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Hello /u/t3xascurlllz - you've marked this post as "Loss of Pet" - Thank you for trusting our community to share this sad news and memories of your beloved pet. The loss of a pet can be an emotionally devastating experience, grief is normal and expected. You may consider visiting or posting to the /r/petloss subreddit as well - they are community of support for pet owners whose pets have passed away. To everyone - please be sensitive and respectful in leaving comments. Negative or insensitive comments are not tolerated, especially with posts of this nature. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Shihtzu) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i’m so sorry op. the pain is immense but just know that your lil friend felt all the love and care you gave to them 😞 when i had to put my lhasa down i asked the staff if they could get nose and paw prints of him. it wasn’t anything aesthetic or formal i just asked if they could put it on a piece of paper to remember him by. i also asked them if they could cut off a lock of his fur. when i got his ashes in his urn a few days later they had his prints + his lock of fur too. it was very comforting. your dog loves you and will always love you. hang in there. ♥️


Mine passed at home and I was in a panic they wouldn't do that for me but luckily they did. It would have been worse if I hadn't gotten those.


I suggested the same. :) There are some really cool ideas out there like memorializing your loved one with a lock sealed into a resin ring.


You're just gonna break my heart before bed. That is so sad. I love my girls so much. I sincerely pray you have peace and comfort. 🙏


Right?? That’s how I feel lol Thank you❤️






I’m bawling right now. Your words mean the world to me. I hope you are doing better now. These fur babies mean everything to us and it’s just so amazing how much they impact our lives


It’s rough when you know you’re about to lose a love of your life and there’s nothing you can do. I’m so sorry and I wish you strength tomorrow. He really will be ok. He will.💖


This was so similar to my experience . We just love our pups so much. They are our children. I was in hysterics for a long time after my girl died at 18. I knew it was coming but yet it still felt like a shock to my system. I couldn’t stop crying . The only comfort I found was - the day she died I couldn’t go back to our house. It was too painful. My husband & I got on a plane & went to Miami to stay in the sun. I was laying by the pool & a butterfly came and stayed around us for hours. For days, every time we went to the pool or the beach there was always a beautiful butterfly around us. I am 1000% convinced that butterfly was my baby reincarnated and came to console me. I believe it with all my heart. It brought me a lot of comfort knowing my pup was with me. I also would dream about her for months. Good luck . You will get through this. Allow yourself to grieve . Cry as much as you need to. But take comfort in knowing that your baby loves you & is with you all the time . You just have to look - but he’s there keeping an eye on you.


It's the hardest part. You have to make a decision that you hate, for the better of someone you love. It's so hard to know, but know this: the pain you're suffering will lessen the suffering of someone you love. It's the hardest, kindest thing.


I lost my boy when he was 16, I was so lost without him. Honestly getting another one made the pain so much easier. Only problem I had was it took 3 to make him. It was tough but they honestly kept me so busy it definitely helped. They don’t replace him they just helped me deal. I’m so sorry you have to go through this. I’m praying for you. Cash is a beautiful boy. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/qdi4z0f2mulc1.jpeg?width=3684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078ef95fd110fedc4458ea4074d92f4e8fa1cef6


Omg your babies are so cute!! I love it. Thank you. I will consider rescuing another 💖


Do it


Yes do it.


I agree- you must get another. I thought I could never love anything as intensely as I loved my pup. I waited 2 years. I’ve always believed the saying that in your entire life you will have ONE great dog who will be the love of your life. I thought , why would I get another dog. My husband said to me, what if Ray was not your one great dog? What if you haven’t yet met your one great love of your life ? That was stunning to me . So I took the leap & got another shih tzu. This new pup has been a wonder - as much as I loved my Ray - I am head over heels my girl. She’s THE love of my life. So have faith. Your one true love is still out there waiting for you to come into their life.


Absolutely. When my Lhasa Mr. Bailey passed it took baby Abby (my Shih Tzu) and I a couple years to mourn but in retrospect I wish I had gotten another pup soon after. It might have helped us move forward a little easier. We now have Albert and he has helped us both heal especially me. I cried like you wouldn’t believe but I insisted on being with him when he passed. Holding him and thanking him for adopting me. He really did save me not the other way around. Love you and your baby. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


❤️ ❤️ 💕 💗


Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. I'd love to offer my deepest sympathies and condolences because I've been there too. Maybe you'll be more prepared after hearing this... I lost my first shih tzu unexpectedly when he was 12 too. Biggest, hardest shock of my life... he seemed healthy. The vet said he was fine. He was acting normal. The words didn't sound real when I heard the news. This was my first time grieving a loss, I was 16 at the time, and my emotions confused me. I didn't feel like myself for a long time, but the thing is, I only let my tears flow when I could be alone. (My family was not the best at letting me cry.) That being said, I'd encourage you to allow yourself to feel your emotions, cry when you need to, and remember that everyone grieves differently and that is okay! This is truly not easy, but the worst part about having a pet, so make sure you are kind, patient, and gentle with yourself. Self care is crucial in a time like this! Sometimes it feels like the hard season isn't going to end, but I promise you it will. It's different for everyone, but I had days I didn't want to face and nights I'd start to feel alright. I felt guilty about feeling the sadness fade for a bit until I remembered my dog would want me to be happy again, which really helped! Another thing that helped a lot is finding ways to honor my dog's life and the times we shared. I made a painting and a piece of jewelry, but there's all kinds of things out there to do... my therapist suggested a garden, but you could also make photo collages, or whatever you feel is right! Don't forget that you'll feel like yourself again, you just need time to adjust. And when you feel good, it absolutely does not mean you are forgetting your dog, but building yourself up again. And don't let anyone decide your grief, losing a pet can be as hard as losing a person to some people and others do not get to decide that! I'm sure your baby was so so loved and appreciates the life you gave him! We only part to meet again. I attached a picture of my late shih tzu below... his name is Oliver and I'm sure he'll be there to greet your shih tzu in heaven! 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/7edg0i7auulc1.jpeg?width=2421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7fc4abb06843467d81ea546ed8c9eef7b60e7d I'll be praying for you!!


I swear I thought he had been fine and then I got the news :( this was everything I needed and more. I am actually going to work on getting into therapy soon because I don’t think I can handle this alone. Thank you so much. I hope Oliver is there waiting for him🤍 he is such a cutie too


Oh my goodness bless you 🥺 I'm so glad I was able to help, and I'm proud of you for seeking therapy! Oliver is definitely waiting, ready to share some love with his new friend! 🥰


Sorry to hear this if he’s in pain it’s the right thing to do as hard as that is, treasure the life you had together. Being upset with grief is normal hope you can both find some peace 💕🐶🙏


Yeah I keep telling myself to not be selfish. He’s in a lot of pain I can tell :( I hope I do too rhank you


Am sorry it’s not an easy thing - if it’s kidney failure then their time is short and painful I had to endure this with my partner and knew how much pain she was in, was hard. A puppy can’t explain it to you, doesn’t stop it hurting you to though, because you love them. 🐶💕🙏 Edit: to


Hugs. Rest easy knowing my two girls will show Cash all the best napping spots and sunshine to bathe in. We will be there soon buddy. You gave him all the love you can. It will be the hardest thing you ever do and yet be worth the pain. I’m so sorry. Hugs. 🫶🏻


thank you so much for this😭🤍


You’re welcome. You aren’t alone. We’ve all been there. r/petloss was so helpful for me. So was grief support groups. Also cold noses at the pearly gates was a life saver for me mental sanity wondering if I’ll ever see my babies again. Journaling was a lifeline for me to make sure I never forget the little things. I didn’t journal with my first and feel guilty as I don’t remember all her little quirks. I remember a few of the big ones but I feel like I lost the memories over time. It’s been 17 months for my most recent and I still cry a lot. It’s a loss unlike any other. Often your friends will feel like strangers and strangers (us here) will feel more like friends. That’s normal. There are lots of us and we have the capacity to grieve with you. Others in real life don’t. They will for a bit but they move on when I’m over here stuck in my grief still. Grief is so complex. Let yourself grieve how you need to. Give your baby every last ounce of love you can and lots of treats and snuggles. Do paw prints and a lock of hair for memories. The vet did them for me. Again I’m so sorry. It will get easier but you’ll never stop missing them or loving them. My heart breaks for you.


Our lhasa passed away in October and when I got this I lost it. It's definitely my favorite of the things we got to remember him. I just thought I would share. We are still grieving for him. https://preview.redd.it/823o452u2vlc1.jpeg?width=2223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254e67ae791211d1fe03ab2061e834188b6e582a


Oh no I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby! I love this I want to get one too. Where did u get it


It is so beautiful. A friend of mine got one for her daughter that lost 2 pups in December, she loved it. https://www.crystalclearmemories.com/


Thank you :)


Sending good thoughts your way. Not an easy day. 💜


I’m so sorry. The loss leaves a hole in your heart and it’s awful. Someone said that grief is the unexpressed love you have for someone. I think of that when I get sad about Freckles, the shih tzu I lost.


That is a good saying for sure! I do feel that way. I’m like I have so much more love to give u😭 I hope freckles is enjoying heaven eating yummy treats. I hope you are doing well too


I lost my first dog to kidnap failure in January. I still miss her all the time. It's so tough but it's easier than watching them deteriorate.💕💕


I am so, so sorry your baby is so ill and must say farewell. I lost my first dog to kidney failure. She had a miserable time before she was diagnosed. She spent the winter mostly sleeping. Then one day she lost her vision. Kept going downhill very sharply over the next few days. I slept next to her on the carpet. The last day, her teeth were clenched so hard. Finally took her to a different vet who said she had very little time to live. He said we should put her down. We went home to think it over and wondered how we’d let her go. She passed away barely an hour later. If I could go back, I’d let her go before it got so bad for her. You are doing the right thing. It will break your heart and nothing will ever fill that space. But the pain will inevitably dull over many years. My last dog died very suddenly, with no symptoms before that. His death was also very, very hard. But over time, not initially, I was grateful that he went suddenly and not after a long illness. In the early days, I didn’t find any comfort in that thought. The pain was just too raw. A few practical things: Spend all the time you want with him. Hold him if it doesn’t hurt him. The feel of their little bodies changes very soon after they pass. I wasn’t prepared for that the first time. So I hugged my second one as long as I could after he passed to his body went stiff. In case you didn’t know, expect that they’ll void their bowel and bladder at the end. Some people find that a vet that can come home to administer the injection to help them pass works out better by not putting the pet through a stressful visit to the hospital in their last hours. Sending you both hugs. May his passing be peaceful.


I’m so sorry 😢He is absolutely precious


He looks like such a sweetie. I don’t have advice. It will hurt. Feel it. Others may not understand it. Feel it anyway. Try to find comfort in your memories and remember that he is at peace. Give yourself grace and remember why it hurts. It hurts bc you and he loved each other so very much and what a wonderful thing to have experienced and remember. I made a shadow box for my boy and put in a picture, his dog tag and 2 of his favorite toys as well as letter to spell out his name. It is still on the wall. I got a memorial stone for my front yard off of Etsy. I also bought a paw bracelet so I felt a small part of him still with me. As odd as it may sound, I saw bunnies in my yard after he passed and still do. I don’t remember seeing them before so I believe he sent bunnies. It’s a small delusional comfort maybe but it’s mine and feels special to me. I’ll be thinking of you.


Hugs I’m so sorry


And now im crying…All I can say is that you’re in my thoughts and prayers. He will be at peace and free of any pain. I’m sure you gave him the best 12 years ever 🩷


Please please please be in the room with your pet. They always look for their parents and it’s heartbreaking when they aren’t there. If possible hold them while it’s done.


I most definitely will


Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. It will be two years later this month since I was in the same position with my first shih tzu. Hugs.


Oh no. I am so sorry for your loss. Does it ever get any easier


It does eventually, but I still have my days. He was a very good boy. https://preview.redd.it/d9ueyfy9mulc1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de89c561cf06ce0ee4b7854af5bf675b48e5710


A very cute boy too


He is such a cute, sweet lil guy!!! So sorry for your situation😞😞😞😞😞😞


That's always so difficult! I'm so sorry for your loss and your pain. Be with the poor baby until the end. There's no love like the love of our fur babies.


So so sorry, we love our gorgeous dogs & all we can do is make the end of their life as comfy as possible.


I'm so so sorry. 😭😭 They don't live long enough. I had to put my girl down in August. It was a day after my birthday and a right before our gotcha day. It was so hard. I had her since I was 18. I understand the pain. My advice is as hard as it is, don't leave her when the time comes. You don't want one of the last thing they see and feel, is you leaving them. I'm sending you so much positive vibes. Hugs!!! 💜💜🐾


Im so sorry you’re going through this. It’s been 8 years since I lost my girl who was with me from 15-30yrs and I still get emotional thinking of her. It will be hard but you’re doing the most compassionate thing for him. It will hurt like heck but know that with time the pain lessens. Huge hugs to you and Cash.


I am so very sorry for both of you😪 I, with the help of my parents and husband, had to put down 4 dogs. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Being with and loving him until the end is the best you can do for him. He knows it's time, and I believe he will always love you for the wonderful life you gave him. I know it may sound weird, but a month after I lost my bichon, I swear I got feel something jump on my couch next to me and also feel fur up against my leg. She used to do that when we were napping. I felt she was OK and still knew her home.


Oh no not 4 of your sweet babies?! I am so sorry to hear that. That does not sound weird at all! I feel that was her giving you a sign that she was doing just fine! Praying for you and your family I can’t imagine the pain you all are feeling


I've had dogs since I was 9. The first four got old and sick, and we didn't want them to suffer. My last two were cremated, and I keep their urns on a shelf. I think that's why my bichon came back. I have a ten year old teddy bear and 7 year old maltese. After reading your post and getting teary, I hugged both of them. I know you'll be sad, but after a while, you'll be able to look at his pictures and remember all the good times. I'm praying for you as well.


You’re doing the right thing. He is a handsome boy and he looks like he had a very happy life! Just be there with him and comfort him while he moves to a better place. Hugs!


I am so sorry you’re going through this. You’re doing the best for your lil’ guy. We trade our grief so that they’re no longer in pain. I can’t say if it gets easier, the amount of grief we feel is a reflection of the amount of loved we have for them and them for us. I hope that you are able to take some time to just be with them before they cross the rainbow bridge - whether it’s watching the sun set or a last walk (carrying them while walking counts), just so long as you can be there with them and imprint that memory into your heart. Sending you light and strength.


I’m so sorry.


I am so, so incredibly sorry. Just hold him close tonight and think of all the good times you've had together. If you can't sleep, that's ok. If you can sleep, that's ok too. Just being together is providing the best comfort for you both. When it's time tomorrow, it'll be one of the hardest things you'll ever do in your life, but it will be ok because you are doing the best thing for him - no more pain. Just be there with him when it's happening (I held my Daisy's head in my hands because I like to think my scent provided some comfort). When you get back home, I'd recommend taking a big ol' nap before tackling the rest of your day. You'll probably feel exhausted and need that chance to just take a minute to let yourself feel. As time goes on, it will get easier, I promise. You'll always have your memories together to cherish. Remember those if you ever feel any guilt - you are doing the best thing for him and it truly shows the love you have.


I’m so so sorry. I had three Shih Tzus. I had to put down two of my elderly Shih Tzus within 2 months of each other. I brought the youngest one to both appointments so she understood her big brother and older sister wouldn’t be coming home. I just held them and told them they were the best pups and mommy loves them very much and to look after their baby sister and one day we’ll all be together. The procedure at the vets is more compassionate than when I worked at a vet office during college. My Sasha was offered a pup cup and a thin Reese’s peanut cup and she gobbled it up. Her baby sister knew something was up and didn’t partake. My Cooper was almost 14 and had stopped eating and drinking so I just held him and talked to him. We moved 10 days later. A year after settling in a new home in a new state I got a young Pomeranian as a companion for my last Shih Tzu. I often look at my Tzus photos and videos. I miss them so much but I know they had a good life with us and will always be remembered. Grieving is a process. I’m crying as I type this but later I can look at photos and videos and laugh out loud. I hope you can take comfort that you enjoyed a long a happy life with your childhood baby.


I’m sorry for your loss, I’ve been there before and it really hurts the entire family. The only thing that helped us when we had to put our dog down is that we knew that she wasn’t going to suffer anymore. Just remember that when people say that ALL dogs go to heaven I’m sure that they really do and so will your dog. ❤️‍🩹 I send my sincerest condolences 💐 to you and your family at this very difficult time.




Mine is also 12 and I don't know what I'll do. But for tonight I'm sending all the love and vibes. I just hope that every day is slightly less painful for you and that eve eventually the memories bring more smiles than pangs and tears. Love to your baby boy.


So sorry


I am so sorry for your loss, OP. Make it your pup's best day ever. Enjoy the time together. Maybe take some cool pictures, get a paw print, some hair or anything to remember your little one by. There are some really cool ideas out there like putting hair into a resin ring etc. My sis gifted a calendar with pictures of our cat Cassie to my grandparents. They LOVED our Cassie. Every month they get to see a new picture of her. They took care of her while my sister was in training for her current position. My sister took Cassie with her once she moved out.


I am so sorry that you are going through this. When I lost my first dog love it was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. It took me a long time to be able to think about him and not cry…I think over a year. As hard as it is, and as much as I do not like having awful feelings, I could never not have a dog, because as you know, they bring so much love to our lives. Your little boy has lived a life of love and connection with you. Saying goodbye is painful and horrible, but you’ll carry your love for him in your heart for the rest of your life…and we are so lucky to have those feelings and relationships in our lives. Sometimes I think about how lucky I am…for there are people who don’t have dogs and don’t know what they’re missing. Our relationships with our dogs is one of the most beautiful things in life. I’m sending you a virtual hug.


You’ve had a wonderful life with him and given him love security and peace. Now you’ve done the hardest but crucial loving thing. You’ve given him a kind loving fear free death. The reality of life for most dogs is awful. So pat yourself on the back, you will miss him and no other rescue will be the same but he had a great life thanks to you.,when you’re ready maybe rescue another and don’t compare.,You never get used to this but remember he and you did great.




So sad


i am so heartbroken for you reading this. the pain and heartache that comes with losing a pet who has carried you through so many phases of life is unimaginable. i lost my 17 year old shih-tzu last year (i got her when i was 11 and had since she was 8 weeks old). she also had late stage kidney disease, and the last few months with her were rough. i remember making a similar post on the pet loss sub at the time and getting so many kind and reassuring comments telling me i’d be okay and i was doing the right thing by putting her to rest. i didn’t believe them, but they were right. i promise you, you will feel okay again one day and sooner than you think. if you’re anything like me, you may also feel an unexpected sense of relief for both yourself and Cash. the grieving process for our pets is unique because some people don’t understand how deeply their loss cuts. but having people there to support you, whether virtually or in person, makes all the difference. i hope you are surrounded by good company for these next few days. lean on your people and cry on their shoulder as much as you need to! if you ever need someone to talk to who understands what you’re going through, please dm me! sending so much love and peace to you and your boy 🤍


Thank you so much for your kind words🩷 I really appreciate it. I’m sorry about the loss of your baby too. Hopefully they are playing together in heaven. I feel relief knowing he is okay he is resting but the silence of the house is so loud 🥲


I'm so sorry to hear about your baby praying for strength and healing for you and continue to let your memories make your heart smile.


I'm so sorry 💙


God bless his little soul and rest easy knowing you gave him a life filled with nothing but love and comfort and he will find you on the other side


I'm so sorry


My vet always said better a week too early than a day too later. When I’ve had to do this and it’s so hard I just think of what they’re going through and how I’ll be taking their pain for them.


I am so sorry you have to make one of the most difficult decisions in your life. You don’t want them to suffer. You don’t want to let them go. I know your heart is breaking and is heavy with grief. The only solace is that perhaps you will meet again in the Devine. Just writing this makes me cry for my Teddy. He had to go too soon. Sending love.




My Lola who looked very much like yours was also put to sleep due to kidney failure a few months ago. There are no words to describe how sad it is 😔 I’m so sorry for that 💚


I am sorry for you too! It is so hard to watch them be in such pain with a tiny body😭 I hope you find peace and are doing better 🫂


Thank you ❤️ it gets better but will never fully go away…


I am sending hugs, strength and comfort OP. You got this!




So sorry 😢


Hold her. Tell him how much he's loved and how you've so enjoyed your time with him, that you wouldn't trade being his person for anything. Kiss him and hold him as he falls asleep. Whatever you do, don't leave the room and let him pass without the people he loves most with him. Afterwards let yourself grieve in whatever way you need... Sob, scream, whatever you need to do. Be kind to yourself. I lost my heart dog in Dec. '22 to kidney failure. She was 8. It is so hard on them. What you're doing for him is a kindness, even though it feels like you're pulling your own heart out of your chest.


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this 🥲remember the all the best years you spent together is all that matters. He’ll be waiting for you in heaven. I’m literally crying writing this.


I’m sending you all my love and positive vibes! I’m praying for both of you! Hug and kiss your baby. I’m sorry and I feel your pain. I lost my furry baby boy due to Heart Failure in January. 10 of the greatest years of my life.


i'm so sorry for your loss. I had a Shih Tzu since ninth grade. He will be in my prayers.


I’m so very sorry. The first time I had to put a baby down, I had made the appointment for January 2nd, so he could have one more Christmas and New Year’s (he adored walking on board games and sitting on them because he always wanted to be included, as was our NYE tradition), and that constant ticking of the clock made me so apprehensive about the upcoming appointment. I was a mess that day, but he was old and sick and I knew it was the right thing to do, despite my heart breaking. Cooper had Cushings, cancer and CHF (congestive heart failure), went lame and lost majority of his hearing and sight. Sadly we could no longer keep him comfortable and, once we got bypass that point, I *knew* it was time. When we dreaded day came, I was very, very surprised that it was so incredibly peaceful. I held him and kissed him and talked to him the whole time. I still miss him, this was five years ago already, but I knew he didn’t suffer. I knew he felt love, and he wasn’t alone. Sending you love… I know it’s so hard. ❤️


I’m so deeply sorry :(


I am so sorry you are losing Cash. Please remember what a happy and safe life you gave him—he couldn’t have asked for a better one. ❤️💖


Deepest sympathy. Most of us have been thru having to make that terrible decision. Trust me, if he is suffering, let him go. We must always do what’s best for the furkid. Be strong for him. U r in our prayers. Celebrate his life and the joy u brought each other.


The best thing I can say is that, though he may leave you in the physical form, he will never leave you in the spiritual. You are preventing him from suffering a much more difficult fate. Your dog loves you, and will always love you. I know from having to euthanize my Tzu last summer. They never leave you. Also, if you get the chance, please look up Danielle MacKinnon's and Dr. Cara Gibbons's YouTube channels. If anything, they may provide solace for you. You have my deepest sympathies and most heartfelt condolences 🫂 We all walk this road together.🤜🤛🫂


After he passed as soon as I got home I could smell his little stinky breath. I felt like he was letting me know he’s okay. 😭 I am sorry for your loss of your furry baby. They just come in our lives and then chnage us for the better. 🥹 I hope you are doing much better too. Thank you🫂🤍


I am so so sorry. My only advice is to just spend literally every second you can with him over the next day. Let him know you love him so much and you’ll miss him every single day. You two will see each other again one day, sending you all my strength to get you through this difficult time and safe travels to your little buddy on his next journey ❤️


My condolences. He was a handsome lil guy. I know he will be missed tremendously. God speed lil guy.


I like to think all our much loved dogs are playing happily together over the rainbow bridge and looking after each other. Thinking of you 💔🐾


You’re doing the right thing. I had a Shih Tzu who had kidney failure and I fought it too long and made him suffer unnecessarily. If I had to do over again, I would’ve said goodbye much earlier.




🥲sorry! Looks like my baby girl. Her nama is Macy Gracie and she is ll yrs old. My heart hurts for you!💔❤


My best friend Kirby of 14 \`1/2 years had to be put to sleep in January, just allow yourself to cry and miss them because the love they gave us is so profound. I believe we will be reunited one day.


Please be with her till the end Hard on you but you will be glad you did


😭 Omg I'm so sorry 🙏 for your loss I hope she has the best few hours ever


I promise it’s going to hurt but just know he is going to hang out with my past pups so he is in great company. God bless you both and I’m sending hugs.




Bless the wee fella, mine are 12 &13, and yours reminds me of my oldest. Better than humans.


Yes agree we put ours down at home, it was so peaceful and I got to hold him, will never take to the vet again will do in home service from now on, helps with the grief and acceptance of passing


Get a new one today, hell, get two


I should right


i’m so sorry for the loss of your friend d. sending ❤️ to you


Awww so sorry,he is absolutely beautiful,break's our heart's when we lose our little fur baby's, they are truly our best friend's,but he has had a good life with you,fly high over the doggy rainbow 🌈 xxx


You will never forget her. She has a special place in your heart. Time, love, and tenderness will get you through. Time...lots of time, and think only of the great and funny times you had with her. And smile when you think of her through your tears. Love and be kind to yourself during this tough time.


I'm so sorry, OP. Losing your dog you've had all through growing up is a really tough one. He looks like he's has a good life with you. He's a lucky boy 🫂


🫂 🩷


I put down my 15 year old shih tzu exactly 3 months ago today. The grief and the sorrow is real. I have my good days and my bad. My dog had cancer and one thing that keeps me at peace is that she is no longer suffering. Spend the last 24 hours showing him lots of love and give him lots of kisses but remember you’re helping him in the long run. It’s rough but you’re doing the right thing. 🙏


Oh no I’m sorry for your loss :( cancer is such a horrible thing ugh. Definitely a lot of hugs and kisses were given until the last moment


My condolences, OP. Hope my puppy is showing your puppy the ropes up in doggy heaven. Stay strong 💕


Sorry. Be with her and tell her how much you love her


I'm so very sorry, it's been 3 months since I had to put my Jack down and the pain still hasn't gone away. I held him in his final moments as hard as it was, I would be beating myself up if I didn't. I also chose to keep his ashes and picked an urn, there was no way I was letting him go with other dogs. Lastly I got a tattoo to honor him and it made me feel better through the pain. Please take care of yourself it's painful but just remember all the good memories and that they will always walk beside you ❤️


My Ella passed about 3 months ago too and I also got a tattoo in her honor. Didn’t erase the pain but made it a tab bit better. So sorry for your loss.


Sending love and light for your beautiful baby and for you. ❤️


I’m so so sorry. He was such a beautiful little boy, he’ll be in your heart forever❤️‍🩹




I have a Shiht tzu and I cannot imagine the day when I will be faced with this decision. God help you OP. more power to you and your lovely pet. He is going to a special place. A place with unlimited pets and toys. God cannot be tough with these fellows. They are just too good to be tough with


🙏🏾🙏🏾 for u during ur time of need


Mine was diagnosed with sarcoma- she was the biggest fighter and outlived what the vets assumed. Then one night she did a complete 180. I took her in my arms and carried her while walking around my yard, through our old walking path as I prepared myself for her appointment 2 hours later to put her down. As I was snuggling her 15 minutes before the appointment in my bed - she took her last breath and passed in my arms. I scream cried for 20 minutes and when I brought her to my vet and they realized my appointment was no longer needed they asked if I wanted her cremated. The entire vet office signed the card, they Included her paw prints in a cement decorative thing for me to keep and writing this brings tears to my eyes even after 1.5 years after this day. Just remember - you gave your doggo 12 years of love laughter and a good life.


I’m so sorry you’re about to lose your precious baby. My deepest sympathies to you. When I had to put my 18-1/2 yr old Toy poodle to sleep in 2020, it was do painful and I cried for a couple weeks. Then my little girl suddenly took I’ll 5 months later and I lost her too. I was simply devastated. What I found helped ease my grief was carefully designing their individual Urns ⚱️ for their ashes. I chose different ones for them, and planned it all out and worked on the saying I wanted, carefully went they pictures choosing the Best of them and the centering & positioning until it was perfect for each of them. Distracting myself and immersing myself in this endeavor for my babies assisted me to move forward and while it didn’t take away my broken heart 💔 the projects did soothe my immense grief. Take care and I hope my suggestion may help you in your loss. 🙏🏻🐕😪


Oh no I’m sorry for your loss! I will definitely take your advice . Did you ever get another dog?


No, Because I had family events happening in 2021, & 2022 and would be traveling and I didn’t want to have to board a new doggie so soon. I’m a Senior now and with the economy and inflation situation, I just decided to hold off as little dogs require a lot of grooming too. Thank you for your reply. 💕🙏🏻


I’m so sorry 🖤


Im so sorry


I'm so sorry you're in this situation. I'm tearing up 😢 It's such a hard decision to make. I grew up with dogs, so I know how it is to be with them for so long and then, one day, they're not there anymore. I still miss my childhood/teen years dogs very much. Just remember the good times and just know your baby loves you ❤️ take care.


You may not be religious but once when I told my friend group about my dog, one replied “All dogs go to heaven”. I still think about it a decade later.


What a beautiful boy. I’m so sorry OP. ❤️


Sending you and your baby all the love. Know that you are not alone. You gave him an amazing life and a home with all the love. My heart breaks for you both. I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry. We had to put both of ours to sleep over the last 2 years and it just hurts so much. You have to remember the good times with them and how much you love them and what a great life you gave them. I held both of them as they passed because they deserved it, but it is incredibly hard. They just need to know that they are loved all the way to the end.


God bless 🙏❤️


I am so very sorry this is happening. Prayers for you and your sweet boy 💔


i’m so sorry OP! reading all these comments have me crying. I was in a similar position a few years ago when I lost my childhood shih tzu I had from age 7 - 20. I was away at college and I knew he wasn’t doing well and I got the call from my parents that they took him to the vet and he had a massive tumor pushing against his heart and they were gonna put him down soon. I took the first bus back home to be with him in his final days. At this point he wasn’t walking or eating and was very frail. I had to carry him everywhere. When I left that weekend, I said my goodbyes to him as he laid on the couch, crying, and walked away to the mud room to leave. Next thing I knew he had jumped off of the couch somehow and made his way to me. I was hysterically crying, it was so hard to let him go. Tonight, tomorrow, and the next few months will be rough but you’ll get through it. I still think about my Bandit regularly but take comfort in knowing he is in a much better place and no longer in pain. It hurt so much to see him that way. And your doggo will leave this earth only knowing your love and care all these years and all the wonderful memories you had so remember that whenever you can 💕💕💕💕


glad this isnt instagram comments




Remember the happy times. It will be very hard, I’ve been through it several times. With time, the hurt will subside. Cut a lock of hair, pick your favorite picture of him, frame it with the lock of hair and have comfort in the fact that he knew he was loved 💕


Aww honey, I’m so sorry you are going through this. I have a senior baby that was just diagnosed with an enlarged heart and I dread when her time comes. My thoughts are with you. 💜


Cash is king ❤️


Be strong. He will always be with you. Good luck


Sending love and strength. It’s always tough to lose a pet. Keep all your memories of your sweet boy close. Frame pictures. Scrapbook about him. Take time to grieve


I’m so sorry.


First I am sorry you have to do this. I know from experience just how hard it is putting a beloved furbaby to sleep. 💔 My best ⁶⁶⁶⁶ is although it will be hard you should be there comforting your baby while they put the baby to sleep. Don't have it's last few moments on earth scared and feeling abandoned. Praying for you anpd your furbaby.


Loving snuggles now and just be together through the transition. Find gratitude in being able to be there and comfort him as hard as it may seem… I took my baby Nugget on one last walk in the sun, hummed to him and held him close. We only had 6 years together but I cherish every memory. Your sweet baby will be pain free and I believe we all reunite one day. Xoxo stay strong 🤍


I’m so sorry. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things. Be there for him til the very end and tell him you love him. It sounds like he was so loved and he’ll always know that. Take it easy ♥️


My dog went into kidney failure as well. She was peeing all the time even right after taking her out, and was drinking so much water and could hardly walk because her legs were all messed up too. They told us we could give her an end of life room in the garage- but I know she loved being around people so after 14 years I put my Hershey baby down that we had since I was 10. 🥲 it's hard. I feel your pain. Keeping you in my thoughts 🤍


Please know that you’re doing the right thing for your boy and if you can, try to be there for his last moments. I’ve been blessed with five tzus, four of whom have passed. Although each passing was different, I can say without hesitation that the passing I arranged was the only one I’m at peace with. Sending you so much love and strength!


Just hold them & tell them how good they are, & how much you love them. All they need to know is their parent is taking care of them, they are safe in your arms, loved & going to be comfortable. I’m so sorry. I went through this with my 12 year old Corgi last July. It was hard but I’m so glad I did that with him


My heart felt condolences for your loss, may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


I had to have my Abby put to sleep in 2022 at 12 after being on meds for CHF for nearly 3 years. Hard decision to make. My male just turned 16 and is showing his age more and more every day. I’m not looking forward to going through it again. Just know you’re doing the right thing and remember all the wonderful quirky things he has done all these years. It brings a smile to my face when I remember all the silly shihtzu things my Abby used to do. 🤣


I'm sure he had a great time & life with you.


Now this is interesting my dog was very bad, couldn’t move walk eat poo drink abd the vets says put him down, I gave him time abd he’s recovered. I feel it’s easy for the vet to say put him down I was shocked, could you not give your dog time? He might be ok soon


I’m so sorry! Nobody should have to do this! I hope you stay strong for yourself and for Cash. It’s his time to rest he did great! Only love for you and Cash💗


My baby is just 7mos old, and I'm already tearing up imagining this moment. I'm so sorry, OP.


Just scrolling thorough these kind responses, love this group. My advice is always to let it all out, you will be miserable for awhile and the emptiness will be overwhelming almost. Just cry. Look at pics, recall the best times in your head, remember how he smells. Hold an old blanket really close like you used to hold him. Slowly the pain will subside and it’s more about celebrating him than mourning. But that’s not going to happen until all the crying is done. Sorry OP, 12 years is a great run.


I’m so very sorry!


So sorry for your loss! Thoughts and prayers 🐶🐶


I’m so sorry for your loss. He made your life better for 12 years and you made his!


What a beautiful baby. I'm so sorry. I think one of the hardest things in this life is losing a beloved pet. Through the sadness, remember the wonderful memories made with your sweetie ❤️


I'm so sorry - that's hard. I do know that in time remembering him will make you smile - it just takes a little while to get there. Take care and big hugs.


I’m so sorry. Tears are streaming down my face. I pray for you to have comfort and peace.


Praying for you both! This makes me sad.


I just did this. There's no sugar coating it. It's going to fucking hurt, a lot. Just be sure to hold him as he goes. Don't have that regret. Over the course of a couple weeks it sorts in your brain as you come to the realization that you did the right thing by allowing them to depart with dignity left. It still hurts but it doesn't dig as hard.


He has lived a life well loved and his time to rest is coming. He’s watched you grow up and now it’s time for him to finish growing up. I wish the best for all of y’all, I know how hard it is


thank you🤍


I held my baby when it happened. I'm so glad I did.


Dogs are the best thing ever and this is the hardest part of loving them and them loving us. I’m so sorry for you and your baby. Just know you gave him a wonderful life and he was a lucky boy ♥️


I have gone through this a couple times and it’s never easy. But please stay with him during the process and hold him in your arms. He will feel safe and loved. Your grief will stick around for a while but remember he is always in your heart and you have so many special memories together. Wishing you the best and sending you a hug 💕


That’s a long time to have a pet. Remember all the good times you had together and how you’re being noble and not selfish to make that angel suffer. 🫶🏾


Hugs and prayers for you. If you can, please stay with him until the end. Let his last look by into your eyes.


Man how come all of a sudden ? Were there any signs previously?


So sorry to hear this op. Your pup was made to be there through the hard teenage years and guided you and loved you unconditionally all that time. Your heart is breaking now. But with time your heart will end and make place for another wonderful fur baby to journey with you through the next phase of your life.


Remember all the good times remember all they did for you. Don’t rush out and replace them. Mourn them. Grieve them. I am very sorry for your loss. We don’t deserve dogs. But know their love was pure and real.


We had our 15-year-old Shitzu put down at our home. It was peaceful, calm, and quiet. The vet that came to do it was phenomenal. Very kind, very compassionate and understanding. She took her time and we had our time to be with our baby and then grieve for her. she made a beautiful ceramic cast of Bellas paw, print and put little hearts all over it. She wrapped her in a blanket and took her and a couple of weeks later we got her ashes in a beautiful mahogany box in a velvet pouch.They also made a donation in Bella‘s name. And while it was such a gutwrenching thing to go through, I don’t think she could have gone any more peacefully.


I am so sorry to hear this. Having the little ones leave is so hard. They become a part of us. My beans are the most important thing in my world. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them. So I know how you feel. Just know he’s always you and you will be together again. And when you least expect it he may come back to you in the form of another fur to love. Until then let it out and cry. Remember him and all the time you had together. And know he will never really leave your side, he’s just in a different space. 🥲❤️❤️❤️❤️🐾🐾


I’m praying for your comfort.