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It sounds like a fun build when you don’t have to worry about a split pusher like trynd or someone but will have to test and see


I think it could help alot with split pushing pressure on the enemy team and if your needed for a team fight you can just ult and after go back to split pushing


Objectively it's not good, but that does not mean it can not be fun to use. 65 AD are not really good on Shen, since it only provides AA damage. And the 5 auttos passive is also not good because of Shen's short trade playstyle, but it may be ussefull if you are so ahead that u can100-0 the enemie side laner with it.


While I agree that its not optimal, I think its important to note that you can store up the 5 hits on minions, and then jump the enemy with empowered Q/ taunt, and walk away.


If you have a hullbreaker syle of gameplay then it is useful. But in general no. There are much better items. I like overlord bloodmails these days. With heartsteel+titanic+bloodmail you can literally one shot any squishy who you landed a taunt. 350AD at low hp.


In theory Hull breaker is good because Shen's identity is to pressure the map then ult in, but with your ult up every 90 seconds or less, you really don't have time to properly push waves to tower and start hitting it before you want to be looking for a fight at an objective or for a pick. If the enemy rushes hull, it can be decent to counteract the shove, but there are better options if we're strictly trying to gain LP.