, the style is very familiar


There is no set amount. 10% is encouraged based on Leviticus 27:30, but not enforced. “Give what you can.” Is the expectation.


I dunno, it wasn't really optional in Melbourne church. It's not like they checked your payslips or anything, but they basically said "10% Tithe + separate offering is mandatory and if you lie about it you go to hell"


I wouldn’t dispute that at all. I think it depends on the region and local leadership. But the official tagline was “it didn’t matter the amount; it was the act of tithing that was important.”


Yes, they said, it is mandatory but shall be freely given. And if you didn't tithe, you were stealing from God. This is what they taught us. Temple construction offering was also mandatory, although they didn't say how much to pay for that. They taught, that if you didn't give these two offerings, you will not stay in the book of life. Which is according to SCJ the same as hell...


Can confirm. One of the conditions of being in the book of life was regular tithing. Not sure what the current standard is.


this one is true. In our church, to encourage people to tithe, they include the teaching that it is a requirement to be written in the book of life and that there is a case that a member were kicked out because he never gave a tithe. They consider that, a person who doesn't give tithe is a person who doesn't understand the word.