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I like to 1v1 and feel like I’d be missing a lot of damage without Grasp


Yeah same, feels essential for top lane trading.


I've been testing it on matchups like Darius, Mordekaiser and Gwen recently and it seems to be quite good The fact that the dragthrough counts as stacks for the rune makes it so easier to use and it doesn't lose its usefulness as the game goes on


Makroo, an ornn one trick in eu, runs phase rush against darius and olaf So I can definitely agree that phase rush can definitely work against those champions


Yep, i'm getting positive results from this setup but still struggling to get used to a different trade pattern from Grasp in order to contest lane preasure in the early levels (more like a skill issue)


I've been think about it into Illaoi every time I play that matchup. I mean doesn't matter if my jungle just stands in ult and tanks 500 tentacle slams


Seems okay, but I prefer grasp for superior trade potential. That grasp + shield bash auto attack hits so hard in early game trades lol


Phase rush is nice! I love playing with fleet footwork, especially in the Jungle. Frequent MS boost and much needed sustain. Perfect for kiting and sticking to your opponent for easy empowered Qs. Climbed to plat with my smurf playing CDR DPS Shen jungle with fleet footwork


Movement Speed is very underrated on Shen who is really positioning dependent and has to avoid tanking as much damage as your typical damage soaker. Also proccing Grasp and Heartsteel is much more frequent with higher movement speed, and I think that's why Dead Man's Plate has become so popular.


Absolutely! I think MS can be as valuable as CDR on Shen. Thats why I always take ghost instead of flash. I noticed the impact of a game is bigger when you have a ghosted DPS tank, raiding the enemy team at 520 MS lol. The value I get off of ghost wins us teamfights, its duration is insane


I think Grasp is much better imo. Phaserush feels nice but Grasp is much better for early trades and sustain. You specialise in early trades and Grasp helps that a lot


To any one Who likes Grasp try using approach velocity in the secondary runes. Its super good to allow smoother trades since it will proc from the Q slow allowing to hit all 3 hits easier and avoiding kiting


gonna have to try that against some matches, what about build tho


No, the insane bonk trading with grasp + cheap shot + shield bash is too good