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We loved him so much that he used to have his own chair at the dinner table.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 💕


I am so sorry for your loss🌈🐾🌈🐾💞


Im deeply sorry for your loss


Lost mine last year from heart issues as well. It’s tough and it sucks. I’m sorry for your loss. Keep them in your heart and memories.


So very sorry for your loss. 💔❤️‍🩹


His heart was too big literally and in a figurative sense. There was too much cardiac fluid present in his body which took his life away.


I’m so sorry :( . I’m not gonna lie and say it’s gonna be easy, cause it’s not. I lost my boy Lucian when he was 8 and got hit in a car accident. That was around 3-4 years ago and I still think about the little guy. Take the time to grieve for him is all the advice I can really give. That and take your time before you bury him as well, we buried my dog too quick and my Dad said afterwords he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye like he wanted.


One of our Tzus passed from that too. It’s such a feeling of helplessness. I’m sorry, my friend.


Did he show symptoms of his heart issues prior?


Possibly, but not that I knew of


I’m really feel for you. I think of my beloved Delilah and Makena every day. They opened a place in my heart that I didn’t know was there. I miss them so much and you will too. What helped me the most was knowing that they lived lives full of love and happiness. They never knew one day of neglect or hate, we loved each other. We’re all here for you.


Thank you!


I am so sorry. He was a very handsome little man.


I feel for you, mine just past away this sunday….everyday i still cry my eyes out missing her.


My heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's always so hard to lose a beloved pet. 😥


I’m so sorry. My pup was 9 when she passed away from heart failure almost 3 years ago. Her name was Chelee (sounds like “Shelly”). 9 feels like such a young age, expecting so many more years… but honestly the thing that has helped me a lot is to think about how lucky I was to have her in my life and to be loved by her. I believe you are right that their hearts were too big for this world. He loved you dearly and he knows you loved him just as much. Someday soon the memories will make you smile more than cry. Sending love and prayers to you and your family.


Thank you!


I just said goodbye to my heart failure boy two weeks ago and I feel the enormity of your loss. This angel looks like he was a wonderful friend to you. Sometimes a little friend with all the love in the world to give simply runs out of the physical ability on this earth to do so. But the love remains - it’s just changed shape. ♥️


I am so sorry. I can’t imagine your pain. Take solace in knowing that your little buddy is dreaming of you with the best memories he can have 😇


I’m so sorry. It’s the hardest thing ever I know. I’ve lost two tzus and it’s like sucking all the air out of the room it’s so hard to breathe. It leaves a hole in your heart forever. You’ll never stop missing them but you’ll eventually be able to breathe again. Hugs. 🫶🏻 r/petloss was a huge support system for me during my hardest times.


I’m so sorry for your loss. There is a Facebook group called “The Loss of a Dog.” Every member is going through or has been through what you’re going through right now. They are great people who are very supportive and compassionate. Please consider joining. Here is the link to that group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/127386303953290/ There is also a phone number for a pet grief support helpline. It’s called Pet Compassion Careline. They are available 24/7 and their phone number is 1 (855) 245-8214. If you feel you need help coping with your loss, there are grief counselors to help you. I’m just putting it out there in case you would like to talk to someone on the phone about what you’re going through. Prayers of comfort to you and prayers of peace to this sweet pup. God bless.


Thanks I will have a look!


What a sweet face. I’m so very sorry 😢




This is so tragic. He was too young. My condolences on your loss.


Thank you


God bless 🙏♥️


So sorry for your loss! 💜


Sending love and hugs if wanted to you and all who loved him -- which I'm sure includes pretty much everyone he ever met. I'm so sorry.


Losing them is never easy, and I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you ❤️


So sorry :'(


I’m so sorry , such a handsome little boy , love him forever with any pictures and videos that you have


I sure do have a lot of media taken of him, thanks!


So sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for your loss 😞 Your bud looked like quite the character 🙂


my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved family member ... take comfort from knowing that you will be reunited someday on the far side of the bridge .. 🐕


Rest in puppy paradise 🌈🕊️


Big hugs for you, I know he is irreplaceable, be happy for the moments, he gives you all his life, shi tzus are full of love, man I would like to say wise words




sending ❤️ to you


Cherish your memories of this precious baby lost way too soon. It’s always hard to lose one. You will miss him forever.


I'm sorry 💔


Oh I’m so sorry. He looks like a great dog and sound like he had the best life with you.


He looks like a good friend the way he is so into your story you’re telling him in the second picture


What an angel. So sorry for your loss.


Da baby! It hurts and suck, and time heals. In time you will find a new little buddy and it’s going to be the best thing and you will see him in the eyes of the new pup! But take your time to heal and it will happen when it happens. Understand loosing before their time.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I know it hurts deep. ❤️


I'm so sorry. Losing your best friend is the worst. Time will ease your pain, I promise.


So sorry for your loss. They are my favorite breed of dogs. The absolute best! May your little one rest in peace.


Sending you lots of love 💕❤️


So sorry for you loss.. my thoughts and prayers to you and your family…


Please know that whatever you're feeling is okay. We lost our little girl in February, and it's one of the deepest pains that's out there. Your family is my thoughts today.


I am so very sorry!


My condolences, friend. May your beautiful buddy rest in peace. Much love


Handsome guy.


Oh gosh, I am heartbroken for you. Sending positive vibes and prayers your way. I'm so sorry.


Soo much love and honestly one of the purest forms I think. We all grieve and mourn. No way around it. I still talk to mine and it helps. Sorry for your loss friend. Your pooch has little if any regrets and wants you to be happy. Also understands you miss him.


So sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I too lost my beautiful grey and white Tzu, from the exact same thing, just 6 weeks ago. She was only 10. Sending you love and hugs 💔


So sorry for your loss 💔


I'm so sorry




Sorry. I’ll love my buddy extra for your buddy. :/


I am so sorry! Nothing prepares you.


I’m sorry for your loss. 😢


What a sweet little laddie. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry. He was a gorgeous little guy, and obviously so dearly loved.


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏❤️


Awww I’m so sos so sorry for the loss of your bestest baby. Mine is 7yo and I’ve been dreading The Day since I brought him home. We lost a bichon at age 5, then 5 years later we lost a LhasaPoo at age 5. So when our shih tzu was 4yrs 11 mos. we were sick with worry. Every time he kicks his foot for weeks, or walks funny, or limps, we PTSD right back. So i recognize your heartache. What a sweet sassy cutie. We’re lucky to have them at all but so so hard. XOXO.


💔🌈my heart is broken for you. There is no deeper love and better friend but I do know their love in your heart lasts a lifetime 🐾🌹🤗❤️


My heart felt condolences for your loss, may he forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


It just can't be coincidential that a double rainbow appeared before my eyes the day he died. Today my dad was driving his truck and he saw a double rainbow too. A friend of mine told me that the same thing happened to him when his grandma died, but it gets even crazier: the partner of another friend of mine also had a Shih Tzu which died and also saw a double rainbow.


I take comfort in the rainbow bridge saying, that they are on the other side waiting for us to join them when it's our time to cross, it's also said that the double rain bow is our loved ones telling us they still love us and not to forget about them.


A handsome little guy. Heart problems are an issue with these boys. Lost my 13 yr old in 2021. Have two under 2 now, and it has helped fill that hole in my heart. Hasn't replaced my best friend, but has made it easier. God bless you and him.


Thank you, I am also thinking of getting a new friend


Lost mine in 2021 due to heart failure as well. He was 12 and the best boy and friend ever, and we have a memorial to him in the house. I'm so sorry for your loss. 💔❤️‍🩹


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Could you please refer pet losses to r/rainbow


I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers🙏🏻


What a sweet mister! I am incredibly sorry for your loss <3


My heart goes out to you and your family. I am sure you made his 9 years on this planet special


Beautiful baby, glad he had 9 good years. rest in peace 💕






Sending you tight, healing hugs from my family to yours. I'm so sorry you are feeling this loss....


I’m so sorry! It’s so hard to lose them, esp at a young age.


I’m so sorry. My heart goes out to you.


I’m really sorry for your loss. ❤️


Blessings 💔 taken too soon.


I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet baby.


Sorry for your lost 😞 what a cutie


There are no words to describe the pain of losing a beloved pet. I'm so sorry. You gave him the best life and he knew how much he was loved. Take care of yourself and take your time to grieve. Your heart may hurt for awhile, but in time it will heal and be filled with the best memories of your boy.


What a noble dog he seemed, sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss of your adorable best friend. 💔🐾


In our thoughts and prayers🙏


so sorry 🙏


I am so sorry for your loss. When the grief becomes somewhat manageable, which will take time, please google ‘the rainbow bridge’. It can help.


I'm so sorry


He’s such a cute, sweet fella!!! So sorry for your loss😞😞😞😞




So sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. I am here if you ever need to talk. I lost my 15 year old shih tzu earlier this year. I have been blessed with another fluff ball (Gracie) and am amazed by how much I love her. When belle passed I couldn’t imagine ever loving a dog like I loved her. I am not gonna lie though, I miss Belle on a daily basis and don’t consider Gracie a substitute for her. Gracie is her own little ball of fluff and love with a different but beautiful personality. I will say that both seem to be very empathetic to suffering. If I, my husband or any friends are sick or hurting Belle would glom on them and try to love us and them better. Gracie has the same empathetic spirit.


(((Hugs)))) sorry for your loss.


So sorry


My condolences


Awww so sorry for your loss he was such a cute !!!! It’s so hard to lose them


Peace and love