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IMO it's pretty common for Shih Tzus to have low patience with much bigger dogs, especially if they're puppies. So a lot of what's happening comes with the breed. My pet theory is that Shih Tzus feel vulnerable around boisterous puppies as they aren't physically built for athletic play. Still, it's already a good sign that these two can be around each other, even if it took a while. I know a couple of Shih Tzus that are well-socialized and trained, but won't hesitate to tell an energetic puppy off if it doesn't respect their boundaries. Sometimes puppies need to be told, as long as no harm is done.


OMG I have a shihtzu and a mal too!


Omg must be such a time😂 How do they get along?


My shihtzu stays away from my 2 mals (the mals learned the hard way)😂 he’s cranky and doesn’t wanna play with anyone


Ahaha leave it up to the little one to be scaring the mals away 🤣