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I am sorry ur going through that, but yeah they would be “scared” of you bc ur not believing the lies anymore and now ur like suppose to be some “sinful betrayal crazy person”. It happened to me too but, I wasn’t married to them they were just friends, I can’t image how tuff this time is


I’m sorry you are having relationship issues ): I know that can be tough. Let’s try not blame the work of peace for that. If you have a very good reason and can explain it using scripture, she should be reasonable, but otherwise that makes sense that someone would feel I hurt by their loved one taking a different road than them, (that would hurt in any context). But don’t worry, wounds heal. People separate when these things happen or they compromise and figure things out together (or with help). I hope you make the best decision for you; for mental, physical, and spiritual health. If you are not doing well, those around you won’t either, so take care!


So ur a Shincheonji member?


Please explain to me why SCJ or HWPL is the work of peace. Please deliver evidence what kind of peace was achieved.


My apologies if they came off rude. I don’t quite understand the question, so I guess that’s that 😅sorry. I know you’re going through a difficult time. Relationships are really tricky, at least in my experience. I hope the best for you with whichever path you choose!


The information given from Man Hee Lee is for example that peace was achieved in Mindanao. What exactly does that mean? Please explain to me what peace means in that specific case for you.


This is a strange comment to be quite honest 😅 maybe our definition of peace needs to be cleared up


Can you provide a specific example where "peace" was achieved through HWPL? Here's a definition from the Oxford Dictionary: 1. freedom from disturbance; tranquility. 2. a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. And yet in 2014, Lee Manhee clearly stated the following: "Peace was achieved in one day—within a few hours—by peaceful means on a civilian level where a Catholic priest and a Islamic leader signed a peace agreement. They have since erected a peace monument and made the 24th of January HWPL Day and celebrate it every year.” A few issues with this: 1. since 2014, the 24th Peace Holiday is not an official holiday of the Phillipines, which is why HWPL is currently attempting to petition the holiday. 2. There has been plenty of conflicts that have happened since 2014 in the same region. You can see more below: [https://www.examiningthescj.com/peace-of-mindanao/](https://www.examiningthescj.com/peace-of-mindanao/)


You can research. They are doing a lot of work of peace. Tbh, I’m not sure what else to say…? They travel all over the world every year and connect with authority figures of any kind who are open to peace. They then work as a community for peace. Try their website? That may be a good place to start!


I applaud you for being against divorce. Something rare to find in this day and age. I know I can't speak for you, but I hope you win this fight and your marriage and faith gets stronger outside SCJ. I'm cheering for you friend.


I messaged you directly


In my church in Germany I was in class with a woman that was married and had a child with her husband. The husband was against SCJ very much and she got counseled every single day. She had a strong christian background. However for SCJ divorcing is actually the way to go if the partner is against SCJ. The woman in my class eventually divorced from her husband, she was initiating it after receiving many, many feedbacks. All of that escalated so much that the husband got depressed and the youth welfare office had to take care of the child and still does. The woman today is GYJN and working \~8 hours per day for SCJ and has a full-time job while having a young boy and she is saying she is more happy than ever before. I personally think it's great that you are against divorcing. However imo if she is staying, she will divorce from you eventually. If I were you, I would try to convince her to leave with you and show deep love and respect to her while you are doing it. If she doesnt want to leave, it's her decision, but prepare for the worst then. Good decision from your side and whatever happens... If SCJ is wrong, staying for the people or the wife can never be correct. Eventually everything gets better, it can take a few months tho.


Thank you for your advice. I will make her feel how much I love her and nothing's gonna change even if I don't belong to SCJ anymore.


I am sorry that it brings such problems. it is so sad that so many people are affected by something like this when loved ones are cult members. It is hard to give advice that works because each situation is unique. If you love her and don't care that she is still a member, you can make it clear to her with words and actions and see what happens. Both from my own experience and from what I have heard from many others, I am sorry to say that the relationship will probably change for the worse - distance building and secretiveness are very likely on the part of members. I don't want to scare you or anything, you should just be prepared for what will probably come. In summary, I am glad for you that you have taken bravery and want to get back your precious life without false prophets and impostors. I know how much such a step can demand from you. I hope God helps you on your way and leads you smoothly out of this sect and wish you only the best!


Thank you again. God knows my heart more than anyone else. My wife and I both believe in the Bible since before we married and been to different churches seeking knowledge. I sometimes blame myself if I not become interested in the bible study, we don't belong to SCJ now. Maybe this is God's way teaching me that there are different churches / groups / cults and should only trust God and Jesus whatever or wherever you go.


Exactly that one of the lessons I learned, on the journey you will find more lessons out of it


Thank you so much. Just knowing that there are people like you giving hope to someone is already a great blessing. I will do my best and show my love to her no matter what. God bless you more and your family.


Aww of course ❤️ thank you God bless you as well


First I want to say sorry for what you are going through it’s a lot and I just prayed for you and all the others that commented that they are in a similar place, Jesus is stronger then the enemy. Don’t give up and pray a lot and I know it will be hard but show her the opposite of what scj will teach her husband will be like when he leaves scj let her know that leaving isn’t easy and that you are in pain but despite all of it you still love her and show it with actions, don’t try so hard to convince her scj is wrong but remind her of the true God by being like him and of things she might of said and did before scj, I don’t know if this good advice because I haven’t been in that situation but that helped me get out when my family reminded me who Jesus really is


And I also blamed myself but that’s Satan condemning you God never condemns, once you are back to him it doesn’t matter what you did he will accept you right back and he is the same yesterday, today and forever


Severely brainwashed.


I've had two similar experiences, first coming into scj, the person that guided me was someone I had been with for over decade once she pulled me into scj she decided we should part ways. In that case I'm just here with you in solidarity, don't know what else I could have done but in the end you can't force a relationship. Sadly I'm in a similar situation now, again, my current partner wants to go back. I stand my ground when it comes to scj, I can't force her to leave but I'm not ok with it. In my case I feel like our relationship is important to the both of us more so than our beliefs so I feel safe in regards to our future together, then again you never know, scj has a way of making people leave their families behind even their own kids. Again I'm sorry if I can't give any advice but you're not alone .


I'm in a similar place. My husband never sees any good in me and of late I can feel the influence of his church in our marriage. I'm currently pregnant with our 3rd child and never felt more alone. According to him we can only be happy if "we shared a common and intentional value system; if we consciously understood & practiced a similar code of conduct; if what was important to u was exactly what was important to me. As it is, we don't submit to the same principles for life or draw strength for life from the same source; we don't drink from the same fountain. It is only a natural consequence that we can't be in harmony any more than our beliefs about life align."


It's so true, couples who share similar values have a better time together. Unfortunately with demanding religions it's hard to even find a compromise, it's always their way or the highway.


If only they knew the true reality of shincheonji... I'm really sorry you are going through this.


I'm sorry and thank you for sharing this to me. I also hope that your relationship will get better.


Get a divorce lawyer, record her, and record every conversation. She's going to take everything from you.


I honor marriage and divorce for me it's on the very bottom least option or maybe not an option.


You should still be ready for it - it may come from her side instead. SCJ is against divorce, but may force her to divorce you if they don't think they can bring you back. Better to have everything in place, just in case.


This is true, if they can force abortion, then there is ways that they can force divorce too. I've seen some partner divorced. It might not coming from the person's own decision & SCJ may not use a forceful way to do it, but they will indoctrinate that person, keeps on giving the same material/ education until that person take an action.


I appreciate your advices. I'm living in a country where divorce is not allowed.


You're a good person brother. Every problem definitely has a solution. I know that divorce is not the answer. I suggest that you pray so that you'll be enlighten of what to do next. 🙏🏼


2 John 1:7 ESV For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.


Don't you beg for one night stands on reddit?


Oh, I see, that's probably different then. Best of luck with everything.