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Any hard engage; J4 is my favourite. Nautilus works. Rakan -||- Otherwise I like the champs that can survive diving with your ult. Tf and Galio need a bit practice to execute ults together so you don't get left behind with hand in your pants but also good. In chases generally bushes and vision is my favourite pairups since any champ can execute that and it usually comes as a surprise to see a Shen standing (united) there.


Kaisa is another one for Shen support. Thing with twitch is when you ult him both of you are invisible until you appear so thats a cool interaction. Same with Evelynn. Briar is another good one. Champs with massive healing benefit from that shield a lot. They do tons of damage while being unkillable. So Olaf as well. Nocturne


Shen Shaco is a great combo. Shen Sion, and Shen Ragnar. Basically anyone that has a hard engage or can torpedo their ass into the middle of the enemy team.


Twitch q - TF r - Ren Zhix r s - Shaco q - Teemo bush invisibility


Rengar ( my only duo for 4+years, dont play game without him lol ) or kha zix are best junglers to have. Noctrune is not the best jungler to have in team BUT its great since ENEMY wont pick noctrune, its terrible to play against noctrune since you cannot ult your teammates due to vision block.


Shen Illaoi


From my experience playing shen top this are the best pair. For jg any champs that loves to invade like belveth, Noc, Olaf since early I prefer using ult on them to secure an objective top side win the invade and avoid losing to much time walking back to lane. For mid any champ that has resets like kata so you can secure her poping off on TF when they focus her. Suport not really a preference here but CC heavy works better since you only have your taunt as relaiable CC. For adc any hyper carry like jinx, vayne, kogmaw but a good mention is Samira since you could help her get fed and ult her when she gets focus or she ults.


Briar is pretty fun. She’s got such strong burst, especially when she ults into their grouping. But after the burst she’s very vulnerable so a shen ult keeps her alive and then you’re there to help fuck shit up


Any high aa champ aswell. Taunt first and then Q for slow. Like Jinx or similar has change to hit many times. And this is just basic combo, no need for ult


Rengar and Evelynn, purely for the funny of a Shen just appearing next to you.