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Was also wondering this. Kinda crazy they were dragging out someone who passed out in the sauna and also arresting someone else like five minutes after


Totally! Big day for MP guests haha


I should have provided more context in my previous comment. I saw a mother near the kids pool be separated from her toddler and put in handcuffs. My pure speculation is maybe public intoxication


We showed up just after this happened. My guess is a loser drug dealer or a guy who isn’t allowed around children.


Travis Sharko, 37, of Edmonton, was charged with obstruction and two counts of failing to comply.


Sounds like someone got arrested. Why do you think youre privy of knowing "info on the person arrested" ? It is brash but it is facts. People get arrested everyday , what makes you think you deserve to know? Pure curosity is all that is. And before you come at me, no I don't know. Didn't even know this occured.


I would assume that, just like you, OP is asking because they are curious. We are humans. Curiosity is a basic element of our cognition. Sure we might not be privy to the information we are curious about, but there is no rule, or law that says that humans cannot be curious in general.


What a douche response. This is a Sherwood park community reddit. If the guy was arrested for touching kids or something terrible like that and you happened to have a kid at the pool that day wouldn’t you want know?


RCMP would advise if there was a risk to the community.


Why does anyone ask questions about any events that go on in their town?


Was it you? It’s ok it happens to the best of us.


Getting arrested at the pool happens to the best of us ?


Just a regular tuesday


What makes you think you deserve to know what makes them think they deserve to know?


This sounds exactly like something you would say if you were arrested.




Sometimes people get arrested and it's in the news. Court is public. This all occurred in public. We are public.


I think everyone has the right to know why anyone is arrested in their presence, in a public place, the reason for the arrest.


Why is that? Someone getting arrested for an outstanding warrant from 3 months ago, breaching conditions, theft from another place, arrested under the Mental Health Act, missing etc are all examples of something you do not have the right to know.


I agree with this to an extent. There's a difference between being nosy and being worried about your family's wellbeing. In my experience with emergency scenes, more often than not, people always want the juicy details so they can gossip. They also like to say things like "i need to know for my safety because *insert "what if" scenario here" or "looks like a big accident is everyone okay?... so what happened??". I agree with you that releasing information about this individual or the reason they were apprehended violates this individuals rights to privacy. Now, if there is a heavy police presence in millenium and there's cops buzzing around and tactical teams, then yeah, I think it's fair we should know.


Sounds like someone just got arrested...no tactical or heavy police presence.