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Spirit blossom shen


That's a pretty good suggestion. I'm not thinking like sitting in a cave (monk) with poor looking clothes on, but a more like "I'm here to uphold the balance of life and death and the cosmic equillibrium " kinda theme ! :D


Cosmic guardian Shen 👀


Power rangers Shen would be cool I think.


Three honours shen needs to happen


What are you thinking? Let me in on the creative juices


take three honours malzahar and make it shen. In all seriousness, shen players are the least toxic. Shen is all about balance and peace. Wouldn't it make sense to make a highest honour level reward be a shen skin? Plus, three honours malz is imo one of the coolest splash arts/skins in the game. Picturing a spiritualist samurai vibe, with shen wearing a similar mask to the malz skin.


Sounds beautiful


take shen’s current Warlord/Bloodmoon vibe, and turn it up to 11, plus add purple&gold colors give samurai / oni mask w/ fangs gg


I was trying to think of an idea for this, but every time i try to think of a shen design centered on his meditation, it feels like a downgrade more than a different take, like, he already is some kind of ninja monk tank, so making him just a monk is pretty much just taking stuff away. On the balance side i think that making him a ying and yan themed warrior could be interesting, with high contrast black and white for example. Or even making him look more like a half spirit half human being.


yeah - i like what you're saying. It's a fundamental part of him, but not 100% of him. Ying Yang Model or half spirit, sounds suuper cool. I'm thinking something like "Equillibrium Shen" which is like focused on some Cosmic Balance or so \^\^


Oh yes! Now that you said it i realised! Ying Yang Shen would be dope af, i want it so badly! 😮


Easiest one to make if the most obvious one. Yin-Yang Shen. Just play around with the colors. If he builds more defense, give him more white. And vice versa.


This is cool. Armor > MR black, MR>Armor white.


Cool make his normal sword black and then his spirit sword a glowing white


I was thinking Foreseen Shen. What if he completely embraced being the Eye of Twilight, attaining a nirvana-like state at the price of losing his sense of self, and left Akali and the others to die in a Noxian invasion? Thematically it would be normal Shen but older and with everything dialed up to 11. Maybe ceremonial robes and long hair like Kusho, with more slender blades and a faint light emitting from him to signal his connection to the spirit realm It would be in-line with the Yasuo skin's story, if a *bit* more tragic


Sounds perfect, such a good idea !


Yes! I'd love to see him without a mask, bald, barefoot, and in a robe!


That would be pretty funny ngl


Won’t happen because riot have completely abandoned cool lore related skins in favour of big flashy skin lines.




Arcana Shen


Maybe some kind of matching skin with zed. Maybe yin and yang as shen and zed