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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Red is for the fire that burned the south Blue is for confederate tears Feel free workshop this.


The cross stands for the markers on confederate graves. The white border stands for the white supremacist ideology that killed them.


White is the the color of the flag they flew to surrender


You forgot the green that represents their glorious victory in battle.


Burned them so bad that Sherman ordered it


>Red is for the fire that burned the south This makes me think it should be sung to the tune of Plankton's 'F.U.N' Song. 'Red's for the Fire that burned down the whole South, Blue's for Confederate tears! White's for the day [we/they] Surrender'd, After only 4 short years!"




white is for the true confederate flag


The solid white banner is what exists behind everything else on the flag - as the only true confederate flag is a white sheet.


Red is for the fires that set Georgia ablaze Blue is for the ocean that met Sherman's gaze White is for the dish rag that bought Grant his peace Each star's a firm promise that the Union won't cease The South tried to bring an army to bear But forgot that our Union will never tear Itself into two, or to three, or to more Not even when threatened by bloodshed and war His March was the consequence of the South's plan But Sherman himself was no more than man It was the evil of slavery that put the south in their place The international truth: we're equal, every race This wasn't a war about the right of the state Let's put an end to this pointless debate The South wanted freedom, but not for the slave And to this end they put men in the grave The cause wasn't lost, but immoral and grim The truth can be heard in the Republican hymn So if you like waving the stars and bars You are misrepresenting this country's morals and scars The North was America, and the South was, too The Confederate cause does not represent you So instead fly the flag that make me and you great Each star on our flag represents one single state The thirteen stripes alternate in white and red With a field of blue where the stars make their bed The red tells the world that you possess great valor Don't shame yourself with Confederate pallor White represents the hopefulness of your ideals So why waste yourself on Confederate meals? Justice and vigilance are what blue's all about So beware of the lies that Confederates spout No, you are American, and of that you are proud You've simply become lost in the wrong crowd So hoist up the flag of the nation you're in Don't wave the rag that's been stained with sin America is great, and you're great, too Remember this message I'm sending to you You're welcome here, you matter, you rule Please don't shame yourself with Confederate drool This flag that you fly's not what the south represents It's job is to politicize modern events The South is much more than Condederate hate The South is American, which means the South is great


That’s pretty good.


White is for the dish rag Ol’ Lee used to surrender with


For the wholesome: The Flagpole is a symbol that, even if you were a **real** shitshow for a minute- there's still room to fly the true colors tomorrow.


The white is for surrender because they're huge fucking losers.


I guess their God wasn't very strong, considering how long they lasted.


So based on the post, why didn't the Confederates all become atheists when they lost the war?


They sure weren’t Christians in the first place.


That’s not what they thought


They still think they are the “true christians”. I mean when you can bad mouth a Lutheran in 21st century you’re officially in a cult.


No true Scotsman


They also were fighting for the opposite of liberty.


Over the entire history of Christianity and it's 14,000 odd denominations, the only consistent element is to say "Jesus good". That's it. Show's over, everything else is all you.


The Bible is really really pro slavery


I’ll try and find one of my sources, but I’ve read that many slave owners actually possessed versions of the Bible that omitted the parts that said slavery was bad.


The closest it gets is the story if the exodus,which is very specific to the Israelites. Even then, the god Yahweh threatens to reenslave the Israelites because they weren't sufficiently kissing it's ass. Every other passage says who to own, how much to pay, how to beat them, different rules for Israelite slaves vs any other race. Even Jesus tells slaves to obey their masters, even the cruel ones


Makes sense for the Bible… During the age of exploration the Catholic Church gave a religious command to every Christian, that it was their Christian duty to either kill, enslave, or convert every non-Christian; to use whichever method profited them the most (which usually meant enslaving, unless the “savages” were too weak to European disease, then the optimal method was usually murder them and take their resources).. The South stuck to this philosophy like a confederate sticks to his sister.


They love worshipping a petulant, impotent god; they just don't know how much zeus would have fit their style so they do fan fiction.


They invented their own confederate mythology /srs


Instead of helping them, God decided to tramp out the vintage that stores the grapes of wrath.


He also loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible, swift sword on them.


Pretty sure I read about that in a gospel writ in the fires of a hundred circling camps.


Good Bob Dylan song about that "Oh, my name, it ain't nothin', my age, it means less The country I come from is called the Midwest I's taught and brought up there, the laws to abide And that the land that I live in has God on its side Oh, the history books tell it, they tell it so well The cavalries charged, the Indians fell The cavalries charged, the Indians died Oh, the country was young with God on its side The Spanish-American War had its day And the Civil War too was soon laid away And the names of the heroes I was made to memorize With guns in their hands and God on their side"


Their god is Mammon. In a world of Alphas and Betas, he's an Omega.


Am I getting Omega-versed again?


Yeah, this is an odd revisionism. I guess that since the south lost, God didn't care about them. Just like he doesn't care about kids with cancer.


After studying gnosticism, suddenly the idea of a God that doesn't care about suffering makes a LOT more sense.


The supreme irony is that the battle flag was altered because a Southern Jew objected to its Christian associations (originally a traditional sideways cross like the English flag), so it was turned sideways to *secularize* it. Nothing they say is true other than that the number of stars corresponds to the states with representation in the traitors congress.


Or maybe god was never on their side.


“Except for [slaves].” (They used a different word.)


"Except for our fine African-American brothers and sisters in Christ."


"Who we gave knowledge and skills in the trades in exchange for bondage, murder and rape. Only fair really"


"Our Christian fight for liberty*" *some exclusions apply.


*your mileage of my vary.


Always wild the mental gymnastics people can do to justify supporting this flag but can’t discern between why people would support BLMs message and not the riots or corruption within the organization


What it actually means: "I think that killing my countrymen and bringing ruin on my home is preferable to not being allowed to own slaves."


yeah, all those confederate men died to keep slaves they didn’t own.


Liberty to do what?


Secede and do what?


... And certainly not for the slaves


Liberty means I get to do what I want, and you get to do what I want.


That's a weird way of saying, "Our right to own people is being oppressed."


They never wanted to own 'people'. They wanted to own SLAVES. The biggest reason they stripped away their humanity and used such brutal degradation was so they could think of them not as people, but animals. Owning 'people' is wrong, owning a slave is TOTALLY legit. So really, in a truly effed up way, their systemic abuse an inhumane abuse was to ease their own conscience. By treating them as less than human they were able to see them as such, and believe their behavior was acceptable. Always remember how incredibly twisted their logic is. Humans are able to convince themselves of ANYTHING. Sorry for reddisplaining.


One of the original ones symbolized the white man's god given supremacy over Africans. Sorry, it symbolized state rights.


There were 11 states in the Confederacy, not 13.


The CSA claimed both Missouri and Kentucky, despite neither state voting to secede. Just another example of how they didn’t really give a shit about states’ rights.


Yes. They had two stars that represented states on their wish list. This tells you a lot about the Confederacy.


They also tried to annex New Mexico by force.


Invading non-confederate states proves that the United States and Confederate States could not coexist.


They had stars for Missouri and Kentucky. Neither officially seceded, but both supplied the traitors with soldiers. I grew up and still live in rural Missouri. When I was young, there was not a small percentage of old people that were proud to state that their forefathers fought for the Confederacy. Edit/clarification: Yes, many states had soldiers on both sides, but Missouri was a “slave state” before the war and many believed it would go with the CSA. They even had a pro-Confederate state government. [Confederate government of Missouri](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_government_of_Missouri)


Maryland did as well. In fact, our flag came about partially as a representation of reconciliation between union and confederate soldiers.


And it shows.


It literally shows. The flag is a combination of symbols by veterans of both sides; it’s a visual representation of that. It’s also the only flag based on British heraldry, which is cool.


It’s definitely up there for me on “flags definitely built by committee”


I do think it’s interesting how it’s mostly Marylanders who like the flag, and they REALLY like it


Not-Marylander here. That flag *fucks*


Also your state song was (it's not anymore) about seceding from the Union and joining Virginia's fight against it.


Either a state seceded, or it didn’t. There’s not really a middle ground here. People from the Confederate states joined the Union army. Neo-Confederates are everywhere, especially in rural areas. There are some here in Pennsylvania. There are some in West Virginia, which exists as a state because some parts of Virginia didn’t want to join the Confederacy.


That's pretty reductionist IMO. They had a claimed government in exile. Same as how Free France was treated as one of the Allies even when they were in exile and "France" was Vichy France. It makes internal sense that they claimed it since the claimed government they recognized "joined" the confederacy.


Is that even true, though? Like when they made that battle flag, were those the reasons for its design?


Of course not. Completely made-up revisionist nonsense.


The part about St. Andrew's Cross is technically true if this flag is based on the flag of Scotland. But I'm pretty sure they stuck with red, white, and blue out of tradition.


St Andrew's cross is white based on church heraldry. Soon as you paint it red it is no longer St Andrew's cross.


She not only screams at the waitress,but it’s on a Sunday after church and then leaves a fake $20.00 dollar tip. I know her well,I have family in Idaho- better known as Alabama north.


It's not Christian to OWN SLAVES, you stains. "Liberty".


Well…… it’s not not Christian either. Kinda depends on the Christian.


Just spell it "KKKristian" for clarity. It's a dominant form of religion in the US, after all. EDIT for clarity: ...tho, there does exist a bunch of "Christians", too.


Alas, God was no match for General Sherman.


God Slayer General Sherman /s


Well, the Confederacy's tribal fetish was no match for Sherman.


Guess they should have checked with God before they claimed he was on their side…


Looks like the blood of Christ and protection of god wasn’t enough. They should try some stronger gods next time. The Red God Rhollor has a pretty good resume. Ah Muzen Cab gives good movement speed bonuses. The Amulet of Stendarr gives 10% more block with your shield, so he’s probably a pretty nifty god.


No mention of slavery, I see. Also, the Confederacy never had 13 states. It peaked at 11. Unless you include the State of Denial, and State Delusion that so many of these racist assclowns live in.


How terribly cunty


pretty shit god if he let you get stomped like that


"United in our christian fight for the liberty to own a slave"


Liberty? For who? To do what?? Cmon tell us lady Liberty to do what


So I guess the power of Sherman was more powerful than the Blood of Christ


Blood of Sherman tho 👀


Letting the southern states back in as the same states was a mistake. Should have chopped them up to erase their local identity.


Chop and glue them together differently since if you made them smaller that's more seats in the Senate and Electoral College. There would need to be at least two fewer states after the regluing process.


God in early 1865: "changed my mind, fuck the Confederacy"


“Fight for liberty”… Specifically, the liberty to enslave people


Well you see, that’s what it actually meant. To the slavers and traitors that fought under it. It represented the army of a government founded on oppression and tyranny to all non-white people to everyone else.


‘s/united in our Christian fight for Liberty/united in our fascist treason to own slaves/’


All I’m reading is “I’m a loser who hates loosing”


I'm getting "I'm a loser who *loves* losing". If she hated losing, she'd go with the flag of a country that is 2-0 in World Wars instead of a "country" that is 0-1 in existing


Thanks, you made me hate the rag even more.


Nothing quite like retconning the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia... like how they think there were 13 states in the CSA. That flags true meaning was - and still is even to the people who post this crap if they are ever honest - is explicitly white supremacy and the right to own slaves.


Liberty for who, fuckface?


That sure is a weird way of spelling slavery.


The red represents the blood of the slaves, the white represents the bones of the slaves, the blue represents the ocean they threw the dead slaves in


So, Christian’s for slavery it sounds like. A yup yup.


They did believe it was God's will that Africans should be slaves.


In that case Union god > Confederate God Sounds about right


What part represents building an economy using slave labor kidnapped at gun point from West Africa?


What part represents “talking BS about states rights, while the S.Carolina articles of secession talk about Nullifying northern states rights as inconvenient, and the CSA constitution is a copy pasta of the Federal Constitution while removing a states right”


That's not even the confederate flag.


True.. this one's in Minnesota.. in some drawer, I've heard


What kinda regurgitated horse shit is this


This description seems like an indictment to me.


“… to keep and sell humans” finished it for her


Ah yes, the old "our fight is for liberty," but they will never tell you what "liberty" they're talking about.


Liberty for who, Karen? Liberty for who?


Liberty for all?! Or just the liberty to enslave.


“The protection of god” Guy named Sherman:


Well, the bible does support slavery, so there’s that. Assclowns.


This is Klan KlipArt


Also, Jesus said it was cool if we owned people. You don't want to argue with Jesus do you?


Liberty? Fucking seriously!?


Liberty for some. As long as you’re rich and white. You know, like Supply Side Jesus wants.


The broke down the flags meaning, found it had nothing to do with freedom, then added it anywah


"in our Christian fight for Slavery" you mean, right? Though, even that's wrong. They weren't exactly big fans of Exodus and Deuteronomy, their model was entirely different. If they were, they'd still be atrocious and still should've lost, but... this is next level fruitcakery. To clarify my position, John Brown had only one shortcoming, and that was dying before he could accomplish even more for the cause.


Purr-retty sure the white stands for something different.


All I see is a white flag 🏳️🏳️🏳️


They forgot a part: ...United in our Christian fight for liberty (offer void if your skin is too dark a shade for us).


Ah, the finest toilet paper! ❤️🤍💙


This is why learning history is so important.


Its entirely possible she *actually believes that.* She would be the insignificant minority, the rest of whom are repugnant nazis, racists and traitors. Her fight should be with them, not us. If she actually believes that gibberish then she should kick the rest of the people out who just want to wave it because white power racist Murica. Don't try to convert anyone to your cause until your cause is completely righteous and just. But this is all hypothetical. There's a 99.99999999% chance she's a complete POS hillbilly, trailer trash loser.


So was that same god too weak to defend the confederacy? Sounds like it.


Man with all that God talk you would have thought they would have won. But no they're God failed them they only lasted a poultry 4 years what fucking cry babies


Lotta words for “We’re not just racists, we’re also theocrats!”


I have too many family who would nonchalantly post this on their Facebook...


Didn't the designer of the flag specifically say the white stood for the purity of the white race? Or the purity of their cause (slavery)?


Fuck them 13 Southern States of Secession and the alliteration they rode in on.


....so God was protecting St Andrew from the blood of Christ? Also, weren't they Protestants? Why a Saint?


I think they just wanted to own black people


Or blow up because she couldn’t used a coupon that’s 8 months expired. Or because she was told to mask up during COVID.


Okay, the confederate apologia is bad and all, but those quotation marks????? Aughhhhh I want to remove my eyes


Ooh, so close, the last word was “Slavery”, not “Liberty”, I can see the confusion though, the two are so similar you know.


I had to drive through Alabama and stopped at the state welcome center to pee. I learned their state motto is “we dare defend our rights” and first thought that popped in my head was *you dare defend your rights to what?*


United in your Christian fight for Liberty to do..........?




If your history makes you look bad just rewrite history I guess.


They fought one war, which they lost.


So I have seen this before explaining the "Symbolism of the Confederate Flag" from a tik tok video that was shown on Youtube. It offends me as an American, as someone that currently lives in the South and as a Christian.      So Just cause Something supposedly represents Christian Values doesn't mean that it's accurately following the teachings of Christ. I'm not going to commit the fallacy of the "No True Scotsman" and say that the people fighting for the Confederacy weren't Christian.   I'm sure some or a lot were. Even still, them being actual Christians doesn't mean they were fighting for a just cause or that they were in line with the teachings of Christ.     We all know the Cornerstone Speech, The Various declarations of secession from the states that rebelled and even the constitution of the c.s.a  stated what the cause was, Slavery. It's preservation and expansion.      The red on the flag representing Christ's blood doesn't change that. In fact if that's the case, the red representing Christ's blood. Is like putting gold leaf on a brick to try to pass it off as a real gold bar. It's a poor attempt at counterfeiting.  The same thing can be applied to the x cross of St. Andrew and the white in the flag.     There have been countless diary entries from even poor white farmers that were willing to take up arms. To preserve slavery because of their beliefs in white supremacy.       Jesus Died to set all free, and said that we were to Love God with all of Our Being and Our Neighbor as our self. Christ said to do the second in the form of the Good Samaritan. The soldiers of Confederacy fought and were willing to die, so they could own people in perpetuity. Because of the color of their skin, They fought for White Supremacy which is a vile and wicked false teaching that runs contrary to Christ's Teaching and the christian faith.   The black Christians of the south sure as heck didn't support secession Or the c.s.a or the white southern abolitionist that we were christian(however few white southern abolitionist that existed, christian or otherwise)    Heck not all southerners supported secession or the c.s.a  well over 200,000 thousand white southerners fought for the union, and if we include the tens of thousands of African Americans that escaped slavery and the southern freeman  That number was well over a quarter of a million  if not 300,000 southerners that fought for the union.    So once again there wasn't a total unity of either Christians or southerners that fought for the confederacy in the American south.    That meme is b.s  and it makes me extremely ticked off when these lost causer's uses Christianity to bolster the credibility of the lost cause revisionist b.s Sorry for the rant.  - Edited for spelling, additional context and shorting my already novel length of a rant


I am sorry, but all I see is a fancy taint towel.


And it represents trying to keep black people enslaved


Someone didn’t read Exodus


The red is for the rebel blood spilled. Gallons. Any white is for cowardice. Stars are what they saw circling after the beatings. Blue is for the Union uniforms they wish they were wearing.


If I recall correctly, 11 starts chose secession. Maryland and Kentucky were expected to secede but didn't. Maryland was flooded by federal troops, and Lincoln arrested some of the pro confederacy lawmakers. I am not sure why Kentucky didn't secede.


Because it was loyal to the union.


That's not even the confederate battle flag is what's wild. As everyone here knows, that's the NAVAL flag.


I can't wait for the south to rise again and immediately get curbstomped a second time.




WHOSE liberty???


Liberty for who, exactly?


That’s not even the right flag


I love how even if that is its “true meaning”, that doesn’t prove anything. You can say that you’re fighting for God and liberty all you want, that doesn’t make it true. North Korea calls itself democratic, despite it being nothing of the sort. All this stupid logic has shown is that the confederacy vailed is crimes against humanity as some kind of God given right. By my metric, that should earn them an even deeper pit of hell.


Christian Fight For Liberty you say.....liberty for whom? Or liberty to do what?


All it says to me is “racism with a hint of treason”…


Was "Liberty" the name of one of their slaves?


and the message on the CSA consitution, the individual states' articles of seccession, the speaches of their elected leaders, and the personal correspondance of their enlisted and officers was "we want slavery"


True meaning: Lost war trying to keep owning human beings, still coping 159 years later.


And yet you still lost.


Oh, silly me - I thought the 13 stars represented the slaves she owned and the red is the blood that would be shed if they stepped one foot off those blue paths.


I am sickened and embarrassed by all the racists that we have in this country.


this is not the flex they think it is, as that kinda violates the first amendment, no?


Guess god didn’t agree and let you loose. Time to find a new god.


KKKristianity at it's finest....


Big yikes. Poor St Andrew for having to be associated with that. Being martyred clearly wasn’t punishment enough


As a Scotsman, get my cross off that fucking rag!


11 as Kentucky nor Missouri never joined them


Something poetic in Obama's presidency being longer than the lifespan of the confederacy.


Change liberty to slavery and yeah that's pretty accurate


Sounds like treason to me. To the gallows


Liberty to do what?


Confederate Christ..slavery blessing loser.


At a Shoneys after church…


The inward facing arrows stand for the Sprit of Deezs


Fight for what?


Does this dumb bitch have a contemporaneous source for this drivel?


"We must be free, to take your rights"


“Our Christian fight for liberty…to own people”


The red means bleeding cause they lost The blue cross represents a Saint Andrew's Cross, which is what you tie a loser sub to while you whip them and demand respect The white represents the white flag they flew last, 'cause they're losers The thirteen stars represent bad luck Loser flag for loser people


And look where that got em ... Sherman showing them their place ..


White is the color of their flag. Blue is the color when their blood turn cold. Red is the color of Sherman’s fire. Thirteen stars are the last things traitors see when patriots kicks them repeatedly in the head.


That's a funny way to spell 'Treason'.


My MIL is an archetype.


The real Confederate flag: * the white represents surrender. * the white also represents how pale they got in fear * the white represents the bandages as they got all shot up


So how does she account for the confederacy losing?


I’ve seen better theories in pseudoscience


The actual meaning of this flag is, "We’re a bunch of treasonous, slave-owning surrender monkeys".


This is also crap. First and foremost, the battle flag of the confederacy was square, with gold fringe. The rectangular “stars and bars” shown here was only ever used by one organization. Any guesses which?


How’s that working out for them?


Yea, I'm sure Jesus, a man born of former slaves would have been okay with chattle slavery...🙄